My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1713 Queen Ren Qingrui

Chapter 1713 Queen Ren Qingrui

Ren Wenyue knelt and sat on his seat, staring at He Zhang and five people who were limp and trembling on the ground, and looked at Young Master Liu who kept wandering around in the hall, with an unnatural look on his face.

When he heard Young Master Liu's next words, Ren Wenyue's sparkling eyes were faintly flustered.

Except for He Zhang and five people, a quarter of the officials in the hall also began to feel cramped, as if they had thorns growing under their buttocks, their eyes were fixed on the chao wat in their hands, and they didn't dare to go to He Zhang and the others.

Half of the officials in the hall stared dumbfounded at He Zhang and the others who fell on the ground, especially Tong Sansi, the other five ministers and the nine ministers.

Looking at He Zhang and the other five, and looking at Young Master Liu who kept turning around, he began to recall the words that Young Master Liu had just said in his mind.

After a long time, quite a few people stared blankly, no wonder no matter how they checked the accounts, there was still such a big loophole hidden in the middle.

Thinking of the accounts that I have been waiting for for several months, I have checked the accounts several times without finding any problems. Young Master Liu has checked out the problems in half a day, and many people showed shame on their faces.

However, they thought about those messy accounts carefully, and the sense of shame in their hearts gradually diminished.

The accounts are in such a mess, everyone's minds are focused on the amount of silver taels, for fear that if one is not careful, it will be considered a mistake, and there is no time to think about other issues.

It can only be said that these people's methods of accounting are too clever.

Not everyone has the superb ability to settle accounts like the side-by-side king.

Several people even suspected that even if Jiang Yuanming, the former Shangshu of the Ministry of Accounts who had been in charge of the Ministry of Accounts for decades, came back, would he have one brain and two big heads to calculate this kind of accounts? loophole.

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to rub his cheeks, and stopped in front of He Zhang and the other five.

"I think, with your appetite, you definitely can't eat so much silver taels."

"But if you can't eat it, it doesn't mean that others can't eat it either."

"Otherwise, how can it be called a big fish? Naturally, a big fish has a bigger appetite."

"By the way, what else should I say? Think about it, my lord!"

"The prime minister can pull a boat in his stomach. Although some people are not prime ministers, their stomachs are not necessarily much smaller than the prime minister. So who is this person?"


First Young Master Liu turned his head to look at Li Baihong: "Second brother, you are the current prince and a member of the Li clan, your belly should not be much smaller than that of Tong Xiang."

"There is also the fourth younger brother, King Jing, and the fifth younger brother, King Yun. Your stomachs must not be small."

The three brothers were watching with great interest as First Young Master Liu was talking about the accounting, but unexpectedly the topic suddenly turned to himself. Looking at Young Master Liu with narrow eyes, the three brothers hurriedly waved their hands.

"Brother-in-law, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately."

"That's right, brother-in-law, don't look down on us, you don't have the guts to borrow the courage of the three of us."

"Little brother is crazy. That's Ku Yin who repaired the imperial tomb for the emperor. I dare to put my hand in such a place when I have nothing to do?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded cheerfully: "That's right. Although the three of you are not of good character, you still have filial piety. How could you stretch your hands to such a place?"

"But you don't dare, it doesn't mean some people don't dare."

Liu Mingzhi took out the last piece of rice paper in his hand and shook it, then turned his gaze to Ren Wenyue: "Hubu. Oh. This king made a mistake. Mr. Ren Wenyue, who is acting as Shangshu of the household department, do you think what this king said is right?"

Ren Wenyue's heart skipped a beat, he raised his eyes to look at Young Master Liu, whose mouth was slightly raised, and his eyes were a little dark, he let out a breath, and looked at Young Master Liu with slightly squinted eyes.

"What is the meaning of the side-by-side king?"

"Could it be that the big fish that the king of shoulders refers to is a low-ranking official?"

Young Master Liu frowned, clapped the rice paper to Ren Wenyue, and looked around at the civil and military officials in the hall with a smile.

"Look, look, what is enlightenment, this is called enlightenment."

"This king just pointed out a few words, and Ren Guozhang understood the deep meaning of what this king meant."

"Why don't you say that Ren Guozhang is a pillar of the court! This self-conscious ability is simply a role model for my generation."

"I admire you, I admire you so much."


Ren Wenyue looked at First Young Master Liu with a stiff face: "Shoulder King, I respect your status, so don't bully me too much."

"Although the expenses for repairing the imperial mausoleum are handled by the lower officials, the lower officials also have no time to do everything, and handle everything by themselves, no matter how big or small."

"Maybe there are some problems in the accounts, but it doesn't mean that it was ordered by the lower officials."

"Without any real evidence, isn't it a bit too overbearing for the side-shoulder king to determine the crime of the subordinate just based on assumptions?"

"The side-by-side king is so domineering, I will definitely read you a book in front of the Holy Master."

"Ren Guozhang calm down, when did this king say that Ren Guozhang is the person behind the scenes?"

"You also said that there is no real evidence, but it is just my king's conjecture. If there is no evidence, Ren Guozhang can completely refute this king? Why are you so angry?"

"As for who is the instigator behind the scenes, isn't it still to be verified?"

"Master Ren, don't get angry, although we have no evidence, but..."

Young Master Liu smirked at He Zhang and the other five, "We don't have evidence, but there are witnesses. Isn't it a matter of time?"

Ren Wenyue was taken aback, and glanced at He Zhang and the other five, his pupils shrank deeply, and the panic in the depths was clearly visible.

Young Master Liu smiled lightly, folded the rice paper in his hand and walked towards Ren Wenyue.

"Besides, how does Mr. Ren know that the king has no real evidence?"

Ren Wenyue looked at Young Master Liu's eyes full of deep meaning, and his heart became more and more uneasy, and he kept looking at the last piece of rice paper in Young Master Liu's hand, wishing to snatch it right away and read the contents on it.

Liu Mingzhi straightened up and looked behind him.

"Huo Changzheng, the left servant of the Ministry of Rites, Mr. Zhuo Jinzhuo, the doctor of the Ministry of Rites, Mr. Qiu Zhongqiu, the Shaoqing of the Taipu Temple, and General Lu Xunshan, the left captain of the patrol department."

"I think you guys should come out and say something."

"Did the 87 taels wear out your tongues?"

"How about this king give you treatment?"

Following the four officials named by Young Master Liu again, there was a brief uproar in the hall, and Ren Wenyue's face gradually turned pale.

Liu Mingzhi threw the rice paper in his hand directly in front of Ren Wenyue, and turned his head to look at Ye Kaiming, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, Ding Jian, minister of Dali Temple, and Xia Gongming, doctor of imperial history.

"Master Ye from the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Lord Ding from Dali Temple, and Lord Xia from the Imperial Censor, I don't know how to deal with those who have embezzled more than 5000 taels of silver according to my Dalong law?"

The three of them were startled, and glanced at He Zhang and the others hesitantly.

"Once the evidence is convincing, he will be detained in Zhao Prison and executed after autumn."

"What about 1 taels?"

"Confiscation of property, wives, children, old and young are distributed to the frontiers, and the culprit is executed."

"Then what about more than 10 taels?"

"Shouldn't the Nine Clans be punished?"

"My lord, His Majesty has abolished the torture of Yi San Zhu Jiu."

"This king almost forgot about this. Father is worthy of being an unrivaled hero, one of the few wise kings."

"However, with such a wise king, there are still people who dare to covet money for repairing the imperial mausoleum for him. If the father has a spirit in the sky and a knowledge in the spring, I don't know if he will crawl out of the coffin to see his good subjects."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Ren Wenyue, who was pale after reading the rice paper he threw to him, and smiled coldly.

"Ren Guozhang, if you have any grievances, go to Zhao Prison to avenge your grievances, and the Sanju will give you justice."

"Where is the imperial guards, have you taken down this traitor!"

The imperial guards stationed outside the hall were stunned for a moment, and looked at each other, wondering whether they should arrest Ren Wenyue and others.

Ren Wenyue was taken aback, and when he came back to his senses he hurriedly stood up.

"Shoulder to Shoulder King, although you have a high position and authority, you are only a subject of my Dalong. You have no right to command the Three Laws."

"What's more, these charges have not been determined, and you have no right to detain the officials and others."

"Even if the charges are confirmed, you are committing the crime of usurping and overstepping the law by instigating the imperial guards. You are the real traitor and treacherous person."

Liu Mingzhi punched the roof with both hands, looked at Ren Wenyue quietly and smiled.

"Then, how about acting as Minister of the Ministry of Households, Mr. Ren, to cooperate with this king, the assistant minister who controls the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of War, to investigate the ink corruption case in the imperial tomb?"

"Don't say that you are just a acting minister of the household department, you are the real minister of the household department, and this king has the right to investigate as much as he wants."

"This is the right bestowed on me by Emperor Ruizong. If you don't accept it, you can go to the imperial mausoleum to file a complaint with your father."

"Cheng Kai, Zhou Baoyu listen!"

"The end is here."

"Detained on the spot and sent to Zhao Prison to await trial."

"I have to wait"

"Stop, my palace is here, who dares to be presumptuous in the palace."

Cheng Kai and Zhou Baoyu were about to make a move when a light and pleasant voice broke the noise in the hall.

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, then turned around in surprise and looked towards the position of Longtai.

I saw a [-]-year-old beautiful lady, a group of court ladies, and Su An, the chief executive holding a whisk, standing on the dragon platform that was empty just now.

The [-]th beauty who stood at the first place was extremely beautiful, with a glamorous appearance and a beautiful face, with black eyebrows, slender and graceful figure, soft and moving.

The twenty-eighth beauty looked at the situation in the palace quietly, her eyebrows lightly brushing the spring mountains, and her eyes condensed in the autumn water.

The cherry red lips are slightly parted, and the two rows of white teeth are as smooth and bright as broken jade.

The exquisite Qiong nose is straight, and the shallow dimples add a three-point charm to this face.

Her hair was coiled up, revealing her fat neck, and the phoenix-headed gold hairpin swayed slightly. Standing on the dragon platform, her phoenix eyes looked and looked faintly revealing an elegant and graceful, luxurious temperament that overwhelmed the country and city.

Coupled with a decent phoenix robe, it sets off the beauty's exquisite figure, all of which show the identity of this twenty-eight beauty.

Ren Qingrui, the queen empress who is the mother of the dynasty.

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, and looked at Ren Qingrui in amazement.

For so many years, except for the beautiful and beautiful empress Wanyan Wanyan, Young Master Liu had to admit that he had never seen a stunner who was more beautiful than Ren Qingrui.

In addition to the empress, Qi Yun, Qi Ya and other alluring beauties had to be inferior in front of Ren Qingrui.

There are only a handful of women in the world who can be more outstanding than Ren Qingrui.

The rumors are indeed true, the empress of the current dynasty is indeed very charming and charming, she looks like a fairy descended from the world!

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, and exhaled lightly.

In [-], it was so moving, but it will be worth it in the future.

At this moment, he vaguely understands why Li Ye is so obsessed with beauty that he hasn't come to court for so long.

If he was fifteen, sixteen or seventeen years old like Li Ye, with such a beauty, he might not be much better than Li Ye, maybe even more stupid than him.

But understanding does not mean approval.

Li Ye's status meant that he could not waste his career for the sake of beauty.

Liu Mingzhi walked slowly to the center of the hall, raised the wat in his hand and saluted.

"The Queen Mother?"

"It's my palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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