My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1712 Aren't you afraid of dying

Chapter 1712 Aren't you afraid of dying
Liu Mingzhi read three names in a row, shaking the rice paper in his hand with a disappointed expression.

"The Ministry of Household and the Ministry of War are all under the jurisdiction of this king's auxiliary minister, but the names of the three colleagues that the king read out, unexpectedly, two of them are in the Ministry of Household and the Ministry of War under the control of the king."

"Read out the two colleagues under the control of the king himself, how can you make the king feel so bad!"

When Liu Mingzhi uttered these words, many officials who were close to him could clearly hear the sound of Young Master Liu's jaws rubbing. Obviously, the anger in the King's heart had already accumulated to a certain extent.

"Master He Zhanghe, the right servant of the household department, and Cui Xingtian, the doctor of the Ministry of war, Mr. Cui, you two are really enough to make this king look good, really good enough to make this king look good!"

He Zhang, Cui Xingtian, and Fan Si'an trembled involuntarily when they heard the names of the three of them being read by the side-by-side king.

Gao Jingyuan and Wen Changfeng are by his side, and the three of them can see their situation clearly now.

Since the Side-Shoulders King named the three of them in court, it meant that he must have found out something was wrong with the accounts.

The three of them turned their stiff necks and looked at each other silently, seeing the fear and uneasiness in each other's eyes.

"What? Didn't the three adults come to court?"

"The next official is here!"

"The next official, Cui Xingtian, has a meeting with the prince, Chitose."

"The next official, Fan Si'an, see the King of Side-by-Shoulders."

"Hehehe, so the three adults are all in the palace. You haven't moved for a long time. I thought you three were sick and recuperating at home."

"Especially Mr. He Zhanghe, I saw with my own eyes just now that you led the officials of the Department of Hubu into the palace. You have not responded for a long time. Come forth in large numbers, the land of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

"The right servant of the household department, a second-rank official, is actually a master of both civil and military skills. When he left the court, even the king didn't notice it."

"It turns out that the king was wrong. It's not that Mr. He left, but he didn't hear it."

"That's all, it's just my fault that my voice is too low for the three adults to hear clearly."

The three of them are not fools, so they can naturally hear the sarcasm in Young Master Liu's words, but the three of them don't care about the face at this moment, and subconsciously glance at the piece of rice paper that Young Master Liu is holding in his hand , I want to see what is recorded on it.

Liu Mingzhi noticed the small movements of the three of them, and instead of putting away the rice paper in his hands, he dangled the rice paper in front of the three of them intentionally or unintentionally, whetting their appetites.

"One of the three of you is supervising the purchase of stone, wood, and jade materials for the imperial mausoleum."

"One is responsible for escorting these materials to the capital and transporting them to the imperial mausoleum."

"One supervises stone mining and timber felling in various places."

"Compared to Mr. Gao, Mr. Wen and the others put in ten times more hard work for such a large project."

"Of course, although there are various ministries and officials from various prefectures to provide you with dispatches, which can reduce some burdens, but the overall person in charge of the matter is still the three of you. You have contributed a lot to repairing the imperial tomb."

"This king dares to thank the three adults for their sweat and hard work on the renovation of the imperial mausoleum on behalf of the emperor's father and the late emperor's spirit in heaven."

"No dare, these are the duties of the three lower officials."

"The three adults are humble, but what the three adults said is reasonable, it's just a matter of duty."

"The so-called eating the emperor's salary is to share the worries for the emperor. Since the three adults have the imperial court's salary, they will naturally do their best to serve the imperial court."

"Then since it's a matter of duty."

"Master He Zhanghe, the state governments in various places have selected excellent stone materials that are suitable for the repair of the imperial mausoleum. Can Mr. He Zhanghe explain to this king why Yanzhou, a place with many steep mountains, is qualified, and Yangzhou, a land of fish and rice, and Suzhou are qualified? The price of these stones and woods is actually the same as the price of qualified stones and woods in Dizhou, Gwangju, etc.?"

"As the saying goes, the same rice feeds a variety of people. Could it be that the stones mined by a big dragon are all exactly the same, and the price is the same?"

"Yanzhou, Yangzhou has many mountains and rivers, and there are qualified stones everywhere. The price is so cheap. Why it is used in the imperial mausoleum, but the price of the stones is the same as that of Guangzhou, which has less mountains and rivers. This makes me very puzzled."

"Could it be that Mr. He wants to treat all stone materials equally?"

"This this."

"Oh, sir, don't worry, think slowly, it's still early, don't worry."

"Master Cui from the Ministry of War, escorting materials, traveling around, thank you for your hard work."

"It's a waterway, a land road, and a rugged trail. It must have taken a lot of effort."

"It's strange for you to say. The cost of water and land routes is as much as [-]% of the silver consumed by rough roads. It seems that this year when the king is not in the court, my dragon is not the wind and the rain. Shun!"

"I think it must be that the waterway is not smooth, and the land road is difficult, which has added a lot of difficulties to Mr. Cui's transportation of stone materials."

"Especially on the side of the Ministry of Industry and Construction, Mr. Fan, you have worked harder."

"The cannonballs opened the mountain, and hundreds of craftsmen actually produced the sum of silver taels consumed by hundreds of craftsmen in a month. The consumption of a cannonball manufactured by the military supervisor really has to pay a very high price."

"Look, this problem has returned to Cui Xingtian, the doctor of the Ministry of War, and Master Cui and Master He."

"As expected of being an official in the same dynasty, serving as ministers in the same hall, and doing things for the court, you really are united and work together."

"Colleagues, Mr. He and the other three's spirits are worthy of our hard work. If you have difficulties, let's go together."

"It is said that the three cobblers have surpassed Zhuge Liang, and it is more appropriate to describe Master He, Master Cui, and Master Fan."

"Thousands of difficult things, as long as we work together, we can always overcome them. Very good, all the civil and military officials of my Dalong court can cooperate sincerely like the three adults, so why worry about the uncertainty of the world?"

"Come, come, three adults, one for each, see if the amount of silver consumed by your respective supervisory affairs above is not the same as the accounts of the Ministry of Accounts."

"Think carefully by yourself, lest the king make a wrong calculation."

When the three of them heard Young Master Liu's voice turning cold suddenly, they took the rice paper handed over by Young Master Liu tremblingly, but no one really checked whether the accounts on it were true.

"Oh, it looks like the weather is cold, so cold that the three adults can't move their hands."

"Since this is the case, I will reluctantly let the three adults do it for me, and tell my colleagues in the court to listen."

"My lord, there is not much difference in the price of stone materials in different places, but the repair of the imperial mausoleum is a big project, and it cannot stop the consumption of stone materials."

"A few pennies can be piled up into a mountain."

"96 taels, the annual taxes of the three wealthy state capitals are almost like this!"

"Look at Master Cui again, hey, 73 taels is a little more, it's too little."

"Master Fan, why is it only about 54 taels, that's even less."

"How can this be done? With the three of them working together, how can there be such a difference in money?"

"Master Fan is 32 taels less than Mr. He, which is too unfair."

"This king is not fair for Mr. Fan. If we work together, how can we divide so much? It's not fair, it's very unfair."

Listening to the cynicism in Young Master Liu's words, the three tremblingly squeezed the rice paper in their hands and Wen Changfeng, Gao Jingyuan fell to the ground and trembled.

Liu Mingzhi took the rice paper from the three of them one by one, and looked at them with a sneer.

"It seems that so much money didn't allow the three adults to eat and drink, okay? Why is the body still so weak? How can you say that you fell down and fell down?"

"Money is a man's guts. I gave this king so much money, not to mention that I can't stand still. This king's body is shaken. He can fight tigers in the mountains and dare to catch dragons in the sea."

"Then, can this king think that the three adults didn't eat the silver alone, so they didn't raise the three adults to be fat and strong?"

"So, isn't there a big fish behind the big fish?"

Liu Mingzhi clapped his hands and wandered around the hall with a faint smile.

"Interesting, it's extremely interesting."

"Above the court said it's not big, it's not small, it looks like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!"

"30 taels, 20 taels, 90 taels, 70 taels, 50 taels."

"There are 260 million taels of silver even if the odds are removed."

"There is more than enough food and grass for a small army of one million for two months!"

"A few people ate the food and grass for a small army of one million for two months."

"The appetite is really not small!"

"Aren't you afraid of dying?"

(End of this chapter)

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