Chapter 1727 Already Lost (Two in One)

While pacing, Liu Mingzhi told Qinglian in detail what happened when he was in contact with Li Ye in Qinzheng Hall.

After a stick of incense, Young Master Liu stopped and sat on the chair, picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of warm tea in one gulp, moistening his dry throat.

"Lian'er, based on what Wei Fu said, can you analyze what kind of Gu insects may exist in Your Majesty's body?"

Qinglian kneaded her forehead lightly and thought about it. After a long time, Qinglian shook her head slightly at Young Master Liu with a hint of apology in her beautiful eyes.

"Heart-eating Gu is considered to be the best among the Gu insects in Miaojiang, and the Gu insects that can make Heart-eating Gu panic are absolutely extraordinary."

"Especially after the Heart-eating Gu drank the blood essence of the little dragon, it was contaminated with the aura of the little dragon's Gu worm king, and there were even fewer Gu worms that could make it panic."

"Sacred Heart Gu, Hundred Poisons Gu, and Hundred Foot Gu will make Heart-biting Gu feel panic once they are raised for a long time."

"I can't get in touch with His Majesty, so I don't dare to say what kind of Gu insects are planted in his body."

"The art of Gu insects is almost the same as the way of medicine. Medicine pays attention to one person and one party. Gu insects are also treated one by one. If you don't know what kind of Gu is the ear Gu in your majesty's body, then rashly undoing the gu will not solve your majesty's crisis. On the contrary, it may put His Majesty's life in immediate danger."

"Especially whether the person who raises the Gu worms is hiding beside His Majesty. If you don't understand the situation, you rush to remove the Gu insects. Once the Gu insects change, if you can't remove the Gu insects immediately, it will definitely attract the attention of the Gu worms, and thus scare the snake away."

"At that time, I'm afraid the consequences will be unimaginable, and it will run counter to my husband's wishes!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded solemnly: "In that case, it seems that Lian'er will have to do it yourself. After three days, my husband will find a way to bring you to His Majesty's side. When the time comes, you can play by ear and see if you can." Find out what kind of Gu is in His Majesty's body."

"Otherwise, it will be difficult for my husband to want Qing Jun's side."

"Your Majesty's life is in the hands of the thieves. He can only be restrained by enemies hidden in the dark, and his husband will be hindered everywhere if he wants to take action."

"What does the Queen want to do?"

"Using the emperor to order the princes? If this is the plan, it is the best time for her to do it when she is fighting with the six guards of northern Xinjiang and the kingdom of Jin."

"As long as His Majesty is under control, she has every chance to empty the entire court and put her and the people behind her behind the scenes, but she just didn't do that."

"Does she think the time is not yet ripe for action? But once the national war is over and the army heads back, she will never find a better opportunity than this time."

Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but think of the embarrassing theories that the empress Ren Qingrui said, plus the words that the three princesses in the room told him just now.

Could it be that Ren Qingrui's actions were not for the rights above the court at all, but for the purpose of forcing against herself from the beginning to the end?

First, he asked his father to consume the silver in the treasury in the name of repairing the imperial mausoleum, cutting off the root of the army's food and grass supply.

The Northern Expedition that he had planned for a long time died halfway, and he must be full of anger, and he returned to Beijing full of anger. At this time, Ren Qingrui will try to drive a wedge between himself and Li Ye.

"The emperor forced the minister to rebel? The minister had to rebel?"

Liu Mingzhi stared intently, and the teacup in his hand was directly smashed into pieces.

Seeing this, Qinglian, who was standing aside, hurried over with a pretty face, grabbed her husband's palm and looked at it, and was relieved to see that there was no wound on her husband's hand.

Picking up the copper basin and wiping off the debris from her husband's hands, Qinglian looked at her husband's frowning and suspicious eyes, feeling a little distressed in her heart.

Yao remembered that when she first met her husband, he was still a heartless playboy.

At that time, I didn't have any good feelings for such a dude who didn't work hard and couldn't distinguish grains, but now I wish my husband would return to how he was before.

Don't worry about it, and live a leisurely and happy life with your sisters carelessly.

Today's husband is very tired from living, and it hurts my heart to see him.

Sighing silently, Qinglian walked slowly to Liu Mingzhi and stretched out her hand, raised her jade finger and gently pressed Liu Mingzhi's forehead and kneaded it.

"Husband, don't think about it, after the concubine helps His Majesty deal with the Gu worms on his body, you can let it go."

"When the real culprit behind the scenes is found out, then everything will be revealed."

"If you find out the real culprit behind the scenes, the truth will be revealed. You are right, as long as you find out the real culprit, the truth will be revealed."

"But if the person behind the scenes is"

Young Master Liu's voice became undetectable in the back, and Qinglian moved closer to her husband's face, but she didn't hear anything.

"Husband, what are you talking about? I didn't hear clearly!"

Liu Mingzhi stood up slowly and shook his head silently: "It's nothing, you should prepare first, and enter the palace with your husband in three days."

"Well, I don't have anything to prepare for myself. As long as there is Xiaolong, the chances are good, and it's nothing to take out the Gu worms from Your Majesty's body."

"That's very good, you can continue to follow the trend and mend clothes, and go out for a walk for your husband first."

"Well, the concubine knows it, husband, you must think about it, don't keep everything in your heart."

"My husband understands, I'm going first."

"I won't send you off as a concubine."

As soon as First Young Master Liu left Qinglian's courtyard, he heard Liu Yaoyao and sisters Liu Yiyi chattering and laughing.

"Grandpa, was my dad really so naughty when he was a child?"

"Of course, your father always said that your elder brother and younger brother were naughty. When he was a child, he was even more naughty than Chengfeng and the others. If grandpa didn't pull him, your grandma would almost beat your father to death."

Young Master Liu followed the voice, and saw the sisters holding candied haws in their hands, bouncing around Liu Zhian and his wife asking questions, their pretty faces full of curiosity.

Liu Zhi'an and his wife were accompanied by a few servants holding big boxes and small boxes, apparently they had just returned from shopping for new year's goods.

"Old man, don't criticize this young master behind his back. When I was a child, this young master was a well-known honest man. Don't smear people's innocence out of thin air and ruin my glorious image in the eyes of the children."

Liu Zhi'an subconsciously looked at First Young Master Liu, looked at First Young Master Liu who was standing in the corridor looking like a dog, and sneered twice.

"Glorious image? Just you? Bah!"

Mrs. Liu shook her head helplessly, and rolled her eyes at both father and son: "Can't you two calm down?"

"Yiyi, Feifei, Yaoyao, take your little sister Yunxin and grandma back to the room, so as not to become sand sculptures after staying with these two careless guys for a long time."

The sisters laughed, led Liu Yunxin, who was not walking very smoothly, and walked behind Mrs. Liu towards the inner courtyard.

First Young Master Liu hesitated for a moment, and greeted Liu Zhi'an with a playful smile.

"Old man, let's discuss something!"

Liu Zhi'an raised his brows and looked Young Master Liu up and down: "There is nothing to show courteousness to, it's either rape or robbery, what to say first, I will then consider whether to agree or not."

First Young Master Liu scratched his forehead in embarrassment, looked around a few times and walked towards the corner beside Liu Zhi'an, holding Liu Zhi'an's shoulders.

The father and son stopped, Young Master Liu licked and rubbed his palms with a smile, looked at Liu Zhian's blank eyes and started laughing.

"Old man, do you have anything that can rejuvenate a man?"

Liu Zhi'an was confused for a moment, and suddenly realized when he saw Young Master Liu's wretched little face.

"Oh Nope"

"The old man is honest and honest, and he is honest and kind. How can there be such a thing? You are asking the wrong person!"

Young Master Liu elbowed Liu Zhi'an with a playful face: "Come on, mother is more and more beautiful than before, she is almost like a flower, you dare say it's not because of you."

"You are so old, and my mother is a martial artist, there will always be times when you can't do what you want."

"Man! I understand you, no shame."

Liu Zhi'an pinched his nose resentfully: "It's your mother's high skill and beauty, what does it have to do with the old man, the old man is cultivating his mind and nature recently, and he is not close to women, so naturally he will not have those things. "

"Really? Raise your hand and let me search your body. If I can't find it, I will believe you."

Liu Zhi'an subconsciously took a step back, looking at Young Master Liu's teasing gaze, his face became stiff.

"Then what, what, Mingli has been in poor health recently, young man, thin-skinned, unwilling to buy these things himself, so I asked the old man to bring some back for him, and I haven't had time to give it to him!"

"So that's how it is. Pity the hearts of parents in the world. You are such a good father."

"The two wives of Mingli can't stand it anymore. My young master should say ten less. Ordinary medicines are probably not very useful."

"Old man, you are well-informed and supernatural, can you use your relationship to get me some domineering and stimulating things?"

Liu Zhian hissed, and scratched his chin with a strange expression: "The medicinal effect is overbearing, and there are more exciting things, there are, Sai Huatuo got it from his uncle, and the old man has not paid. Mingli has not yet I've tried it, but I don't know how it works!"

"But first tell me which type you prefer, powder or potion?"

Liu Mingzhi licked the corner of his mouth: "I've seen those things before, but they're useless. Is there something more novel, such as the legendary pill?"

Liu Zhi'an raised his brows, the light in his eyes flickered, and he looked at First Young Master Liu cheerfully.

"You guys are very well informed. What Sai Huatuo gave this old man to Mingli is the pill. You have many wives, why don't you try the medicine first?"

"Heroes see the same thing, what about things?"

Liu Zhi'an smiled, turned around, carried Young Master Liu on his back and clasped it in his arms, and then threw a porcelain vase to Young Master Liu.

"You'd better be prepared. I heard from Sai Huatuo that this thing is not ordinary."

Liu Mingzhi took the porcelain bottle, opened the cork and looked around, and a strong medicinal smell came out of his nostrils.

Young Master Liu looked at a pill the size of a thumb in the bottle and glanced at Liu Zhi'an.

"This is the elixir? You can't eat dead people, right? I haven't lived enough, young master?"

Liu Zhian lightly smiled and patted First Young Master Liu on the shoulder and walked slowly towards the inner courtyard.

"Tiger poison does not eat its son. You are the son of this old man. How could this old man harm you? Just eat it, I guarantee you will still want it after eating it."

Looking at Liu Zhi'an's back, Liu Mingzhi looked down at the elixir in his hand, leaning on the court pillar and looking at the snow scene in the courtyard, his eyes gradually became darker.

You are the son of this old man, how could this old man harm you?

At the arch of the inner courtyard, Liu Zhi'an looked back at First Young Master Liu who was leaning on the court pillar, and walked slowly towards the inner courtyard with a faint smile.

Brat, the tricks are all down to the old man.

It's just that you are still too young.

When all the doubts point to one person, and you follow other people's eyes and guide you to put your mind on this person.

You have already lost.

That night.

There was another sudden heavy snowfall in the sky.

"Yun'er, Sister Ya, Lian'er, Qingshi, Wei'er, Shan'er, you all spend more time traveling the rivers and lakes than your husband. Judging from your experience, is this thing a pill?"

"Do you think there is such a thing as a pill in the world?"

Immediately, a few curious voices came from the room.

It's just that after a long time, there is no reason to discuss it.

"Stop arguing. There is no result after arguing for a long time. This young master will know after a try!"

"My husband, you can't, the elixir is a highly poisonous thing, if you eat it, you will die!"

"That's right, my husband, don't be impulsive and risk your life."

"Husband, what are you doing for it? Are pills so important to you? Why do you keep pursuing these things?"

"You don't understand, I don't think the old man will harm me, it's just a pill! What's the big deal!"

"Husband, don't!"

"Husband, spit it out."

"Husband, husband, you have a nosebleed."

"Husband, husband, your face is so red."

"Hot. My young master is so hot."

The night was dark and the snow was falling.

In the inner courtyard of the Liu Mansion, the sound of cloth being torn could be heard endlessly, mixed with charming and moving notes.

It adds a bit of distinctive color to the silent snowy night.

(End of this chapter)

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