Chapter 1747

The three of Liu Mingzhi escorted You Wenzhuo towards the outside of the hall.

As soon as the three of them left the palace gate, they saw the extremely beautiful queen Ren Qingrui walking towards the palace gate of the imperial study surrounded by a group of eunuchs and maids.

Liu Mingzhi thought for a while and went up to meet him.

"Chen Liu Mingzhi sees the empress, a thousand years old."

Ren Qingrui looked around the surroundings of the imperial study room with her phoenix eyes, and looked at Liu Mingzhi who was saluting towards her with a strange look in her bright eyes.

"The side-by-side king is free!"

"Thank you Queen!"

A dozen or so steps away, Lao Zhou's haggard palm was caressing the whisk in his hand, and his dim eyes were sizing up Ren Qingrui, the empress who was known as a fairy descending to earth.

For other men, they may be a little lost because of Ren Qingrui's beautiful face, but for a rootless person like Lao Zhou, Ren Qingrui is a real fairy descending to earth, I am afraid that Lao Zhou will not have other ideas, He will only observe Ren Qingrui's reality.

"Dare to ask that the empress is not enjoying herself in her bedroom, why did she come to His Majesty's imperial study?"

Ren Qingrui's phoenix eyes narrowed, and she looked at First Young Master Liu coldly: "Your Majesty is my husband, can I not even come to visit my husband?"

"Of course it is possible. I am afraid that my mother has a bad memory, and I have forgotten the advice I gave a few days ago. I want to help His Majesty review the memorials and do some political interference."

"Then you don't bother the King of Side-by-Sides, my memory isn't that bad, but I'm the King of Side-by-Shoulders."

Ren Qingrui glanced at the Forbidden Army that surrounded the Imperial Study Room, and fixed her eyes on Liu Mingzhi: "What is the intention of the King of Side-Shoulders to encircle the Imperial Study Room with tens of thousands of Forbidden Army?"

"This palace just heard the eunuchs and palace maids say that someone is doing harm to His Majesty, so I hurried to visit His Majesty's situation. I didn't expect that the side-by-side king was here."

"Can the Side-by-Shoulder King give me a reasonable explanation?"

Liu Mingzhi's heart skipped a beat, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and smiled softly at Ren Qingrui who was staring at him without looking away.

"Your Majesty's words are too serious!"

"The minister obeyed the agreement and came as promised three days later to present treasures to His Majesty. As for the brothers of the imperial army, they heard a strange noise coming from the imperial study room and thought something was wrong, so they came to escort him."

"As for the rumors that someone is detrimental to His Majesty, I think it's just a rumor. Tong Dutong has just seen that His Majesty is staying in the apse of the imperial study safe and sound to handle government affairs. If you don't believe me, you can ask your Majesty."

Ren Qingrui looked at Tong Yang who was guarding You Wenzhuo ten steps away.

"Child General?"

Tong Yang came back to his senses and saluted Ren Qingrui.

"Returning to your lord, the prince is right. His Majesty is dealing with government affairs in the back of the hall. It's all just a misunderstanding. I immediately ordered the brothers to withdraw from the imperial study and return to their respective positions to guard the palace."

Since Tong Yang knew the art of Gu poison, he naturally understood the risk of dispelling the Gu, so he could only go along with Liu Mingzhi to complete the lie, so as to prevent Ren Qingrui from suddenly bringing someone into the palace and disturbing the master's action of dispelling the Gu.

If something goes wrong, His Majesty's life will be in danger, and my position as the commander of the imperial army will come to an end, and my life will also come to an end.

Both public and private, he has to help the king of side shoulders to complete the lie.

Yu Gong, he is the commander of the Forbidden Army, and it is his duty to protect Li Ye's safety. Yu privately, his life is tied to the life of His Majesty, and he has no choice.

The identical words of Liu Mingzhi and Tong Yang caused Ren Qingrui's phoenix eyes to flash a touch of panic. He glanced at Liu Mingzhi, his eyes were a little complicated, and he took a breath of fragrance. .

"Since His Majesty is fine, I will go and please His Majesty!"

Liu Mingzhi panicked, and hurriedly stopped in front of Ren Qingrui.

Ren Qingrui didn't expect Liu Mingzhi to stop him suddenly, and threw herself into Liu Mingzhi's arms by surprise. Immediately, Ren Qingrui's pretty face blushed and looked at Young Master Liu with embarrassment.

Some of the guards around had weird faces, and they all glanced away, as if they didn't see the embarrassing thing that happened just now.

The more you know, the less safe your life will be.

"What is the meaning of the side-by-side king? Why do you want to stop me from facing the saint?"

Liu Mingzhi didn't dare to look at Ren Qingrui's embarrassing and indignant eyes, and bowed his head and clasped his fists in salute: "Your Majesty, forgive me, Your Majesty is dealing with an important state matter related to Dalong Jiangshan, and I have ordered it down, and no one will be seen!"

"I also ask your majesty to go back to the bedroom to rest for the time being. After His Majesty finishes handling the political affairs, he will naturally meet with your majesty."

"You said that His Majesty is dealing with government affairs when he is dealing with government affairs? You can decide whether His Majesty sees the Palace or not?"

"Of course I don't dare to make decisions for Your Majesty. I just convey His Majesty's will. Please come back temporarily."

"Prince Side by Side, this is the imperial palace. As the empress, I am not allowed to go anywhere in the palace? You are just a courtier, and you dare to stop me. You are too arrogant!"

"Do you regard the palace as your own palace?"

"Especially because you have repeatedly prevented me from meeting His Majesty. What is your intention? Now I doubt whether Your Majesty's dragon body is really as safe as you said."

"Since His Majesty is fine, why don't you dare to let me meet His Majesty?"

"Could it be that you are doing something unfavorable to His Majesty?"

"Whether His Majesty is safe and sound, I can only know by seeing it with my own eyes. It's not what you say when you stand side by side with Wang Hongkou and White Teeth?"

"If you have no ghosts in your heart, let me go in and meet His Majesty."

Ren Qingrui's words complicated the expressions of the guards who didn't know about it, and they subconsciously looked at First Young Master Liu beside the palace gate.

The queen's words are justified, since His Majesty is safe and sound, why does the prince keep stopping the Empress from seeing His Majesty?

Feeling the eyes of the guards around him staring at him, Liu Mingzhi's heart tightened, his brows frowned, and he didn't care about the embarrassing thing that happened with Ren Qingrui, he looked up at Ren Qingrui coldly.

"Empress, you can say some things, but don't talk nonsense about some things. People have to be responsible for what they say!"

Ren Qingrui's soft and charming phoenix eyes looked at Young Master Liu without hesitation: "I will naturally be responsible for what I said, step aside, I want to meet Your Majesty!"

Liu Mingzhi remembered what Qinglian said, and with a gloomy face, he stretched out his hand to stop Ren Qingrui. The situation in the palace should be at a critical point now, and he must not be disturbed.

"I have said that Your Majesty is not seeing anyone now, please come back temporarily, don't make things difficult for me!"

"Shoulder-to-Shoulder King, I respect you for your hard work. You have made great achievements for the court, and your reputation is extremely high. I don't want to make enemies with you, but you should not take credit for being arrogant and deceiving others too much, and don't take this Palace seriously."

"This is the imperial palace. If I want to see my husband, there is nothing wrong with emotion or reason."

"If you insist on stopping me, then you should explain clearly to the officers and soldiers of the imperial army in front of me, what is your majesty doing? If it was just dealing with the memorial and there was so much noise outside the hall, your majesty should have come out to question the crime, but your majesty has been slow If you didn't show up, how can you make me believe that your Majesty is safe and sound now?"

"Get out of the way, I want to meet His Majesty!"

Liu Mingzhi exhaled lightly, looked back at the back of the hall, and felt anxious, why didn't Lian Er finish the job?

"Why don't you bother me for a moment?"

"I won't wait for a moment, who knows if you have arranged for someone to do something unfavorable to His Majesty?"

"If you stop me again, I can regard you as treason!"

The guards around also looked at First Young Master Liu with doubts, and they couldn't help but turn their minds to Ren Qingrui.

There is really no way to explain the behavior of the side-by-side king.

"Whether the subject is rebelling, General Tong, and General Yang are very clear about it, my lady, please don't spit blood!"

Tong Yang and Yang Tai had no choice but to let go of You Wenzhuo and stepped forward.

"Your Majesty, the minister and the others are willing to guarantee with their lives that His Majesty is safe and sound, and the Prince has not rebelled."

Ren Qingrui looked at Tong Yang and the two coldly: "Who knows if you are in collusion with the side-by-side king and acted against His Majesty?"

"As the generals of the imperial army, you are so close to the vassal king, who knows what evil intentions you have hidden."

"What happened to the general?"

You Wenzhuo, who was limp on the ground, looked at Ren Qingrui weakly.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty is in a critical situation. Standing side by side with the King and Tong Dutong, Commander Yang conspired to rebel. They injured the minister, and I am afraid that the minister will inform you!"

You Wenzhuo's words immediately set off an uproar, causing the guards around to go into an uproar, staring at the three of Liu Mingzhi in disbelief.

Tong Yang, Yang Tai's complexion changed drastically, and he stared angrily at You Wenzhuo who was limp at the gate of the palace.

"You Wenzhuo, don't spout blood. It was you who wanted to assassinate His Majesty just now, and the prince captured you, a traitor."

A sly lightness flashed in Ren Qingrui's phoenix eyes, watching the dazed Liu Mingzhi and the others quickly recede towards the distance, and at the same time took out the Tianziling from her bosom.

"No wonder you, the side-by-side kings, have repeatedly obstructed the face of the palace. It turns out that you are really harboring evil intentions."

"After returning to Beijing for a long time, you have not handed over the tiger talisman for a long time, and now you are colluding with the generals of the forbidden army to murder His Majesty. Now that General You has discovered your treachery, what do you have to say?"

"All the officers and men listen to the order and take down some of their rebellious ministers and thieves!"

The imperial guards around stood up hesitantly, looking at the three of Liu Mingzhi who looked shocked and angry in front of the palace gate.

Many people don't understand the King of Side-by-Shoulders, but Tong Yang and the others do. How could Tong Dutong be a rebel?
"Your Majesty's emperor's order is here, why are you waiting? Your Majesty's life and death are unknown. As the Imperial City Imperial Guards, you should catch the traitor quickly and protect the king!"

The imperial guards around looked at the unmoving Qinzheng Hall, and then at the empress holding the order of the emperor.

With a complicated expression, he picked up the weapon in his hand, and the shield soldiers took cover in front of them, and set up a charge formation against several people.

The tooth-piercing sound of bows and arrows being wound up could be heard incessantly, and Ren Qingrui's pretty faces changed slightly as he watched the imperial guards pulling their bows and arrows into a full moon and facing Young Master Liu.

"Don't shoot arrows, capture the traitor alive and hand it over to His Majesty!"

With cold eyes, Liu Mingzhi pulled out his Heavenly Sword to protect him, and coldly glanced around at the Forbidden Army slowly approaching the Imperial Study Room. With a wave of the Heavenly Sword, he shot straight into the stone slabs under the steps outside the Imperial Study Room.

The smoke and dust flew, and the Heavenly Sword pierced straight through the stone slab and went half a foot deep into the ground, the hilt trembling endlessly.

"If you dare to take a step over this sword, the capital will surely flow like rivers of blood!"

"This king never targets indiscriminately, so think twice before acting!"

"Don't say it's unpredictable!"

The imperial army looked at the frighteningly sharp Heavenly Sword a few steps away, and immediately hesitated, looking at their commanding general.

A gleam of joy flashed in Ren Qingrui's soft and charming phoenix eyes, and she looked closely at Young Master Liu's cold and stern side face.

"Shoulder to shoulder king, are you trying to rebel?"

Liu Mingzhi took a hard look at Ren Qingrui.

Damn, this bitch has repeatedly forced her to rebel against her. What good does rebellion do for her?
(End of this chapter)

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