My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1733 The Shocking Truth

Chapter 1733 The Shocking Truth
Lao Zhou's eyes were vaguely struggling, and finally he sighed a few times.

"That's all, since we have already said it, we have nothing to hide. I just hope that the prince can keep his mouth shut and don't tell others about it."

"Old Zhou, don't worry, this king is not the kind of person with a big mouth. If this matter is not related to state affairs, this king will never mention this matter to you, old Zhou. It is all because of the helplessness of the court."

"A person's death is like a lamp being extinguished, let the past be the past."

"We can rest assured."

"During the banquet, His Majesty deliberately poured Huainan Wang some more wine, making him so dizzy that it was difficult to keep clear."

"Later, they quietly left the palace together. His Majesty asked Huainan King to invite Deng Chan, Concubine Jing, who had not yet left the court at that time."

"Under His Majesty's careful arrangements, the empress was also drunk that day, so I don't need to talk about the rest."

"Your Majesty lived in the same room with your empress, but he didn't even move a finger. What your majesty always wanted was just a name, a name that made it impossible for Concubine Jing and Huainan King to get married."

"Later, this matter was gradually spread to the ears of the Empress Dowager under His Majesty's control. Due to the face of the royal family and some pushes from His Majesty behind the scenes, King Huainan had no choice but to part with his loved ones, and ended up with an unwarranted excuse. The marriage with Concubine Jing."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Lao Zhou with a strange expression: "Are you sure that Mr. Ming is reluctant to give up his love, rather than being forced to help?"

Old Zhou Yi was taken aback, and smiled bitterly twice: "Oh, we don't want to talk about these things in detail."

"Okay, I understand, you can continue."

"Your Majesty finally fulfilled his wish and canonized Deng Chan as Concubine Jing. If it weren't for that chair, the brotherhood between His Majesty and King Huainan would be the better two among the brothers in private."

"Because of the guilt towards King Huainan, His Majesty rewarded King Huainan with countless beauties, and canonized him as King Cheng, allowing him to live in the capital forever and never become a vassal."

"However, the King of Huainan has been depressed since then. He hangs around in brothels and restaurants all day long, drinking and making troubles wantonly. In his early twenties, half of his gray hair has turned gray, and his face is haggard and haggard."

"Later, it happened by accident. It is inconvenient for us to talk about the specific circumstances."

"Your Majesty secretly arranged for Concubine Jing to have a tryst with King Huainan?"


"Doesn't this mean that He Zong may really be the blood of Duke Ming?"

Young Master Liu shook his arm, and came out with a dumbfounded exclamation.

This is too bloody!

Lao Zhou looked at Young Master Liu's exclamation expression and shook his head silently: "My lord, listen to us, things are not what you think."

Liu Mingzhi nodded in a daze: "You'd better make it clear at once, otherwise, this king's heart will have to jump out. Let me just say, things that ordinary men can't bear. Father, as a generation of Gai Shixiong How could the Lord do such a thing!"

"It was a Mid-Autumn Festival Lantern Festival outside the city. His Majesty arranged an incident that caused King Huainan and Concubine Jing to drink too much wine and have an affair."

"It's just that all of this is under His Majesty's control. The one who has a happy relationship with King Huainan is just a court lady, and the one who is close to Concubine Jing can only be His Majesty himself."

"After everything happened, under His Majesty's order and under the control of the palace ladies, a drunken affair became a fact."

"After waking up, how could the two of them remember what happened after drinking, and mistakenly thought that something contrary to human relations had happened between them."

"Your Majesty knows everything about it clearly. Maybe it's to reduce the burden in your heart, or it's something else, we don't know."

"Your Majesty's original intention was to make Huainan Wang feel guilty because of this matter, and gradually forget about the fact that he took away Concubine Jing, and make a new love."

"Your Majesty planned to completely silence this matter and let it go, but it is extremely unfortunate that Concubine Jing, whose stomach has not moved since then, is pregnant with His Majesty's dragon veins, namely He Zong, under this arrangement. "

"We don't need to talk about the following things, you should understand what's going on?"

Young Master Liu nodded blankly: "From the beginning to the end, this is just a misunderstanding carefully arranged by the father. The father knows what's going on, but he can't explain it clearly. The more the father is like this, the more Minggong will be. I thought that He Zong was actually his blood and blood,"

"That's right, His Majesty couldn't explain what happened, which caused a series of misunderstandings."

"Naturally, Duke Ming will not publicize his one-night affair with Concubine Jing, after all, he always believes that Hezong is his blood."

Young Master Liu nodded twitchingly at the corner of his mouth, thinking of Li Zheng's majestic appearance, an idea couldn't help but pop up in his heart.

Ruthless, ruthless.

When I calculated it, I even included myself in the calculation, and I also did it with myself.
I just feel sorry for Mr. Ming, I'm afraid he has been kept in the dark until now.

"Afterwards, with His Majesty's tacit approval, the late Emperor and the princes came of age, and it was time to compete for the crown prince."

"King Huainan was still King Cheng at that time, and he never left the capital. In addition, he always thought that Hezong was the crystallization of him and Concubine Jing, so he was full of vigor, changed his decadent attitude, and was in the middle of the court. rise."

"The best supporter of Hezong's fight for the crown prince is naturally inseparable from the support of King Huainan."

"Hezong's limelight at the time was overwhelming the emperor, who was defeated steadily. Under the control of King Huainan, almost half of the civil and military forces of the Manchu dynasty stood behind Hezong."

"However, these things above the court can't be hidden from His Majesty's eyes and ears, and then naturally there will be the incident of He Zong's adultery in the harem."

"All the related officials were implicated. At that time, King Huainan was relegated from King Yizicheng to Jiangnan and became King Huainan."

"As long as the officials who have a relationship with Hezong will have their results."

"Even your benefactor, the Wenren family, has been implicated. They were relegated from a famous family in the capital to Shu."

"Actually, His Majesty's favorite successor is not the late emperor Li Baiyu, but Hezong Li Yunlong who was repeatedly suppressed by him."

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Lao Zhou in surprise: "If that's the case, why is Father the Emperor?"

"Hey and Zong are too much like His Majesty, both in temperament and means, and because of the support of King Huainan and all the officials, he acts a bit decisively and ruthlessly."

"Your Majesty understands in his heart that once He Zong succeeds to the throne, the lives of the late Emperor, King Qing, King Jing, and King Yun...these brothers will surely die."

"Hezong's temperament is too domineering and ruthless. His Majesty said that he may be a wise king, but he is also destined to be a tyrant, so he chose the eldest son Li Baiyu, who is gentle and talented, to inherit the throne. "

Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but think back to his daughter Xiaocuti telling him about the civil strife in the capital.

When Li Yunlong broke the city, he threatened Li Baiyu not to abandon the city at the cost of the lives of the people in the city, preventing him from waiting for the army from northern Xinjiang to come back and regain the throne.

There are hundreds of thousands of people inside and outside the capital, Liu Mingzhi cannot deny that Li Zheng's vision and accuracy in seeing people.

Compared to Li Baiyu, Li Yunlong is always a bit more ruthless.

Liu Mingzhi smiled bitterly, remembering the words he had persuaded Li Yunlong before he drank the poisonous wine in order not to let him leave with resentment.

It was a white lie, but it turned out to be a prophecy.

It turned out that the best candidate to inherit the throne in the eyes of the father was really Li Yunlong.

I don't know if this is considered unintentional.

Liu Mingzhi played with the teacup in his hand with complicated eyes: "That is to say, even now, Duke Ming, who has lived behind closed doors in the clan's mansion for a long time, still thinks that Hezong is his flesh and blood?"

Lao Zhou nodded with complicated eyes.

"King Huainan is also a poor man, a poor man under the struggle for imperial power."

"But it should be his fate to be born in the royal family. There will always be a group of innocent people who will die for the imperial power in the successive dynasties. This is a fact that no one can change."

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently.

Unexpectedly, the truth back then was so appalling.

Glancing at Li Zheng's memorial tablet complicatedly, Liu Mingzhi sighed as he recalled what Lao Zhou had said earlier.

Sure enough, a good emperor will never be a good person.

For the sake of the country and the country, those things done are simply.
"In this way, the whereabouts of the elder son Li Geng and the turmoil in the court may not be the work of Ming Gong?"

Lao Zhou frowned and shook his head silently.

"We don't know, but if there are traces to follow, the prince should be able to track down the truth!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded with complicated eyes, then shook his head again.

"This king will do his best to fulfill his duties as a minister. As for the truth, we will only know in the end."

"Old Zhou, the matter has been clarified, and I won't bother you any more. Let's see you again when you clean up the house."

"The king bids farewell."

Lao Zhou stroked Fuchen, closed his eyes and nodded.

"Walk slowly, my lord, I won't see you off soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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