My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1741 The Atmosphere Is Wrong

Chapter 1741 The Atmosphere Is Wrong
Liu Mingzhi and Qinglian discussed for about half an hour, carefully discussing the steps in the palace before getting up and preparing to enter the palace!


Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at the jade hand of the third princess holding his wrist: "Yan'er, is there anything else? Could it be that what you said just now was not clear enough for your husband?"

The third princess looked at the bewildered husband angrily: "I understand, but you forgot what you said at the Palace of Qinzheng that day, you want to enter the palace to present treasures!"

The third princess let go of Young Master Liu's hand and spread her hands, her cherry lips pressed a few times, looking at the empty hands of Young Master Liu and the other three.

"Xianbao Xianbao, where is the baby? If you don't prepare everything, if someone notices something, you will be in trouble soon!"

Young Master Liu suddenly realized, raised his hand and patted his forehead: "Yes, yes, yes, right, right, I almost forgot the reason for entering the palace after discussing things, but Yan'er remembers clearly, look at the brain of my husband."

Liu Mingzhi looked around Qinglian's room, and saw the brocade box on the table shine brightly, and poured the jewelry inside on the table, Liu Mingzhi picked up a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake from the porcelain plate on the side and put it on the table. Inside the brocade box closed the lid.

"The treasure is here, you can enter the palace now!"

The three daughters of Qinglian stared blankly at the brocade box purchased by her husband, her forehead was covered with black lines, are you sure this is really okay?

"What are you in a daze for? Let's go. I have to prepare armor for Lian Er and Yun Shu. If you delay, it will be dark."

After finishing speaking, First Young Master Liu walked towards the door with the brocade box in his arms, and Qinglian and the three daughters could only follow behind with twitching lips when they saw this.

I can only pray in my heart that the action of entering the palace will go smoothly, and don't make any troubles.

Once the news of using the sweet-scented osmanthus cake as a treasure gets out, the face of both the palace and the side-by-side king will only be affected. Although it will not be embarrassing, it will definitely make people laugh
Among the personal soldiers, Young Master Liu picked out two armors with breast guards for the two girls and put them on his body. There was nothing he could do about it. The figures of the two women were too protruding, and armor without breast guards was easy You can see that something is wrong.

Everything was ready, and the Third Princess Liu, who was dressed in dragon robes and phoenix robes, drove slowly towards the palace with two handsome soldiers in a carriage.

After a few sticks of incense, the carriage stopped steadily outside the palace gate.

"The last general Yang Tai will meet with the side-by-side Wang Qiansui, Your Highness the Third Princess!"

"We pay our respects to the prince and the princess!"

"All free!"

"Thank you prince, thank you princess!"

Liu Mingzhi tidied up the cloak behind him, shivered and looked at the icy and snowy imperial city, the weather just after snowfall was really terribly cold.

After getting out of the carriage, the cold wind kept pouring into the clothes from any gap.

"Yang Tai, you are on duty again today. It has snowed heavily one after another, so it's quite cold standing outside guarding the palace gate!"

"Returning to the lord, there is nothing to do here when the last general is on duty. No matter how cold it is, he has to guard it. Who let the last general eat this bowl of rice with his brothers! Fortunately, there are three posts a day, and someone will replace the last general in half an hour." It will be."

"Thanks for your hard work. This king abides by the agreement and will present the treasure to His Majesty in three days. Now that the time has expired, this king can only go out in the severe cold. Move the horse away!"

Yang Tai nodded slightly, his eyes fixed on the brocade box in Liu Mingzhi's hand, the meaning was self-evident.

Liu Mingzhi handed the brocade box to Yang Tai with a strange expression: "It's OK to check, but you can't open it. The treasures inside cannot be seen. Only His Majesty can see it in person."

Yang Tai, who was about to check, froze, and looked at First Young Master Liu in embarrassment, unable to open the brocade box to see if the contents would be harmful to His Majesty.

The third princess sighed helplessly: "Commander Yang, don't you feel relieved that I am here?"

"I dare not!"

Yang Tai hesitated for a moment, held the brocade box and shook it by his ear a few times, listening to the dull and light echo in the brocade box, Yang Tai was relieved.

Based on his experience, he can immediately feel that the items in the brocade box are definitely not sharp weapons that can cause harm to people.

As for the poison, Yang Tai was not worried, there were so many eunuchs in the palace who had ways to check whether the treasures in the brocade box were highly poisonous.

Yang Tai returned the brocade box to First Young Master Liu with a sullen expression on his face: "My lord, the last general has been rude. It's my duty. I hope my lord will not be offended!"

"It's okay, can I enter the palace now?"

"My lord, please wait a moment!"

Yang Tai skipped the three princesses, and walked towards Qinglian and Wenren Yunshu who were wearing armor behind them.

"Brothers, you are offended, raise your hands, the general will search you!"

Liu Mingzhi frowned. It's okay for his woman to be searched by other men. Doesn't it mean that he has to touch everything that should be touched and should not be touched.

"Yang Tai!"

Yang Tai, who was about to search the two women, was startled, turned around and looked at Liu Mingzhi in confusion.

"My lord, what's wrong?"

"You are spoiling my king!"

Yang Tai looked at First Young Master Liu, whose gaze suddenly became dignified, and couldn't help but panic: "My lord, forgive me, where did you start talking about this? How dare the general dare to disrespect the lord!"

Liu Mingzhi took out his Tiger Talisman of the Three Armies from his bosom and placed it in front of Yang Tai, his expression a little dull.

"Yang Tai, if this king wants to harm His Majesty, do we need to use some indecent means? Who do you take this king for?"


"Captain Yu, Captain Wen, protect the princess, follow me into the palace!"


Yang Tai looked at the backs of the four people rushing straight towards the palace gate, his expression was a little stiff and helpless.

"Commander, what should we do?"

Yang Tai glanced at the lieutenant beside him, and sighed faintly.

"What should we do? Continue to stand on guard. The prince is right. He really wants to harm His Majesty, so there is no need to use indiscriminate methods."

"What's more, there are three princesses following!"

"Perhaps it's time for the general to learn to be flexible. Judging by Wang Ye's face just now, I'm afraid this general's distrustful behavior has completely angered the Wang Ye!"

"Hey! I've offended the one-word side-by-side king, I'm afraid the general will have a hard time in the future!"

The deputy general looked at Yang Tai's wry smile and didn't know how to persuade him for a while.

First Young Master Liu, who was the first to rush towards the harem, suddenly paused, looked around the surrounding palace walls with piercing eyes, and then pulled the three princesses into his arms.

"Husband, let go, this is in the palace, not at home!"

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and turned to face Qinglian behind him. Wenren Yunshu said, "Back, walk back towards the palace gate. There's something wrong with the atmosphere in the palace. I feel a chilling smell for my husband!"

The two women were stunned, their pretty eyes immediately became dignified, looked around the surrounding environment and retreated lightly towards the palace gate a hundred paces away.

Liu Mingzhi hugged the third princess tightly, followed the two girls and walked towards the palace gate.

The other two women are all masters of the third rank, but the third princess is a weak woman who has no strength to restrain a chicken, so Liu Mingzhi naturally dare not be careless.

The third princess looked at the solemn husband in astonishment: "Husband, what happened!"

"Shh, talk about it later!"

Liu Mingzhi glanced inadvertently at the palace wall of the imperial city, looking at the figures of the imperial guards flashing on the palace wall from time to time, Liu Mingzhi finally understood where the strange feeling came from!
I lead a maximum of one million soldiers, and I know the deployment of troops the most. I just glanced at them casually and realized that the number of Imperial Guards on the palace wall is at least [-]% more than before.

There is no foreign enemy, and there is no internal strife. It is obviously unreasonable for nearly half of the imperial guards to be in the palace.

Whether it was accidental or intentional, Liu Mingzhi didn't care anymore, he only knew that no matter what the situation was, he had to figure it out before he could enter the palace!

Looking at the palace gate that was motionless and closed dozens of steps away, Liu Mingzhi also muttered in his heart, could it be that he was thinking too much.

That being the case, what is the reason for the situation of the Praetorian Guard?
Thinking of Queen Ren Qingrui's order to mobilize the Forbidden Army, Liu Mingzhi stared, his face darkened, he hugged the third princess tightly and quickened his pace!

(End of this chapter)

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