My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1746 What a coincidence

Chapter 1746 What a coincidence
Liu Mingzhi also wanted Tong Yang and other generals of the Forbidden Army to enter the Imperial Study Room to take a look at Li Ye, so that they could feel at ease.

But Liu Mingzhi was worried that some of these generals would have been bought by Ren Qingrui and the people behind the scenes. If they joined forces with Ren Qingrui and the others to conspire against Li Ye, even if he had [-] mouths, he would say I don't know.

The person who treated Li Ye was Qinglian, and Qinglian was her concubine. Li Ye who treated Li Ye died young, and he could bear the charge, but he couldn't afford it.

That's why Liu Mingzhi can only procrastinate, if he can procrastinate for a while!

Tong Yang looked hesitantly at First Young Master Liu who was standing straight outside the palace gate, and thought of Liu Mingzhi's prestige in the court in the past, and slightly compromised: "Dare to ask the prince how long it will take, if it is just a moment, it will be long." If not, please forgive me and I will not agree."


Liu Mingzhi also hesitated, and looked back at the position of the apse. He didn't know exactly how long it would take for Qinglian to help Li Ye unravel the Gu. If it took too long, I'm afraid that his prestige would not be able to deter the generals of the Forbidden Army at all.

"As soon as possible, my king."

"My lord, please forgive me for not being able to agree in the end. I won't be able to see your majesty in the time of a cup of tea. I can only do my duty faithfully."


Li Ye's roar suddenly came from the imperial study room, and the pain in the voice was clearly heard by those who were closer outside the hall.

Liu Mingzhi's expression changed in surprise, Tong Yang's expression changed in the same way, and they suddenly looked towards the apse of the Imperial Study.

Tong Yang held the weapon in his hand and looked straight at Liu Mingzhi: "My lord, the general must go into the palace to check, please forgive me."

"Brothers, I will enter the palace to escort you!"


Liu Mingzhi strode across in front of Tong Yang and the others, stopping them from entering the hall.

"My lord, what do you mean? The lord repeatedly prevented the general from entering the palace to check on His Majesty's safety, which made the general suspicious."

"General Tong, since this King Zi entered the dynasty, including His Majesty has assisted three generations of kings, have you ever had a disobedient heart, have you ever committed an act of killing the king? I think General Tong has something to do with the fact that your Majesty's dragon body is sick." I heard that this king is really asking someone to help His Majesty cure his illness, please believe in this king."

"My lord, it's not that the last general doesn't want to believe my lord, it's because His Majesty's voice seems to have endured a great deal of torture, and the last general doesn't want to make trouble with my lord, so I ask my lord to get out of the way, don't embarrass this general!"

"What if the king is determined not to let it go?"

"Then please pardon the general's rudeness, come here, please take the prince aside, if there is any resistance, act according to the law!"

"You have to order!"

A group of generals surrounded Liu Mingzhi, looking at First Young Master Liu with complicated eyes.

"My lord, I'm sorry!"


"Tong Yang, you can't trust the prince, you should trust us. We can guarantee the prince that the prince is really treating the dragon's body for His Majesty, not murdering His Majesty."

"Don't be rude to the prince!"

Tong Yang and the others stared blankly at Lao Zhou who came out suddenly, and shook their heads hesitantly at Lao Zhou's calm expression.

"Boss, it's not that we don't want to believe you and the prince, it's really our responsibility, we can only be rude!"

"and many more!"

"My lord?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Lao Zhou's helpless face and stopped Tong Yang: "General Tong, I can allow you six generals to observe the safety of His Majesty at the bead curtain in front of the hall, but you must not enter the back hall to disturb His Majesty." The act of diagnosis and treatment."

"It's not that the king has a tricky heart, but that His Majesty's illness is not trivial. Once the diagnosis and treatment are interrupted, it is very likely that his life will be in danger."

"This is the biggest concession this king can make!"


Tong Yang and the others looked at each other and hesitated for a moment.

They have all heard about Lao Zhou's kung fu and the ability of the side-by-side king. If all the backbones of the forbidden army enter the palace alone, once they are restrained, it will be really troublesome!
Liu Mingzhi could naturally see the hesitation on Tong Yang's face and the others: "Why, it seems that you still suspect that this king has ulterior motives for His Majesty."

"If this king really wants to have an evil intention, why would he just enter the palace alone like this? You guys think too highly of this king. I don't think this king has the ability to defeat ten thousand with one."

"The lord was joking, the last general and others will naturally not doubt the lord and the boss."

"Yang Tai, You Wenzhuo, you two will come into the hall to visit His Majesty, Lin Qingsheng, you four are watching the brothers outside the hall, don't let them act rashly because of misunderstanding, and hurt each other's friendship."

"I have to wait!"

Tong Yang said no, a series of arrangements were still worried that he and others would be captured in the palace.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Tong Yang and the three of them indifferently, and walked towards the hall first. It is useless to say anything now, the commanders of the imperial army must see Li Ye's safety with their own eyes, so as to guarantee that they will not fight.

"Be gentle and don't make any noise."


The three of them opened the bead curtain and looked towards the back of the hall, and they also suddenly exclaimed with solemn faces.

"Miao Jiang's technique of dispelling Gu, could it be that your majesty's dragon has been planted with such evil things as Gu worms?"

Liu Mingzhi was stunned for a moment, and looked at Tong Yang with a surprised expression: "My eyes are dumb, I never thought that General Tong would know the art of poison poisoning."

"Returning to the lord, when the general was young, he commanded soldiers and horses in Shu for two years. Naturally, he had seen the art of Gu poison in the [-] mountains in Miaojiang. Dare to ask the lord, what is in your majesty's body."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a complex expression: "As you said, Miao Jiang's rotten heart Gu was planted in your majesty's body. Some thieves wanted to use this Gu to control your majesty and bring chaos to the court. Now this king is letting your majesty know what's in his body. Gu worm, as long as His Majesty's life is no longer controlled by others, this king can wipe out the traitors in the court, find out the people behind the scenes, and return the court to a bright future."

"It really is the art of Gu poison, who is so bold and reckless, dare to plant this kind of poison in the body of His Majesty's dragon, he is not afraid of being punished."

"Presumptuous, stop for me!"

Listening to the same speech, First Young Master Liu's expression suddenly changed, and his figure flashed towards behind the bead curtain.

A muffled grunt sounded, and Liu Mingzhi watched You Wenzhuo, who had been shaken back by his palm and rolled down the court pillar, and slowly pulled out his Heavenly Sword.

"This king has always been worried that the people behind the scenes in the forbidden army will lay a dark game, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be a prophecy. Tell me, who is the person behind the scenes?"

After reacting, Tong Yang and Yang Tai also hurriedly drew their weapons and leaped towards the apse. They looked at the commander of the imperial army, You Wenzhuo, who was sitting next to the court column, bleeding from the corner of his mouth and clutching his chest, and then looked at the shining blue light on the ground. Dagger looked at You Wenzhuo in disbelief.

"Old You, why is this? Why do you want to act rebelliously?"

Liu Mingzhi looked back at Qinglian, who was not disturbed, and then heaved a sigh of relief, raised his sword and walked towards the weak You Wenzhuo.

"General Tong, it seems that you are a bit unqualified as the commander of the imperial army. Fortunately, the king followed in, otherwise..."

Also with a look of shame on his face, he raised the knife and drove it to You Wenzhuo's neck.

"Say, why did you do this? Has Your Majesty ever treated you badly? Tell me who ordered you to do this?"

You Wenzhuo sneered sadly, leaned weakly on the pillar and closed his eyes.

"Go ahead!"

"The Empress is here!"

Liu Mingzhi's expression froze, and he looked outside the hall.

"What a coincidence!"

"Lieutenant Lian Yu, how long will it take you there?"

"Back to the lord, I just used Xiaolong's blood to lure the Gu worms in His Majesty's body out of the fatal range of the heart veins. About three sticks of incense should be able to lure them out of the body, and it may take longer!"

"Don't be distracted, do your best to help His Majesty relieve Gu!"


Liu Mingzhi put his sword back into its sheath, and glanced at You Wenzhuo.

"General Tong, get You Wenzhuo out of the hall, don't disturb Your Majesty!"


(End of this chapter)

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