My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1742 Is It A Coincidence?

Chapter 1742 Is It A Coincidence?
Yang Tai was secretly regretting why he had to be so serious with the side-by-side king?

Since he entered the court, the king has assisted the three emperors successively, and has never committed any disobedience. He has won the favor of the three emperors, so how could he do something unfavorable to His Majesty?
It's all right now, does it count as offending the side-by-side king to death?
"Commander Yang!"

"What's the matter? I didn't see that the general was bothering the king. My lord, why are you back?"

Yang Tai originally thought it was the brothers around him calling him, so he subconsciously scolded him in a depressed mood, but when he saw the appearance of the Jiaolongpao and Young Master Liu in front of him, he was shocked, and looked at Young Master Liu anxiously. .

Liu Mingzhi let go of the third princess, and slowly walked a few steps towards the outside of the palace gate, looking around the city walls on both sides of the palace gate calmly.

"Yang Tai, what day is it today? Why did I see that there were [-]% more imperial guards in the palace? Could something be wrong in the palace?"

Yang Tai looked at Liu Mingzhi who looked puzzled and shook his head hastily: "No, nothing, everything in the palace is quiet, and nothing happened."

"Then this Imperial Guard?"

"Hehe, my lord, it's a pity that you were the left servant of the household department before! Don't you remember what day of the year it is today at all?"

Liu Mingzhi was stunned for a moment, then murmured in his heart and began to think: "What day is today?"

Mu Ran and Liu Mingzhi looked at Yang Tai with a sudden realization: "This king remembered, today is the day when the Ministry of Households pays the imperial guards rounds, and it will be Chinese New Year soon, so it's time to pay the wages."

"My lord is right. The Chinese New Year is coming soon. The left servant of the household department, Mr. Pan Yunpan, who replaced you, is leading the officials of the department of household affairs to issue salaries to the soldiers of the imperial guards on the tower."

"It turns out that this king has been away from the court for a long time, and he forgot all about this matter. When he came back, he was still wondering."

Yang Tai scratched his forehead, and looked at Liu Mingzhi in surprise: "Speaking of which, the generals are wondering, why did you come out just after entering the palace, my lord? After such a short time, I'm afraid even the Lin'an Gate would Didn't go in!"

Liu Mingzhi smiled wryly: "This king is also helpless, the winter is dry, and this king drank a few more cups of tea in the morning, which made him suddenly urgent to urinate."

"What kind of place is that in the palace? Isn't it a place where a healthy man can take off his clothes and belts? He can only go back and forth. He plans to settle it outside before entering the palace. After all, when he is presenting treasures, he suddenly needs to urinate, which can be troublesome." gone."

"Understand, understand, people have three urgencies. There is a dry toilet in the alley that turns left [-] steps southwest of the palace gate. It is for the brothers to solve the troubles when they are on duty. If the prince doesn't mind the filth, he can go to make it convenient."

"Okay, it's time to work, the king will come back as soon as he goes."

"My lord, please!"

Liu Mingzhi led the third princess and walked towards the southwest direction of the palace gate, and glanced back at the tall palace wall, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Is it a coincidence?

But if the payment of the salary is a coincidence, what is going on with the faint killing spirit?

Otherwise, Liu Mingzhi may not feel it, but he has experienced hundreds of battlefields, big and small, and he already has a very sensitive intuition for the chilling aura.

Is it my own illusion?

"Shu'er, come here, I have something to tell you about my husband!"


Although the two of them are still not married, they have gradually gotten used to addressing them.

Under the bewildered gazes of the three princesses Qinglian and the other two, Liu Mingzhi secretly gave Wenren Yunshu a seal, and then whispered instructions in his ear for a moment.

After a while, Wenren Yunshu's expression was solemn and worried with a hint of unconfidence.

"Liu Lang, I'm afraid I can't handle it well!"

"Shu'er, I believe that you can do it yourself, and I also believe that you can do it for your husband. If you encounter a sudden change, your husband's wealth and life will be in your hands!"

"trust yourself!"

Wenren Yunshu nodded heavily, his gaze became firm.

"Shu Qie understands, I am waiting for your signal!"

"Safe travels."

"Well! I understand now."

The three sisters of Princess Qinglian came to look at Wenren Yunshu's moving figure and looked at Liu Mingzhi in surprise.

"Husband, sister Yun Shu?"

"She's going to do something. My husband always feels that the empress will not be so easy to capture. Maybe she has been arranging something since we retreated from the palace three days ago. It may be that my husband is worrying too much, but be careful. After all, it is a good point, after all, the safety of His Majesty is still in the Queen's hands."

"Let's go to the palace first, and act according to my wink."


There were four of them when they went there, but only three of them came back, Yang Tai didn't think too much about it, it's only natural that King Side Shoulder ordered his own soldiers to do some private affairs.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the imperial guards on both sides of the palace grounds as usual, and he was slightly relieved when he saw that their expressions were as normal as usual.

I wish I had thought too much.

"My lord, wait for us, we will enter the palace with you."

Liu Mingzhi paused, and turned to look around with a faint smile on his face when he heard the familiar voice behind him.

"Old Zhou, we meet again."

Old Zhou's hunched body stopped in front of Young Master Liu, and his old eyes looked around at the majestic Qinzheng Hall in the distance.

"I haven't been back for a long time, and the palace is still as majestic as ever."

"Mr. Zhou, you. Are you Mr. Zhou?"

Lao Zhou looked at the three princesses and looked at him in surprise. He hastily straightened his clothes and knelt down to Li Yan.

"Zhou Fei, the head of the Internal Attendant Zeng Baoyin, pays homage to Her Royal Highness, a thousand years old."

The third princess hastily supported Lao Zhou who was kneeling on the ground: "Old Zhou, hurry up and forgive me, I dare not take this great gift."

"Princess, you don't need to be courteous to this old slave. Although we are no longer the head of the house, we are still the slaves of the Li family. A slave should salute when he sees his master."

"We are getting old, I don't know if we will have a chance to see Princess Zunyan again in the future, let the old servant worship the princess this time!"

"We have watched the princes and princesses grow up since we were young, and now we can see the princesses are well, it's great!"

The third princess looked at Lao Zhou's sincere and respectful gaze, and nodded with a slightly sour phoenix eye.

"Okay, I accept this gift, I accept it!"

"Thank you princess!"

Lao Zhou tidied up his robe and looked at Liu Mingzhi: "My lord, let's go face the saint!"

"Okay, let's go together!"

"My lord, please!"


This time when Lao Zhou came to clean up the house, Liu Mingzhi felt more at ease. With Lao Zhou, an innate master, by his side, even if some sudden change happened, he could rest assured.

As for whether Lao Zhou would be in cahoots with Ren Qingrui, Liu Mingzhi never doubted it.

Liu Mingzhi knew that in Lao Zhou's heart, only the royal family was the most important thing. Ren Qingrui, the demon queen who bewitched the king's heart, would only be at odds with Lao Zhou. This was due to his confidence in his father, Li Zheng.

How could a person who had been silently guarding the tomb for three years for the sake of his master's death betray his master's family?

Because they didn't know where Li Ye was now, the four of them didn't go to Qinzheng Palace, but detoured to Ning'an Palace.



"Eunuch Fu, the little days are still so pleasant!"

Fu Hai, who was playing mahjong with a group of young eunuchs, paused, and hurriedly turned to look towards the palace gate.

"My lord! Three princesses!"

"I don't know, my lord, the third princess is here, we are not far away to welcome you."

"Little Fuzi, it seems that you have lived up to your name. You are truly blessed to be able to stay in the palace and enjoy wealth!"

"Old, old ancestor?"

"Little Fuzi sees the ancestors."

"Get up!"

"Thank you, ancestor."

"Eunuch Fu, where is His Majesty now? Please go and report, Liu Mingzhi will abide by the agreement and come to present treasures to His Majesty!"

"Yes, yes, please wait a moment, we will report to His Majesty immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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