My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1711 The real big fish

Chapter 1711 The real big fish

Young Master Liu read another name after Gao Jingyuan.

The name of Wen Changfeng, the governor of Dushui Supervisor's Shaofu, was called by Liu Dashao, and a middle-aged official who was also wearing a vermilion official robe couldn't help but tremble.

Glancing at Gao Jingyuan who was limp on the ground like a puddle of mud, feeling Liu Mingzhi's piercing eyes staring at him, stood up tremblingly, and stopped in front of First Young Master Liu holding the court wat.

"Xiaxia. Xiaguan Wen Changfeng sees the side-by-side Wang Qiansui."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the trembling Wen Changfeng with strange eyes, and cheerfully raised his hand to pat Wen Changfeng's shoulder.

"Lord Wen, I just want to ask you a few questions. Why are you so frightened? You don't have a ghost in your heart, do you?"

"As the saying goes, don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, why is Mr. Wen doing this!"

"The lord was joking, the lower official is shivering from the cold, shivering from the cold."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a look of sudden realization: "So that's the case. In this way, I didn't think carefully. The hall is empty and there is no stove to keep warm. It has delayed you for so long and you haven't returned home. I will give you a Lord Wen has apologized."

"Don't dare not dare, the court affairs are the most important thing!"

"It's good that Mr. Wen understands, and this king can't help himself. You said it's freezing, who doesn't want to go home early, wives and children to warm up the stove, and live a comfortable life down-to-earth, isn't the key? If we can't handle the matter clearly, it's not easy for us to leave!"

"Father and the first emperor put a heavy burden on this king before his great journey, so this king can only forge ahead."

"Forget it, this king will stop making such useless complaints."

"The imperial mausoleum stretches for tens of miles. In order to prevent the imperial mausoleum from collapsing due to excessive water accumulation, it is the most important thing to deal with the drainage problem in the imperial mausoleum. I think Mr. Wen has spent a lot of time and effort on this."

"I won't say much about the polite words. I have carefully calculated the accounts for dealing with the drainage problem of the imperial tomb. I will not read the specific content in front of my colleagues in the court. Mr. Wen has read it personally. All right."

"I hope Mr. Wen can explain to this king what is going on with the missing 22 taels of snowflake silver?"

"Ah! Mrs. Wen, who has worked so hard."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wen Changfeng coldly, with an indescribably yin and yang tone, Wen Changfeng was sweating like Gao Jingyuan, and his legs trembled.

Looking at the rice paper Liu Mingzhi handed to him, Wen Changfeng didn't dare to take it, and fell to the ground directly.

Wen Changfeng almost didn't need to look carefully at what was on the rice paper, because when Liu Mingzhi said 22 taels of silver, Wen Changfeng's heart was already half cold.

Although the amount of silver is slightly different, it is just some insignificant idle odds and ends.

Compared with those idle odds and ends, the amount of 22 silver is enough to sentence him to the crime of ransacking his own home.

"Your Majesty, this official is guilty, this official is willing to plead guilty, this official is willing to plead guilty."

"The lower official knows that the death penalty is inevitable, and the lower official is willing to hand over all the silver taels that he has shared. He only asks the prince to show mercy and spare the whole family of the lower official."

"These are all committed by the subordinates themselves. They don't know about it. Please forgive me and deal with them lightly!"

Liu Mingzhi quietly looked at Wen Changfeng, who was still able to maintain a calm mind and excused his family from the crime, and slowly squatted down: "You are still a man, and you know that your family is worse than you."

"However, if you can spare them extrajudicial grace, what this king says doesn't count. Everything will be dealt with by the dragon."

"You said just now that you are willing to hand over your share of the silver. In this way, the 22 taels of silver did not fall into your hands alone."

"I wonder if this king's understanding is correct?"

"This is the official, the official"

Wen Changfeng hesitated to speak, so that many officials present did not dare to take a breath in a nervous atmosphere. Their eyes were fixed on Wen Changfeng, with indescribable panic in their eyes.

I can't wait to curse Wen Changfeng to die suddenly on the spot.

Wen Changfeng's death may not keep all the secrets, but he can definitely keep some secrets.

People are lucky, so many people hope that Wen Changfeng will die suddenly at this moment. In this way, some things related to themselves will be taken into the grave forever by Wen Changfeng.

"The lower official lost his mind for a while, and he spoke nonsense and made mistakes. All the money was handled by the lower official."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and shook his head, and patted the rice paper that Wen Changfeng dared not accept into Wen Changfeng's hand.

"Master Wen, Mr. Wen, you are not a good official, but you are a good partner."

"It's just that you are willing to keep secrets for others, but at this moment, others wish you to die immediately, because only the dead will keep secrets forever."

"It is precisely because the dead can keep secrets forever. Mr. Wen, you said that if you die, others will worry about whether you will keep some ledgers in your hands that can drag them out, and you will make some unexpected and insane actions. Woolen cloth?"


"If it's my king"

Liu Mingzhi glanced around at the officials in the palace with a leisurely smile, put his left hands together and put them in front of Wen Changfeng, who bowed his head and trembled, and opened them suddenly.

"If it was this king, Lord Wen's house would be burned to ashes by a fire."

"In that case, all the secrets will disappear forever with a fire that reaches the sky."

"At that time, Mr. Wen will intercede with this king. I don't need to say more about what will happen to the family members who want this king's extrajudicial favor."

"This goes back to the sentence just now, only the dead will keep secrets forever."

"Whether your family members know about it or not, I would rather kill the wrong person than let it go."

"Tsk tsk tsk, maybe only this king can be so cruel. After all, this king has been on the battlefield for several years and has fought on the battlefield for many years. Let alone hundreds of people, young and old, there are tens of thousands of people. Scenes of floating corpses are already commonplace. , there are only a few hundred people in the area, and this king can't even blink his eyes."

"So, maybe other people won't be as cruel and ruthless as this king, taking hundreds of lives with no seriousness. In this way, Mr. Wen's family may still have a chance."

"Master Wen said that what the king said is very reasonable."

"I will step down from office"

Liu Mingzhi gently took the rice paper in Wen Changfeng's hand: "The matter has just begun, Mr. Wen still has a lot of time to think about it, don't rush to talk, this king also has a lot of things to wait."

"I'll give you time to think about it, but I hope Mr. Wen will not disappoint me."

"You are just a small shrimp. This king has told you so much and wasted so much saliva. I hope you will not disappoint this king's expectations."

"The real big fish is yet to come."

"Master He Zhanghe, the right servant of the Ministry of Households, and Master Fan Si'an of the Construction Department under the Ministry of Industry."

"Oh, by the way, there is also Cui Xingtian, the doctor of the Ministry of War, Master Cui!"

"Do you think what the king said is right?"

(End of this chapter)

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