My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1715 Don't blame the minister for being rude

Chapter 1715 Don't blame the minister for being rude
When Liu Mingzhi heard Ren Qingrui's words that if the evidence was convincing, he would naturally not cover up his words, the stiff expression on his face relaxed a little, and he showed a little smile.

Taking out a few sheets of rice paper that he had just put away from his cuff, Liu Mingzhi looked at Ren Qingrui with a light smile.

"Your Majesty is worthy of being the mother of a country in the mother world. I admire you. Since your Majesty just mentioned the issue of solid evidence, I just have some accounts related to the renovation of the imperial mausoleum. I ask your Majesty to have a look."

"The reason, right and wrong, I think Laichen can't explain it clearly, but the empress will definitely understand it after reading it."

When Ren Wenyue and the others saw Young Master Liu taking out those rice papers again, they were already flustered. When they saw Young Master Liu handing the rice papers to Ren Qingrui without hesitation, they immediately became confused and wanted to snatch those rice papers immediately. to destroy.

However, in their desperation, they forgot that there was the general ledger of the Ministry of Accounts, and it was useless for them to destroy some accounts.

Others don't know the accounts sorted out by the side-by-side king on the rice paper, but they are quite clear.

Although there is a slight discrepancy, the difference is almost insignificant.

Once the charges are confirmed, no one will be able to save their lives.

Ren Qingrui's pretty face froze, she stared blankly at the rice paper that Young Master Liu handed over to her, hesitating whether she should take it over and check it out.

Although he came a bit late and didn't know the history of the court, but seeing the ashen faces of the officials except his father, Ren Qingrui knew in his heart that this muddy water would not be so easy to navigate.

If one is bad, even this mother of a country will be caught by her uncle.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Ren Qingrui's hesitant expression, and slowly took back the rice paper in his hand: "Your Majesty, if your Majesty doesn't want to read it, then don't delay me in dealing with matters above the court."

Liu Mingzhi put the rice paper back into his cuffs, and turned to look at Cheng Kai, Zhou Baoyu and the others.

"Detained on the spot and sent to Zhao Prison to await trial."


"and many more!"

Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes and looked at Ren Qingrui, who looked slightly anxious: "Is there anything else, Madam?"

"The side-by-side king, even if there is some evidence to prove that these courts may be corrupt and pervert the law, His Majesty should take care of the matter of escorting them to Zhao Prison. All of them are fourth-rank officials in the court. Is it a little too authoritarian and domineering to deal with it?"

"The world belongs to His Majesty, and the big dragon is His Majesty's big dragon. Does it mean that even His Majesty doesn't care about the king's actions like this?"

"Although you are a one-word and shoulder-to-shoulder king, it is not within the scope of your vassal king's authority to deal with the current fourth-rank officials."

Liu Mingzhi focused his eyes, and walked up in front of Ren Qingrui with his hands behind his back.

"Since Your Majesty has talked to you about the Law of the Great Dragon, please forgive me for being disrespectful, and talk to Your Majesty properly."

"First of all, the Ministry of Household and the Ministry of War are under the control of the assistant minister, and as officials of the Ministry of Household and Military Department, they are suspected of corrupting the law. The minister has the right to detain them and cooperate with the Tribunal for Trial."

"If they are really honest and upright, and they are not afraid of the shadows, I believe that the Sanju will definitely give them justice."

"I have no grievances or enmities with your colleagues, and I am willing to believe that my Dalong officials are clean and upright, and the officials are upright. Naturally, I will not deliberately suppress your colleagues and put them to death."

"Secondly, since Your Majesty has talked about the subject of domineering and domineering ministers, the minister can only speak boldly. When it comes to the despotism and domineering behavior, Your Majesty is probably even worse than the minister."

"Since Niangniang is the mother of a country, she must have read the Taizu Order by heart."

"Since this is the case, I have the guts to ask my empress, how does your empress explain the statement that the harem and eunuchs are not allowed to interfere in politics?"

"Your Majesty did not come to the court, and the empress's phoenix body appeared alone in the court hall, which is a violation of the Taizu's order."

"Now the empress is preventing me from dealing with the Ministry of War under my control, and the affairs of the Ministry of Households are suspected of meddling in politics."

"If the harem interferes in politics, it should be abolished."

"I hope that the empress will take pity on herself, and don't wade into the muddy water for no reason!"

"Benben Palace"

Ren Qingrui's pretty face froze, and she looked at Liu Mingzhi's eyes with no intention of giving in, and her breathing became a little short.

What Liu Mingzhi said earlier, he could refute with a few words.

However, Liu Mingzhi questioned himself by taking out the warning sentence on the stele of Taizu Gao admonishing his descendants outside the palace, and for a while he really didn't know how to respond.

Sometimes beauty really can't be eaten as a meal.

Although Ren Qingrui is a stunner in the world, but after all, she is only 16 years old and [-] years old, and the power of tongue is probably beyond the reach of Liu Dashao, an old fritter in the court.

Liu Mingzhi stated the truth, coupled with the pressure of the Taizu Order, Ren Qingrui's thoughts changed sharply, and she still didn't know how to stop Young Master Liu's actions.

"Empress, if there is nothing else, I will deal with it fairly."

"Cheng Kai, Zhou Baoyu, what are you two still doing, why don't you take down these rebellious officials who are suspected of being corrupt and perverting the law?"

This time, Cheng Kai and Zhou Baoyu didn't stop at all, they went up and grabbed Gao Jingyuan and He Zhang with their arms.

"Empress, the ministers have been wronged, please uphold justice for the ministers."


Ren Qingrui watched Cheng Kai walking towards his father Ren Wenyue holding the rope and hurriedly stopped, but Cheng Kai kept walking and his face remained unchanged. He raised his hand and twisted Ren Wenyue's hands behind him. The rope in his hand was skillful Tie up Ren Wenyue's five flowers.

Seeing this, all the officials in the palace came down in a daze, looked at First Young Master Liu who was standing behind his back, and then at the empress who was standing anxiously on the steps of the Dragon Terrace. !
While Ren Qingrui was in a daze, Ren Wenyue and the other eight or nine officials named by Young Master Liu were bound together by Cheng Kai and Zhou Baoyu with ropes in a moment.

Cheng Kai kicked Gao Jingyuan who was still struggling: "Be honest, go to Zhao Prison obediently with this general, maybe there is still a chance for justice, otherwise."

Although Cheng Kai's words were not finished, the threatening meaning in the words was far more threatening than the clear words.

Gao Jingyuan and the others looked at the coldness in Cheng Kai's eyes and shuddered involuntarily.

For the first time, these civil servants felt the terrifying aura exuded by the generals killed from the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

With just one look, I and the others felt the bone-chilling cold.

Seeing Cheng Kai and Zhou Baoyu's coherent movements, Ren Qingrui's pretty face completely changed, and she hurriedly walked down the dragon platform.

"Do you two still have the king's law? This is the Palace of Qinzheng. Without His Majesty's will, who allowed you to tie up the important officials in the court?"

"I order you to untie them immediately."

Cheng Kai and the others glanced at First Young Master Liu, then at Ren Qingrui, and each dragged Ren Wenyue and the others towards the outside of the hall with a rope.

"Imperial Guards, Your Majesty's order is here to take down these two lawless people."

Ren Qingrui saw that Cheng Kai and the two didn't even save any face for her, so she hurriedly took out a gold medal from her bosom and held it in her hand, looking anxiously at the imperial guards stationed outside the hall.

The imperial guards outside the hall looked at the gold medal in Ren Qingrui's hand, and immediately drew out the saber from his waist and pointed towards Cheng Kai, Zhou Baoyu and the others surrounded him.

Seeing this, Ye Baotong, Song Qing and the others got up and walked towards the gate of the palace, staring coldly at the soldiers of the imperial guards who surrounded them.

The 23 generals exuded a frightening evil spirit, which made the encircling guards swallow their saliva involuntarily.

Cheng Kai tightly held the rope in his hand, narrowed his eyes slightly and scanned the surrounding guards.

"Little bastards, the knife is sharpened very brightly, have you ever killed anyone?"

Seeing this scene, the civil and military officials in the palace suddenly changed their expressions in shock, and looked at Liu Mingzhi standing in the center with complicated eyes.

"You guys are so courageous. Seeing orders is like seeing kings. Do you want to rebel?"

Liu Mingzhi watched Ren Qingrui holding up the token and wanted to step forward, and stopped Ren Qingrui with a step.

"Your Majesty, I hope you will take care of yourself."

"If you interfere in the government again, I will forgive you for being rude!"

(End of this chapter)

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