Chapter 1737
Liu Mingzhi, the empress, and Huyan Yunyao finished the banquet with their own concerns.

Seeing the night fall, Young Master Liu intended to stay with the empress, but looking at Huyan Yunyao's provocative gaze as she rubbed her belly, Young Master Liu knew that today's dream might be hopeless.

There was obviously another wing room prepared next door, but Huyan Yunyao had no intention of leaving, obviously she wanted to live with the empress.

For Huyan Yunyao, who is said to be a younger brother, but actually a younger sister, Liu Mingzhi still doesn't know how to treat her.

Is it really going to be like Wen Renzheng said?

The twisted melon is not sweet for her, just quench her thirst!

The empress looked at Huyan Yunyao, then looked at Young Master Liu, smacking her lips a few times, and finally sighed helplessly.

"It's getting late, you should go back, I'll see you off!"

"it is good!"

"Junior brother, I'm going back first, you should rest early!"

Huyan Yunyao didn't seem to have heard Young Master Liu's words, she put her slender fingers in front of her and gently fiddled with the nails on the top.

Liu Mingzhi shook his head angrily, tidied up his clothes and walked towards the door. The empress glanced back at Huyanyun and followed with light steps.

The footsteps of the two gradually became lighter, and the empress, who was reclined on the chair, got up slightly and turned her head to look at the two figures who disappeared in the arch.

Looking down at her enchanting figure that doesn't belong to anyone, Huyan Yunyao showed a self-deprecating smile, her cherry lips twitched a few times, she got up and walked towards the bed where the stove was lit.

With a faint sigh, Huyan Yunyao took off the clothes on her body, huddled in the clean and tidy bedding, and fell asleep with her eyes closed and her brows tightly furrowed.

"Do you feel bad in your heart?"

Huyan Yunyao's delicate body trembled, and she opened her eyes to look at the returned queen with a little astonishment.

"Why did you come back so soon?"

"Of course I came back to see how lonely you are, little fairy. I'm still happy to see you."

Huyan Yunyao smiled wryly twice, hugged the pillow and changed into a comfortable position: "Now that I see you, it's time to go back to accompany your husband."

"You care about him so much? He mercilessly captured half of your Turkic country, and even made your Turkic annihilation under this sky."

"I don't know what to say."

"He has a family and a business, a group of wives and concubines, and all children. I, Huyan Yunyao, a generation of arrogance, can't get what kind of man I want, but when I relax, I always think about him!"

"I don't know if this is what you call love."

"I was born in the grassland, my father is Turkic, and my mother is Han. My second brother and I were not seen by the tribe when we were young. After my mother left, if my second brother hadn't been protecting me everywhere, I'm afraid I wouldn't have known what was on the grassland. A fistful of loess."

"Later, for the sake of the tribe, my father even wanted to sacrifice my life to marry the Dulu tribe. If my second brother hadn't deliberately let me leave the grassland, maybe I wouldn't have met my brother."

"In the grasslands, apart from my eldest brother, Huyanchile, no one in the tribe likes me and my second brother, my brother and sister, because we are hybrids of Han Chinese and Turks."

"When I arrived in Dalong, apart from my benefactor, the first man I met was my elder brother. I will never forget those two months because of a sprained ankle, my elder brother has been busy carrying me in and out of Wenrenshe for two months. history."

"That's when I realized that apart from my elder brother, my second brother and my deceased mother, there are other people in this world who care about the safety of me being regarded as a bastard!"

"I don't know if this is the love that the people of the Central Plains talk about. Maybe. If the teacher's popularity is not limited to our two senior brothers, if there are more senior brothers, Ben Khan will not forget him in his heart."

"He has accepted all the golden swords. But the so-called golden sword son-in-law may always be just a joke in his opinion."

"It's just a joke he thinks, but he doesn't know what it means to an unmarried woman in the etiquette of the grassland."

"Old woman, sometimes the goblin really envies you."

"You love each other deeply, but you love and kill each other because of the country's reasons, but the little goblin doesn't even have the qualifications to love and kill him."

"He always just regarded me as his younger brother, and didn't treat me as a daughter at all."

"Not even having the qualifications to be valued is the saddest thing in this world."

"Unknowingly, I think of the sad feeling of being excluded by everyone with my brother when I was a child!"

"Perhaps brother is right, he is really a big carrot, but..."

"Since she is a big radish, why can't she spend that time on me, Huyan Yunyao? The little goblin will be 30 years old after the new year, and she has everything from being blindsided to the glory and wealth in the world, but only I haven't tried what you call true love."

"According to Dalong's customs, it is already considered late to leave the cabinet in 30 years with a perfect body. I don't know if it is a shame to be a perfect body at the age of [-]."

"It would be great if my mother's hometown wasn't in Dalong, and it would be even better if it wasn't in Jiangnan."

"Misty Rain Jiangnan, the world is so beautiful, it's not beautiful at all!"

The empress stared blankly at Huyan Yunyao's lonely and helpless figure curled up in the brocade quilt, and at the two lines of tears that Huyan Yunyao slid down on the pillow. She doesn't look like a goblin at all, but looks like a helpless little girl, which is pitiful.

Perhaps her banditry is the best protection for herself.

I have collected thousands of loves and a whole body since I was a child, and I can't realize how harsh the environment where the little goblin grew up.

One bastard, such humiliating words, maybe other women have already been ashamed

"After all, you are the king of a country now, and you are destined to be alone. You have too many burdens on you."

"Your throne almost fell because of it, don't you hate him at all?"

"Jin Guo also almost fell under his cavalry, do you hate him?"


"His ruthlessness makes me feel strange!"

"Then why do you still come to Dalong to look for him?"

"Yue'er said that when he put his arms around his daughter to lull her to sleep in the Kingdom of Jin, he babbled some words in his sleep. Yue'er said that his father had his own difficulties, but she always believed that his father would not harm him."

"What did you say in your dream?"

"do not know!"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm coercing or insinuating, Yue'er is still unwilling to say what kind of nonsense he said in his sleep, which makes Yue'er so firmly believe that his father will not harm her!"

"Even if she personally leads troops to attack the country she will inherit in the future and almost destroys it, she still firmly believes in her father."

"I also don't know what kind of ecstasy drug was given to her unscrupulously."

"I would venture to ask, after your elder brother Huyan Chile passed away, it was not your turn to inherit the throne due to emotion and reason, why did you still inherit the throne, and why did you want to unify the world?"

"Because my brother told me that power can let the little goblin have everything he wants, and at that time the little goblin believed it."

"It's just that now it seems that my brother is wrong. Rights really can't have everything they want."

The empress looked at Huyan Yunyao in astonishment: "You are for this."

"Old woman, the little goblin is really envious of sister Yan Yu following Fan. They all put down the things within your majesty's fingertips and went to pursue the life they wanted."

"I am also willing to let go, but sometimes I question myself more than once, even if I let go, what can I get?"

"Just because of the so-called love, you can forgive him for conquering half of the Turks."

"No, I'm his junior. I've been with Dangyang Academy day and night for so long, and I understand that he is definitely not a pedantic person. Just like the question you asked him, what is behind his loyalty."


"I can't guess what the purpose of the senior brother is, but I can see one thing, the loyalty of the senior brother is far from what we see on the surface!"

"As the saying goes, great loyalty is like traitor, and vice versa?"

"Although I am younger than you, my experience has made me understand human nature better than you."

"As the empress of the Kingdom of Jin, you have been aloof for too long!"

(End of this chapter)

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