My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1723 Rumors of Elixir

Chapter 1723 Rumors of Elixir
Liu Mingzhi, the third princess and his wife went back home hand in hand under the complicated eyes of all the officials.

A husband and wife who meet again after a long absence will naturally inevitably have a battle of love that goes deep into nature.

In order to prevent his beloved fair lady from becoming a passer-by, Young Master Liu had no choice but to break two of his waist tendons as a newlywed.

It can be said that weeds grow around the house outside the gate, and the clear spring moistens the dragon inside the gate.

Young Master Liu leaned against the head of the bed, smashing a smoke pot with light smoke in his mouth, looking cheerfully at the pretty red third princess who came back from the bath.

"Yan'er, maybe you have to take a bath at night, why do you want to waste a bucket of hot water?"

The third princess who was wiping her hair felt a little feverish on her cheeks, she gave a coquettish white look. The husband who was smoking a pipe walked towards the bed, folded his clothes around his chest, and naturally retracted into Young Master Liu's arms .

Seeing Young Master Liu smashing the cigarette holder in enjoyment, the third princess raised her arms and snatched Young Master Liu's tobacco rod, knocked out the shredded tobacco inside and poured it into the brazier.

"Husband, when did you get these bad habits? What's wrong with this thing, it makes your mouth smell so bad, you are not allowed to touch this thing in the future, you have to be obedient, you know?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, sat upright and leaned on the head of the bed, grabbed the jade hands of the third princess and kneaded them.

"If you don't smoke, don't smoke. Listen to Yan'er for your husband. But Yan'er, as the saying goes, after a cigarette, you will be as happy as a fairy. You don't understand the truth."

"Ah? What do you mean by that?"

The third princess looked blankly at her husband, who had a slightly narrowed eyes and a smile, and obviously didn't realize the nasty meaning hidden in his words for a while.

"Nothing. Nothing."

"I haven't seen my husband for so long, do you really miss him?"

The third princess turned over and lay in her husband's arms, pinching her hair to tease Young Master Liu's bearded chin, looking at Young Master Liu with a bit of charming and shy news in her beautiful eyes.

"I think you don't want what I say doesn't count, if you ask yourself, you'll understand everything!"

First Young Master Liu's face froze, and he smiled resentfully: "Yes, it seems that before you have achieved great success in conferring great compassion on your husband's yin and yang, all of you dare to be proud of your husband."

"The ancients can't afford me. Men are not tough, and they don't even speak hard."

The third princess snorted secretly, and cast a coquettish look at Young Master Liu: "Bah, you can talk nonsense, why did the ancients talk so... so loosely."

"Of course it was said by Wei Fu, an ancient man, let's not talk about these things, tell Wei Fu everything that happened in the capital after you came back."

"Especially Empress Ren Qingrui, you should have some understanding of her since you have lived in the palace for a long time and have not been able to leave the palace. This little girl always feels that she is not as simple as she appears on the surface."

The third princess's pretty face became solemn, she got up from her husband's arms and sat down cross-legged, holding her husband's hand and hugging her full arms.

"Husband, during these days when I was staying in the palace, I occasionally met and chatted with the Queen. She gave me the feeling that she was knowledgeable and reasonable, knew how to advance and retreat, and Hui Zhilan was sensitive, which was very suitable for her governor's daughter, a lady of everyone The identity is definitely not like the appearance of being so ignorant and aggressive in the court today."

"To be honest, the empress's performance in the court today, even the concubine was stunned when she saw it. This is completely different from the empress Ren Qingrui that the concubine saw in the harem."

"I always feel that the Queen's behavior today seems to be... in."

The third princess tightly hugged her husband's wrist, somewhat hesitant to speak.

Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, and a smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"Does Yan'er want to say that she seems to be doing it on purpose to drive a wedge between her husband and His Majesty's monarch-subject relationship!"

The third princess nodded silently, and looked at the smiling husband with a worried expression.

"The concubine thought for a while on the way back. Maybe the queen lost her mind because of your husband's arrest of his father Ren Wenyue. That's why she said those heart-wrenching words."

"Otherwise, how can a person change so much before and after!"

"The concubine is really afraid that Ye'er and her husband will feel uncomfortable after hearing her words, which will cause some gaps between you and your ministers."

Liu Mingzhi stretched out his hand to embrace the third princess, and raised his hand to gently pat the beauty's fragrant shoulder.

"Silly girl, don't worry, these things won't happen."

"As the saying goes, don't look at the monk's face and see the Buddha's face. Even if your majesty doesn't think about the love he had for his husband when he traveled thousands of miles to help the capital and supported him as emperor, he will look at the Buddha's face of your princess aunt. Husband cares so much."

The third princess smiled wryly twice and sighed softly: "I don't have any great Buddha face, if it wasn't for Ye'er's instruction, how could I be called to accompany my mother to reminisce about the old days, in fact, I have stayed in the quiet harem for so long. "

"This child has become a concubine and almost doesn't know him."

"Yan'er, did you notice any abnormal behavior of His Majesty when you were in the palace?"

"Unusual behavior?"

"Yes! Did he do something that ordinary people can't understand?"

"Yan'er hasn't seen it before, but."

The third princess looked a little hesitant, with a hint of embarrassment in her eyes.

"But what's the matter? Keep talking!"

"Concubine. Concubine and concubine heard occasionally from the mouth of the maid, it seems that every few days there will be some excited voices in Ye'er's bedroom."

"At first I didn't know the reason, but later I heard that Ye'er took some pills prescribed by the imperial doctor when they were husband and wife, and she was too indulgent."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the strange blushing face of the third princess and burst out laughing: "Why do you think it's a husband, and the relationship between husband and wife is human nature, so there's nothing wrong with it."

"The concubine is a woman, how can I... hum."

The third princess snorted coquettishly, and turned her gaze elsewhere, obviously it was still a bit difficult to talk about her nephew.

Liu Mingzhi kneaded the hair of the third princess quietly, his eyes narrowed slightly.

As far as I know, ever since Emperor Weihe sought the way of longevity because of alchemy pills, which caused Dalong to turn from prosperity to decline, pills have always been taboo in Dalong, and few people dare to mention these things.

Especially in the palace, pills are something that absolutely cannot be said.

It is impossible for the imperial doctors to be ignorant of this taboo because they are in charge of the safety of the emperor and the concubines in the palace.

If the imperial physician prescribed some nourishing medicine for Li Ye, Liu Mingzhi could still understand it, but Liu Mingzhi would never believe that prescribing a taboo such as elixir to improve the emperor's interest in human relations.

Prince, Your Majesty does not have slippery pulse, which means intercourse is not frequent.

Pills, Gu worms.

Is there any necessary connection among them?

"Husband, why are you silent all of a sudden?"

"It's nothing, my husband is just a little curious after hearing what you said. I'm thinking about whether I should go to the imperial hospital another day, and ask the imperial physician Chu Renxinchu to prescribe some pills for my husband to taste."

"Ah? Why?"

First Young Master Liu chuckled, and his hands became a little restless.

"Of course it's for the sake of speaking tougher, you charming little goblins!"

(End of this chapter)

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