My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1724 Helpless Age

Chapter 1724 Helpless Age

The third princess slapped away Young Master Liu's dishonest palm that was swaying on her delicate body, grabbed it in her hand and imprisoned her.

She cast a coquettish glance at the sullen husband, and the third princess pinched Young Master Liu's face softly.

"Husband, be serious, your body is the most important thing, let alone talking about business!"

"And I can warn you, you should give up the idea of ​​pills as soon as possible. This is not a good thing. You haven't heard of the many disadvantages left by the emperor's grandfather because of the so-called pills, right? .”

"There is such a thing as pills in the world, so the emperor's grandfather wouldn't know about it."

"In short, you have to keep this concubine in mind. If you come across any messy pills recommended by those so-called charlatans, you must not take it seriously."

"Of course my husband understands, but it seems that not all the pills are useless. In the past years, I was in Shanhaiguan."

Liu Mingzhi paused as he spoke. He wanted to tell the third princess that the empress had given him a pill to improve internal strength when he was in Shanhaiguan. Merged into one's own extraordinary meridians.

As a result, his internal strength has increased greatly, and he has directly entered the half-step innate realm, and it seems that there have been no side effects until now.

Also, because Qi Yun and Lian Er were infected with the plague in Qingzhou back then, she went to Dao Ya Hai alone to ask for jiao beads. Dan.

Later, with the help of Xiao Xisui Pill, Yun'er, Sister Ya, Lian'er and the others directly broke through a realm.

It's just that these elixirs are the same thing as what I understand those elixirs, and I can't be sure.

The third princess became dazed when she saw her husband talking, raised her slender fingers and grabbed Young Master Liu's ear and twisted it.

"Husband, are you still thinking about the elixir? I tell you, you should get rid of those thoughts as soon as possible. Those are really not good things."

"No, no, it's mainly because of the blunt words back then"

As he spoke, Liu Mingzhi dismissed his thoughts again. It seemed inappropriate to talk about the Queen of Jin in front of the third princess, the big dragon princess.

No matter how reasonable the three officials are, I won't blame myself for what I say, but I will feel a little uncomfortable after all.

Having figured it out, Liu Mingzhi nodded with a smile: "Alright, alright, my husband listens to you, I listen to you, let's talk about business first, besides the matter of pills, are there any other abnormal things happening in the palace?"

"Especially about the Queen's uncharacteristic behavior."

The third princess thought for a moment and her beautiful eyes lit up: "When my husband said it, I really remembered something."

"Say it."

"For about a month or so, I was watching the moon in the imperial garden, and I seemed to see the queen whispering to someone in the southeast corner of the imperial garden."

"Just in the blink of an eye, the concubine only sees the queen alone."

"The empress also saw the concubine, she came up to say hello to the concubine, and said that Ye'er was handling the government affairs, and she came out to admire the moon after staying alone in the bedroom and couldn't sleep."

"Later, the concubine looked at that place a few times, but still did not find anyone else."

"Later, the concubine thought, maybe the concubine had been staring at the moon for a long time, and my eyes were blurred at first glance."

"After all, the imperial guards are constantly patrolling the palace, and there are senior experts secretly monitoring the situation in the palace. They haven't found anything. How can I see anything as a woman who doesn't know martial arts."

"Plus the empress's words are reasonable and decent, and the concubine gradually forgot about this matter."

"Maybe the concubine is really wrong. After all, in the heavily guarded palace, she is a young lady from Sichuan. How could someone who just entered the palace and became a queen come into contact with any acquaintances?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded thoughtfully, and pulled the thick brocade quilt to wrap the three princesses' exquisite and round, uneven and delicate body.

"Yan'er, are you tired, take a nap and rest for a while, get up and exercise in the yard for your husband."

"You little goblin who is so awesome that you don't pay for your life, you almost killed your husband just now. If you don't keep fit, it's a question of whether your husband can live past 40 years old."

The third princess gave Eldest Young Master Liu a charming look: "Who told you to be brave, why did you do it nine times a night, that's only five times. You're dishonest, you're not tired anymore!"

"Who made you dare to look down on your husband?"

Young Master Liu pinched the third princess's nose, lowered his head and kissed her forehead lightly.

"Good lady, take a break first, and come back to accompany you after you finish exercising for your husband."

Looking at her husband's gentle and doting eyes, the third princess nodded obediently, and gently closed her phoenix eyes.

"Come back early, I am waiting for you!"

Looking at the beautiful woman breathing evenly, Young Master Liu put on his clothes lightly and went out quietly.

"Liu Song, where did you go, you bastard?"

"Master, the little one is here, isn't the little one here?"

Young Master Liu looked at Liu Song's messy head like a chicken coop with some surprises in his eyes: "What's the matter, your lady is torturing you again? You have to take it easy. Although this aged woman is attractive, she is also a bit of a loser." It's not easy to parry."

"It's said that young girls seduce people, and young women seduce souls."

Young Master Liu couldn't help rubbing his waist: "My young master thinks this is very inappropriate. This is not a sensuality, it is simply fatal."

"The worst age has a group of the fiercest you."

"Xiao Song, can you understand the sadness of the young master? It's still good for you, there is only one woman!"

Liu Song looked at Eldest Young Master Liu's mournful expression, his face was a little weird, he wanted to but didn't dare to laugh.Shaking her head hastily, she waved her hands: "Young master, what are you talking about? It's because Ping'er, the girl, hasn't seen her little daddy for so long, and she's been playing with her forever."

Liu Mingzhi nodded knowingly: "Speaking of which, the days go by so fast. Your daughter Liu Pin is five and a half years old this year. It's time to know how old she is to miss her family."

"I have been running around with this young master all these years, and I have owed their wives a lot. Take advantage of the time at home to make good compensation to their wives."

"Yes, yes, the little one thinks the same way. I wonder if the young master has any orders for the young one?"

"Is the old man at home?"

"I don't seem to be here. I heard from the maids that the master is going to buy new year's goods with his wife, and the Spring Festival is coming soon. Every year at this time, my wife will go to the street to choose the new year's goods by herself."

"Young master, I know, you go to spend time with your family first, I'll go to Lian'er's place."

"Yes, the little one retire."

After Liu Song left, Liu Mingzhi turned around with thoughtful eyes and walked towards Qinglian's courtyard.

"Lian'er, are you in the room?"

"Husband, my concubine is in the room, come in."

Young Master Liu went straight into Qinglian's boudoir, watching Qinglian who was sitting by the fire in front of the window and walked over holding a sewing basket.

"Lian'er, what are you doing?"

Qinglian raised her head and looked at her husband helplessly.

"Don't mention it, Feng'er has only been back for a long time. With Chengzhi, Cheng Gan played with the children of the eldest brother's house endlessly. Look at how the good clothes are torn. Such a good concubine of Shu brocade is reluctant to part with her." Throw it away, you can only mend it and wear it for a few days."

Liu Mingzhi happily shook his head, picked up Qinglian by the waist and sat in his arms.

"These three brats really need to be dealt with. It seems that they need to be beaten up again."

Qinglian put down the needle and thread in her hand, and gently wrapped her arms around her husband's neck.

"If you don't accompany Sister Yan'er, how can you be willing to come here as a concubine?"

"I'm so tired. You are all so unpredictable. How could my husband be able to fight it all by himself? I can only sneak out to take a breather and ask you something by the way."

"what happened?"

"Lian'er, what method do you use when you give Yu Xiao and the others twelve times to suppress the outbreak of Gu worms in the body?"

(End of this chapter)

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