My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1749 Abnormal Ren Qingrui

Chapter 1749 Abnormal Ren Qingrui
Liu Mingzhi sensed the sudden change in the surrounding atmosphere, his pupils constricted, and he quietly looked around at the guards who were staring at him closely.

He was too familiar with this look, it was exactly the same as the eyes of the wolf cubs under his command when they saw the enemy.

That is the color of fanaticism after seeing the military exploits.

This is wanting to step on the eyes of his superiors and kill himself. Under the righteousness of King Qin's escort, he will have everything that one expects to have.

Now they have not come up, what is missing is a leader who dares to stand out.

As long as there is one person who dares to take the lead, the rest of the Forbidden Army will definitely rush forward like a tide.

Liu Mingzhi sighed silently, it's hard to persuade him to find a dead ghost, it seems that there is no way to get things right today, and it will definitely end in chaos.

Liu Mingzhi waved his hand at the Heavenly Sword inserted in the stone slab, his inner strength surged, and the Heavenly Sword trembled a few times towards Young Master Liu's hand with a cold and sharp sword chant.

Young Master Liu's actions startled the guards around him, but instead of retreating, their eyes showed a hint of excitement.

The behavior of the side-by-side king means going to war.

Liu Mingzhi caressed the sharp blade with complicated eyes. Since following him, this sword has drank the blood of the enemy, but today it is going to drink the blood of his own people.

Since these imperial guards wanted to step on their position, there was no need for them to keep their hands. They could kill as many as they could.

"Sun Zhengyang, Yang Sen, I order you to arrest the traitor immediately."

The chill atmosphere was stirred up by Ren Qingrui's words.

Following Ren Qingrui's gaze, Liu Mingzhi looked at the two middle-aged commanders of the Imperial Guard who were slowly drawing their knives out of their sheaths. After seeing the two clearly, Liu Mingzhi's figure flashed, leaving an afterimage.

When everyone except Lao Zhou came back to their senses, Liu Mingzhi had already held Ren Qingrui in his arms, and the sharp blade of Tianjian rested on Ren Qingrui's snow-white neck.

What is the difference between men and women, whether to give and receive, what is the mother of a country, the current queen, these things are no longer cared about at this time.

"Old Zhou, retreat to the gate of the palace, and anyone who dares to enter the palace will be killed without mercy!"

Lao Zhou nodded with a solemn face, and leaped over the gate of the palace, the true energy of Tiansha's palm rushed towards him, making people's heart palpitate.

The eunuch and maid behind Ren Qingrui stared dumbfounded at the empress captured by Young Master Liu, and screamed in panic, but did not dare to step forward.

The blade was so close to the empress's neck, who would dare to act rashly.

Liu Mingzhi looked down at Ren Qingrui who was caught in his arms, and said in a cold voice, "Demon Empress, this king really underestimated your ability to incite people's hearts and make noise!"

"When this king calms down the chaos, you and your father Ren Wenyue will surely die, and no one can save you!"

Looking at the guards around in a daze, not daring to step forward, Liu Mingzhi dragged Ren Qingrui's delicate body back towards the gate of the palace.

"General Tong, General Yang, guard the demon queen and help Lao Zhou guard the gate of the palace. If the demon queen commits any misdeeds, he will be punished on the spot."

Tong Yang recovered from the dazed expression on Young Master Liu's capture of Ren Qingrui, looked at the Empress who was pushed towards him by Young Master Liu, hesitated for a moment, and looked at the Forbidden Army who were staring at him and others under the steps , pulled out the saber from his waist and placed it on Ren Qingrui's fair neck.

It's just that he is not as courageous as Young Master Liu, who dared to hold Ren Qingrui in his arms, and the blade of the sword was tightly attached to Ren Qingrui's icy skin.

Tong Yang stood half a step away from Ren Qingrui, holding Ren Qingrui's fragrant shoulder with one hand, and the blade stopped four fingers away from Ren Qingrui's neck.

Liu Mingzhi stood in front of the steps with his sword in his arms and his eyes were cold.

"Those who are not afraid of death, just come up!"

"Besides, this king tells you that once something happens to the demon queen, you will also be held accountable. This king wants to see which of you has a strong neck."

"Sun Zhengyang, Yang Sen, I order you to arrest the traitor, and the king will protect you, don't worry about my safety."

Liu Mingzhi suddenly turned his head and stared closely at Ren Qingrui, a twenty-eight-year-old beauty. If he dared to say such a thing with a knife resting on his neck, wouldn't he be afraid of death?
However, looking at Ren Qingrui's soft and charming phoenix eyes, Liu Mingzhi became flustered. It had been many years since he had this flustered feeling.

Ren Qingrui's soft and charming phoenix eyes that seemed to be able to talk were too calm, as if she didn't care at all that her life would be wiped out by Tong Yang's knife.

This is not the reaction that a charming woman in her twenties and eight years should have. Even a dead man would not be so calm in the face of death.

Calm like a pool of autumn water, calm and calm.

Who is this woman?

Sensing Young Master Liu's gaze staring at her, Ren Qingrui turned her eyes to Young Master Liu and smiled slightly, with an inexplicable meaning in her phoenix eyes.

Liu Mingzhi was slightly absent-minded, is this woman really not afraid of death?
"Lord, be careful!"

Liu Mingzhi was startled, and instinctively raised his sword to attack and slash behind him.

There were screams, and four or five imperial guards who wanted to sneak attack were cut across by Liu Mingzhi with a sword and armor, and were killed on the spot.

The forbidden army was taken aback by Young Master Liu's ruthless methods. Seventy percent of the forbidden army were recruits who had just been recruited. How could they have seen such a bloody scene.

However, the blood on the ground also aroused their ferocity, and they rushed towards the steps where First Young Master Liu was standing with their weapons raised.

Liu Mingzhi's eyes were fixed, and the sky sword in his hand was ready to kill the enemy.

With tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, I am afraid that even if I die ten times outside the palace, I will not be able to stop their offensive.

"Stop it all for the Ai family, do you want to rebel?"

A scolding sound came from the side corridor, and everyone looked subconsciously, only to see the third princess with a worried face, leading the empress dowager Nan Gongmeng and empress dowager Chen Jie towards the imperial study.

Nangong Meng stopped beside Liu Mingzhi, her palace attire was decent, her phoenix eyes scanned the imperial guards under the steps majestically.

"The Ai family orders you to put down the weapons in your hands. Anyone who dares to use a weapon recklessly will be regarded as treason. The Ai family asks His Majesty to punish your nine clans!"

Nangong Meng and Chen Jie's sudden arrival made many Forbidden Army breathe a sigh of relief, and also made many Forbidden Army feel helpless.

Wave after wave, the side-by-side king can't catch it!

He looked at Ren Qingrui, and then at Nangong Meng.

An empress dowager, a current empress, who should she listen to?

"You are not allowed to interfere in politics in the harem. This is the legacy of Emperor Taizu Gao. This palace orders you to catch the rebels and protect them with diligence."

Ren Qingrui was put on the neck by Tong Yang with a horizontal knife, and she dared to raise the emperor's order in her hand without fear to order the imperial army under the steps!
Ren Qingrui's harem not to interfere in politics and the emperor's decree in his hand once again made those forbidden troops who wanted to step on Young Master Liu to move up the steps and force them up.

Nangong Menghua looked palely at the Forbidden Army who raised their troops forward, then turned her head and gave Ren Qingrui a hard look.

"Bitch, you must die!"

"Mother, quickly retreat to the imperial study with the emperor's sister-in-law and Yan'er. There is no time to be distracted when the ministers are killing each other."

The sharp chirping of the falcon came from the sky above the palace, Liu Mingzhi relaxed, and subconsciously looked towards the sky.

Looking at the imperial army slowly approaching, Liu Mingzhi held Nangong Menghu behind him and took out a special firework from his cuff, holding it in his hand and gently pulling it.

There was a soft sound, and in the blink of an eye, a dazzling firework bloomed in the sky.

The fireworks were dazzling, and the war drums rumbled outside the quiet capital, and the horns blew long and full of chills.

Everyone in the palace, dignitaries in the inner city, and ordinary people in the outer city looked out of the city in astonishment.

They didn't know why the sound of rumbling war drums and charging horns suddenly sounded outside the city.

Liu Mingzhi took out a handkerchief with terrifying eyes, wiped the fresh blood on the Heavenly Sword with a calm expression, and coldly glanced at the forbidden army below!
"If you're not deaf, can you hear the sound of war drums outside?"

"This king tells you that this is the 20 Northern Xinjiang army under my command that surrounded the capital!"

"Damn it, I left the words here today, whoever dares to take a step up the steps will surely die."

"If you don't believe me, you can give it a try. This king's head can allow you to be promoted to nobles, but you have a life to get it, not necessarily a life to enjoy it."

"Three days, if they want to attack the city and escort the king, three days, if you can resist for three days, I will smash the egg on the spot!"

"This king once said this sentence to the King of Shu when he suppressed the rebellion. This is the second time. You can try to see if your 40 forbidden army is stronger than [-] rebels!"

The sudden sound of war drums and Liu Mingzhi's words changed the color of the imperial army.

20 northern Xinjiang elites surrounded the capital, who can resist the capital.

Although the number of soldiers is only twice that of the [-] Forbidden Army, which is not too many, [-]% of the [-] Forbidden Army are recruits just recruited this year.

Ren Qingrui listened to the sound of war drums outside the city, and her calm face suddenly turned ashen.

Looking at Young Master Liu's back was full of complex colors.

(End of this chapter)

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