Chapter 1745
The voice of the imperial guard suddenly came from outside the imperial study room, which made Liu Mingzhi faintly feel something bad in his heart. He looked gloomyly at Li Ye who was tortured by Gu insects on the ground, and Liu Mingzhi looked anxiously at him. Qinglian!
"Lian'er, relieve Your Majesty of the Gu as soon as possible. No matter what happens outside the palace, don't be distracted. Everything has its own destiny. Your task is to help Your Majesty get rid of the Gu in his body as soon as possible!"

"I understand, my husband, be careful!"

Qinglian turned her head to look at Li Ye who was rolling on the carpet, and tapped several acupoints on Li Ye's body with her fingers.

"Your Majesty, offended!"

"The Gu worm is attached to your heart veins. It will take some time to pull him out, and there will be some pain in it. I hope His Majesty can bear it."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Qinglian who had already started to help Li Ye get rid of Gu, and looked at the third princess who looked worried.

"Yan'er, before the imperial guards have gathered in the imperial study, you should go to the empress mother and the emperor's wife right now, and invite them here. My husband guesses that they will most likely need to show up for a while later. opportunity."

"Okay, I understand, I will go right away!"

At this moment, the third princess couldn't care less about telling Liu Mingzhi to take care of herself, she tidied up her palace clothes and trotted towards Nangong Meng and Chen Jie's bedroom.

Liu Mingzhi slowly untied the Heavenly Sword from his waist and looked at Lao Zhou who was beside him.

"Old Zhou, let's go to the front of the hall first! We can delay for a while, as long as the imperial guards don't rush in, we will stand still."

Lao Zhou glanced worriedly at Qinglian who was doing some puzzling behavior, nodded and followed Young Master Liu towards the front of the Royal Study Room.

Although I am a congenital master, I know nothing about Gu poison technique.

I know what I know, but I really don't know how to solve myself.

If it is planted in his body, he can use his internal force to force it out, but His Majesty has no martial arts skills at all, so he can only let the side-shoulder king, a concubine who is proficient in the art of poisonous poisoning, help to deal with the Gu insects in His Majesty's body.

The two of Liu Mingzhi stopped in front of the imperial study room, and one of them waited at the side of the door, listening quietly to the footsteps outside the imperial study room.

The footsteps of the imperial guards became more and more intensive, and the expressions of the two of them naturally became more dignified.

They were not worried that the imperial guards would rush in and surround them, but they were worried that the imperial guards would be fooled and regard them as thieves who murdered Li Ye.

Hearing Li Ye's heart-piercing roar from the back of the palace, the hearts of the two were also tightly twisted together.

With such a movement, those who don't know will definitely think that the people in the palace are doing something unfavorable to Li Ye.

Ask yourself, if you were the Imperial Guard outside the palace, you would definitely think wrong without knowing the truth.

"Quick, surround the Imperial Study Room!"

Hearing more and more footsteps outside the hall, Liu Mingzhi's expression turned dark.

The imperial guards patrolled the Ouchi Imperial Palace non-stop for twelve hours, and it was not a surprise to find Li Ye's shrill voice in the imperial study room. After all, they wanted to protect Li Ye's safety. He is not worthy to wear the armor of the imperial army.

However, the time from discovering the movement of the imperial study to the time when the imperial guards gathered in the imperial study was not too short.

The imperial palace is not big if you say it is small, and it is not small if you say it is small. It is really unreasonable for all the forbidden troops of such a scale to come in such a short period of time.

If it were Li Yunlong, it is understandable that Li Bohong and his brothers did not rebel before the group of forbidden troops could be so fast, but now half of the forbidden troops are recruits who have just been recruited, so their speed is too fast.

It's shockingly fast.

Compared with the group of tiger and wolf divisions under his command, the elite army is not much better.

Thinking of what Fu Hai said earlier, Liu Mingzhi frowned.

It seems that the sudden addition of patrolling guards in the harem is not accidental!

Liu Mingzhi was able to estimate the approximate number of footsteps outside the hall based on his experience as a leader, and Lao Zhou could also detect the approximate number of troops outside the Imperial Study Room by relying on his innate master perception.

"My lord, the situation is not very good. There are at least [-] imperial troops encircling the imperial study in the gaps between the various palaces connected by the imperial study. There are still a large number of footsteps after passing the location of the Fude palace. It is approaching the Royal Study Room."

"It seems that our every move is under the control of Queen Ren Qingrui. Although the imperial army is elite, they can gather tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in the palace in less than a stick of incense."

"We estimate that in all likelihood, we have fallen into the queen's trap."

"With 2 people, we still have the strength to fight. If there are [-] people, we can still take the head of the general. If there are more, we have no choice but to find a way to escape."

"If we want to leave, it's easy, but His Majesty, you and the princess are at risk."

Liu Mingzhi nodded solemnly: "Now I can only rely on Lian'er to help His Majesty get rid of the Gu poison in his body as soon as possible. As long as His Majesty's safety is out of the control of the man in black he said, there will be insufficient guards outside the palace." For worry."

"No matter how powerful the order of the emperor is, it can't compare with His Majesty's presence in person."

Old Zhou nodded heavily: "Then delay, Ruizong, Wuzong has a spirit in the sky, and must protect His Majesty from the predicament."

The footsteps outside the imperial study room gradually subsided, and there was only a little noise. Liu Mingzhi and Lao Zhou jumped in their hearts, knowing that the forbidden army outside should have already arranged an offensive and defensive formation.

Sure enough, the sound of footsteps outside the hall was less than half a cup of tea, and an energetic voice shouted from outside.

"Minister, Tong Yang, the commander of the imperial guards, has come to see His Majesty the Emperor, may I ask if His Majesty is safe and sound?"

Li Ye at the back of the hall was tortured to death by Gu insects, so naturally he didn't have the strength to answer Tong Yang's question outside the hall.

"Minister, Tong Yang, the commander of the imperial guards, has come to see His Majesty the Emperor, may I ask if His Majesty is safe and sound?"

There was no reply to the two consecutive inquiries, Tong Yang frowned and put his hand on the handle of the knife: "There is something wrong with the situation in the Imperial Study Room, order the brothers to prepare to rescue His Majesty!"


The deputy commander of the capital, You Wenzhuo, waved the command flag in his hand to convey Tong Yang's order. For a while, Yang Tai and other five imperial guards commanders immediately ordered the impenetrable imperial guards surrounded by the imperial study to prepare for an offensive formation.

Hearing the sounds of swords and soldiers unsheathing and bows and arrows being wound outside the hall, Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath, opened the hall door and walked out.

"You are presumptuous, without His Majesty's order, who allowed you to gather in large numbers to surround the Imperial Study Room? Do you want to rebel?"

Looking at Liu Mingzhi who walked out of the palace in a fast pace, except for Yang Tai, the other generals of the Forbidden Army were a little surprised. They didn't know when Young Master Liu would enter the palace.

Tong Yang, the commander of the capital, saluted First Young Master Liu with a sword in hand.

"At the end of the day, Tong Yang, the commander of the forbidden army, will meet the King of the Side-by-Shoulders, thousands of years old."

"Free gift!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

Liu Mingzhi looked around at the Imperial Army that surrounded the Imperial Study Room, and exhaled lightly: "General Tong, what is the meaning of this? You led troops to surround the Imperial Study Room for no reason. Do you know what crime it is?"

"Reporting to the prince, the general will naturally know, but"

The same look hesitated and looked into the imperial study room: "But the general heard the report from the patrolling soldiers. There was a strange noise in the imperial study room. It seemed to be His Majesty's voice, and it seemed that His Majesty was enduring great pain!"

"The general was worried that some thieves would kidnap His Majesty, so he had to bring troops to escort him."

"Oh? General Tong's words, this king is the thief who kidnapped His Majesty?"

"Don't dare, the last general has no such intentions. Dare I ask if His Majesty is well now? Can the last general bring someone to pay his majesty well?"

"Your Majesty's dragon body is unwell. This king is getting someone to heal His Majesty. It is inconvenient to disturb you at this time. Can you wait a moment?"

(End of this chapter)

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