My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1731 The Dusty Past

Chapter 1731 The Dusty Past

Lao Zhou looked at First Young Master Liu blankly, and asked himself about a past event that had been dusty. With the momentum of being side by side with the king in the court, he could look up files on any matter, and he needed to ask himself for any past events!

"I don't know what the prince wants to ask. If we know, we will try our best to answer for the prince. If we have something to say first, I hope the prince will forgive me. There are some things that we can't do. We are destined to bring these things into the coffin."

After all, Lao Zhou was also a man of influence in the past, and he had experienced countless battles, big and small. Knowing that Liu Mingzhi would go to the imperial mausoleum alone, the questions he asked for advice must be very important.

If it involves some royal secrets, I really can't tell the truth, so I can only give Liu Mingzhi a vaccination in advance.

Liu Mingzhi was startled, unexpectedly, Lao Zhou would directly cut off the source of his problem.

After thinking for a while, Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment and decided to ask, whether he could say it or not, he had to ask.

"Old Zhou, I want to ask, what happened to King Huainan, Concubine Jing, His Highness the King of Shu? You are the emperor's personal servant, so you must know the truth about what happened back then. The truth of the past?"

Lao Zhou's expression suddenly changed, and the palm he was holding straight trembled involuntarily.

After a moment of silence, Lao Zhou looked at First Young Master Liu in amazement: "How did the prince know about this? All the outsiders who knew about this back then were silenced, and it will never be spread."

Liu Mingzhi's eyes were fixed, the matter between Huainan Wang, Concubine Jing, and Li Yunlong was indeed not as simple as imagined.

It's just how do I tell Lao Zhou how I know this past event?Should I tell the whole story about my deal with Li Yugang when I suppressed the bandits in the south of the Yangtze River?

After thinking about it for a long time, Liu Mingzhi knew that he still couldn't tell the story of his transaction with Li Yugang back then.

"The King of Shu, He Zong, told me about his relegation before he drank poisonous wine in the imperial study, so I only know about it!"

"So that's the case. Now that He Zong has achieved great success and all the past has disappeared, then we don't know why the prince suddenly went to the imperial mausoleum to ask us about this matter?"

"Are these things very important to the prince? After all, these things are just some things of the royal family, so they shouldn't have much to do with the prince, right?"

"Old Zhou, it is also a helpless act for me to ask about this past event. You have lived in the imperial mausoleum for a long time and don't ask about world affairs. You don't know what has become of the imperial court now."

As Li Zheng's personal chief executive, Liu Mingzhi never doubted Lao Zhou's loyalty to the imperial court. If so, Liu Mingzhi didn't intend to hide the matter of the Gu worm in Li Ye's body from Lao Zhou.

Silently sorting out his words, Liu Mingzhi looked at Lao Zhou quietly.

"This matter has to start with my ordering a million troops to go out."

Liu Mingzhi unhurriedly told Lao Zhou what had happened from the time he led the army to the two countries and returned to the court.

In particular, Liu Mingzhi made it very clear about Li Ye's long absence from court and his discovery that Gu worms might be planted in his body.

Liu Mingzhi clearly felt that as he narrated, Lao Zhou gradually exuded an aura that made him feel depressed.

This kind of momentum made Liu Mingzhi understand that Lao Zhou, the former chief executive, must be a natural master according to the ranks in the world.

Except for the aura of a congenital master, he, who is half a step innate, can feel a faint sense of uneasiness. Besides, Liu Mingzhi rarely meets people in the martial arts world who can make him feel powerless.

"The person behind the scenes, this king, had to put it on Minggong Li Yugang after several considerations. After all, all the coincidences pointed to Minggong, so I had to come here to ask you about the past."

"After He Zong's great trip, the whereabouts of his concubine and his son Li Geng became a mystery, so this king can't help but wonder if this matter is true"

Liu Mingzhi didn't speak bluntly in the following words, he knew that Lao Zhou could understand what he meant, so it would be useless to say more.

"This is really a helpless move. Didn't you hear anything about it, Lao Zhou? Didn't Eunuch Zeng Hai mention anything about the situation in the palace when he came to visit you in the imperial mausoleum?"

The strong aura on Lao Zhou's body gradually disappeared and disappeared, and he gently stroked the whisk in his hand.

"I see. Speaking of Xiao Haizi, we only remembered when the prince said it. It's been a month or two, and Xiao Haizi hasn't come to visit us as an old bone. He used to bring some fresh food every half a month. It’s been more than two months since I came to visit us for food, did something happen to Xiao Haizi?”

"He is a half-step innate master. The Heavenly Fiend Palm has won our true inheritance. Even if he can't beat him, it shouldn't be a problem to escape, but he hasn't shown up for so long, hiss"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Lao Zhou's bewildered expression with some doubts: "Even if Eunuch Zeng Hai can no longer accompany you, but because of the emperor's brother, he should be able to get a good job in the palace. There is no reason for him not to inform you about the matter."

"I don't dare to say whether Su An, the chief executive, and the empress Ren Qingrui have joined forces secretly, but what he did above the court is true. I'm afraid your majesty is also powerless now."

Old Zhou snorted coldly with gloomy eyes: "When Your Majesty succeeded to the throne, we realized early on that Su An was not a safe boy, and Xiao Haizi had already warned him. This kind of behavior was done above the hall."

"The head of the servants and supervisors in the district dares to stand on the dragon platform to announce the decree without His Majesty present. Who gave him the courage."

"It's a crime that can be punished."

"It seems that we have to clean up the door for the internal servant."

"Old Zhou, let's put aside the matter of Chief Su for the time being. You also understand the reason why this king came this time, so now it is related to the country and the country. Only when this king knows the truth of this past incident back then can he deduce this. Does the person behind the scenes have anything to do with Duke Ming?"

"If only the Gu worms in His Majesty's body are solved but the real culprit behind the scenes cannot be found out, I'm afraid that once this king leaves the court to guard the frontier, there will be another storm."

"Dalong can't stand the second civil strife anymore. If he doesn't rule the world, when will the Western affairs start?"

"My king is thirty-two this year. I was only twenty-five when I mentioned this matter. In the blink of an eye, it will be seven or eight years. How many seven or eight years will this king have to live?"

"The three Northern Expeditions all died in the middle. If this continues, when will it be the end, and if civil strife breaks out in the rear, I'm afraid."

Looking at Liu Mingzhi's painful expression, Lao Zhou hesitated.

Should he tell the side-by-side king the truth of what happened back then?
"Old Zhou, the person behind the scenes is like a sharp knife hanging from the head of a dragon, which can fall down at any time and cause a turmoil. This king can swear to the heavens that he will never tell anyone else about this."

"Also, even if you don't tell me, I think the Queen Mother should know the truth about this matter. Based on her current view of His Majesty, do you think she will not tell me about this matter if I ask her?"

"Just because I'm afraid of arousing the vigilance of the people behind the scenes, I can't go into the palace to go to the queen mother!"

"Everything is for Dalong's country and society."

"Old Zhou!"

Lao Zhou pondered for a long time, sighed faintly, got up, went to Li Zheng's tablet, burned three sticks of incense, and respectfully kowtowed a few times.

"Your Majesty, please forgive us for our slip of the tongue."

Lao Zhou got up and sat down slowly opposite Young Master Liu.

"This matter has to start with the royal banquet that His Majesty held in the Imperial Garden when the Six Guards Generals set out to conquer Jintu and returned to the court. The army came back triumphantly. He was so happy that he greedily drank more wine. At that time, the brotherhood between His Majesty and Huainan King was still like brotherhood. After drinking, His Majesty was drunk and disregarded dissuasion. went."

While drinking tea, Lao Zhou told First Young Master Liu a dusty past.

Following Lao Zhou's narration, the expression on Young Master Liu's face was a little stunned and a little weird.

(End of this chapter)

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