Chapter 1725
Qinglian was stunned, and looked at First Young Master Liu with her beautiful eyes in doubt: "Husband, why do you suddenly ask such a question? There are many ways to suppress the Gu insects, and there are no less than a hundred methods that the concubine knows. Elders and the others know more, and the concubines can suppress the Gu worms planted in their bodies with any method."

"Why are there so many? What is your most common method?"

"The antidote will make the Gu worms in their bodies fall into a deep sleep, and prevent the Gu worms from making waves in their bodies, so they won't be in so much pain."

"But the concubine has never told them these things, to prevent them from knowing the truth and secretly taking out the Gu worms in their bodies. Husband, don't say it out of your mouth."

"Stupid lady, just put your heart in your stomach. Husband is not a fool. How could he let twelve masters slip away from his hands for nothing?"

"Apart from these, is there any other way to suppress the Gu worms in the body, let me tell you some of the most common ones."

"Husband, what's the matter with you? Why are you suddenly interested in the art of Gu poison? You haven't been exposed to these, and you won't if I tell you."

As she spoke, Qinglian's pretty face changed in shock, she hurriedly let go of her hands holding her husband's neck, and grabbed Young Master Liu's wrist to feel her pulse.

When she felt Young Master Liu's pulse, Qinglian's tender body softened, and she shrank into Young Young Master Liu's arms and let out a moan.

"I'm scared to death, my husband, you keep asking these things, and I think the heart-eating Gu in your body is eating back your heart."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful woman's slightly trembling pretty face, and hurriedly hugged the beautiful woman's slender waist tightly.

"Lian'er, don't worry, your husband is fine, don't let your imagination run wild, your husband is not feeling well, he will definitely tell you!"

Qinglian hammered Young Master Liu's chest angrily: "Then you didn't say it earlier, and kept asking this and that. You couldn't be thinking about Yuxiao and the others, right?"

"I don't have any objections. The main thing is how do you explain to Sister Yun'er? And can you do it?"

"However, it's not a big problem if you only ask for a moment in the spring night, but if you really dare to think of twelve, it will take twelve times to come one by one, you"

Qinglian covered her cherry lips and laughed, as if recalling something interesting, her beautiful eyes sized up Young Master Liu with suspicion.

"Husband, with your sentimental character, after really touching the bodies of the twelve sisters, are you willing to let the twelve young and beautiful young ladies die alone?"

"In case you know the taste by eating marrow."

"Nine of our sisters are complaining to the sky, and the other twelve are you planning to live?"

The corners of Young Master Liu's eyes twitched as he looked at Qinglian's brows full of playful and narrow-mindedness, and raised his hand to give her a dizzy blow.

"Smelly girl, what is this all about? You've been thinking about all kinds of messy things all day long. I asked you a few random words. Why did you think that I would do anything to Yu Xiao and the others?" Are you out of your mind?"

"Besides, what did you mean by that just now?"

"What's the matter with twelve? For my husband, one pillar can hold the sky and conquer the sea. Let alone twelve, what is 120? For my husband's glory, take them all."

"It doesn't matter what winding paths lead to secluded places, Taoyuan deep streams, or some kind of broad road, my son and his daughter's great-grandmother raised my husband!"

Qinglian snapped her fingers and muttered in a daze, and after a while she burst out laughing, her jade fingers lightly tapped her husband's forehead.

"I know bragging, what happened?"

"It's not good in the end. Forget it, don't make these jokes."

Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath, and his expression became serious.

"My husband asks this because one thing concerns the people of the world, the great dragon, the country, and the country. I will need you sooner or later, so my husband will not hide it from you."

"First let Weifu see what the antidote you gave Yuxiao and the others looks like!"

"it is good!"

Qinglian stood up from Young Master Liu's arms, walked to her wardrobe and opened the door, took out a sandalwood box from inside, then took out a porcelain bottle from the box and walked towards her husband.

"Husband, this is the antidote for this concubine's body to control Gu worms. This is just one of hundreds of antidote."

"There are countless poisonous insects in the [-] mountains in Miaojiang, and the Gu worms raised by the Gu people in Miaojiang are also strange and strange. Among them, the antidote to suppress these Gu worms is naturally varied."

"Yuxiao, the Gu worms in Yaoqin's body are called Heart-Cutting Gu. As the name suggests, once it attacks, it will cause heart-piercing pain. Not to mention ordinary people, even martial arts ninth-rank masters, once they are planted, they will be tossed to death."

"Although they can use internal force to force these Gu worms out of the body, the premise is that the Gu keeper is not by their side, otherwise let alone force the Gu worms out of their bodies, they don't even have the strength to move."

"Cutting Heart Gu depends on the number of years it has been raised, and the days of taking the antidote are also very different."

"Yu Xiao and the others have to receive the antidote from my concubine once every three months, no more than half a year."

Liu Mingzhi nodded half-understood, and took a look at the porcelain bottle in Qinglian's hand: "Can you open it for my husband?"

"Of course it's fine. For Yuxiao and the others, these are life-saving things. For the concubine, as long as there are medicinal materials, you can make any number of these things. Husband, you don't have to be careful."

Only then did Liu Mingzhi feel relieved, he gently uncorked the porcelain bottle, and poured it into the palm of his hand.

Several dark blue pills were poured into Young Master Liu's palm, Liu Mingzhi squeezed out one and put the rest back.

Liu Mingzhi looked carefully at the dark blue pill in his hand, put it under his nose and sniffed it.

Not only did the pill not have the strange smell that I guessed, but it exuded a faint fragrance, which seemed to be the fragrance of orchids, but there was a slight difference.

"Lian'er, is this a pill?"

Qinglian shook her head silently: "Husband, these antidotes can only be called pills. They are made by mixing some medicinal materials that restrain Gu insects, and they cannot be regarded as pills at all."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with enlightenment: "Are those pills like Dao Yahai's Xiao Xisui Pill, and the Buddhist and Taoist Da Huan Dan's pills pills?"

Qinglian pondered for a while thoughtfully: "This concubine has said a lot, in our understanding, the so-called elixir is the kind of thing that can make people live forever, become immortal instantly, and ascend in the daytime. "

"What you're talking about is using all kinds of natural materials and earthly treasures, such as snow lotus seeds and salvia, which have absorbed the essence of heaven and earth to refine the elixir. I don't know if the elixir is the elixir."

"Sure, it should be regarded as a kind of elixir, I don't dare to speak nonsense."

Liu Mingzhi handed the faintly scented pill to Qinglian: "Lian'er, put it away first!"


Liu Mingzhi looked at Qinglian packing up the pills, turned around and walked towards the door, glanced outside the door, closed the door gently, and walked towards Qinglian.

Liu Mingzhi listened carefully for a moment, then took Qinglian's hand and walked towards the couch behind the screen.

Qinglian was startled and couldn't help thinking wildly, her pretty face blushed slightly.

"Husband, it's not good in broad daylight."

"But if you really can't help it, I will listen to you in everything, but you may tell the sisters, otherwise I will not be able to meet them again in the future."

Young Master Liu's mouth twitched and looked at Qinglian who said no, but had already untied the silk belt on Liu's waist, and half of Yunyanxiuluo's jacket had been removed.

What the hell, do you want to be so dirty?
The young master didn't say anything!

"Lian'er, don't be impulsive!"

Young Master Liu pulled Qinglian into his arms, and hurriedly raised his hand to put Qinglian's Yunyan jacket back on, and the ribbon was directly tied into a dead button.

Looking at Qinglian's dazed pretty face, Young Master Liu supported the beauty's fragrant shoulders, pushed her onto the bed and sat down.

"Lian'er, my husband has something else to tell you, it's not what you think!"

After reacting, Qinglian's pretty face suddenly became hot, her eyes were filled with embarrassment, she dodged and did not dare to look at her husband's expression.

"Hmph, stinky husband, why didn't you make it clear to yourself, making Lian'er slutty like that kind of woman!"

"My fault, my fault, Lian'er, listen to my husband, you can't scream out no matter what, you know?"

Liu Mingzhi also didn't intend to reason with women, so he could only admit his mistakes.

Righting the resentful Qinglian, Liu Mingzhi moved closer to Qinglian's ear and whispered softly.

A moment later, Qinglian's pretty face showed shock, she covered her cherry lips, and stared at Young Master Liu's dignified expression with disbelief.

After a long time, Qinglian slowly put down her palm.

"Husband, this is not a trivial matter, are you sure? If there is a trouble, it will even involve Lian Er's relatives and friends in Miao Jiang being implicated."

"Hey, I'm not sure about my husband, so I came here to ask you for advice!"

"If Empress Ren Qingrui is really a voodoo, then this matter is really confusing."

"What is supporting her behind!"

(End of this chapter)

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