My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1710 Huangquan Road is not alone

Chapter 1710 Huangquan Road is not alone
Liu Mingzhi knew in his heart that the most wronged among Li Baihong and his brothers was the fourth brother Li Yunping.

First, he was foolishly tricked into a pirate ship, and later he was kidnapped as a threat to his wife and children.

Although when Li Yunlong and the others rebelled, Li Yunping lost his way in time and turned back, delaying the speed of Li Yunlong's attack on the city, but only Li Baiyu knew about it.

Li Baiyu renounced himself in the Palace of Qinzheng to preserve the majesty of the emperor, so no one knew about Li Yunping. Although many people defended Li Yunping, it is unknown how many people believed him.

I'm afraid Li Yunping will bear the hat of a traitor for the rest of his life.

Although First Young Master Liu knew what happened from Xiao Kei, he couldn't explain what he could do about it.

A traitor for a day, a traitor for life.

No one cares why you rebelled, they only care whether you rebelled or not.

Thinking of these, Liu Mingzhi fell silent.

Although I have said more than once that the past will pass away, but the things that have happened will really pass away.

Saying that is just for the sake of the court's face, to deceive oneself and others.

In Liu Mingzhi's arms, He Zhang followed a group of household officials in light green clothes and walked into the hall with a large stack of ledgers in their arms.

"My lord, Mr. Ren, the account has been brought."

Liu Mingzhi lifted his spirits, stretched his waist, looked around at the various expressions of the officials in the palace, moved his neck and walked towards He Zhang.

"Find a place to put it down, the king will start the calculation immediately."

He Zhang's heart trembled, and he winked helplessly at the household officials behind him, and ordered them to put the ledger on the ground in the hall.

Liu Mingzhi took over the Four Treasures of the Study and the abacus from an official of the household department, and didn't care about his expensive dragon robe. He shook the abacus in his hand and sat cross-legged, picked up an account book and opened it gently.

Li Baihong got up slowly and walked over, glanced at Ren Wenyue's position and sat cross-legged beside Young Master Liu.

"Brother-in-law, I will grind ink for you, brother."

"Thank you, Brother Lao is here."

Liu Mingzhi thanked him, and then put his eyes on the account in his hand.

Although he only glanced at it, Liu Mingzhi only wanted to use one word to comment on the account in his hand.



Although the expenses for each item are clearly recorded, they are quite messy.

There is a feeling of trying to cover up the chaos.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the tense-eyed officials around him and smiled lightly, thinking that if the accounts were made like this, the king would not be able to find out?

The bad debts in Lao Jiang's hands back then were much more troublesome than this, so he figured it out easily.

Pheasant University, that is also a university, I really think that my young master spends a day and three hours to dawdle!
Under the nervous eyes of many officials around, Liu Mingzhi held a pen in one hand and slowly flipped through the accounts with the other, waving something on the blank rice paper from time to time.

When he was halfway through an account, Liu Mingzhi stopped his pen and smiled lightly, and pressed his chin with the pen holder.

"Stone for repairing the imperial mausoleum"

Young Master Liu's hesitation to speak made many officials jump in their hearts, staring closely at Young Master Liu who seemed to be smiling but lifted his heart to his throat.

"The stone materials for repairing the imperial mausoleum were selected well. It is worthy of the status of the imperial mausoleum. It seems that Ren Guozhang is quite good in his work?"

Young Master Liu's panting words caused many officials' stiff bodies to suddenly relax, and they let out a sigh of relief.

Ren Wenyue snorted lightly: "This official is repairing the imperial tomb for two generations of former emperors, how dare you not do your duty and go all out."

Liu Mingzhi chuckled, and turned his head to look at Ren Wenyue: "Ren Guozhang is indeed a pillar of the imperial court. It seems that this king has been distressed for a long time. Such a high-quality stone must be of great value."

After Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he glanced deeply at the surrounding officials, the sneer at the corner of his mouth disappeared, and he continued to concentrate on counting.

In the early morning, the east could not see the white, and it was not until the sun was high that Young Master Liu straightened up and stretched. At that moment, the crackling of bones resounded in the hall, which made many officials who had been sitting tirelessly refreshed immediately.

Liu Mingzhi closed the last ledger, picked up a piece of rice paper in his hand and flicked it.

"A total of 570 taels of silver, of which 610 taels of silver is within the consumption allowed by the court, and it is unclear where the consumption is."

"Hey, let's do a rough calculation. Doesn't this king want to spend more than 57 silver to supplement the national treasury? How can there be so much?"

Ren Wenyue finally became complacent when he saw Young Master Liu's slightly remorseful face: "My lord, the officials have repeatedly stopped me, but I just don't want my lord to spend money, but my lord has not stopped my official position to dissuade me, and I insist on doing my own thing."

"You know that a gentleman's words are hard to follow, so the prince won't go back on his word, will he?"

"Hey, Master Ren was joking. It's only 50 taels of silver. Although it's a lot, it's all that matters to me. Who asked me to cooperate with the Marquis of Guannei in the coal business!"

"Since the king has said that he will give out [-]% of the silver, he will never break his promise."

"It's just that the king has a few questions that he would like to ask some colleagues from the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Industry, and the Metropolitan Water Supervision. I hope you will not hesitate to enlighten me later, so as to solve the doubts in my king's mind."

Ren Wenyue stared blankly, staring in astonishment at Young Master Liu's suddenly calm expression, wondering what the hell he was trying to do.

The accounts he calculated were almost the same as those calculated by the left and right Zaifu, the other five ministers, and the Nine Great Temple Ministers. Since there is nothing wrong with the accounts, there is nothing more to ask.

Ren Wenyue was full of doubts, but He Zhang, the right servant of the household department, looked at Young Master Liu's slightly narrowed eyes and his heart trembled, and a bad feeling came to his heart.

Liu Mingzhi flicked the rice paper in his hands a few times, and looked towards the position of the officials from the Ministry of Industry.

"Which one is Mr. Gao Jingyuan, the left servant of the Ministry of Industry who supervises the grinding of stone materials, wood, and dragon wall carving?"

Among the officials of the Ministry of Industry, a middle-aged official in a vermilion official robe came out with a wat in his hand: "The lower official, Gao Jingyuan, is paying attention to the King of the Side Shoulders. The matter of repairing the stone, wood, and dragon wall of the imperial mausoleum is under the supervision of the lower official."

"Oh, you're being polite. I have some doubts on my side. Please enlighten me, Mr. Gao."

"I don't dare to be an official, but the prince can say it anyway, and the official must know everything and say everything."

"Master Gao is really dedicated to his duty, this king admires him."

"Dare to ask Mr. Gao, just around the imperial tomb, there are more than 1000 craftsmen repairing the imperial tomb, including [-] stonemasons, [-] carpenters, and [-] carvers."

"Recorded in the accounts, including the daily wages of the craftsmen, plus the period of repairing the imperial tomb"

"Until the completion of the project, plus the loss of materials, the total silver taels is 65 six taels of silver, but according to Mr. Gao's report to the account of the household department, the expenditure of silver taels you supervised was 820 two taels. money."

"Let's not talk about the small amount. I want to ask where the 30 taels are used? Could it be that the white silver ingots can grow wings and fly?"

"Master Gao, do you want to give me an explanation?"

Gao Jingyuan shuddered subconsciously when he heard the amount of silver that Young Master Liu said.

He clasped the chao wat in his hand uneasily with his fingers, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a look of asking for advice with a smirk.

"My lord, I'm afraid you made a mistake. Every account on the above is clearly recorded. How could there be a difference of 30 taels of silver? I guess it's because the lord has been exhausted all the way.

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk is right. Maybe this king is really wrong. After all, perfecting the imperial mausoleum requires a lot of organs. The craftsmen must have died and injured a lot. The pension is indeed a big waste."

Gao Jingyuan nodded hurriedly: "My lord said it was timely, my lord can understand the hard work of this official, I am very grateful."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Gao Jingyuan cheerfully, took out a piece of rice paper from his hand and handed it to Gao Jingyuan.

"My lord here has an account calculated from the Ministry of Accounts. It seems that there is some discrepancy with the account that Mr. Gao supervised. Mr. Gao might as well go over it yourself."


Gao Jingyuan took the rice paper handed over by Young Master Liu with a dazed expression, and looked down at it.

After a cup of tea, Gao Jingyuan, who had just apologized to Young Master Liu, began to sweat continuously on his forehead. In the cold winter weather, Gao Jingyuan actually sweated profusely. It can be seen how much the content that Young Master Liu sorted out on the rice paper Horrible.

Gao Jingyuan kept wiping the sweat off his forehead with the sleeve of his official robe, and from time to time raised his eyes to glance at Young Master Liu who was smiling across the face, making his hair stand on end, and trembled slightly.

When Gao Jingyuan saw the names of officials from the Ministry of Industry written in block letters under the rice paper, as well as the amount of silver handled by these officials behind the names, as well as the amount of silver that was completely different from the one below the name, he suddenly trembled. Sift the chaff.

"Master Gao, is this king's account clear?"

"If Mr. Gao doesn't quite understand it, why not"

Liu Mingzhi's eyes stayed on some officials of the Ministry of Industry who did not dare to look up for a moment, and looked at Gao Jingyuan again.

"Why don't I give you a good explanation?"

"See how Mr. Gao has worked so hard?"

"How about Gao Ren's satisfaction?"

Gao Jingyuan's body was shaken, and he looked at Young Master Liu's figure slowly walking towards him in panic, the rice paper in his hand slipped to the ground, while Gao Jingyuan himself collapsed to the ground in the hall and trembled.

"The lower official is confused, the lower official deserves death, the lower official is willing to hand over all the silver taels, please forgive me!"

Seeing Gao Jingyuan's appearance, the surrounding officials stared at the rice paper on the ground in astonishment, curious about what was written on it, which actually frightened the senior officials from the second rank to look like this.

Liu Mingzhi bent down and picked up the rice paper on the ground and shook it, looked at Gao Jingyuan who was kneeling on the ground begging for mercy, and looked towards Ren Wenyue, seeing the panic in Ren Wenyue's eyes, Liu Mingzhi raised his foot He kicked the soft and boneless Gao Jingyuan aside.

"Worth death?"

"Master Gao, even if you die a hundred thousand times, it is not a pity to die."

"Don't worry, you won't be alone on the road to Huangquan."

"Which one is Mr. Wen Changfeng and Wen, the governor of the Dushui Supervisor and the Shaofu?"

(End of this chapter)

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