My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1751 Qinglian Gets His Order

Chapter 1751 Qinglian Gets His Order

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Ren Qingrui's unwilling phoenix eyes, walked gently in front of Ren Qingrui and knelt a little above his neck.

"In order to prevent you, the demon empress, from being so wicked and confuse the public with gossip, gossip, you should be quiet for a while!"

Ren Qingrui's face changed in surprise, she wanted to speak but found that she couldn't speak at all,

Liu Mingzhi looked at Li Ye who still hadn't reacted from the situation of 20 elites becoming [-] cavalry.

"Your Majesty, I have no choice but to obey the authority. Now I will appease the Imperial Army, and I will go to Qinzheng Palace later to appease the officials who came to the palace, and explain the reason for it to persuade them to go back."

"Now that the Spring Festival is just around the corner, the people feel at ease, and the big and small things are turned into immediate ones. Some things will be dealt with by His Majesty and it will be announced to the world in the Great Court in the next year."

"Especially now it's inappropriate to publicize the story of the Demon Empress. If someone behind the scenes gets wind of it, it will be troublesome."

Liu Mingzhi knew that tens of thousands of forbidden soldiers had witnessed today's situation, and it was almost impossible to hide Ren Qingrui's capture.

Li Ye nodded blankly: "Uncle is right, I understand!"

Li Ye tidied up his dragon robe, and let out a few breaths to make his face look no longer so pale.

"All the officers and men of the imperial army listened to the order. The body of the dragon is safe and sound. It is not what the demon empress said. All the officers and men need not be alarmed. They can retire with peace of mind and return to their positions and perform their duties."

"We obey the order, long live long live long live long live."

Looking at the tens of thousands of forbidden troops retreating with their respective commanders, everyone present was finally completely relieved.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at You Wenzhuo who lay half dead on the ground: "Your Majesty, this person is so bold that he even intended to do something wrong to His Majesty just now. We need to investigate carefully to see if we can find out his accomplice behind the scenes."

"Uncle is right, Tong Aiqing!"

Tong Yang hurriedly walked up to Li Ye and knelt down on one knee: "The minister is here!"

"Suppress You Wen Zhuo You Ai Qing, and thoroughly investigate the people related to him."

"The minister obeys the order!"

Seeing that the situation at the scene was basically under control, Liu Mingzhi turned towards Nangong Meng, and Chen Jie walked over.

"Empress mother, sister-in-law, I'm not good at handling things, which almost surprised the two of you. Please follow the power in a hurry. Please forgive me for the crime of beheading first and then committing crimes."

Nangong Meng shook her head with gratified eyes, watching Liu Mingzhi turn around and take Qinglian's bright wrist standing beside Liu Mingzhi.

"Mingzhi doesn't have to be like this. You are also thinking about His Majesty and the court, and for the sake of Dalong's country and society. What is wrong with you? Not only will Aijia not blame you, but Ye'er will reward you heavily."

"Thank you mother!"

Chen Jie also stood aside and nodded slightly: "The side-by-side king doesn't need to be polite, Aijia understands your good intentions."

"Thank you, sister-in-law, for your understanding."

Nangong Meng smiled lightly and looked at Qinglian who was holding her hand somewhat cautiously: "This girl is your concubine Qinglian who is fascinated by Miaojiang, right?"

"After returning to my mother, it is Qinglian!"

Qinglian also hastily blessed her: "Reporting to the Empress Dowager, this concubine is Qinglian!"

Nangong Meng patted the back of Qinglian's hand softly with her eyes: "Hey, you child, don't call yourself the Empress Dowager, you are too born, you and Yan'er are sisters, and you should call her Empress Ai's mother."

Qinglian was taken aback, and looked at Liu Mingzhi in bewilderment, not knowing what to do.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Nangong Meng staring at Qinglian, the joy in his phoenix eyes, he knew in his heart that because of the matter of solving the poison for Li Ye, Qinglian really won the favor of the empress dowager Nangongmeng. .

Subtly nodded to Qinglian, signaling her to follow Nangong Meng's wishes.

After receiving her husband's response, Qinglian finally gained confidence in her heart, and saluted Nangong Meng with a smile.

"My son, Yu Qinglian, pay homage to the queen mother!"

"Good boy, hurry up and get rid of the courtesy. You have made great achievements today. The Ai family will definitely reward you a lot. Tell me, what do you want, as long as the Ai family can do it, the Ai family will promise you anything."

"My son dare not. As a courtier, my husband is responsible for the country. It is my duty. As my husband's concubine, my son should naturally put my husband first and help me with all my strength."

Hearing this, Nangong Meng's smile was even more charming, and she looked at Qinglian with her phoenix eyes smiling: "You child, your words are really comforting to listen to, you are really a dignified, virtuous, well-educated and reasonable woman."

"How about this, the greatest right of the Ai family can only reward you as a five-rank wife, don't you dislike it!"


Liu Mingzhi looked at Qinglian's slightly open mouth in astonishment, and smiled helplessly. Among the concubines in this dynasty, Lian'er was the only one with a scorpion's tail.

"Lian'er, why are you in a daze? Hurry up and thank your mother for the reward!"

"Yes, my husband!"

"My son, Yu Qinglian, thanked the queen for the reward, and the queen is a thousand years old."

"Get up, get up, you child, don't move at all, you can do such a great gift, Aijia is just like your father, if you don't like you, you will kneel down at every turn."

"When your father was alive, he often said that it is a bad habit to bow your knees, and it destroys a person's backbone."

"The Ai family has been by your father's side for decades, and he has also been influenced by his ears and eyes. He can't see people kneeling. Remember what the Ai family said. In the future, when you see the Ai family, just follow the etiquette of a woman. Don't kneel. It’s not happy to kneel down and mourn your family.”

"Yes, my son knows!"

"That's right, can the Ai family call you Lian'er?"

"Of course, it's my honor."

Nangong Meng looked at the Hall of Qinzheng where the voice had already been heard, and walked towards the harem holding Qinglian with one hand and the third princess with the other.

"It's not suitable for women like us to meddle in the previous matter. Let's go to the harem to talk. After your father and emperor made a big visit, the palace suddenly became deserted. The Ai family hasn't talked to other people for a long time."

"You two sisters tell Aijia and the queen mother what you saw and heard in northern Xinjiang, and let us, the birds in the cage, open our eyes."

"My son takes orders!"

"Old Zhou!"

"The old slave is here, and I pay my respects to the Empress Dowager."

Nangong Meng looked at Lao Zhou's haggard face and snow-white hair with wistful eyes.

"Long time no see, I'm so old, I've worked hard guarding His Majesty's tomb, you have to pay attention to your health, if you leave again, the Ai family will really have no old acquaintances!"

"Alas, time is merciless. I am afraid that this old slave will not live for a few years, but the empress is still as beautiful as before, without much change. Seeing that the empress is in good health, we are relieved."

What Lao Zhou said was not flattering. It had been three years since Li Zheng passed away, but Nangong Meng didn't look old at all.

Perhaps because there are everything in the palace, all kinds of treasures for maintaining the body, Nangong Meng, who is about 50 years old, looks like a young woman of 37 or [-] at first glance.

Compared to Qinglian, the three princesses and the others, who are little women in their early thirties, Nangong Meng has a restrained temperament, charming and enchanting, as mature as a peach, as if it can drip water.

Coupled with her graceful and luxurious temperament that often occupies a high position, it is hard to believe that this is a woman who is about 50 years old.

It's just a pity that Li Zheng passed away, and Li Ye was the only man in the palace. No matter how well maintained it is, the flowers that no one can appreciate will eventually wither gradually under the erosion of time.

For Nangong Meng, Chen Jie, and He Shu, the current harem is no different than the colder palace. It is not as good as those concubines who were not buried for Li Zheng and died alone in the clan mansion!

At least I can talk to more people and meet men!

Nangong Meng raised her hand and patted Lao Zhou's shoulder.

"Take care of your health, protect Your Majesty, and often come to the palace to chat with Ai's family when you are free."

"Hey, the old slave obeys!"

Liu Mingzhi silently looked at the backs of Nangong Meng and the four of them walking towards the harem, especially Nangong Meng and Chen Jie, who were slightly lonely, and sighed silently.

Once entering the palace, the gate is as deep as the sea, and under the halo of glory is a price that ordinary people can't imagine.

After the death of her husband, folk women can remarry and spend the rest of their lives together.

Even if women like Nangong Meng and the others have the idea of ​​remarrying, the key point is who the hell would dare to marry.

Young Master Liu was thinking about whether to copy some small toys from later generations and dedicate them to Nangong Meng and the others, so that they could secretly relieve their loneliness in the deep palace compound when no one was around.

After discussing a few words, First Young Master Liu hastily shook his head, and put this unrealistic and unreliable idea behind him.

Live well, why do you have to die!
(End of this chapter)

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