My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1718 Beauty is also sin

Chapter 1718 Beauty is also sin
Ren Qingrui shook her head in despair: "Your Majesty's dragon body is ill, and I don't know when I will be able to personally participate in the government."

"Oh? Minister Liu Mingzhi dared to ask, why is your majesty sick? What kind of emergency is it that even the state affairs can be delayed and handed over to the courtiers for disposal?"

"This palace doesn't know the technique of Qi and Huang, and I can't tell what the symptoms of your majesty's dragon body are. The imperial physician has diagnosed and treated it several times, but they can't find out the cause."

"Since this is the case, I don't know when the three imperial doctors from Chu Renxin will come back from the harem when they went to treat His Majesty's dragon veins?"

"Thinking about it. Thinking about it, it should be soon. When I came out, Chu Renxin, the imperial doctor of Chu, was taking His Majesty's pulse. I will only know what's going on now when I go back and see you in person."

"Husband, you are back!"

"Mingzhi, why did you come back from northern Xinjiang?"

"Shoulder to shoulder king, it's polite to mourn your family."

A sound of exclamation came from the back of the hall, and everyone in the hall looked towards the hall door beside the Dragon Terrace, only to see the third princess Li Yan standing in the hall door wearing a phoenix robe, looking at Young Master Liu's pretty face full of surprises color.

Accompanied by the empress dowager Nangong Meng and the empress dowager Chen Jie.

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, and hurriedly greeted him: "My son, Liu Mingzhi, pays homage to his mother, and wishes her a healthy body and a long life."

"My younger brother Liu Mingzhi will see the emperor's wife for a thousand years."

"Mingzhi, hurry up and get rid of the courtesy."

"Shoulders to the king is free."

"Thank you mother, thank you sister-in-law."

"I will pay my respects to the Empress Dowager, and to the Empress Dowager, for thousands of years."

Nangong Meng looked blankly at the situation in the palace, and gently waved her phoenix robe.

"Your family is free from courtesy."

"Thank you, Empress Dowager."

"The granddaughter-in-law pays respects to the imperial grandmother, the empress mother, and the aunt."

Nangong Meng heard Ren Qingrui's voice, and only then did she realize that there was Ren Qingrui, the empress of the dynasty, beside the court pillar that blocked her sight.

Looking sideways at Ren Qingrui, whose face was somewhat pale and unnatural, Nangong Meng's delicate phoenix eyes showed a look of disgust, and she replied lightly.

"Free gift!"

The Empress Dowager Chen Jie's reaction was almost the same as that of Nangong Meng, the disgust in her beautiful eyes was stronger, and she said coldly without even looking at Ren Qingrui.

"Free gift!"

The third princess looked at her husband, and nodded slightly to Ren Qingrui.

"The empress is exempt from the ceremony, and the ministers and concubines dare not accept this great gift."

The response of the three of Nangong Meng caused Ren Qingrui to be at a loss. She looked at Nangong Meng and then at the officials in the palace, her pretty face was full of helplessness.

She also knew in her heart why Nangong Meng, the emperor's grandmother, and Chen Jie, the queen mother, had such an attitude towards her.

But as my husband's wife, there are some things
Ren Qingrui sighed silently, and stood aside with nodding her head and lowered her eyebrows. For the first time in 16 years, she understood what it means to be unpopular.

Before entering the palace, she was Miss Qianjin, one of the most famous talented women. In order to see her, the princes and scholars in Chengzhou made all sorts of tricks and almost broke their heads.

At that time, I was surrounded by stars and moons, how could I have thought that there would be such a situation today.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Ren Qingrui's helpless expression, shook his head slightly and sighed secretly, should he say that Ren Qingrui's beauty is a disaster, or should he say that Ren Qingrui's life is miserable!

In this place of the imperial palace, once you enter, you will know what it means to be as deep as the sea as soon as you enter the palace gate.

It is really a sin for a woman to be beautiful.

After being beautiful and marrying the king, the crime is added to the crime.

Someone has to take the blame, especially if there is a father who is not up to the mark, the blame is even more important.

Even if Li Ye's abandonment of court affairs was only because of Li Ye's lack of virtue and obsession with beauty, Ren Qingrui, as a queen, had no choice but to persuade her.

After all, Li Ye is the son of today, Ren Qingrui can only obey.

However, the root cause is always Ren Qingrui's beauty, no matter what the reason is.

Ren Qingrui has to shoulder this matter, which is something that no one can avoid.

That's pretty sin.

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and gave the third princess a caring look, and punched Nangong Mengbao: "Mother, I don't know why you, the emperor's wife and Yan'er came to Qinzheng Palace? Could it be that His Majesty is coming to court?"

Nangong Meng silently shook her head, and glanced at the empty dragon chair, her phoenix eyes were full of grief.

"Linchao, Your Majesty has not been personally involved in government affairs for half a month."

"Aijia, the Queen Mother, Yan'er, our mother and daughter are chatting in the bedroom, when we suddenly heard the commotion in the palace, we thought something serious happened, so we had to come from the harem to the front of the palace to see the situation."

"Now I know, it turns out that Mingzhi, your child, is still in court."

"Okay, it's really great that you can return the court. Without you, the important minister appointed by the late emperor, to stay in the court, I'm afraid Ruizong and the thousands of miles of land left by the late emperor will not last long."

"The ancestors of the Li family have spirits in the sky. After a hundred years of Ai's family, what face do they have to meet Ruizong?"

As Nangong Meng talked, her charming cheeks were stained with a blush, obviously caused by extreme anger.

Liu Mingzhi nodded knowingly, and glanced at the imperial guards receding like a tide outside the hall. The source of the noise that Nangong Meng and the others mentioned must be the reason why the imperial guards surrounded Qinzheng Hall just now.

Looking at Nangong Meng's angry face, Liu Mingzhi was afraid that Nangong Meng would be angry because of Li Ye's absence, so he hurriedly spoke to comfort him.

"Empress, the emperor's sister-in-law don't be impatient."

"I have ordered three highly skilled imperial doctors to enter the harem to treat your majesty. If your majesty's dragon body is only a little sick, and there is nothing serious, I dare to ask my mother and the emperor's wife to accompany me into the harem. Your Majesty, please come to Qinzheng Hall to handle government affairs."

"If your majesty's dragon body is really urgent, then you can only let your majesty recover for a while."

Nangong Meng's face gradually returned to calm, and she nodded to Young Master Liu with a smile.

"That's very good, just follow Mingzhi's wishes."

"Your Majesty forbids the Empress Dowager Ai's family from interfering with his absence from the imperial court on the grounds that the harem is not allowed to interfere in politics. Now that you, Ruizong's official assistant minister, are back, the Ai family wants to see this crime. Your Majesty, what excuse does he have to shirk?" court affairs."

Empress Dowager Chen Jie also nodded in agreement: "The Ai family listens to the queen and the side-by-side king."

"Thank you, queen mother, sister-in-law."

Nangong Meng smiled and nodded, looking at First Young Master Liu with a look of relief.

Chen Jie stood on one side, her beautiful eyes dodging again and again, not daring to look at Young Master Liu standing in front of her. After all, the past when she was naked in the harem because of her child Li Ye's throne, standing naked in front of Young Master Liu It is vivid in my memory, as a woman, Chen Jie has a delicate mind, and it is impossible for her to forget about this past.

The third princess gently tugged on Young Master Liu's cloak: "Husband, what happened just now, even if you were still in court, it wouldn't cause such a big commotion, would it?"

Liu Mingzhi thought for a while, glanced at Ren Qingrui and spoke softly, and then told what happened in Qinzheng Hall.

After First Young Master Liu finished speaking, Nangong Meng and Chen Jie looked at Ren Qingrui who was standing not far away, and anger flashed in their beautiful eyes.

Li Ye imprisoned his grandmother and queen mother in the harem on the grounds that the harem was not allowed to interfere in politics, and now he actually handed over the token to command the [-] imperial guards into the hands of the queen.

Isn't this treating your own country and country as a child's play?

Thinking of this, Nangong Meng's plump chest heaved up and down, with a faint pain.

Husband Li Zhengxiong is so talented, and his son Li Baiyu is such a sage king, how could he give birth to such unsatisfactory descendants.

A hint of helplessness flashed in Chen Jie's beautiful eyes, and she hurriedly supported Nangong Meng.

"Queen mother calm down."

"The next official, Chu Ren, sees you sincerely"

"I don't know the empress dowager, the empress dowager is here, I'm rude."

"Greetings to the Empress Dowager, Empress Dowager, a thousand years old."

(End of this chapter)

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