My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1726 What is the intention

Chapter 1726 What is the intention
Dalong Jianzhou Capital.

The location of Jianzhou Prefecture is impartial and has a superior geographical location.

Liandianzhou in the south has convenient transportation, and Fengyundu in Xinzhou in the north is full of business travelers.

It can be said that before the national war, the Jianzhou Prefecture and its popularity had a unique advantage across the north-south official roads.

In a nice folk courtyard in Jianzhou City, a golden eagle piercing the sky was greeted. A beautiful woman full of exotic style stood on the steps of the folk courtyard, quietly looking around and circling over the folk courtyard. The golden eagle is different from the Central Plains people with a touch of excitement in their beautiful eyes.

The golden eagle seemed to have confirmed the identity of the beauty, and swooped down towards her with a long cry.

In the blink of an eye, the golden eagle swam over the beauty's head, and slowly landed on the fragrant shoulders tightly wrapped in the apricot yellow cloak of the beauty, smoothing its feathers silently.

The beautiful lady turned her head slightly to glance at the golden eagle on her shoulder, raised her hand and gently stroked the golden eagle's neck, and after a while, she took off the bamboo tube on the golden eagle's leg, and pulled out a note from the bamboo tube. Looked up.

While cupping tea, the beauty's bright eyes were filled with a touch of surprise, she took out the torch and lit the note in her hand.

After confirming that the note was completely burnt to ashes, the beauty raised her hand to drive away the golden eagle on the fragrant shoulder. Watching the golden eagle gradually turn into a small dot and disappear into the sky, the beauty twisted her plump and exquisite body Gently walked towards the main room in the folk courtyard.

"The commander-in-chief has orders!"

"Brothers from the Six Guards formed a group of a hundred people and secretly assembled from the east, west, north, northwest, and northeast of the 32 states to station at Wollongong, Qingsonglin, and Yishui River, a hundred miles away from the capital."

"Without an order, no one is allowed to leak the wind and expose the traces. Those who violate the order will act according to the military law."

As the beautiful woman's soft and clear words fell, the sound of windows opening came from the quiet main room of the folk courtyard, and the sound of orderly footsteps disappeared completely within a cup of tea from the time it came out to the end.

The beauty's beautiful eyes looked around the small but well-equipped private courtyard, revealing a faint look of reluctance.

In the end, the beautiful woman sighed slightly with her cherry lips parted, and walked towards a room, and in a blink of an eye she rushed towards the stable in the backyard with a burden on her back.

After a while, in Jianzhou City, where everyone is immersed in the festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival, a beautiful woman covered her face with a light veil, wearing a bamboo hat and rode away on the official road leading to the capital.

About half a day after the beauty left, in the 32 north and south cities bounded by Fengyundu in Xinzhou, groups of caravan guards with about a hundred people escorted the goods tightly wrapped in canvas and trampled on the snow on the official road. Some of them rushed towards the capital from several official roads.

These caravan guards walked vigorously, and their voices were concise and fluent. From time to time, they changed into a formation that seemed chaotic, but was actually both offensive and defensive. Can hire so many strong and capable guards to escort the last money-making cargo today.

The sun was high in the sky, and on the official road leading to the capital in Jianzhou, a luxurious but not vulgar four-horse carriage was parked on the slightly higher field on the left side of the official road.

The curtain of the carriage was gently lifted, before anyone got out of the carriage, the charming and cheerful laughter of silver bells came out of the carriage first.

Accompanied by silver bell-like laughter, a delicate and charming little beauty got out of the carriage with her head poking her head.

Looking at the vast white snow covering the farmland around the field, the little beauty showed excited eyes and jumped out of the carriage.

"It's so beautiful. It's too stuffy in the carriage, but Yue'er is suffocating. It's still comfortable to look at this pleasing scenery."

Who is the delicate and lovely little beauty Liu Luoyue who is not the little cutie Liu Luoyue whom Young Master Liu regards as the apple of his eye!

Cutie and Zhizhi glanced at the snowy scene in the wilderness. Two figures in scholar's robes emerged from the carriage one after another, and followed Cutie's gaze.

One of the two figures was so handsome that it made the scholars in the world who thought they were elegant and handsome feel ashamed, but there was a majestic aura hidden in the handsome faces that made ordinary people fear.

The other figure was a little lower than the 'scholar' who came down first, wearing a navy blue scholar's robe, and even the cloak behind him was navy blue.

Although his appearance was slightly inferior to that of the previous scholars, the faint heroic look revealed between his brows had already surpassed ninety percent of the men in the world.

Compared with the handsome and outrageous scholar who hides his majesty, although this man exudes a heroic aura, there is always a hint of banditry in his gestures.

The handsome scholar's star-like eyes looked at the guards on the official road who were escorting the goods slowly southward, turned to look at his companion beside him, and slowly raised his embarrassing bright wrist and pointed lightly.

"Little fairy, do you think these people are ordinary guards escorting the caravan's goods?"

As soon as the name "little fairy" came out, the identities of the two people behind the cutie were self-evident.

The Empress of the Kingdom of Jin, Wanyan, said politely that Huyan Wang Ting Da Khan Huyan Yunyao and his two daughters.

Although they were wearing scholars' Confucian robes, their identities could not be changed.

Huyan Yunyao listened to the queen's question, looked up at the team that was gradually moving away on the official road with gangster eyes, and nodded thoughtfully for a while.

"Of course it's the guards. Didn't you see that they are escorting the goods of the master's house to the south? In addition to these people who need to support their families in this world of ice and snow, they will have to travel for the last time before the year. There are other people who will face the snow. And the wind and snow that will come at any time and rush on the road?"

"Therefore, if these people are not caravan guards, who do you think they are, old lady?"

The empress was obviously used to Huyan Yunyao calling her. Hearing that the expressions of the three old women hadn't changed in the slightest, she glanced at Huyan Yunyao faintly, and the corner of the empress's mouth raised a charming smile.

"Is the guard very clear in your heart, I don't want to continue arguing with you endlessly."

The queen walked gently to the little cutie who was smiling and playing with a snowball, and raised her hand to caress the little cutie's delicate ball head.

"Yue'er, who do you think those people look like?"

The little cutie was taken aback, and poked her neck to look at the guards on the official road.

The little cutie lowered her head and pondered for a while: "Like a member of the army!"

The empress narrowed her eyes, and glanced back at Huyan Yunyao, who looked a little unnaturally, looked down at the cutie with a light smile.


"Well, it's too quiet. Except for a few concise voices occasionally, there is no sound at all the rest of the time."

"It's completely different from the chattering, drinking and howling merchant guards we met on the road."

"Yue'er felt that they didn't seem to be escorting the goods, but they seemed to be marching."

"Uncle once said that the march must be as quiet as possible, so that you can see all directions and listen to all directions, and be prepared for the enemy's approach at any time."

"Although these people are pretending to be loose on purpose, they will quickly change their formation and continue on their way after every sentence is finished. This is definitely a sign of prohibition."

"And mother, you see, the birds in the snow dared to come down far away to look for food after those soldiers passed by."

"These people may not only be soldiers, but they may also be soldiers who have just come off the battlefield."

"Aunt Hui'er said that the senses of birds and beasts are far more sensitive than humans. They must have felt the evil spirit from these people, and the birds flew out in shock."

The queen looked at the little cutie who was breaking her fingers and dissecting each sentence word by word with gratified eyes, and then turned her head to look at Huyan Yunyao.

"Little fairy, did you hear that, do you still think those people are ordinary caravan guards?"

Huyan Yunyao rubbed Qiong's nose resentfully: "Isn't it okay for this girl to think she's clumsy?"

The queen gently rubbed between her jade fingers, with a thoughtful look on her face.

"No.18 has been approved, maybe more are on the way!"

"It seems that our trip may have an unexpected harvest."

"Go on, follow these people, we will never encounter any trouble along the way!"

The queen walked steadily towards the carriage, looking back at the caravan that had become a black line from time to time.

If you have no conscience, you will know that you are definitely not a foolish and loyal person.


What is your intention in doing this?
(End of this chapter)

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