My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1716 You may have forgotten

Chapter 1716 You may have forgotten
Ren Qingrui stared blankly at First Young Master Liu who was standing in front of her, never expecting him to be so bold that he dared to directly block her way.

Seeing Liu Mingzhi's non-negotiable and unyielding appearance, Ren Qingrui's breathing became rapid, and her delicate cheeks were stained with a blush from anger.

Ren Qingrui took a few deep breaths to calm down the anger in her heart. She is not a fool, knowing that the more upset she is at this time, the worse it is for her.

"Shoulder-by-shoulder king, this is the court, not your one-word hall. To deal with the important officials in the court, His Majesty should personally issue an order. Although this palace is not allowed to interfere in politics, how can the shoulder-to-shoulder king overstep?"

When Ren Qingrui said these words, there was already a hint of resignation.

But Liu Mingzhi nodded mercilessly: "Madam, I have said that it is not the side-by-side king who handles this matter, but Liu Mingzhi, the auxiliary minister appointed by Emperor Ruizong."

"Liu Mingzhi handles the Ministry of Households, and the position of the Ministry of War is the right bestowed on the subjects by the late emperor, even if His Majesty is here."

"After the case is heard by the Sanju Judiciary, I will send a letter to His Majesty, describing the reasons for it one by one. As for how to make a decision at that time, it is naturally your Majesty's business. Now I am just doing what I should do."

Liu Mingzhi's toughness was beyond her expectations, Ren Qingrui stared blankly at Young Master Liu's indifferent expression, and understood why her uncle could leave such a great reputation in the court.

"Shoulder King insists on sending them to Zhao Prison?"

"The salary of eating the king is to share the worries for the king. The duty of the minister Liu Mingzhi is. If there is any offence, I hope that the mother will be merciless."

"Cheng Kai, send them to Zhao Prison for trial!"


However, after Cheng Kai finished his order, he called out again to be a commander. Liu Mingzhi was startled, and subconsciously turned around and looked outside the hall.

At this time, the school field outside the Hall of Qinzheng was full of imperial guards, and there were about [-] to [-] generals surrounding the Hall of Qinzheng.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Kai and Zhou Baoyu, who were holding Ren Wenyue and He Zhang under custody, couldn't help but become solemn, and subconsciously looked at Liu Mingzhi who was standing in the hall.

The officials in the hall also lived up to the previous quietness, turned around and looked outside the hall, and their faces changed in shock when they saw the situation outside the hall.

Looking at Liu Mingzhi's gaze was a bit complicated, it was beyond everyone's expectation that the matter had reached such a level.

The side-by-side king has the responsibility of the side-by-side king, and the empress has the difficulties of the empress.

Now that the two of them have become like this, all the officials present also lost the ability to think in an instant.

Could it be that something as shocking as the Palace Change is going to happen today?
Liu Mingzhi glanced quietly at Ren Qingrui, who was looking at the slightly happy outside the hall, and walked towards the outside of the hall with his gaze slightly concentrated.

Cheng Kai, who had been looking at First Young Master Liu, and the others immediately stepped out of the way when they saw the commander-in-chief's movements, and [-] to [-] imperial guards surrounded the Qinzheng Palace. This is no joke.

Even though I and the others each had the inappropriate courage of a hundred people, being surrounded by [-] imperial guards also changed the fate of being chopped up by knives.

Liu Mingzhi stepped out of the palace gate slowly, stood under the corridor, looked around and sighed silently at the imperial guards who raised their weapons and looked at the gate of the palace.

"Soldiers, what is the meaning of this?"

As soon as Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, Yang Tai, the commander of the Guards who had just seen outside the palace gate, walked out of the crowd and stopped in front of Young Master Liu.

Looking at Liu Mingzhi's complex expression, Yang Tai hesitantly bowed to Liu Mingzhi and glanced at the gold medal in Queen Ren Qingrui's hand.

"My lord, please forgive my brothers for being rude. The imperial guards have the duties of the imperial guards."

"My lady has His Majesty's Emperor's Order in her hand, as if His Majesty came in person, she ordered the brothers to stop you, and the brothers dare not refuse to listen."

After Yang Tai finished speaking, several people around who were dressed like Yang Tai saluted Young Master Liu.

"My lord, although the last generals don't want to do this to him, it's their duty. Please don't blame the brothers for being rude."

"My lord, it's better for my lord to let you go first. It's better for your majesty to make a decision when your majesty comes to court. The general and others don't want to fight against the lord, but the general also hopes that the lord will not let the general be with his brothers." They are in trouble."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the embarrassed expressions of Yang Tai and the other generals, looked back at Ren Qingrui raised the Tianziling in his hand and shook his head with a wry smile.

Sure enough, it was the emperor and the courtiers.

Thinking back then, I relied on Li Zheng's reward to give me the Golden Dragon Emperor's order to "do something wrong", but now I am sanctioned by others in the same way.

It is really in line with the saying that Feng Shui turns around.

Liu Mingzhi sighed with a sad expression: "Generals, if this king commits acts of treason and treason and deceit, you can forget about it, but now this king is not only not treasonous, but also loyal, and is investigating for the court. moths."

"This king is all for the court, but in exchange for the siege of brothers who lived and died together in the past, it is better for you to let this king say what."

"Are you really going to stop me from sending these corrupt and law-breaking officials to Zhao Prison for trial?"

Yang Tai and the others were speechless, watching silently as Liu Mingzhi did not order the imperial guards behind him to retreat, which seemed to show their position.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi smiled wryly and nodded.

"Forget it, I don't make it difficult for you, it's your duty, I won't blame you."

"However, generals, as the late emperor's minister to Tuogu, I naturally have my responsibilities."

"I don't need to send these colleagues to Zhao Prison for the time being, but I want to go out of the palace. You should have no reason to stop me, right?"


"The prince can leave the palace at any time. The order received by the general and others is to stop the seniors and escort the adults to Zhao Prison for trial, not to prevent the prince from leaving the palace."

"Thank you, generals."

Liu Mingzhi glanced back at Ren Qingrui and all the civil and military officials in the palace, and nodded to Song Qing and the others.

"I will come back as soon as I go, you are waiting here."

"I have to wait for orders."

Liu Mingzhi flicked his sleeves, and walked towards the gate of the palace.

Seeing this, Ren Qingrui wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't speak, her brows were filled with a little sadness. Could it be that my uncle wanted to go out of the palace to summon soldiers?
Ren Qingrui didn't dare to think any further.

However, Ren Qingrui breathed a sigh of relief when he thought that there was no trace of any large army entering the capital inside or outside the capital.

As long as there are no other soldiers and horses in the capital, the world will be ruled by a hundred thousand imperial guards, and my uncle can't even think about causing any disturbances in the capital.

In the final analysis, this world is still His Majesty's world.

"Commander Yang, you immediately untie Lord Ren, Lord He, and Lord Gao."

"The minister obeys the order."

Yang Tai and the others put away their weapons and prepared to untie Ren Wenyue and the others. The 23 people from Song and Qing stepped forward and formed a human wall to hold Yang Tai and the others back.

"Brothers, our command is here, don't make things difficult for us, no one can let go without the command of the commander."

Yang Tai and the others were taken aback, looked at Song Qing and the others in embarrassment, glanced at Ren Qingrui, who had a pretty face and slightly cold, and said in a low voice.

"Song Dutong, all the generals, this place is in the palace after all, so take a step back."

Song Qing shook his head silently: "Commander Yang, the tiger talisman is in the hands of the commander-in-chief, you don't know the law of the dragon, right?"

"If we untie them, we will all be executed according to the military order!"


For a while, the two sides fell into a stalemate, and neither of them wanted to turn against the other side first.

After an unknown amount of time, Ren Qingrui finally couldn't bear the silence as she looked at the two sides at the stalemate in front of the palace gate.


The crisp sound of horseshoes interrupted Ren Qingrui's words, and everyone's eyes instinctively looked towards the school field outside the hall.

On the aisle left by the [-] imperial guards, Young Master Liu was wearing armor and holding a heavenly sword, galloping towards the Palace of Qinzheng on horseback.

Everyone stared at First Young Master Liu in a daze, not knowing what it meant to be king by shoulders.

Didn't he go out of the palace to move rescuers to reconcile the matter, just to come back in a change of armor?
"Shut up!"

Liu Mingzhi tightened the reins tightly, turned straight off the horse and climbed towards the Qinzheng Palace. The mottled cloak behind him and the red tassel on the helmet moved with the wind. Young Master Liu looked around at the twenty thousand people around him with cold eyes. The forbidden army slowly stopped in front of the palace gate.

"Your Majesty, this is"

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Yang Tai indifferently, and watched quietly as Ren Qingrui and all the civil and military officials in the hall put the Heavenly Sword on the ground in astonishment.

"Don't wear the python robe with the Linjia."

"I'm afraid you have forgotten how the capital fell and how it was taken back."

"This king is not armored. I'm afraid you have forgotten how Dalong's [-] rivers and mountains came back."

"This king doesn't wear armor, I'm afraid you have forgotten how His Majesty came to be the throne."

(End of this chapter)

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