My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1729 1 twist 3 twists

Chapter 1729

After Mr. Liu came out of the tall city gate of the capital, he trampled on the pure white snow on the ground one by one, leaving a long horseshoe shape, and rushed eastward along the official road.

The sky gradually darkened, and each person and horse slowed down.

Liu Mingzhi looked around, looking at the rolling mountains in the distance, got off his horse and walked slowly while holding the rein.

Although there are only bare trees and snow-capped mountains in front of the rolling mountains, it is still daunting to look at.

People who don't understand Fengshui only think that the mountains in front of them are towering and towering, which is an excellent place to invite beautiful women for an outing in spring and summer. People who know Fengshui can see at a glance that the mountains in front of them are rare in the world. Treasure land.

The blue dragon is ten thousand zhang high, the white tiger bows its head, the red bird is next to the water, and the basaltic dragon reaches the sky.

Such a feng shui pattern is only the place where the dragon is buried.

And this is also the destination where Liu Mingzhi came out of the city.

Eastern Suburb Mausoleum!

Liu Mingzhi stopped, tied Fengxing to a dead tree beside him, tightened his cloak and rushed towards the foot of the mountain.

"Who is it, this place is forbidden to enter, retreat quickly."

Liu Mingzhi looked calmly at the dozens of tomb-guarding soldiers who came out of nowhere, took out the Golden Dragon Emperor Token from his arms and held it in his hands.

"Dalong stood shoulder to shoulder with King Liu Mingzhi, and came to pay homage to the two generations of late emperors. I don't know if Zhou Fei, the former head of the palace, is here?"

Dozens of mausoleum guards looked at each other, and one of the generals walked towards First Young Master Liu slowly, his right hand never leaving the handle of the knife at his waist.

The general guarding the mausoleum stopped at about five steps away from Liu Mingzhi, carefully looked at the token of the Golden Dragon Emperor that Young Master Liu was holding in his hand for a moment, and confirmed that the token in Young Master Liu's hand was indeed a reward from Li Zheng, the first emperor of Daxing in the imperial mausoleum. Only then did he relax, and saluted Young Master Liu with fists in his hands.

"At the end of the day, I will see the side-by-side king, thousands of years old."

"We see the king side by side, thousands of years old."

"Excuse me, brothers, is the chief manager, Zhou Fei, here?"

"Reporting to my lord, Elder Zhou is guarding the tomb of the two former emperors at the Broken Dragon Stone outside the imperial tomb, and I will take you there right away."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, put away the badge in his hand, and followed the general slowly towards the entrance of the imperial mausoleum.

As the saying goes, looking at the mountains and running dead horses, looking at the entrance of the imperial mausoleum, Young Master Liu, the two walked for a few sticks of incense.

"My lord, Mr. Zhou is inside, it's inconvenient for the general to go in, the rest is for the lord to leave by himself."

"It's work!"

"I will retire at the end!"

After General Huling left, First Young Master Liu lowered his head to check his body, and found that there was nothing wrong before walking towards the entrance of the Imperial Mausoleum.

As soon as he entered the entrance of the imperial mausoleum, First Young Master Liu immediately felt a lot warmer, but I don't know if it was due to psychological effects, Young Master Liu always felt that the coldness in the mausoleum was worse than the freezing outside.

Slightly exhaling, Liu Mingzhi looked at the entrance of the imperial tomb.

Although Ren Wenyue lied about the amount of money to repair the imperial tomb and wasted a lot of money from it, Liu Mingzhi had to admit that the materials used by Ren Wenyue to repair the imperial tomb were extremely qualified.

Yao remembered that when Li Zheng was buried with the late emperor Li Baiyu in the imperial tomb, the imperial tomb did not have such a magnificent appearance.

If it were Li Zheng, Li Baiyu and his son had spirits in the sky, knowing that the imperial mausoleum they lived in was so magnificent, but it consumed a large amount of treasury silver, which caused the Northern Expeditionary Army to run out of food and grass, and the world that had captured the dragon was returned for nothing. When I went back, I didn't know how I would feel.

Will he climb out of the coffin to settle accounts with Ren Wenyue?

Li Zheng has worked hard for 35 years, lived frugally, and cut expenses. Isn't it for Dalong to be able to dominate the country and determine the world?
However, the sky failed, and Li Zheng worked hard all his life, but he still didn't have the chance to see the dragon rule the world.

Li Baiyu inherited the will of Li Zheng, and within a year of his enthronement, he poured out all his strength and sent an army northward to conquer gold and invade the two countries, in order to fulfill his father's inevitable wish, to unify the world, and to comfort his father's soul in heaven.

At the same time, it also opened the beginning of his Tai'an dynasty and laid the foundation for his prosperous king.

However, Li Zhenggai, the hero of the world, and his heirs are also all talents, and they all want to sit on that chair.

The prestige that Li Baiyu managed to condense died again because of the brothers' act of raising troops.

It was Li Ye's turn to succeed to the throne, ascended the throne as emperor, and took charge of Dalong's hundred thousand mountains and rivers. In order to repay Li Baiyu's life-saving grace to his daughter Liu Luoyue, I, myself, devoted myself to going north to help Dalong rule the world and look forward to the North Western Ocean. The land, thus enabling Huaxia to create an unprecedented grand event.

However, the heavens are not beautiful, everything is ready and only the east wind is owed. Under his careful planning, the dragon has conquered the Jin Kingdom in one go, and half of the Turkic countries. Only the last step of the dragon can set the world and look to the west.

However, the imperial court in the rear had the problem of food and grass, which led to the shortage of food and grass for the Northern Expeditionary Army, and millions of soldiers and horses faced the difficult problem of fighting in the ice and snow.

Worried about the future of millions of soldiers, the Northern Expeditionary Army had to withdraw from the conquered territory and return to the court.

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, and sighed silently.

Twists and turns!
Dalong's three expeditions can be described as full of twists and turns.

Every time, the opportunity is right in front of us, and in the end, it always dies halfway due to various reasons.

"Old Zhou, are you there?"

After a short period of silence, a light came from the entrance, and Lao Zhou's old and familiar voice reached Liu Mingzhi's ears.

"And... side by side with the king?"

Hearing Lao Zhou's familiar voice of inquiry, Liu Mingzhi heaved a sigh of relief, and watched the bright light walk over.

At a position of more than ten steps, First Young Master Liu stopped, looked at Zhou Fei who was holding a candlestick and looked towards him, and smiled with a touch of excitement on his face.

"Old Zhou, long time no see, how are you?"

"It's really you, my lord. We... the old slave Zhou Fei will see you, my lord, for thousands of years."

Liu Mingzhi hurriedly greeted him, and stopped Zhou Fei who wanted to salute him.

"Old Zhou, what are you doing? We don't need so many polite etiquette, such a grand ceremony, you are too alien to me."

Lao Zhou nodded lightly, picked up a futon beside him and put it beside Young Master Liu.

"My lord, don't mind the shabby place, let's sit down and talk, sit down and talk."

"I didn't expect that God treats me kindly, and I can still live to see my old friends in my lifetime. God treats me kindly."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Lao Zhou's pale face because he hadn't seen the sun for a long time, and his eyes were extremely complicated.

It is said that eunuchs mess up the government and bring disaster to the country and the people.

But who knows how loyal an eunuch is when he is loyal?
Glancing at the extremely crude layout of the entrance of the imperial tomb outside the Broken Dragon Stone, Liu Mingzhi's eyes were slightly sore.

Back then, everyone had to address him as Chief Manager when they saw each other, and Zhou Fei, who was so prominent in the palace and outside the palace, actually guarded his master for three days at such a simple entrance. year mausoleum.

A low table, an incense burner, two futons, a rough porcelain teapot, four splashing teacups, and a food box that no longer looks like its original shape.

There is also a simple grass bed.

Such a place has been guarded silently for three years.

Liu Mingzhi no longer knew how to describe Lao Zhou, the big house manager who he would have laughed at back then!
Seeing that two-thirds of the incense candles were burning in the incense burner, Liu Mingzhi untied the cloak behind him, and walked towards the table where the two memorial tablets were enshrined.

"Old Zhou, let me offer two sticks of incense to father and brother!"

"Alright, alright, my lord, wait a moment, we'll fetch it right away."

(End of this chapter)

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