Chapter 1719 Abnormal

Nangong Meng stared blankly at Chu Renxin and the other three who suddenly came out from the back of the hall, calmed down her anger, and recovered her graceful and noble temperament.

"The three nobles are exempt from courtesy."

"Thank you, Empress Dowager."

Nangong Meng patted Chen Jie's bright wrist, indicating that she didn't need to continue to support her, and then Chen Jie let go of Nangong Meng and retreated to the side.

"Three gentlemen, what happened to your majesty's dragon body?"

The three of Chu Renxin looked at each other, hesitant as to how to explain Li Ye's illness.

Is it inappropriate to directly say that excessive indulgence leads to physical fatigue?

Not to mention that there are civil and military officials from the Manchu Dynasty in the palace, the empress dowager, the empress dowager, they are women and elders, and the empress empress Ren Qingrui is by her side.

If you tell the truth about His Majesty's illness, I'm afraid that the three of you should give up the top three seats in the hospital.

Liu Mingzhi saw the hesitation on the faces of the three of them, and cleared his throat.

"Three adults, if it is convenient, how about we talk at the back of the palace?"

Chu Renxin and the three of them relaxed, looked at Young Master Liu with gratitude in their eyes, and nodded slightly at Young Master Liu.

"It's natural for the three of you to be officials. I don't know the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager?"

Nangong Meng thought for a moment, then nodded slightly: "Of course it's convenient for Ai's family, Ming Zhi, Empress Dowager, the three Qing families will come with Ai's family."

"Ah? Echen respectfully obeys the imperial edict of the Empress Dowager!"

The original intention of Chu Renxin and the others was to hope that Nangong Meng and Chen Jie, the two elders of His Majesty, could avoid it for a while. After all, as a man, the side-by-side king is appropriate to say anything.

Unexpectedly, the two of them would get the wrong idea, the three of them watched Nangong Meng's plump figure walking towards the back of the hall, and could only bite the bullet and follow, thinking about how to explain His Majesty's symptoms.

Liu Mingzhi gave the third princess a later look, and followed slowly towards the rear of the palace.

Ren Qingrui's naturally charming phoenix eyes looked anxiously at Young Master Liu and the others who were facing the figure behind the palace, and their pale jade fingers were twisted tightly together.

Now I am really lonely and helpless, without any support.

Counting on Su An, the chief executive, glanced at Su An's neck with bruised fingerprints, Ren Qingrui shook her head silently.

In the hands of his uncle, the chief executive is afraid that he will not be able to protect himself, so how can he become his helper.

Counting on those officials in the palace who were previously attached to her father Ren Wenyue, seeing those officials nodding their heads and lowering their brows, silent as if chilling, Ren Qingrui couldn't have the slightest hope in her heart.

From time to time, the exquisite beautiful eyes of the third princess glanced at the slightly flustered expression of Ren Qingrui, the niece and daughter-in-law, and there was a hint of thought in her beautiful eyes.

At the back of the hall, Nangong Meng and Chen Jie, two charming women, were full of embarrassment, and their phoenix eyes were looking around.

Liu Mingzhi rubbed his nose resentfully, looking at the slightly embarrassed expressions of Chu Renxin and the others, he didn't know what to say for a while.

I thought it was Li Ye who was obsessed with beauty and neglected court affairs, but now I realized that Li Ye had the same disease as himself, his body was weak, and he had no intention of facing court.

Then again, Xu is also caused by indulging in beauty.

In this way, the root cause is still because of the Empress Empress Ren Qingrui.

Liu Mingzhi recalled the scene when he bid farewell to Li Ye in the next year. Based on his impression of Li Ye, Li Ye should not delay the court affairs because of his beauty.

At least Li Ye left a good impression on himself. From him, he could find [-]% of Li Baiyu's shadow, so he devoted himself to supporting him as emperor.

Chen Jie and He Shu are also top-notch beauties, especially Chen Jie is not inferior to Qi Yun, uh-huh
Sitting on two such stunning beauties, after Li Baiyu ascended the throne, he differently inherited the grand ambitions of his father, Li Zheng, and put his mind on the government.

Why did Li Ye become like this when it was his turn?

Thinking of the impression Li Ye left on him, Liu Mingzhi felt that he couldn't accept Li Ye's illness.

Indulging in beauty to such an extent, this is a bit too much.

I am hypocritical because there are many wives, and Li Ye only has Ren Qingrui as a queen. This situation is fundamentally different from mine, okay?

But thinking back to the beauty of the Queen Ren Qingrui who is not inferior to the beautiful Queen, that beauty in the world, Liu Mingzhi felt a little taken for granted.

In an instant, Young Master Liu was at war with heaven and man, and didn't know what to say.

Immediately, the apse was completely silent, and the silent people could even hear each other's breathing clearly.

Chu Renxin and the others looked at Nangong Meng, while Young Master Liu and the others looked on pins and needles.

The specific cause of the disease is like this, it is inappropriate not to mention it, if you talk about it, you will know that it will become like this, but you have to say it.

Liu Mingzhi coughed twice softly: "Uh-huh, three adults, it's only natural for your Majesty and your empress to be newlyweds, and the joys of relationships should be more frequent."

"Apart from the illness you just mentioned, does Your Majesty have any other illnesses in the dragon body?"

"The three adults don't need to be embarrassed. Your majesty's dragon body is related to state affairs, and it is related to the country and society of Dalong. The empress dowager and empress are the elders of your majesty. The three adults can speak frankly and there is no need to hide it."

Young Master Liu said this not only for Chu Renxin and the others, but also for Nangong Meng and Chen Jie.

Now that Li Ye's affairs are related to the country and the country, those embarrassing words should not be taken to heart, the big things are the most important.

Hearing First Young Master Liu's words, the embarrassment on the faces of Nangong Meng and the two also subsided a lot, Liu Mingzhi was right.

State affairs are the most important.

Nangong Meng took two deep breaths to suppress the embarrassment in Fang's heart.

"Three nobles, it is reasonable to stand shoulder to shoulder with the king. Your majesty's dragon body concerns the country and the country, so you just say it's okay."

Chu Ren thought for a moment, the hesitation in his eyes was extremely obvious, and he looked at Young Master Liu with a look of hesitation.

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly: "Lord Chu, is there something unspeakable?"

"The empress dowager, the empress dowager, stand side by side with the king. It's not that I dare not say anything, but that I dare not jump to conclusions."

"Oh? What does Master Chu mean by this?"

"Your Majesty's pulse condition is stable, and there is no sign of slippery pulse, which means that His Majesty has not had sex in recent days, but His Majesty's dragon body is strange."

Liu Mingzhi thought for a moment, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"You mean, the reason why Your Majesty is in poor health is not because of frequent intercourse."

"According to the pulse condition, this is the case, but the lower official has read and heard and asked again. His majesty has no other cause of disease other than this symptom. The lower official is still puzzled, so he can only tentatively decide on this."

"After all, the rumors about the love between His Majesty and Your Majesty are well known inside and outside the palace, and I have no other conclusions other than that."

Liu Mingzhi thought for a while: "Lord Chu, with the current physical condition of His Majesty, can you come to court?"

"It's not a big problem, it's just that the officials see that His Majesty has no intention of coming to court."

"My king understands. I would like to ask you three adults to prescribe a prescription for nourishing Qi and nourishing blood for Your Majesty. Your Majesty's dragon body depends on the three adults."

"I don't dare, it's my duty. If there is nothing else, I will resign first. I will wait for the official to go back and check the medical books to see if I can find out some reasons."

"Okay, thank you three adults for your hard work."

"Don't dare!"

"Empress Dowager, Empress Dowager, I will take my leave first."

Nangong Meng and the two nodded slightly.

"Walk slowly."

After Chu Renxin and the others left, Liu Mingzhi looked at Nangong Meng and the two quietly.

"Queen mother, sister-in-law, since His Majesty is able to attend the court, you might as well let Director Su pass the news first. If His Majesty still refuses to attend the court, we will personally invite His Majesty into the palace."

"Okay, just follow Mingzhi's wishes."

"Aijia has no objection either."

The two of Nangong Meng agreed with their intentions, and the three of Liu Mingzhi walked straight towards the front hall.

After entering the hall, Liu Mingzhi involuntarily glanced at Ren Qingrui and muttered.

Does this charming posture have anything to do with Li Ye? Is there any hidden secret in it?
Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze and looked at Su An: "Director Su!"

Standing under the dragon platform, Su An shuddered helplessly, put away his whisk and greeted Young Master Liu.

"We are here, I don't know what the prince's order is."

"There was a message from the chief executive Laosu to His Majesty, saying that the side-by-side king has urgent matters to see His Majesty, and I hope His Majesty will meet you at the court."


Su An's eyes hesitated, and he involuntarily glanced at Ren Qingrui on the side.

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously glanced at Ren Qingrui, thought for a while and looked away.

"Why? Chief Su is unwilling to go?"

"Don't dare, let's go now, let's go now."

Holding Fuchen in his arms, Su An hurried towards the back of the hall, as if Young Master Liu was a demon who would choose and devour.

As soon as Su An left, the hall suddenly became quiet, and Liu Mingzhi closed his eyes slightly and waited.

After about a stick of incense, the sound of footsteps came, Liu Mingzhi suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the Longtai, only to see Li Ye walking towards the front of the hall with Su An's support.

"Your Majesty is here."

"Your Majesty, my ministers, long live my emperor."

"Chen Liu Mingzhi sees His Majesty, long live my emperor."

"The concubine sees Your Majesty, long live long live."

Sitting on the dragon chair, Li Ye looked at First Young Master Liu, who stood in the center of the hall, with an uncontrollable surprise and excitement in his eyes.

"My aunt shoulders the king's courtesy."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"My dear ones, you are free from courtesy!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Your queen is also free from courtesy."

"My concubine, thank you Your Majesty."

Young Master Liu, who was standing at the top, looked at Li Ye, who was sitting on the dragon chair with a slightly pale face, in astonishment.

Just now he actually saw a trace of fear in Li Ye's eyes, and the source of the fear was the empress empress Ren Qingrui who was standing by his side.

Today's son is afraid of the empress, what a shame.And why?
Li Ye looked at First Young Master Liu excitedly, wanted to stand up, and finally sat down again: "Why didn't you inform the court in advance, so that I can arrange a royal banquet to wash you off."

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at Li Ye's fidgeting, and suddenly tightened his fingers holding Chaohu.

Subconsciously glanced at Ren Qingrui beside him, and slowly walked a few steps towards the dragon platform.

"How can my minister, He De, dare to trouble Your Majesty?"

Liu Mingzhi froze when he saluted, and looked at his right arm with slightly narrowed eyes, revealing a look of surprise.

The Gu worm that Qinglian had planted for him in his right arm started to squirm restlessly on his arm at this moment, this has never happened before.

"How dare I ask Your Majesty to clean up the dust for my minister."

Liu Mingzhi backed away without a trace while speaking, and the restless Gu worm on his arm quieted down.

"Shoulder King, Your Majesty's pulse is taken by your Majesty. Your Majesty's pulse is stable and there is no slippery pulse, which means that the intercourse is not excessive, but your Majesty's dragon body."

With Chu Renxin's words in the back of the palace flashing in his mind, Liu Mingzhi raised his eyes and glanced at Li Ye, his eyes became deeper.

"Your Majesty, I brought an interesting object to His Majesty in Northern Xinjiang. I wonder if Your Majesty would be interested in looking at it?"

"Oh, the side-by-side king has a heart, quickly present it to me for my review."

"Your Majesty complied with the decree. I have the courage to go up to the Dragon Terrace and offer it in person. Your Majesty, please forgive me."

Liu Mingzhi secretly took off the wrench on his thumb and held it in his hand, fixed his eyes on Ren Qingrui and climbed up to the dragon platform.

The closer he got to Li Ye, the more Young Master Liu felt the restlessness of the Gu insect on his arm became more obvious.

Liu Mingzhi glanced back at Ren Qingrui, restrained his desire to touch the hilt of the sword and walked towards Li Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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