My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1734 Behind Loyalty

Chapter 1734 Behind Loyalty

Liu Mingzhi led the horse out of the imperial mausoleum, and the groggy sky slowly drifted with pure white snowflakes.

Liu Mingzhi held the rein of the horse with one hand, and stretched out the other hand to catch the heavy snow flying in the sky, and breathed out: "This year's snow is a bit extra heavy, and I don't know if it's good or bad."

"Chinese New Year is coming soon, I hope it will be a good year with auspicious snow."

Turning on his horse nimbly, Liu Mingzhi glanced back at the majestic and undulating mountains behind him, pulled the rein of the horse and galloped towards the capital facing the wind and snow.

Liu Mingzhi, who was galloping on horseback, was in a state of mind, and his expression kept changing.

He does not mean that.

Although Lao Zhou was only talking about the dusty past, Liu Mingzhi heard it in his ears, but what he wanted in his heart was another feeling.

Proud soldiers and powerful generals, orders and orders are prohibited.

These eight characters can kill people.

Coming from a famous family, armed with a heavy army, and with outstanding military exploits, how could His Majesty not be worried when he just ascended the throne.

Your father-in-law Longwuwei General Jin Yi played Longwuwei's demeanor in that battle, and his combat achievements far surpassed the other five guard generals.

He died of high meritorious service.

He died of high meritorious service.

He died of high meritorious service.

Husband, Dad, he fought for the country all his life, just because the first emperor announced the withdrawal of troops when the dragon was in full swing, the teacher cursed a few words about the incompetent emperor, and then he was given poisonous wine and committed suicide.

Deng Kaicheng!
Liu Mingzhi!
The three seemingly unrelated names are so similar.

Liu Mingzhi looked up at Xue Mu who was all over the sky and let out a long sigh.

Could today's Liu Mingzhi be the former General Jin Yi, or the former General Deng Kaicheng?

"After the world is unified, where should I, Liu Mingzhi, go?"

"Who can tell me, after the world is unified, where will I, Liu Mingzhi, go?"

However, on the icy and snowy official road, there was heavy snow and there was no trace of anyone. It was destined that no one could tell Liu Mingzhi the answer.

Thinking of the arrangements he had made many years ago, Liu Mingzhi's eyes gradually became dark and far-reaching.

As long as I do my duty as a minister, I will leave the rest to God's will.

Xiyang himself must conquer, and no one can stop him.

Liu Mingzhi murmured An Gou'er's name in his heart. He hadn't seen him for a long time, and he didn't know whether Jiang He had faithfully carried out his arrangement in Xiyang.

Liu Mingzhi held the rein tightly, and swung the whip fiercely.


"It's nothing for all nations to come to court. What this king wants is the world, the world, not the Kyushu of China."

"Where the soldiers belong to the children of the king!"

It was getting late, and before the city gate closed, Liu Mingzhi finally arrived at the east gate of the capital alone.

"Shut up!"

It was another sudden heavy snowfall, and a thin layer of snow had already accumulated in the city. In order to prevent the horse from going too fast and accidentally injuring the people, Liu Mingzhi could only choose to stop far away and lead the horse into the city.

Looking at the people who were talking and laughing in and out of the city gate, Liu Mingzhi's heart fluttered, if he hadn't stepped into the official career, would he be one of them.

Will it be as carefree as they are.

Liu Mingzhi looked up at the sky, hesitated for a while, and gave up the idea of ​​visiting Li Yugang, an old friend from the south of the Yangtze River, at the clan's mansion. He walked around the street, bought some toys for his children, and gave many The lady bought some jewelry, picked out some gifts for the old man and the mother, and then led the horse and walked slowly towards Liu's mansion.

A groaning sword chant broke the tranquility in the alley.

Liu Mingzhi let go of the horse's reins, and slightly clasped the hilt of the Heavenly Sword with his palm, looking around every corner in the alley like a torch.

"Friend He Fang, since you're here, why don't you come out and see him, what kind of a hero is he who hides his head and shows his tail?"


"Daddy, do you think Yue'er is a hero?"

The sound of laughter like silver bells penetrated through the layers of Xue Mu and reached Young Master Liu's ears. Hearing the familiar clear and sweet voice, Liu Mingzhi's wrist froze, and he slowly let go of the hilt of his sword, and moved towards the source of the sound. looked around.

At the corner of a house in Minxiang, the little cutie was holding a bunch of red candied haws in her hands, looking at herself with a smile on her head while leaning against the corner.

Although Xuemu blocked his view, Liu Mingzhi recognized at a glance that the little beauty huddled behind the corner was his daughter Liu Luoyue.

Tying the Heavenly Sword around his waist, Liu Mingzhi took the reins and hurriedly walked towards the little cutie.

"Yueyue'er, why is it you?"

"Hmph, what do you mean it's me? Daddy doesn't want to see Yue'er? Smelly Daddy, I miss you so much in vain, it really makes Yue'er sad."

Liu Mingzhi waved his hand hastily: "Of course not, why doesn't Daddy want to see you. Daddy thinks about Yue'er every day, and is worried that you will be wronged by the cold weather in Jin Kingdom."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the snow on the little cutie's head and body, hurriedly took off his cloak, patted off the snowflakes on the little cutie, and put it on.

The little cutie looked around at the big cloak her daddy was wearing on her body, exhaled warm air into her reddish little hands, looked up at First Young Master Liu with a smile on her face, "hehe. Daddy's clothes are still warm, today's snow fell so badly It's really big, even though Yue'er is wearing her own cloak, it's still very cold."

Liu Mingzhi looked at his daughter's pretty red face from the cold, and hurriedly squatted down, slightly mobilizing his hands with his inner strength, and then rubbed the cute red face with his hands.

"My dear girl, is it warm now?"

"Yeah, it's very warm, thank you Dad."

Liu Mingzhi stood up, looking around Minxiang with narrowed eyes.

"Yue'er, why are you alone? Didn't your mother arrange for someone to escort you here?"

"Daddy will carry Yue'er on his back first, and Yue'er will tell you later!"

"Okay, Daddy will carry you, come up!"

The cutie threw herself on Young Master Liu's back, pulled out a candied haws and stuffed it into Young Master Liu's mouth.

"Daddy, taste it, it's too sweet."

"Well, it's so sweet, can you now tell me how you came to Dalong?"

The little cutie hugged her father's neck and thought for a while, then tapped her red lips with her little hand: "Well, father first tell Yue'er if he wants to have a mother, and Yue'er will tell you later."

Liu Mingzhi's body froze, and he held the little cutie's legs to his back with a disappointed look.

"Think? Does daddy have the right to miss your mother? In her and many people's minds, daddy is just a heartless person who wants to make Jin Guoping go fast."

"A man who wants to bury his own woman himself, what right does he have to think about a woman?"

Hearing Liu Mingzhi's low-pitched words, the cute little eyes were flustered.

"Daddy, did Yue'er say something wrong?"

"It's nothing, it's none of your business, Yue'er, don't blame yourself, it's Daddy's own business."

"You mother should blame me!"

The little cutie's head shook like a rattle, her hands tightly hugged Liu Mingzhi's neck, and her small face rubbed against Young Master Liu's stubbled face.

"Daddy, don't say that, Yue'er knows your difficulties, and also knows what you are planning. You talked in your sleep that night anyway, Yue'er won't blame Daddy at all."

"Because Yue'er knows that Daddy is a person with lofty aspirations and must have his own reasons."

"Dream talk? What sleep talk?"

"No, Daddy, you heard it wrong, it's too cold, Yue'er is trembling when speaking."

"Daddy, if mother doesn't blame you, do you miss her?"

"miss you!"

"Really? How much do you want?"

"What do you know as a child? Tell me, how did you come to Dalong?"

The cutie didn't answer, but looked at a corner of a folk courtyard not far away.

"Mother, did you hear, Daddy misses you!"

Liu Mingzhi was stunned, and subconsciously followed the little cutie's gaze, only to see a beautiful figure in a snow-white cloak standing at the corner twenty steps away, blocked by layers of snow and admiration.

Wearing a light white scholar's robe and a snow-white cloak, the gentleman has already blended into Xue Mu.

If it wasn't for the cutie, Liu Mingzhi really didn't notice when there was a person standing there.


"Hmm! Heartless!"

Liu Mingzhi handed the reins to the little cutie, and walked slowly towards the queen with his daughter on his back.

Stopping down, Liu Mingzhi's eyes were a little complicated as he looked at the empress's beautiful, blushing face.

"Why did you come to Dalong?"

"I miss you, can't I come and see?"

"Of course, it's just that it's dangerous for you mother and daughter to come alone."

The empress raised her fair and flawless palms, and gently smoothed out the snowflakes on Liu Mingzhi's head with her eyes.

"I didn't encounter danger, but I encountered a very interesting thing?"

"Oh? What's interesting?"

The queen smiled faintly, her forehead was full of crescent eyebrows, and her white teeth and bright eyes made her obsessed.

"There seems to be some monstrous conspiracy hidden behind your loyalty."

"Is this considered interesting?"

Liu Mingzhi's heart jumped involuntarily, he narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the empress's prosperous face and smiled.

"Are you trying to drive a wedge between me and His Majesty's monarch and ministers?"

(End of this chapter)

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