Chapter 1738
The queen looked at Huyan Yunyao's tender body curled up in the brocade quilt, and quietly exited the room, and closed the door, although she didn't know whether the little fairy was in a false sleep or really fell into a deep sleep.

But she knew maybe she should do something to help the goblin.

Love has always been yourself, saying that you are willing to share with others, but you love someone to the extreme, and you have to do it.

Does the empress care about Liu Mingzhi?

The answer is beyond doubt, quite care.

But she still wanted to do something to help the little fairy, not because the queen pity her.

Just because they are both fallen in the world.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Dalong people, there is no difference between Jin people and Turkic people.

All are aliens.

However, in Liu Mingzhi's eyes, how did he view the Kingdom of Jin and the Turks?Do you also treat the two countries as alien races, and what about the two of you?The best among aliens.

It should be that the two countries are treated as alien races, otherwise why must he be determined to destroy the Turks of the Jin Kingdom and help Dalong rule the world?

He kept telling himself that he had a very helpless and unavoidable difficulty, but what exactly was his difficulty?

He once said that he was his wife, since he was his wife, why did he keep it a secret from himself?
Is it just because she is the Empress of the Kingdom of Jin?

"Euphemisms are euphemisms. The emperor of the Jin Kingdom is the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, and they cannot be treated in a unified position. To put it bluntly, forgive me. I will never believe an emperor's words, because all my knowledge has told me a fact. The most ruthless emperor's family!"

"Li Zheng is also the emperor, don't you believe him?"

"Do not believe!"


"Because he brought me the closest I was to death. Although he is my father, I don't believe him."

"Just because he is the emperor?"

"Yes, it's as simple as that. In my impression, the emperor is synonymous with ruthlessness. Haven't you told me that yourself? It's not as simple as talking about being alone."

"Lonely family, you only have Jiangshan Sheji in your eyes, and the others are just vassals of Jiangshan Sheji."

"If you are just Wanyan Wanyan, Liu Mingzhi is willing to treat you with a heart-to-heart, but you are still the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin. Liu Mingzhi has never doubted his affection for Liu Mingzhi, but the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin has nothing but Liu Mingzhi in his eyes. In addition, there are Jiangshan Sheji."

"Liu Mingzhi, I said bluntly that even Jiangshan Sheji is willing to give it to you, but you still don't want to believe my sincerity to you?"

"I don't want to believe it!"

"Give me a reason."

"There is no reason. I politely say that I am willing to give up the country and society to Liu Mingzhi, but the emperor of the Jin Kingdom may not be willing, and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty in the Jin Kingdom will not be willing. The reason why I say this is because Li Yunlong also said before that as long as I am willing to assist him and give me half of the great dragon, but the moment he sits on the throne, I can clearly see the strong fear of me in his eyes, hiding a kind of desire to take me It's going to be cold after the weather, and he's only been emperor for a few days."

"You said, half of what a person pursues all his life has to be given to others after he gets it. Who would be willing, anyway, I, Liu Mingzhi, would not be willing."

"The deeds of Liu Bang and Han Xin also illustrate this point."

"Then how can we not distribute it to others?"

"Dead people, dead people don't ask others for things, but I, Liu Mingzhi, don't want to die."

"Although Wanyan is the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, the emperor of the Jin Kingdom is also Wanyan, but sometimes the emperor of the Jin Kingdom is just the emperor of the Jin Kingdom. At least in terms of his attitude towards Rondo, Wanyan Chizha, and Yaluha, I have witnessed it with my own eyes. What is an emperor."

"Furthermore, we have met so many times in private, and you have always come here in the capacity of Wanyan, not as the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin."

"Just like our bet this time, do you know bluntly? When you bet against me with the status of the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, Liu Mingzhi was sincerely afraid, because your status as the emperor at that moment made me feel the truth from you." It’s the same feeling from my father.”

"Whether it's loyal or treacherous, it will not end well at the extreme."

"Are you so sure that you will do something unfair to you after bluntly resuming your status as emperor?"

"I'm not sure, but I don't dare to bet. Liu Mingzhi is not alone. I can't afford to bet on Liu Mingzhi and his wife and children."

"To put it bluntly, how old are you? My young master has 5000 years of life experience in his mind."

"These 5000 years of knowledge tell me that anyone who talks to the emperor will never end well."

"At least an ordinary person can't do the act of using their children as a bargaining chip, but you did it, even if you have the ability to ensure that your daughter is safe, but you did it."

"At that time, all you could think about was how to use Yue'er as my daughter to drive a wedge between me and the emperor, so as to cause civil strife in Dalong, and let Jin Guo take advantage of it to achieve the goal of unifying the world. Have you ever thought that she is yours?" Your own flesh and blood, is your only daughter?"

"At that time, you were only the emperor of the Jin Kingdom. You only thought about how to fulfill your father's last wish, but you ignored that Yue'er was still your daughter."

"Whether you can guarantee the safety of your daughter has nothing to do with whether you use her to achieve your goals!"

"Leaving the dragon chair, you are Wanyan Wanyan, and sitting on the dragon chair, you are the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin."

"As for Yue'er, how dare you make me gamble with the whole family of Liu's family on who you will be after you rule the world?"

"So, whether it is the father, the emperor, or you, the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, I never believe it."

"I prefer to believe my previous cognition, Tianjia is ruthless."

"Wanyan, you finally came out, I thought the younger brother left you behind again, how is it? Did the younger brother fall asleep?"

The queen came back to her senses, looked blankly at Liu Mingzhi who was hugging her tightly in her arms, nodded and shook her head again.

For a while, Liu Mingzhi didn't notice that there was something wrong with the Queen's expression, so he lowered his head and kissed the Queen's cherry lips with a smile.

"My junior brother, I don't know if I took the wrong medicine after sweating, and my temper became like a woman."

"Liu Mingzhi!"

"Huh? Why did you suddenly become so serious? Do you think I just snubbed you? It's not my fault. The younger brother is here too. I can't be too wild, right? Well, I promise you, three or two radishes will make up for it." How are you?"

The queen broke free from Liu Mingzhi's embrace with all her strength, and looked at young master Liu with a bit of regret in her bright eyes.

"Liu Mingzhi, what are you planning? Can you tell Wanyan frankly? You make Wanyan very at a loss."

"Just like what you said, you can't figure out whether I'm Wanyan or the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, and likewise, Wanyan can't tell whether you are the King of Dragons or Liu Mingzhi."

"You make me flustered, you know that?"

Liu Mingzhi stared slightly, quietly looking at the pale face of the empress.

"Why did you suddenly talk about such a heavy topic? This is not in line with your previous personality."

"I don't want to talk about this, but you gradually made me unable to see your original face clearly. You kept saying how important it is to be polite and how much you love me and my daughter."

"But did you ever think about this when you led a million-strong army out of the border? Do you know how many soldiers and people of the Kingdom of Jin died because of your expedition this time?"

"Then do you know how many soldiers and common people were killed or injured by Dalong when you went south with your junior brother? Did Liu Mingzhi ever mention a complaint in front of you?"

"Wanyan politely, I hope you will keep what I said next firmly in your heart."

"I, Liu Mingzhi, will be a good husband and a good father, and will always be, but I, Liu Mingzhi, will definitely not be a good person."

"Also, let me teach you one more important thing."

"Benevolence is not humane."

"Because Daren is not benevolent, Liu Mingzhi will never be a good person. This is destined!"

"Believe it or not, now that Liu Mingzhi is dead, Dalong, Turkic, and Jin will only die more people?"

"I'm going to the study to deal with some things, whether to go back to rest or go together, it's up to you!"

The empress stared blankly at Liu Mingzhi's painful expression and was speechless. From Liu Mingzhi's back, he saw a kind of loneliness, a kind of incomprehensible loneliness.

Sighing, the queen murmured silently.

"The pain of one family brings joy to all families, and I have suffered it myself."

"Benevolent and unkind!"

(End of this chapter)

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