My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1728 Recalling the Past

Chapter 1728 Recalling the Past

The goose feather snow did not stop all night, covering the inside and outside of the capital with a layer of snow-white coat.

Reflecting the faint morning glow, the scenery is so beautiful that it is dazzling.

"My mother, magic medicine!"

A cry of surprise broke the tranquility of Qi Yun's courtyard, and a group of maids standing outside the door holding hot water for washing looked at each other, wondering if they should knock on the door to disturb the master's dream.

A group of girls and maids recalled last night's hot-faced, heart-warming music notes, and some unhealthy images came to their minds, and their faces were once again stained with rouge.

"Sister Yu'er, shall we knock on the door?"

"That's right, Sister Yu'er, if you knock on the door at this time, if the young master hasn't slept enough, will we be reprimanded?"

A group of little maids subconsciously looked at Qi Yun's close maid, Yu'er. After all, this is the yard of the young lady, the principal wife, and I and others should listen to sister Yu'er.

Yu'er's pretty face also hesitated, she listened quietly to the movement in the room, and shook her head silently.

"Let's wait a little longer, wait for the young master to summon us before going in."

"Okay, let's listen to Miss Yu'er."

Young Master Liu put on his own clothes self-sufficiently, looked back at the six charming beauties who were still sleeping soundly curled up in the brocade quilt, and shook his head with strange expressions.

Are you so strong?

Let alone six before, the three of them were so frightened that their legs trembled, but now they have dealt with six.

The most important thing is that Young Master Liu didn't feel that he was uncomfortable at all, except for the not-so-big problem of his good brother feeling bald.

First Young Master Liu subconsciously rubbed his waist, glanced at the porcelain bottle lying on the table, and walked towards the door with a strange expression.

"I'll go, what are you doing around the door?"

As soon as Young Master Liu opened the door, he jumped when he saw the five or six maids standing outside the door waiting.

"Master, the servants have prepared hot water for you and the young wives to wash up."

Young Master Liu thought of Qi Yun's six sisters sleeping soundly and softly, and gently closed the door and waved to Yu'er and the others.

"Leave a pot of hot water for the young master to wash up with, and take the rest away first. When will the young lady call you to come again?"

"Yes! The servants will leave."

First Young Master Liu took the toiletries in Yu'er's hands and walked towards the stone platform in the courtyard, glanced at the thick snow in the courtyard, picked up a handful of hot water and began to wash.

"Xiao Song sees the young master!"

"Excuse me, what's the matter?"

Liu Song looked around, leaned into Young Master Liu's ear and whispered softly.

Liu Mingzhi was startled when he wiped his face, threw the towel to Liu Song, picked up the salted willow branch and walked towards the stone bench beside him.

Major Liu returned the toiletries to Yu'er after finishing the cup of tea.

"Yu'er, you go back first, the young master has something to discuss with Xiao Song."

"Yes, the slaves retire."

After Yu'er left, Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Song thoughtfully: "Mr. Jingguo and the others came back lightly, or did they enter Beijing in the name of returning to the court as a class teacher?"

"It is said that they entered the city together with the six guards generals. Each of them only brought three hundred soldiers, and there was no trace of the army. If you think about it, you will go back to Beijing silently like you, young master."

Liu Mingzhi lowered his head and pondered for a while before chuckling: "A group of old foxes, I've finished wading the water and you're back, that's all, for the sake of our life and death together in Northern Xinjiang, I won't care so much for you gone."

"It's just that I don't know how you will feel when you know the specific situation in the capital!"

"Xiaosong, I'm going to prepare my greeting card for the young master. I'm going out for a while, young master."

"Yes, the little one will go right away."

After a few sticks of incense, Young Master Liu tidied up and led the horse out of the house.

After Young Master Liu left the mansion, he rode his horse and wandered around the streets in the capital.

Looking at the endless stream of people on the street, Young Master Liu shook his head helplessly. It seemed that the night's heavy snowfall still couldn't stop the people's enthusiasm for preparing new year's goods.

Come to think of it.

For the common people, the Spring Festival should represent hope.

Wandering through seven or eight streets and alleys, Young Master Liu rode on the horse and held his breath for a while, not feeling any unidentified people around him following and watching him, so he galloped on the horse with deep eyes. , and galloped all the way towards the mansion of Lord Yasukuni Yunyang.

"Come and stop, this is to see the side-by-side king, thousands of years old."

"Don't make a fuss, go and pass on your father-in-law, and say that the king has something important to visit."

"I have to order, my lord, wait a moment, the humble official will go right away."

Within a cup of tea, Young Master Liu was welcomed into the mansion by the butler of Duke Jing, Yunyang.

After about an hour, Liu Mingzhi, led by Yunyang himself, left the Duke's Mansion through the back door.

Yunyang's face obviously knew something, and what they talked about specifically, apart from Young Master Liu, no one in Yunyang's two parties probably knew.

Young Master Liu went out of Duke Jingguo's mansion, dressed lightly one after another, and quietly went to the mansion of the six generals who had just returned to Beijing from Zhang Kuang and the others.

The time they stayed was not much different from the time in Yunyang Mansion, they left quietly through the back door of several people's mansions around an hour or so.

The last thing Liu Mingzhi went to was the residence of Empress Nangong Meng's elder brother Yong'an Hou Nangongye. After he came out of Nangongye's residence, Liu Mingzhi sighed softly as he looked at the uniform appearance of the capital.

"When all doubts point to the old man, it's not as simple as an accident, but someone deliberately guides this young master to put all his thoughts on the old man."

"Based on the young master's understanding of the old man, his hands and feet will never be so full of loopholes, leaving so many lies for others to investigate."

At least in my previous cognition, the old man would not be so careless.

It fell into his hands.
Thinking of the sacks on the heads of shopkeepers in the shops of the Liu family, Young Master Liu smiled helplessly.

"Since it's not the old man, who is the person behind the scenes?"

"Not only does he want to alienate the relationship between himself and Li Ye, but he also wants to hate the father-son relationship between himself and the old man. What is his purpose for doing this?"

Thinking of his father-son relationship with the old man, Liu Mingzhi raised a disdainful smile.

I really don't know what the people behind the scenes think, how can the father-son relationship between me and the old man collapse so easily?
If you want to think about it, one day the old man or the other party will put a knife on each other's necks, and each other can understand that the other party must have unavoidable difficulties.

This is the relationship between father and son.

However, in this era where interests are paramount and families are the leaders, there are probably very few people from famous families like me and the old man who can be as good as the two of us.

Liu Mingzhi rode on the horse and walked slowly, silently murmuring the questions in his heart.

The suspicion of the old man can already be ruled out, continuing to suspect him will only fulfill the wishes of the people behind the scenes.

Since it's not an old man, what kind of power can hide from the Ouchi guards and the spy shadow in the dark?
Shu, Chengzhou.

Li Yunlong, King of Shu, Li Yugang, King of Huainan, Concubine Jing.

Liu Mingzhi couldn't help thinking of his previous thoughts again!

Could it be that a past event that has been dusty for a long time and is about to end is about to set off a new turmoil again?

But if Li Yugang is really operating these things behind the scenes, what is he doing for them?

It has been a year since Li Yunlong drank poisoned wine, even if there is something wrong between them, why would he have to deal with these things after Li Yunlong became famous?

People are gone, aren't these efforts in vain?
So what if there was a civil strife in the dragon and Li Ye was controlled, Li Yunlong was still unable to continue.
Is it an heir?
Liu Mingzhi took a breath of cold air suddenly, he seemed to have never noticed the whereabouts of Shu Princess and Shu Prince Li Geng after Li Yunlong's rebellion.

Liu Mingzhi pulled the reins tightly, his brows trembled a few times, his eyes were full of thought.

Recalling the conversation I had with Li Yugang at Li Yugang's house when Jiangnan wiped out the White Lotus Sect in the past, Liu Mingzhi didn't care much about it before, but now I can't help but wonder how much Li Yugang told me. points of authenticity.

What Li Yunlong said to himself before Daxing was so unwilling and unfair.

If Li Yugang is really with Li Yunlong.
Liu Mingzhi muttered for a moment, looked around in surprise and doubt, and galloped away towards the outside of the city.

Perhaps only this person knows about the past between Li Zheng and Li Yugang.

(End of this chapter)

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