Chapter 1739

The queen hesitated for a moment, thinking that she hadn't mentioned her matters to the little goblin yet, and followed Liu Mingzhi unhurriedly after seeing Liu Mingzhi's back.

Liu Mingzhi took down a lantern from the buckle under the corridor and deliberately slowed down his pace, waiting for the empress to follow.

"Unconscionable, I'm sorry, the tone of the polite words just now was too aggressive, don't worry about it."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly, turned his head and glanced at the empress who looked a bit gloomy: "What? Don't call me by my name directly? Don't worry, I'm not so stingy, especially with my own woman. mean."

The empress looked at Young Master Liu's faint smile and sincere eyes, and then she heaved a sigh of relief.

"I don't have a conscience, why do I feel that there is something wrong with the way the little goblin looks at you? Although her tone is mostly joking, Wanyan always feels that there is a sense of seriousness in her joking words?"

The empress didn't say what she wanted directly, but instead slapped Liu Mingzhi sideways, wanting to see what kind of thoughts Young Master Liu had towards the little goblin.

Only by clarifying the unconscionable thoughts in my heart, can I control a measure, and slowly say what I want to express.

For this set, the empress who has been on the throne for more than ten years should not be too familiar with it, okay?

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the queen in surprise: "Why did you mention junior brother all of a sudden?"

"You can't be jealous. The woman in your name doesn't need to care about it, and she has no right to ask, but I don't want to watch you being divided. Although she is the emperor, she is also a woman. Women are selfish. .”

"I feel uncomfortable when I see the little goblin looking at you with abnormal eyes."

"Your senior brother, you call me so intimate, said, did you hook up with others when you were studying in Dangyang Academy? Are you still desperate and want to do something to others?"

Young Master Liu stared at the empress with anger in his eyes, and couldn't help laughing out of jealous resentment. He changed the lantern to his right hand, and gently took the empress's jade hand with his left hand and clenched it tightly.

"I don't know the so-called, don't think about it, who is the younger brother? It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the pride of the grassland. How could he fall in love with me as a married man? I know my own virtues, and I never expect to be a tiger. Shocking, the beauties all over the world are vying to hug each other."

"Junior brother is a prairie man. He is unrestrained and unrestrained. He used to be an official in Dalong in order to hide his identity and had to restrain himself. Now that he has regained his identity, it is only natural that his personality has become like a prairie man."

"You, don't eat Wumingfei vinegar."

Listening to Young Master Liu's self-deprecating words, the Queen's pretty face sank, she raised her other hand and twisted Liu Mingzhi's ear, and then hugged Young Master Liu's wrist tightly in her arms, her head lightened. Nestled gently on Liu Mingzhi's shoulder, like a little lover in love.

"What's wrong with you? The man I have Wanyan Wanyan is the most perfect man in the whole world. Looking around, there is no one who can compare."

"Hehe. It's too much for you to see Xi Shi in the eyes of a beholder. I can't be considered a perfect person."

"That's right, my wife's man must be, quickly say that you are the most perfect man in the world."

"Stop it, what a shame!"

"No, I'll just say it."

It was the first time for Liu Mingzhi to see the empress acting like a little girl like a spoiled child, he was so tortured that he could only nod with a wry smile.

"Okay, okay, I, Liu Mingzhi, am the most perfect man in the world, it's alright!"

"That's about the same. Having said that, it is said that the moon is the first to be close to the water. Although the little goblin is not as good as my old lady, but looking at the world, she is definitely the best beauty in the world. If you put such a charming beauty and junior sister in front of you, you don't have it." Do you have any other ideas? It is said that brothers and sisters are a natural pair, so you have never been tempted by her?"

"That's a cousin and a cousin, please don't use common sayings!"

"I don't care about it, you just say have you ever been attracted to her? If you say you are not attracted to a beautiful woman, you are not a man."

"I'll go, you've blocked the road for me, what can I say?"

"Look, I know that you are really tempted. Men are always willing to change their minds. When they see one, they love the other. There is no good thing."

"I, me, what the hell can you tell me to say? I didn't say anything, so you think I have something wrong with my junior!"

"Stop reasoning with my old lady. I won't listen to you. I want to listen to the truth. Have you ever been tempted by her? Be honest, don't lie to me!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the empress' bright eyes full of wisdom, bowed his head in thought for a while with a complex expression, shook his head and nodded again.

The queen looked at First Young Master Liu angrily: "No, what do you mean by shaking your head and nodding?"

Liu Mingzhi sighed lightly: "It's cloudy and foggy, so I can't tell the truth."

"Just like what you said, a man who is so charming and charming has been in front of him for so long, every man will have a little thought, unless he is an abnormal man, he will have no idea."

"But it was young, in my early 20s, and it was irresistible."

"Now? Any ideas?"

"I don't know. I'm getting older and I can't care about my children's private affairs anymore. Now I only think about how to handle the affairs of the world satisfactorily. Let everything else follow fate!"

"That means you still have her in your heart?"

"I can't tell, but now he is not just my little junior, but the king of a country. You are the ones who love each other, so don't mess with the mandarin ducks."

"What's wrong with the king of a country? As the emperor of Jin, isn't my mother also the king of a country, and she even gave birth to a daughter for you."

"The situation is different. The two of us are the first to get on the bus. The two of us are deeply in love with each other naturally, and we are different."

"Okay, okay, let's go to the study, let's not talk about these frivolous things, I will deal with the official duties accumulated in these days, you don't know, the civil and military documents of the Manchu Dynasty are flying to me like snowflakes, Both."

Liu Mingzhi suddenly thought of something, smiled helplessly, took out the key, opened the door and walked in.

"What are they? Why didn't you say anything?"

"It's nothing. We have said something before. We will not interfere with each other's government affairs. Don't ask. You know I can't tell you."

The empress snorted coquettishly, stepped into the study, Liu Mingzhi closed the door and followed in, lit a few candles in the study, and then opened the chair and sat down.

Watching the queen's curious eyes staring at the study layout, Liu Mingzhi smiled strangely twice and shook his head.

"It's not that I haven't been here before. I can still find treasures here. You look so seriously."

The queen nodded thoughtfully: "It's hard to say, if according to what Yue'er said, there are more treasures hidden in your small study than the dragon's inner vault."

"Treasures and rare treasures are not to be looked down on by euphemism, only those treasures that can enhance the national power, you know what the euphemism means."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and removed the plug on the stove, allowing the briquettes inside to fully burn.

Lifting the teapot on the stove and pouring two cups of tea, Liu Mingzhi took a sip and picked up the booklet on the side to look at the candlelight.

"Look at whatever you want, as long as you don't make a mess, I won't know where the original things were placed by you."

The empress's eyes lit up, and she glanced at First Young Master Liu who was looking through the official records of various ministries by the candlelight: "Aren't you afraid that I may see something I shouldn't?"

"Like it or not, I don't understand some things myself, so what can you do if you read it?"

"Look, after reading it, you should give up."

The empress watched Young Master Liu pick up the pen and start to circle, without hesitation, she started walking around Young Master Liu's study holding the candlestick.

It is rare to be unconscionably generous, and it is simply unreasonable not to grasp such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The lights were dim, and the two were doing their own things in the study.

After tossing around for a long time, the queen didn't find any treasures that satisfied her.

When the empress took out a large and neatly folded silk cloth from a brocade box, she looked through it curiously.

The empress put the candlestick aside and looked at the map on the silk cloth with expressions ranging from curiosity to astonishment, and finally to shock and even confusion.

"Not good."

The empress wanted to say something to Young Master Liu, but seeing Young Master Liu's rapt attention finally suppressed her behavior.

After an unknown amount of time, the Empress had replaced all the candles in the study with new ones, and there were still dozens of booklets piled up in front of Young Master Liu.

With suspicious eyes, the empress put the silk map in her hand back into the distance. Seeing that First Young Master Liu would not look like he could finish his life for a while, the empress covered her cherry lips and yawned. Go out the door.

As soon as the door was opened, the cold wind hit, the queen looked at the snowflakes flying in the sky and shivered, the snow stopped for less than two hours in the afternoon, and it snowed again!

Looking back at Liu Mingzhi's unawareness, carefully reviewing the notebook, the empress shook her head with complicated eyes, closed the door and walked slowly towards the courtyard of the wing.

"A courtier is so devoted to reviewing the papers, he really regards himself as the emperor, and I don't know what ecstasy drug Dalong gave you."

When the cock crowed for the third time, Liu Mingzhi put down the pen in his hand and stretched.

"Wanyan, what about you?"

Looking at the empty study room, Young Master Liu seemed to have reacted, opened the window to look at the sky outside, and saw the heavy snow outside the window, Liu Mingzhi sighed with a strange expression.

"I don't know if the consecutive heavy snowfalls this year will put pressure on the houses of the people. It seems that it is time for the household department to go down and visit."

Liu Mingzhi closed the window, yawned, and fell asleep on the table.

"Master, it's time to wash up!"

Liu Mingzhi sat up sleepily from the table, looked at the bright and majestic study room, rubbed his eyes and opened the door.

"How did the sky dawn so quickly?"

Ying'er walked into the study carrying hot water with a smile on her face.

"It's either that the dawn is fast, or the young master went to bed too late."

Ying'er looked at the candles in the study and smiled: "Needless to say, the young master must have gone to bed late."

Young Master Liu scratched his head in bewilderment, and after being groomed by Yinger, he rushed to the side room across the courtyard, opened the door, and the heat from the stove made the room as warm as spring.

"To put it bluntly, it's getting late, it's time to get up."

"Wanyan Wanyan, Huyan Yunyao, are you two going too far? This young master is the gentle man."

"Huh? Susu, Susu"

First Young Master Liu blankly wiped the nosebleed that was continuously dripping from his nose, and then looked at the big beauty who was entangled together on the bed.

"It must have gotten angry after staying up all night!"

"Brave. How dare you disturb Ben Khan's lucid dream. Ben Khan wants... ah."

"Little fairy, what's your name, it's disturbing."

Huyan Junyao looked at First Young Master Liu who was wiping his nose in the room with a hot face, and hurriedly covered her delicate body with a brocade quilt.

"When did you come in?"

"And the old woman, can you stop screaming, you and him even had a baby, what's there to scream about?"

"Ah? That's right!"

"What's so shy about my old lady, go back to sleep and give me some quilt!"

"O old woman, return the quilt to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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