My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1732 Turning enemies into friends

Chapter 1732 Turning enemies into friends
After listening to Lao Zhou's narration, Liu Mingzhi became dumbfounded about the past between Li Zheng, Li Yugang, and Concubine Jing.

There is only one thought in my mind, your circle is really chaotic.

Old Zhou carried the pot and poured a cup of tea for Young Master Liu, Young Master Liu came back to his senses, and stared blankly at the teacup in his hand, Liu Mingzhi looked at Old Zhou with a strange gaze.

"That is to say, Concubine Jing and Concubine Ming already had a marriage contract before, and it was the emperor who lost his morals after drinking, which caused the two former lovers, Duke Ming and Concubine Jing, to be separated in the end?"

"Since this is the case, why does Duke Ming always think that He Zong is his own flesh and blood?"

"Let's not talk about Concubine Jing, a great lady, would she engage in human ethics with Duke Ming before she came out of the cabinet? Such an unreasonable behavior, to say something disrespectful, if Concubine Jing is not a perfect body, she will be treated as a father. How can the identity of the emperor make her a noble concubine?"

"Especially with Duke Ming on the side, taking away his wife's forehead. Although Concubine Jing hasn't passed the marriage yet, she has a marriage contract after all. Father, as an emperor, shouldn't be able to understand you."

Lao Zhou looked at Young Master Liu's weird gaze and nodded helplessly: "Can you say that, or can you not say that?"

"What do you mean? He Zong is really the blood of Duke Ming? Doesn't this mean that the father is him?"

Old Zhou shook his head hastily when he heard the words: "What are you thinking about? How could He Zong be the blood of King Huainan? There is no doubt that He Zong is His Majesty's own blood, but the situation inside is a bit complicated."

"Hey! The matter between His Majesty and Concubine Jing is said to be that His Majesty lost his morals after drinking, it is better to say that His Majesty borrowed wine to do it on purpose."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Lao Zhou in a daze, and was a little confused for a while, not knowing what Lao Zhou meant.

Borrowing wine on purpose?

Pretending to be drunk to snatch his brother's unmarried wife?Do you want to be such a beast? Based on what I know about Li Zheng, he doesn't seem like a person who can do such a thing, does he?
Could it be that Concubine Jing's appearance is like a fairy, which caused Li Zheng to commit such absurd acts for a while?

Recalling Li Yunlong's face like a crown of jade, the appearance of a gentleman, although he has never seen this Concubine Jing, Liu Mingzhi already has a general idea in his heart.

With Li Yunlong's handsome appearance, his mother Concubine Jing is definitely a first-class beauty, but Liu Mingzhi doesn't know how beautiful she is.

"Old Zhou, what's going on, don't talk halfway."

Lao Zhou caressed Fuchen in his hand, revealing a hint of guilt, and sighed faintly,
"Concubine Jing's family name, do you know the prince's name?"

"What's your surname?" First Young Master Liu was stunned for a moment, thinking carefully about the identities of Li Zheng's concubines, and finally found some clues about the bandit suppression in the south of the Yangtze River.

"It seems that the surname is Deng. As for the name of the king, I don't know. Does this have anything to do with the matter between the three of them?"

Old Zhou nodded silently: "Concubine Jing's concubine Deng Xiachan is the daughter of the famous Deng family in Yongzhou, do you understand now?"

"Deng Chan! The famous Deng family in Yongzhou."

"The Deng family?"

"What is the relationship between Deng Kaicheng, the former General of the Huxiangwei, and Concubine Jing?"

"Oh, they are brothers and sisters of the same mother!"

"Brothers and sisters of the same mother. In this way, does the father emperor him?"

Looking at Liu Mingzhi's suddenly surprised eyes, Lao Zhou sighed and nodded slightly.

"Speaking of which, it all stems from the battle of Weihe's military disaster. Although His Majesty was named the Prince of Jianguo at that time, he has gradually begun to take charge of my Dalong's Hundred Thousand Rivers and Mountains."

"The 30-strong Northern Expeditionary Army marched out of the border north and out of the country. When the Jin Kingdom and the Turks relaxed their vigilance, they were caught off guard and almost unified the world."

"The three great generals who made outstanding contributions in this battle, one is your father-in-law Longwuwei General Jin Yi, the other is Deng Kaicheng, the elder brother of Concubine Jing and Empress Deng Chan, and the other is the deceased Duke of Wu, Wan Buhai."

"Weihe went north, and the three of them made the most achievements and achieved a lot!"

"Among them, your father-in-law, General Jin Yi, has the most military exploits. Long Wuwei's battle was far superior to the rest of the five guards. As for your father-in-law, Jin Yi... well, let's not mention the past."

"Secondly, there is General Deng Kaicheng. His military exploits rank second in this battle."

Liu Mingzhi had also heard a little about Jin Yi's cause of death, knowing that Lao Zhou didn't dare to mention it lightly, so he silently recited a sentence in his heart that Tianjia is ruthless, and didn't say much.

"Emperor Weihe passed away, and His Majesty officially ascended the throne as emperor. Except for your father-in-law Jin Yi who was bestowed to death in Yingzhou, the rest of the five generals also began to return to the court one after another."

"Arrogant soldiers and brave generals, orders are prohibited."

"This is the description of Conglong Liuwei who just returned from the expedition."

"When His Majesty's Royal Garden hosted a banquet for the generals and generals of the six guards, the generals under the command of the Tiger Flying Guard General Deng Kaicheng actually looked at Deng Kaicheng, and only dared to sit down and drink after receiving his order."

"At that time, His Majesty praised the soldiers of the Tiger Flying Guard with a smile on his face, they were indeed elite soldiers who were good at fighting and obeying orders, but we were the only ones standing beside His Majesty to see the fear in His Majesty's eyes."

"It was also at that time that we understood that arrogant soldiers and strong soldiers, orders and prohibitions, these eight words can kill people."

Young Master Liu's pupils shrank slightly, and his heart tightened slightly when he thought of the behavior of his soldiers and horses when Li Ye ascended the throne. Looking at Lao Zhou's eyes that were lost in memories, he took a sip of tea from his cup to cover up the turmoil in his eyes.

"and after?"

"Later, His Majesty found out about the brother-sister relationship between Concubine Jing and General Deng Kaicheng."

"You mean that the reason why the father and the concubine Jing are only because of General Deng Kaicheng?"

"Oh yes!"

"At that time, King Huainan hadn't left the capital yet, and he was well-known in the capital. He was also one of the princes who were favored to compete for the crown prince. The most important thing is that King Huainan had a very good personal relationship with General Deng Kaicheng because of Concubine Jing. .”

"A great general who has made great achievements in battle has a good personal relationship with a prince who has been famous for a long time. If they get married again."

"Your Majesty has just been enthroned as emperor, and the current situation is unstable because of Emperor Weihe, how can you not be worried."

"Father is most worried about the attitude of General Deng Kaicheng and his generals towards him when he returns to the court, right? Did General Deng Kaicheng do something that disturbed Father?"

"Yes, coming from a famous family, armed with heavy troops, and with outstanding military exploits, it is inevitable that you will act a little arrogantly. Your Majesty has just ascended the throne as emperor and has not yet taken charge of the court. General Deng Kaicheng is inevitable."

"However, General Deng had an inextricably close personal relationship with King Huainan before His Majesty became the crown prince."

"For a while, His Majesty felt a little uneasy in his heart. It can be described as ups and downs."

"What happened later was just as we said, probably there is no discrepancy."

Liu Mingzhi nodded knowingly, and finally understood the reason for the past between the three of them.

"Father is worried that because of the relationship between Concubine Jing and Duke Ming, Deng Kaicheng will be entangled with the prince Minggong, so he has the idea of ​​turning General Deng Kaicheng into a relative of the emperor."

Liu Mingzhi had to say that Li Zheng's move was extremely clever in turning people who might become enemies into his own.

It's a good move to turn an enemy into a friend.

It should be said to turn possible enemies into friends.

Although Gao Ming is clever, but the truth is a bit shady.

For the throne, even his brother's wife was robbed.

Liu Mingzhi was not in Li Zheng's position, and he didn't know how to evaluate his behavior.

"Yes, and then the relationship between His Majesty and Duke Ming will be alas."

"Since this is the case, there should be no doubt that He Zong is the blood relationship of the father emperor. Why is Ming Gong him?"

(End of this chapter)

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