My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1730 The Emperor's Helplessness

Chapter 1730 The Emperor's Helplessness

Nine sticks of incense emitted a curl of light smoke, slowly permeating the entrance of the humble imperial tomb.

Liu Mingzhi respectfully kowtowed to the tablets of Li Zheng and his son several times, then got up to clean up the dust on his body.

Lao Zhou looked at Young Master Liu's respectful behavior with gratified eyes, and passed the cloak in his hand to Young Master Liu again.

"My lord, it's very cold, hurry up and put on your cloak, Ruizong, Wu Zongquan knows that I don't want to see you catch the cold."

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, took the cloak and put it on again, went to the futon prepared by Lao Zhou and knelt down. Seeing this, Lao Zhou picked up the coarse porcelain teapot on the stove beside him and poured a cup for Young Master Liu hot water.

"My lord, warm yourself up."

"Thank you!"

Liu Mingzhi took a sip of the hot water in the cup, and looked at Lao Zhou with gray temples and silver hair with a disappointed expression.

"It's so fast. It's been three years in the blink of an eye. The voices and smiles of the father and the emperor seem to have happened yesterday. This king always thought that they had just left for a short time. Who knew that it would be three years."

Hearing this, Lao Zhou nodded with painful eyes, and glanced back at Li Zheng's tablet on the table.

"My lord fights north and south for the imperial court, and is entangled in government affairs every day. Naturally, I don't feel that time is fast, but this old slave is living a life like a year here."

"This imperial mausoleum is too deserted."

"The guards of the mausoleum regard us as a weirdo. Apart from delivering food, they rarely approach the entrance of the mausoleum."

"Except for the empress who was not in the palace of the late emperor back then, and the matter of the Yun family's creek. The old slave made a slip of the tongue and didn't want to mention the sadness of the prince's cousin. I hope the prince will not mind."

Hearing Lao Zhou's mention of his cousin Yun Xiaoxi, Liu Mingzhi's eyes were complicated, and there was a hint of guilt deep in his eyes.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just the past, after so long, it's time to take it lightly."

Seeing that Young Master Liu's expression was not in a perfunctory manner when he spoke, Lao Zhou breathed a sigh of relief.

"We have never been out of the imperial mausoleum except for what happened to Yunjia Xiaoxi. If it weren't for Xiao Haizi who came to visit our old bone from time to time and didn't talk to anyone for a long time, I'm afraid our old Bones forget even what they said."

"Although I'm a little lonely, compared to the days when I was in the palace fighting each other, it's actually quite good."

"When it's okay, think back to some of the past experiences of the year, and the day by day is actually the past."

Looking at Lao Zhou's aging appearance, Liu Mingzhi felt a little regretful in his heart.

"Old Zhou, after all, father and brother have already achieved great success. The dead are gone, and the living are precious. Your father will definitely feel your heart, but what can you do if you keep guarding like this? Father has never May return to the human world."

"In my opinion, why don't I arrange a yard for you, so you can live in it and enjoy the rest of your life. If you really miss your father, you can come back regularly and talk to him."

"There are mausoleum guards guarding the imperial mausoleum, so why should you?"

"There will be a long time to come! Do you really plan to guard the tomb of the emperor father until the end of your life?"

"Although you call yourself an old slave, I know that my father never treats you as a slave, but as an old buddy."

"Father has a spirit in heaven, and he will definitely be unhappy seeing you like this."

Hearing Liu Mingzhi's words, Lao Zhou laughed cheerfully, his dim eyes revealing the color of memories.

Liu Mingzhi quietly looked at Lao Zhou's unpredictable eyes. From Lao Zhou's eyes, he saw loneliness, helplessness, hope, excitement, arrogance, coldness, murderous intent, and the last trace of indifference that looked down on everything in the world.

Liu Mingzhi was silent in his heart, maybe the emotions shown in Lao Zhou's eyes were his life from nothing to something, and from something to letting go.

I don't know how long it took, Liu Mingzhi felt that the tea in the cup had lost the slightest warmth, and Lao Zhou came back to his senses.

Turning his eyes to look at Li Zheng's tablet on the table, Lao Zhou sighed.

"If it weren't for the owner, our old bones might have turned into a pile of loess 50 years ago."

"From the moment the master rescued us in the ice and snow, we swore to God, the master gave us a life, and we have nothing but to use this life to repay the master's kindness."

"We have changed from being a weed on the side of the road that no one cares about, to being the chief executive who everyone fawns on because of the master. Although it is because of the identity of the master, our glory is also because of the master."

"When everyone looks at us high, we know that this life is worth entrusting to the master."

"Although we have become a rootless person who everyone scoffs at and call a dog behind our backs, but we"

Old Zhou hesitated for a moment and didn't look at Liu Mingzhi's plain and curious eyes. Old Zhou sighed: "But before we became rootless, the master left us a bloodline to continue the incense."

"It's been 50 years. Let's take a sneak peek at this child. It's the day his wife gave birth. Knowing that we have a child, we have nothing to worry about. From then on, we can wholeheartedly repay the master."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Lao Zhou in astonishment: "You still have a future? This is too unbelievable."

Lao Zhou nodded silently: "This is all a gift from the master, alas, to say something disrespectful."

"Master is a husband, and as a father, it is undeniable that there are some flaws, but as an emperor, the master has definitely achieved the level of a prince."

"There are some things that he doesn't think about sometimes, but besides being a husband and father, he is also the emperor of Dalong, and he must be responsible for his subjects."

"No matter how many things he has done that are inconsistent with the situation and unfair to the reason, he has never been negligent in dealing with the common people of the Li people."

"The master is not a good father, not a good husband, but he is definitely a good emperor, a well-deserved unrivaled hero."


"In other words, a good emperor will never be a good person, and there have been no exceptions since ancient times!"

"For the country, the country, and the common people, even if you know it's wrong to do it, you still have to keep doing it."

"Even if I owe my family and close friends, I still have to do it. The emperor is not so high as imagined, and more is an unspeakable secret that is dozens or even hundreds of times higher than ordinary people."

"This is the helplessness of the emperor!"

"My lord, you said these words to us when you were the governor of the two governments in Northern Xinjiang. The master knew that his time was approaching, so he lay on the dragon bed and recalled the past."

"Although three years have passed, it is still vivid for us, because only we know how much His Majesty has lost in order to be a good emperor worthy of the world."

"Looking at the past dynasties, it is true that there are not many kings who can be like His Majesty."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Lao Zhou with a sad expression in a daze.

A good emperor is never a good person.

Recalling the beginning of Li Zheng's trip, when more than [-] people from the capital swarmed into the capital spontaneously, and the whole city was full of people who saw Li Zheng off, Liu Mingzhi's eyes were a little complicated.

With such people's aspirations and the world's ignorance, who dares to say that Li Zheng is not a good emperor.

But recalling Li Yunlong looking at Li Zheng's portrait in the imperial study, gnashing his teeth and complaining about injustice, Liu Mingzhi sighed silently.

Even his own son resents him so much, who can say that Li Zheng is a good person.

This may be the helplessness of the emperor.

Liu Mingzhi drank the cold tea in the cup in one gulp.

"Old Zhou, since I've come to this point, I won't be secretive anymore."

"I came here this time to ask you about a dusty past."

(End of this chapter)

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