My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1748 Great Merit of Walking

Chapter 1748 Great Merit of Walking

Liu Mingzhi turned his head to look at the family guards who were about to rush up again under the steps with serious expressions. Looking at the complex expressions of the guards, Liu Mingzhi didn't blame them, they just obeyed orders.

But once there is blood in the palace today, it is bound to die forever. Even if Lian Er takes out the Gu worms in Li Ye's body in time to stop this civil war manipulated by Ren Qingrui, the grievance planted may never be eliminated forever. .

Liu Mingzhi's thoughts changed sharply, he didn't want to meet the swordsmen of the Forbidden Army in the palace, his purpose was always to buy time for Qinglian to take out the Gu worms for Li Ye.

Ren Qingrui wanted to enter the palace again and again, she must have learned something from the Gu keeper behind the scenes who planted Gu worms for Li Ye, and wanted to interrupt Qinglian's Gu elixir action by entering the palace to say hello.

The more Ren Qingrui was like this, the more Liu Mingzhi dared not let Ren Qingrui into the shop.

He doesn't know much about the art of Gu poison, but he can firmly remember what Qinglian told him.

Once the dispelling of the Gu was interrupted, causing the Gu insects to backlash, Li Ye would definitely be in danger of his life.

Once Ren Qingrui interrupted Qinglian's actions and Li Ye's life was in danger, the murderer of this matter must be blamed on Qinglian and her leader, the side-by-side king.

Regicide is like rebellion.

Perhaps this is Ren Qingrui's ultimate goal.

Forcing himself against him and causing Dalong to rebel, she and his people behind the scenes can benefit from it.

Thinking urgently for a moment, Liu Mingzhi speculated about various possibilities.

"My lord, come back to God!"

Liu Mingzhi's heart froze and he looked at Lao Zhou who was protecting himself behind him. The imperial guards were about to pass the Heavenly Sword he inserted into the underground stone slab.

Once he crossed the Heavenly Sword, and with his words just now, he might only see blood.

Seeing Lao Zhou's palm surging with qi, Liu Mingzhi pressed Lao Zhou's arm.

"Old Zhou, you can't do it. If you do it, you will really fall into the enemy's trap. The two of us plus General Tong, how many forbidden troops can General Yang resist? The consequences of Gu's actions will be unimaginable."

"We can't move Ouchi guards and Ouchi guards, even if we can, I'm afraid there is no chance now!"

"The imperial guards don't know that we are helping His Majesty to dispel the venom. There is something wrong with His Majesty, and no one can stop us from committing the crime of regicide and treason."

Lao Zhou's face froze, and the power of Tiansha palm, which was surging with true energy, disappeared instantly.

The Side-by-Shoulder King is right, no matter how powerful the four of them are, how many forbidden troops can be blocked, as long as one person rushes into the imperial study room, everything will be over.

Liu Mingzhi took out an object from his bosom, held it high in his hand, and stretched it towards the imperial army.

"Brothers, the empress just said that the king wanted to rebel because the tiger talisman in the king's hand has not been handed in for a long time, but your majesty's dragon body has been ill, and this king has only entered the palace for the second time after returning to Beijing. Do you not intend to return the Tiger Talisman to His Majesty besides presenting the treasure?"

"If it's according to what your mother said, holding the tiger talisman means you want to rebel, so I really don't know which general will dare to lead the army in the future?"

"Brothers, some of you know Liu Mingzhi, and some of you don't know him, but you have heard of this king's name and know about this king's life."

"This king became an official at the age of 20, and it has been ten or two years since his son entered the dynasty. Since his son entered the dynasty, this king has assisted the two former emperors, Ruizong and Wuzong. Made a lot of contributions.”

"Millions of enemies have been killed all the way from a small baron of Tongyuan to the position of king with one word and shoulders."

"This king has been in the dynasty for ten years, and half of the ten years have been spent fighting, expanding the territory for the dragon, and fighting on the battlefield."

"The king is tired. I have been tired for a long time, and I want to have a good rest."

"The tiger talisman of commanding the three armies seems to you to be a supreme honor and a proof of glory, but it is a burden to me."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the Forbidden Army who had stopped to look at the tiger talisman in his hand, and slowly waved the tiger talisman to the surrounding Forbidden Army so that everyone could see clearly.

"This tiger talisman that commands the three armies is not worth mentioning in my king's eyes!"

"If this king really wants to rebel, as soon as the commander-in-chief comes out, the three armies will dare not refuse to lead 20 cavalry into the capital, so why bother to make some foolish tricks here."

"This king is loyal to the imperial court, and the sun and the moon can learn from each other. Unexpectedly, because of the tiger charm, he was charged with rebellion and treason by the empress in a few words."

"Since the empress said that holding the tiger talisman in her hand is rebellion and disobedience, in this case, let the empress submit this worthless thing to your majesty!"

After Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he flicked the tiger talisman in his hand and shot it straight at Ren Qingrui who was holding the emperor's order not far away. The force was just right, it would not hurt Ren Qingrui, and the tiger talisman fell firmly into Ren Qingrui's jade hand .

When Ren Qingrui realized it, the Tiger Talisman, which was still warm, had already fallen into her palm.

Ren Qingrui looked down at the delicate tiger talisman in her hand, and stared blankly at Liu Mingzhi who was looking at her with cold eyes.

"You, you. You gave the Tiger Talisment to Ben Gong just like that?"

"Of course, the minister said, this thing is not worth mentioning to the minister!"

"Then, your left hand is the Tiger Talisman of the Three Armies, and your right hand is the Order of the Son of Heaven who commanded one hundred thousand forbidden troops. Based on what your lady said just now, your lady also has a heart of disobedience, wants to rebel and seek rebellion, and wants to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Queen of the Kingdom of Jin. Want to be a generation of empress who dominates the dragon?"

Seeing that Liu Mingzhi handed over the tiger talisman of commanding the three armies to Ren Qingrui's hands easily, Lao Zhou was still a little worried, and his face suddenly became happy when he heard Young Master Liu's rhetorical question.

Looking at Ren Qingrui's flustered phoenix eyes, Lao Zhou heaved a sigh of relief, and glanced at Young Master Liu who was calm and calm, his admiration was beyond words.

I thought he had no choice but to abandon the car to protect the commander, but he never thought that he would treat him in his own way.

Perhaps today it is really possible to quell the chaos without fighting.

Seeing the cold and lonely scene, Tong Yang walked to Liu Mingzhi's side with great eyes, and looked at the imperial guards under the steps sincerely.

"Brothers, you know who Tong Yang is. This general will inherit the emperor's grace for generations, so how could he have acted rebelliously. If Tong Yang really has two hearts, how can I sit in the position of commanding half of the imperial army? superior."

"The general hopes that brothers will not fall into the tricks of the thieves and make our brothers who have been together day and night turn against each other."

"Right and wrong, you will know when His Majesty comes out."

"This general and the side-by-side king are guarded here by you, and we can't leave even if we want to. If we really want to murder His Majesty, we have already succeeded by now."

"When His Majesty comes out, everything will be clear!"

Ren Qingrui calmed down from the panic, her phoenix eyes glanced at Liu Mingzhi unwillingly, watching the Imperial Guard soldiers who seemed to be moving hastily waved the emperor's order in Yu's hand.

"Soldiers of the imperial army, don't be fooled by them. These are their words of delay. Now there may be a chance to capture their Majesty. When their plan is in hand, you will be accused of ineffective escort."

"Dalong's law clearly states that the first meritorious service in rescuing the driver will be promoted to three ranks, plus a first-class title, and a reward of [-] taels. If the escort is ineffective, he will be dismissed and investigated. The decision will be made."

"It's up to you if you want to be promoted or dismissed for investigation!"

"I order you, King Qin to escort you, and arrest the traitor!"

"Except for the chief culprit and the shoulder-to-shoulder Wang Liumingzhi, the rest of us don't care about life or death!"

Originally, after listening to Liu Mingzhi and Tong Yang, the Forbidden Army, who spoke with affection and reason, subconsciously looked at Liu Mingzhi and the others who looked tense when they heard Ren Qingrui's words.

There must be a brave man under the heavy reward, not to mention the carelessness of King Qin's escort.

For Qicheng and those who have never met Young Master Liu, Young Master Liu today is a monstrous grand duke walking!

Who wouldn't want to honor the king and pay homage to his ancestors?
In an instant, the atmosphere outside the imperial study became tense again, full of chilling atmosphere.

(End of this chapter)

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