My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1736 There are chapters in the chapter

Chapter 1736 There is something in the words
Young Master Liu couldn't stand Huyan Yunyao's gangster-like character at all.

There is a kind of feeling that when a girl tells you a nasty joke, I want to return to your shy and delicate appearance, instead of wanting to see the disdain on your face, and tell me a more nasty joke backhand.

Especially if I drive first.

Now I haven't even got on the car, but you have already got on the highway, is this really okay?
Liu Mingzhi wiped the tea from the corner of his mouth, and wiped the tea that fell from the top of the cutie's head with his sleeve apologetically.

"My dear daughter, I'm really sorry. Daddy didn't mean it. Daddy will clean it up for you."

Liu Mingzhi was wiping the tea off the little cutie's body, while looking sadly at Huyan Yunyao who was lying on the chair and pretending to be a fool. His junior brother was not like this before, why did he become like this after returning to the grassland to sweat? Overwhelmed?
Just about to say something to ease the awkward atmosphere in the room, Qi Yun walked in with dignified lotus steps and a slight smile, followed by four maids carrying trays.

"Husband, I heard from someone that there are two distinguished guests in our family."

Qi Yun walked in and saw the queen sitting on the chair and Huyan Yunyao lying on the chair and lying on the chair, her cherry lips slightly raised.

"It turns out that there are really two rare and rare guests coming here!"

Qi Yun's sudden arrival made the four people in the room stunned for a moment, and Huyan Yunyao even changed her sloppy attitude, and quickly straightened up and sat on the chair, looking at Qi standing by the door like a good girl. Yun smiled, hugged Qi Yun and nodded slightly.

"Sister-in-law, long time no see."

Qi Yun looked at Hu Yanyun with a light smile and gave a blessing: "Uncle, uncle, I'm being polite."

"Don't dare, sister-in-law doesn't need to be too polite."

Young Master Liu looked at Huyan Yunyao with a strange expression when he saw Qi Yun's resignation as if his blood had been suppressed, and he thought to himself, it's really a little bit of tofu in brine, one thing is one thing.

Turkic Great Khan, who was bohemian in front of himself and the empress, became so cute in front of Qi Yun, a woman like Qi Yun. If he said it, he would be shocked.

"Yun'er, why are you here?"

Qi Yun glanced indifferently at the empress who nodded slightly at her, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a slight smile.

"Husband, I heard from my servant that there were two distinguished guests arriving, so I arranged for the servant to prepare four plates of snacks and bring them over. I never expected that there would be such two distinguished guests. I am really disappointed."

Young Master Liu felt Qi Yun's charming eyes with a hint of resentment, smiled twice and stood up.

"Yun'er, don't say anything about this matter, even if the people in the house can't say it, try not to say it."

"The national war has just ended, and it's an eventful season. Some things should be avoided as much as possible. This time, my husband is still facing court, and many eyes are on my husband!"

"Especially a pair of eyes that are hidden behind the scenes, which makes people feel frightened. If these eyes are not dug out, my husband will have trouble sleeping and eating!"

Qi Yun looked into her husband's serious eyes, and the slight resentment in her heart disappeared.

She knew that her husband was currently having a headache because of the affairs in the court. If the news about the Empress of the Kingdom of Jin and the Turkic Great Khan's subjugation of the Liu Mansion was spread, it would be a storm at least, and it would not be impossible to even turn into a turbulent sea.

Although Qi Yun can be petty with her husband, it's just a private couple's interest, and she still knows what is general in front of her.

"My concubine understands. Husband, you chat with the two distinguished guests in the wing room, and I will arrange the things ahead for you."

"Yu'er, put down the pastry, let's go back."

"Yes, young lady."

"and many more!"

Qi Yun was startled, and looked at her husband suspiciously, not knowing what else he had to do.

Liu Mingzhi looked down at the cutie who was snuggling in his arms and eating candied haws, then let go of him slightly and put it on the ground.

"Yue'er, father, mother and your aunt Yunyao want to talk about business, you and mother Yun go to the front yard to play with your sisters first."

Qi Yun looked at the little cutie, and then understood what her husband meant, and stretched out her jade hand to the little cutie: "Yue'er, go to the inner courtyard with Yunniang to play with your sisters and sisters, okay?"

The cutie looked at her father, then at Qi Yun, with her small mouth alone, her wrinkled nose and her small head arrogantly swung in the direction of First Young Master Liu.

"No! Yue'er wants to accompany Daddy."

Among Liu's many sons and daughters, only Xiao Kei dared to put on airs for Qi Yun, the wife of Liu's family.

Qi Yun was not angry when she saw this. She knew Xiaocuti's character too well, and knew that she just didn't want to leave her husband, and she didn't deliberately lose face because of any dissatisfaction with herself.

The empress stared at the cute and arrogant look: "Yue'er, how can you be so rude!"

The cute face froze, she looked at Young Master Liu with reluctance, and nodded reluctantly.

"Yue'er go, mother Yun, let's go, Yue'er has brought gifts for you and other mothers, grandparents, older sisters, younger siblings!"

Qi Yun gave the queen and Huyan Yunyao an apologetic look, told the maids to put down their snacks, took the little cutie, and led them out of the wing consciously.

The empress thought for a moment while looking at the beautiful figure of Qi Yun leaving, and the cheerful look of the little cutie holding Qi Yun up and down, and looked at Young Master Liu beside her with complicated eyes.

"I don't know what good deeds you did in your previous life. It's really your blessing to be able to marry your beloved as your wife."

Upon hearing this, First Young Master Liu nodded softly as he watched Qi Yun's plump figure disappear into the arch.

"Yes, being able to marry Yun'er as my wife is the greatest blessing in my life, Liu Mingzhi. I owe her too much. She was a tough-tempered lady back then, and I, a notorious dude, married her "Forget it, forget it, it's meaningless to talk about the past, let's get back to business, let's talk about your reason for coming!"

"Otherwise, I feel uneasy!"

The queen smiled casually, and looked at First Young Master Liu without evasive eyes: "What's the purpose of coming? When we left Shanhaiguan, you told Yue'er that he could come to Dalong to look for you at any time."

"Isn't it coming soon for the Chinese New Year? Yue'er wants to spend the festive season with you. I don't worry about her coming alone, so I come together."

"Yue'er wanted to come, so I came. This is Wanyan's purpose."

As soon as Qi Yun left, Huyan Yunyao resumed the domineering posture of being a gangster, took two tangerines from the tray and threw one to the queen, took it away by herself, peeled off the orange peel, and sent it to the small mouth of the cherry go.

"Ben Khan's concubine has come to Dalong. How could Ben Khan not come? You said that she has a beautiful appearance and a life that makes men want to die. Wouldn't it be a pity that the bandits hijacked the past with some indiscriminate means."

"When she came to Dalong, Ben Khan came, it's as simple as that."

"This is the purpose of Ben Khan's visit."

Liu Mingzhi played with the teacup in his hand, raised his eyes to look at the elegant and indifferent queen, then looked at Huyan Yunyao who was carefree and aggressive, and chuckled playfully twice.

"People's hearts are separated by belly, and I can't see through your thoughts. Since you don't want to say it, I don't force it."

"It's just that my young master has said something beforehand. This is Dalong, not the Kingdom of Jin and the Turks. The identities of the two of you can't be tolerated here, so I advise you to think twice before acting."

"I can protect your safety. If you are you, please don't die. Otherwise, if I am too late to save you, I can't guarantee what will happen."

"Don't say it's unpredictable!"

Although Liu Mingzhi's words were not pleasant to listen to, the empress and Huyan Yunyao still saw the worry in Liu Mingzhi's eyes, knowing that he had a sharp mouth and a bean curd heart, they were slightly moved in their hearts, and nodded slightly without saying anything.

"Now that the business is over, let's talk about homework. Come, let's chat while eating."

"Don't just eat citrus, try bananas. These are spring bananas. November and December are the seasons for ripening. They are absolutely fresh, and ordinary people are reluctant to eat them."

Young Master Liu knew that he couldn't ask any questions, so he pulled a chair and sat around the table, broke open two bananas and handed them to the two, and took one to taste.

The empress gently peeled off the peel of the banana, and suddenly handed the banana to Liu Mingzhi, looking at First Young Master Liu resentfully.

"Unconscionable, you say they are all bananas, why are some long and thick, and some thin and short, why is there such a big gap?"

Huyan Yunyao froze for a moment, the shame in her beautiful eyes flashed away and was replaced by banditry, she shook the banana in her hand.

"Ben Khan can't stop looking at it. The unripe ones are still quite hard. The ripe ones, tsk tsk, I can't bear to look straight at them!"

Young Master Liu, who was eating a banana, snorted, and a piece of fruit flew out of his nostrils.

First Young Master Liu coughed several times before he recovered his breath, wiped the sour tears from the corners of his eyes and looked at the empress and the two embarrassedly.

He meow, you two are pointing at Sang and scolding Huai, there is something in your words!
(End of this chapter)

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