My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1740 Will affect height

Chapter 1740 Will affect height

With an aggrieved expression, Liu Mingzhi rubbed his hot cheeks and exited the door of the wing room, and consciously closed the door behind him.

"Hiss. Are you weird about this young master? You obviously prepared two wing rooms, but who knew that you two really lived together at night, and you would get slapped in the face for no reason when you entered your woman's room. I am not wronged. !"

Thinking of just now when Huyan Yunyao got out of bed wrapped in a brocade quilt, she gave herself a big mouth with a quick movement, and then pointed at the doorway and said a word, so she could only back out in despair.

"Your sister, you can still be bullied by others in this young master's own home, so where the hell are you going to reason?"

Looking back at the door of the wing room with sad eyes, Young Master Liu stretched out his hand and waved it a few times, thinking about what kind of opportunity he should find to get the slap back, no, it must be doubled.

Young Master Liu's footsteps gradually disappeared, and Huyan Yunyao opened the door a small crack, watching the back of the senior brother who disappeared in the archway, slid weakly on the ground wrapped in a brocade quilt.

I was completely watched by my senior brother, and I have been watching for so long.

Thinking of the embarrassing scene just now, Huyan Yunyao held her chest and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm her beating heart.

"No, I remember that when I had a rest last night, I lay down with my clothes on, but what about my clothes?"

"It seems that those who have no conscience are not as indifferent to you as you said!"

Huyan Yunyao was startled, looking at the empress who had put on obscene clothes and got up at some point, seeing the narrow smile in the empress' bright eyes, Huyan Yunyao's beautiful eyes were stunned.

"What do you mean?"

The queen smiled faintly, leaning her willow waist and looking down at Huyan Yunyao, her slender fingers picked up Huyan Yunyao's white and tender chin and began to fiddle with it.

"Little fairy, don't forget that you owe my old lady a huge favor."

Huyan Junyao stared blankly at the beautiful figure of the queen standing in front of the dressing table and started tidying up, pondered for a moment thoughtfully, and finally scratched her head with an awkward expression.

"Obviously I was at a disadvantage and was seen by the senior brother, so why do I still owe you a favor?"

Young Master Liu rushed towards the front hall of the inner courtyard cursing all the way, washed the dry nosebleeds with cold water by the well on the way, and suppressed the anger in his heart under the stimulation of the cold water.

"Husband, wake up, my concubine has someone boil your face, Husband Lianzi?"

Young Master Liu looked at the strange eyes of the girls in the hall looking at the palm print on his left face, and smiled awkwardly: "Um, I want to say that I made it by beating mosquitoes, do you believe it or not?"

Qi Yun pondered for a while, as if she understood what was going on, looked at Young Master Liu with resentment and helplessness, and pushed the lotus seed porridge to Young Young Master Liu.

"Believe it, sisters, how dare you not believe it? It's just that I don't know if there are mosquitos infested here, but I saw a thief infesting the house!"

"Thief? What kind of thief? Although our guards are not as good as those in the palace, they are not bad. What little thief dares to come to our house!"

"Of course it's not an ordinary little thief, but an extraordinary thief!"

"The thief!"

"Hang Chi."

Young Master Liu almost choked on the porridge. He glanced around at the smirking behavior of the girls, and looked at Qi Yun, who was pretty and narrow-eyed, with a resentful expression. He picked up the egg in the middle and distributed it to the surrounding children.

"Come on, Yiyi, Feifei, Yaoyao, Yue'er, Yunxin, Chengfeng, Chengzhi, Chengqian, eat eggs, eggs are nutritious, eat more to grow your body."

"Thank you Daddy!"

The little cutie gently peeled off the egg shell in her hand, and looked at her father with a smile.

"Daddy, Yue'er hasn't come to Dalong for so long, I want to go out and have fun, is it possible?"

"Of course, you can go anywhere you want!"

"Really? Yue'er wants to go to Tianxiang Building with Uncle Three and brothers to find those beautiful sisters."

"Fart, you want to go to heaven!"

"Hmph, Daddy doesn't mean anything. What you said, Yue'er can go wherever she wants. No one can stand without faith, and Daddy doesn't mean anything by himself, so how can he educate his children? Mothers, what do you say? Isn't that the reason?"

Qi Yun, Qi Ya, and the girls from Qinglian held the spoons in their hands with weird faces. Nodding, no nodding, no nodding, so they could only look at the husband who was on the side.

First Young Master Liu looked at the little cutie's displeased expression with a stiff face, and nodded resentfully.

"Of course what Daddy says is true. You can go wherever you want. Of course you can go to Tianxiang Tower. Although you can go, Daddy advises you to not go!"

The little cutie's big eyes lit up first, and then looked at the old man in a daze.


"Because going to Tianxiang Tower will affect your height!"

"How is it possible? Why does going to Tianxiang Building affect your height? It doesn't make sense!"

"It makes sense, because I will discount your legs!"

Young Master Liu uttered the most ruthless words with the softest words, which made all the girls around him burst out laughing.

The father and daughter are gone.

The little cutie froze for a moment, seeing the gloomy light in her father's eyes, she hurriedly lowered her head and ate the egg.

After Liu Mingzhi finished his lotus seed porridge and ate some food, he wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief, raised his hand and patted the cute ball head with a smile.

"So, daddy always counts what he says. You can go wherever you want, but it's up to you whether you go or not."

"Daddy will never force it!"

The little cutie's body trembled, biting the egg and shaking her head non-stop.

"No, Yue'er won't go."

"This is a good boy, Daddy likes a good boy the most!"

"Yun'er, sister Ya!"

"What's the matter, husband?"

"It's time for the honored guests in the Kuayuan to get up. When the time comes, don't forget to ask the servants to prepare some food for you. Don't neglect it."

Qi Ya was startled, and subconsciously looked at Qi Yun who was beside her. She had been breastfeeding her child in the room, and she didn't know about the Queen and Huyan Yunyao!

Qi Yun gave her sister a look and looked at Liu Mingzhi with a faint smile: "Don't worry, my husband, I will personally take care of the two distinguished guests with my sister."

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, looking at the three princesses who had finished their breakfast and began to rinse their mouths with tea, as well as Qinglian and Wenren Yunshu.

"Yan'er, Lian'er, Yun Shu, prepare your luggage after eating, and go to the palace with your husband to present treasures to His Majesty!"

"Okay, I'm going to prepare now."

Watching the beautiful shadows of the three women walking towards their respective courtyards, Liu Mingzhi chased after Wenren Yunshu.

"Yun Shu!"

Wenren Yun Shu was startled, then turned around and looked at his sweetheart with a light smile.

Liu Mingzhi looked around, walked towards the Wenren Yun Shu in three steps in two steps, hugged the beauty into his arms, and kissed her bright red lips fiercely under the beauty's stunned expression go down.

After a long time, with a hot pretty face, Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and hooked Wenren Yunshu's nose.

"Shu'er, when this matter is over, let's consummate the house, okay? This is what I promised you. When I return from the expedition, I will give you a future!"

Wenren Yunshu's shy eyes were gradually replaced by water mist, she nodded fiercely, turned and ran towards her courtyard.

"Shu'er is waiting for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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