My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1750 It's really a bluff

Chapter 1750 It's really a bluff

Liu Mingzhi looked around and looked at each other in dismay, the Forbidden Army who did not dare to act rashly smiled faintly, then turned to look at Ren Qingrui who was ashen-faced.

"Demon Empress, is this king still on the Qing emperor's side? How could he come here alone? You have bewitched the emperor's heart, messed up our Dalong country, our country, and your father formed a clique for personal gain, ruined our Dalong's Qingming government, and made the country lose its power!"

"This king leads the army, fights for the country, and leads the brothers to fight bloody battles, only for the dragon to rule the world. Everything is ready. Only the east wind is needed. The opportunity to rule the world is at hand. An Xiang, the father of the country, Ren Wenyue, is bold and embezzles the national treasury. The silver taels made it difficult for our army to continue the Northern Expedition, and the great cause of the Northern Expedition died halfway."

"His evil deeds can be described as heinous, and there are too many books to describe. If he does not kill, it will not be enough to anger the common people. If he does not kill, it will not be enough to comfort the hundreds of thousands of sons and daughters in northern Xinjiang who have shed blood on the battlefield for the country."

"What's more, you dare to collude with demons and plant Miaojiang Gu in your majesty's dragon body, in order to control your majesty and cause chaos to the country."

"The behavior of your father and daughter is really deceiving the world and the earth, and the crime will not be punished. Such acts of harming the country and the people, disrupting our court, and destroying our country and society. If people don't get rid of them, the sky will punish them!"

"When your Majesty's dragon body is safe and the court is reorganized, it will be the time for you and the younger generation to subdue the law."

"The army is assembled outside the city, the drums are rumbling, and the officials don't know the details. They will immediately enter the palace to face the saint. This king will definitely publicize your evil deeds in front of the civil and military courts of the Manchu Dynasty, bring the thieves behind you to justice, and pay me back." Dalong is in full swing!"

Liu Mingzhi quietly looked at Ren Qingrui's dazed pretty face, then turned to look at the tens of thousands of forbidden troops under the steps.

"Because you don't know the truth and are bewitched by the demon queen, this king can spare me a little and don't pursue it. If you insist on committing a crime, when my army enters the city, you will be decapitated in an instant."

"Put down your weapons and retreat thirty steps away from the Imperial Study Room. Anyone who dares to disobey will be killed without mercy!"

Looking at Young Master Liu's majestic expression and listening to his eloquent words, the Imperial Guards of the Shu King instinctively retreated with their weapons raised. The threat of 20 elite cavalry was too great!

As the side-by-side king said just now, if you want to step on him to the top, you can be promoted to a noble by killing him, but you may not be destined to enjoy the following glory and wealth.

Ren Qingrui looked at the Forbidden Army who had been dismissed by Liu Mingzhi's words, and lowered her phoenix head in despair, but the moment she lowered her head, she looked at the tiger talisman in her hand, and Ren Qingrui's phoenix eyes flashed with joy.

"Soldiers, don't listen to the words and deeds of the side-by-side king to slander the palace. This is just a framed statement for what he has done."

"The Tiger Talisman commanding the three armies is now in my hands. The Northern Xinjiang Army outside the city does not have a Tiger Talisman. He can't move the King of Sides. He is just bluffing."

"Taking him down, His Majesty will definitely reward you a lot!"

"You are King Qin's escort, arresting traitors, what crime is there? Don't be frightened by him, he is only one person, tens of thousands of you can drown him with a single spit, what is there to be afraid of?"

"Capturing the traitor, you have meritorious service in escorting, and the promotion of officials and ranks is just around the corner. Aren't you serving as soldiers to honor your ancestors? Now the opportunity is in front of your eyes!"

Nangong Meng, Chen Jie, the third princess, Lao Zhou and the others were overjoyed when they saw Young Master Liu drink and retreat from the imperial army. They thought that the war would be calmed down, but they never thought that Ren Qingrui would be so ruthless.

Looking at the tiger talisman Ren Qingrui held in his hand, several people's faces changed. Once the forbidden army is bewitched by it again, it will not be so easy to suppress it.

Liu Mingzhi gave the three princesses and the others whose faces changed in shock a calm look, looked at the forbidden army, and looked at the tiger charm in Ren Qingrui's hand that commanded the three armies.

"Demon Empress, it seems that you are really unwilling to plead guilty and be punished, and even want to fight back when you die, struggling to die."

"You're right. The Tiger Talisman of the Three Armies is indeed in your hands. Our people know it, but the soldiers of the Three Armies outside the city don't!"

"Do you think this king will let you know that you are holding the Tiger Talisman outside the city?"

"Now the generals of the three armies outside the city are commanded by King Qin to escort them. If they don't see this king in an hour, they will attack the city aggressively."

"This king is no match for the soldiers of the imperial army, but it is not difficult for this king to use lightness kung fu to rush to the city wall."

"You are indeed a courageous and insightful woman, but you miscalculated the situation. Now the initiative is in the hands of this king, not you."

"Even if your eyeliner in the imperial army sneaks out and spreads the news about you holding the tiger amulet, but do you think that the 20 soldiers outside the city will believe the words of a soldier without my king's acknowledgment?"

Ren Qingrui stared blankly at the cold tiger talisman in her hand, and at Liu Mingzhi's playful gaze, the soft and charming phoenix eyes of hope dimmed.

When Nangong Meng and the others saw this, their suspended hearts were relieved again.

Liu Mingzhi watched the imperial guards put their swords into their sheaths after being completely calm, and glanced at the five corpses of imperial guards on the ground, shaking his head and sighing silently.

"Why bother! It's good to want to get promoted and get rich, but it's your fault for treating the downhill tiger as a wild cat!"

He glanced in the direction of the palace gate, thinking that the civil and military officials who heard the sound of war drums should also gallop towards the palace gate!

Liu Mingzhi glanced into the imperial study room, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Today is really dangerous, one is not good, I am afraid that I and others will be decapitated.

Liu Mingzhi walked up to the distraught Ren Qingrui, with the corner of his mouth raised into a slight smile, he raised his hand to grab the tiger amulet in Ren Qingrui's hand and put it back into his bosom.

"Demon Empress, if you try your best for a few years, maybe this king will be framed by you, but you are too impatient."

"If you haven't learned how to walk, you should think about running first. It's not that easy."

"How can this world be shaken by you and your father gathering a group of rebellious officials and thieves?"

"Then you must have underestimated the foundation of a hundred thousand mountains and rivers!"

Ren Qingrui stared blankly at Liu Mingzhi's sarcastic gaze, looked at Liu Mingzhi with complicated eyes and didn't know what he was thinking, and finally his bright eyes sank dully.


Liu Mingzhi was overjoyed, and hurriedly looked into the hall, only to see Qinglian's pretty face was slightly pale, and she came out holding the bronze tripod unsteadily.

Liu Mingzhi greeted her with distressed eyes, and hugged Qinglian in his arms.

"Lian'er, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I've consumed too much vitality, I can recover after two days of rest."

Only then did Liu Mingzhi heave a sigh of relief: "How is Your Majesty? Has the Gu worm been taken out?"

Qinglian's beautiful eyes looked at Liu Mingzhi softly. The husband first asked about his own safety, and then asked about Li Ye's situation. This kind of attitude of valuing herself more than the emperor made Qinglian sweet to the bottom of her heart.

Qinglian held up the bronze tripod in her hand, opened the lid and handed it to Liu Mingzhi.

"It has already been taken out. It wasn't that troublesome at first, but the Gu planter has been manipulating the Gu worms in His Majesty's body to eat back His Majesty's heart, so it has been delayed for so long. The Gu breeder is within a hundred steps. Find it out!"

"Okay, I will try my best to capture this traitor as my husband!"

"Old Zhou, go and see how His Majesty is doing!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Ren Qingrui saw Qinglian coming out, looked at the back of Lao Zhou walking towards the imperial study, and stared at Qinglian resentfully.

"The rotten heart Gu is on the heart of the Hunjun, how can you solve the Gu? I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

Qinglian glared at Ren Qingrui coldly with pretty eyes: "Hey, the conceited witch, if it wasn't for the Gu planters who have been secretly obstructing, just take out the rotten heart Gu and raise your hand."

"You just learned a few superficial techniques of raising Gu, do you really think you are invincible?"

"How do you know that Ben Gong has learned the art of raising Gu?"

"Hmph, if you want people not to know unless you do nothing, you can't even cover up the aura of the Gu insects, how can you hide it from the Gu insect king!"

"Empress Dowager, Empress Dowager, Princess, Prince, Your Majesty is fine except for lack of energy."

Several people followed the trend and saw Lao Zhou walking out slowly with the support of Li Ye, who was pale.

Nangong Meng and Chen Jie had just heard the details from the third princess in the harem, and they knew that Li Ye's stupidity was not intended, but was controlled by Ren Qingrui, a demon girl. Seeing Li Ye's miserable appearance, his heart ached immediately went up to welcome.

"Grandson, are you okay?"

"Ye'er, the poor emperor's son of the Ai family!"

"Grandmother, queen mother, I'm fine, I'm fine!"

Li Ye looked at Ren Qingrui who had been captured, and suddenly became short of breath, flushed and rushed towards Ren Qingrui, grabbed the collar of Ren Qingrui's palace attire, and stared at Ren Qingrui through gritted teeth.

"Demon girl, I'm going to cut you into pieces, and repay you a hundred times the pain of these days, a thousand times, so that you can also taste what it's like not being able to survive and not being able to die."

Seeing Li Ye's desire to eat Ren Qingrui alive, Liu Mingzhi sighed silently. One can imagine how much torture Li Ye has suffered these days.

"Your Majesty calm down, the most urgent task right now is to return the imperial guards to their respective positions and appease the civil and military officials who are about to enter the palace."

"Uncle, I... I can't wait to go right away"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Li Ye who was trembling all over: "Your Majesty, it is not appropriate to take action against those traitorous generals of the Imperial Army right now. They must be stabilized to prevent them from doing some treasonous acts when they see the situation is not good. Everything will be settled after the fall."

"Uncle, I heard in the palace that 20 warriors are guarding the king outside the city. What are there to be afraid of these rebellious officials and thieves? I will kill them, kill them!"

Liu Mingzhi smiled wryly and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, how can there be an army of 20 King Qin outside the city? Without His Majesty's will, how dare I lead the army into Beijing without authorization."

"The real strength of the troops outside the city is only the [-] soldiers who accompanied the minister to the capital. Everything is just a bluff of the minister raising the banner and trying to hide the tiger's skin!"

"Don't look at the rumble of war drums and the blare of horns, but it's just a strong outside, so His Majesty must judge the situation now, otherwise the imperial army will really become chaotic, and it will be really troublesome!"

Li Ye was startled, and the corner of his mouth twitched as he looked at First Young Master Liu who was winking at him.

Nangong Meng and the others got closer, and they also heard Young Master Liu's words.

Thinking of Young Master Liu's behavior of drinking back tens of thousands of soldiers and horses before, her heart trembled, and she felt like she was alive after a catastrophe.

Looking at Liu Mingzhi's calm face, he didn't know what to say for a moment.

Three hundred personal soldiers dare to pretend to be the momentum of a 20 army. It can be said that it is a dangerous move by soldiers!

Ren Qingrui trembled even more, looking at Young Master Liu in disbelief, her phoenix eyes were full of unwillingness.

The Side-by-Shoulders King is really a bluff!

(End of this chapter)

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