Chapter 1743
Fu Hai went to the harem to inform Young Master Liu of his arrival. After he left, the three young eunuchs who played mahjong with him hurriedly entertained the three of them tremblingly.

Those who served tea served tea, and those who moved stools moved stools, taking care of them quite well.

Lao Zhou, who was sipping tea, paused suddenly, his old eyes flashed a frightening light, and subconsciously glanced around Ning'an Palace.

"Your Highness, Your Royal Highness, and this little girl, you must follow us closely when you enter the palace, do you understand?"

Liu Mingzhi was savoring the aroma of tea, when he heard Lao Zhou's words, his eyes suddenly focused, he kneaded the cup in his hand and held his breath to feel it, but he didn't notice anything except the whistling wind.

"Old Zhou, has something happened?"

Lao Zhou nodded with complicated eyes: "It seems that the situation in the palace is really in chaos as the prince said."

"Although the soldiers don't know what's hidden in it, the power of the Son of Heaven is actually in the hands of a mere girl. It's really... alas."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Lao Zhou quietly, knowing that his innate sensory sensitivity was by no means comparable to his own. Since he said that, he must have sensed something was wrong. He nodded slightly at Lao Zhou as a response He himself has understood.

Because of Lao Zhou's words, Liu Mingzhi and his wife became more cautious, and drinking the mellow tea became a bit dull.

A pot of tea did not go down until it was cold.

"My lord, third princess, old ancestor, we are back, Your Majesty is waiting in the imperial study!"

Liu Mingzhi stood up abruptly, staring quietly at Fu Hai who was panting.

"Eunuch Fu, is there nothing going on in the palace?"

"No, but it seems that there are a few more waves of guards patrolling suddenly, and we don't know what's going on!"

Liu Mingzhi's pupils shrank: "Did you meet anyone when you went to report to His Majesty?"

"We met the empress who came out of His Majesty's study in a hurry. The empress' face seemed to be scolded by her majesty at that time, with an extremely obvious expression of dissatisfaction. We didn't dare to ask any more questions. We bowed and then left. opened."

"Then have you seen where the empress is leaving?"

"We don't know, but according to the direction of that road, it is very likely to be the direction of Chongming Palace!"

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and instinctively looked at Lao Zhou, only to see that Lao Zhou's expression was a little complicated.

Liu Mingzhi knew where the Chongming Palace was, and Lao Zhou, who had been the head of the palace for more than 30 years, knew even more.

It was the palace where more than a dozen commanders of the imperial guards changed their shifts.

Thinking of the emperor's decree in Ren Qingrui's hand, and of the sudden increase of patrolling guards in the palace that Fu Hai just said, Liu Mingzhi took a few deep breaths.

"Old Zhou, since His Majesty is waiting for us in the Imperial Study, let's hurry over there as well, so Your Majesty won't have to wait!"

Lao Zhou nodded solemnly, hung his figure tightly beside the third princess, and followed Young Master Liu all the way to the royal study in the harem.

Even though Liu Mingzhi was overwhelmed in his heart, he knew that the most urgent task right now was to solve the problem of Gu worms in Li Ye's body.

Only when the Gu worm in Li Ye's body is resolved, the constraints from Ren Qingrui will disappear and become invisible in an instant.

So what about the emperor's order, as long as Li Ye appeared in the palace, the emperor's order would be described as empty.

The premise is that Li Ye's safety is not in the control of Ren Qingrui or the people behind Ren Qingrui.

"Lian'er, how sure are you that you can help His Majesty get rid of the Gu worms in his body?"

Qinglian patted her arm with a relaxed yet dignified expression, it was where the little dragon lay.

"It should be [-]% sure. Anyway, since the concubine has practiced Gu art, there is no Gu insect in the world that is Xiaolong's opponent."

"I have said before that there are kings for people, and there are also Gu kings for Gu insects. Xiaolong deserves to be watched by the Gu insects. Even the Sacred Heart Gu is also a subject in front of it. However, I can only say that I should be [-]% sure. After all, the world is so big that there are no surprises, if the Gu worm in Your Majesty's body is a Gu worm I have never heard of or seen before, it will definitely take time to figure out its habits when dealing with it!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, and quickened his pace with a calm expression.

After two cups of tea, the four of them came to the gate of the imperial study.

"Chen Liu Mingzhi came to present the treasure, see Your Majesty, long live long live!"

"Concubine Liu's Li Yan sees Your Majesty, long live long live!"

"Old slave Zhou Fei greets His Majesty, long live long live!"

"Free gift, all free gift quickly!"

As soon as the three of them finished speaking, Li Ye's voice came from the hall, and then the figure with Li Ye's face hurriedly appeared in the main hall to greet the four of them.

"Uncle, aunt, you are finally here, I thought you would not come!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Li Ye's pale and bloodless cheeks in astonishment. Compared with three days ago, Li Ye's haggard face was a bit frightening.

"Your Majesty, your body?"

The third princess hurried up to support Li Ye.

"Your Majesty Ye, is your dragon body okay?"

"Auntie, there is a worm in Ye'er's chest. I don't know why there is a worm in his chest. This worm tortured Ye'er so much that he couldn't live or die, and it made Ye'er feel so painful!"

The face of Lao Zhou on the side changed in shock and he strode forward, grabbing Li Ye's wrist.

"Your Majesty, the old slave is rude!"

Lao Zhou put his finger on Li Ye's pulse and paused for a moment, his face darkened: "It really is a Gu worm. How dare you dare to plant such evil things in the body of the Son of Heaven. You should be punished for your crime!"

"Your Majesty, be patient, this old servant can try to use his internal force to temporarily imprison this Gu worm, so that this expert can get Gu for you later!"

Li Ye nodded hurriedly, and looked around the imperial study room in horror: "Grandpa Zhou, save me quickly, if I fight against the queen, a man in black will play a harsh tune in my ear with a flute, The worms in my body hurt me so much that I want to die!"

"The queen took my emperor's order without authorization, and now many eunuchs don't listen to me!"

"Just now, the queen asked me to deliver the decree, uncle, you are not allowed to enter the palace to offer treasures. I endured the torture of the bugs in my chest and refused to agree. The queen walked out angrily, and I don't know where she went!"

Liu Mingzhi looked around with a gloomy expression, and walked towards the hall while protecting Li Ye.

"Old Zhou, be careful that the walls have ears, the apse is busy!"

Lao Zhou also reacted: "It's still the prince who is thoughtful, Your Majesty, let's go to the apse first!"

Several people hurriedly walked towards the hall, Li Ye found a chair and sat down, looking hopefully at the solemn old Zhou.

"Grandpa Zhou, save me quickly!"

"Your Majesty, the old slave is rude!"

Lao Zhou's eyes were deep, and he directly pulled off the dragon robe on Li Ye's chest with both hands. Looking at the abnormal bulge on Li Ye's smooth chest, Lao Zhou's expression became more dignified again. My heart is so close, a careless word can be...
Seeing this situation, Lao Zhou, a very confident innate master, couldn't help hesitating.

This is a matter of life and death.

Liu Mingzhi quietly approached Qinglian: "Lian'er, can you see what kind of Gu worm it is!"

"You can only know by looking at His Majesty's blood. It's hard to say now, heart-piercing Gu, heart-eating Gu, holy heart Gu, heart-rotting Gu. There are more than a dozen types of Gu insects!"

"It's so close to the heart, it seems that the people behind the scenes are always on guard against someone trying to relieve His Majesty!"

"What will happen if you can't dispel the Gu in time?"

"The heart veins are damaged, and the gods can't save them! Put the Gu worms on the heart veins, and the person who raised the Gu can be said to be an extremely vicious and vicious person!"

"The person who played the Gu clearly wanted to control His Majesty, the pain of the Gu insect's backlash is not something ordinary people can bear!"

(End of this chapter)

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