My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1752 Can Be Protected

Chapter 1752 Can Be Protected
Surrounded by court ladies and eunuchs, the beautiful figures of Nangong Meng and the four slowly disappeared under the corridor of the imperial study. Liu Mingzhi turned his gaze back to look at Li Ye.

"Your Majesty, let's go to the Palace of Qinzheng first. If we don't go there, the arguing voices of civil and military officials might knock down the roof of the Palace of Qinzheng."

"Uncle is right, you all follow me to the Qinzheng Hall, first to appease the officials who don't know the truth, and then let them inform the people, so as not to cause panic!"

"We will obey."

Li Ye glanced back at Ren Qingrui fiercely, waved his sleeves and walked towards the Qinzheng Hall.

"Put this witch on me, and I will kill their father and daughter!"

With Li Ye's order, Tong Yang's action of holding Ren Qingrui became less restrained. With one hand, he twisted Ren Qingrui's snow-white wrists, and with the other hand, he placed a horizontal knife on his neck as white as icy skin and snow skin. Pushing and shoving towards Qinzheng Hall.

Yang Tai even grabbed You Wenzhuo by the collar like a dead dog, dragging him to follow.

Liu Mingzhi and Lao Zhou stood by Li Ye's side, one left and one right, in case Ren Qingrui had any accomplices hiding in the palace, and suddenly appeared to do something unfavorable to Li Ye!

After a cup of tea, several people walked into the apse of Qinzheng Hall, Liu Mingzhi took a look at Ren Qingrui who was unable to speak and no longer struggled.

"Your Majesty, let General Tong take her into custody at the back of the palace first. Detaining her directly in front of the palace may cause panic. No matter what heinous crimes she has committed, she will always be Dalong's current queen before she is abolished. If she is detained like this , It will also have a bad effect on the face of the royal family."

Li Ye thought for a moment and nodded slightly: "Uncle is still considerate. I will send a decree to the Clan Mansion and Yushitai to abolish this demon girl's succession, and then hand her over to the Clan Mansion and the Sanfa Division for trial."

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

"Tong Dutong, please protect the safety of the empress."

Tong Yang was stunned for a moment, looked at Young Master Liu staring at him with meaningful eyes, thought carefully for a while, and finally understood the meaning of the King's words.

"Don't worry, the side-by-side king, the general will definitely protect the safety of the empress."

"That's good, so the king can rest assured!"

Tong Yang looked around cautiously: "Commander Yang!"

"The end is here!"

"Order the brothers of the guards under your command to enter the palace immediately, thoroughly search every corner of the palace, arrest any strangers, and verify the integrity of everyone who poses a potential threat to the safety of the empress."


Ren Qingrui heard the same words, her delicate body trembled, she looked at Yang Tai's back as he walked away from the side hall, and gave First Young Master Liu a hard look, his eyes were full of helplessness and resentment.

Young Master Liu looked at Ren Qingrui in surprise, the resentment in his eyes was understandable, what was the situation of helplessness?
Unable to figure out the reason, Liu Mingzhi staggered half a step and looked at Li Ye.

"Your Majesty, come to court!"

"it is good!"

Su An, the head of the house, has not shown up since Liu Mingzhi and the others entered the palace. I don't know if he heard the news of Lao Zhou's entry into the palace to clean up the house from somewhere, and he absconded or hid secretly.

Su An was not there, so Lao Zhou had to take Su An's place.

Gently flicking the dust whisk, although Lao Zhou's face was haggard, the momentary look of majesty still made Liu Mingzhi seem to see the spirited look of Lao Zhou in the past.

"Your Majesty is here, and all the officials salute!"

"Your Majesty, my ministers, long live my emperor."

Li Ye hurriedly walked to the dragon chair and sat down. Although his steps were a bit floating, he did not lose the majesty of the emperor.

"All my loves are free to be seated!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

All the officials sat down, and Liu Mingzhi also walked to his seat and knelt down, looking at the disheveled appearance of the officials around him, some of them didn't even notice that the laces of the official robes were tied backwards, apparently they came from outside the city The sound of war drums shocked many officials, and in a hurry, they put on their official robes and entered the palace.

Li Ye cleared his throat and looked around at the civil and military officials in the palace: "I already understand why all my loves entered the palace. Don't be alarmed by the sound of war drums outside the city. It's a plan to catch the thief staged by me and the side-by-side king."

"Now the thief has been captured by the forbidden army, waiting to plead guilty."

"The inside and outside of the capital are peaceful, there is no internal strife, and no foreign enemies, so you don't have to worry about it!"

Li Ye's words made the hearts of the civil and military officials who didn't know it relaxed, and they stopped beating non-stop.

The sound of drums and charging horns suddenly came from outside the city, making them think that someone rebelled again, or that the enemy army rushed to the capital in a surprise attack!
Li Ye also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Baiguan was no longer nervous.

"Master Daitobu."

Li Ye stared blankly at the empty cushion on the seat of the Minister of the Household Department: "My dear friends, why didn't the head of the state enter the palace?"

All the officials looked at each other in blank dismay, the Qinzheng Palace was in a mess just now, no one cared whether Ren Wenyue entered the palace or not.

None of them knew the details, and all the officials looked at Li Ye with their wats: "Report to Your Majesty, I don't know.

Li Ye thought for a while: "Ren Guozhang has already been released from Zhao Prison, so he should also enter the palace for the battle drums. Didn't any love see the Guozhang?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I have never seen it before!"

Li Ye was a little at a loss, and subconsciously looked at Young Master Liu's position.

Sensing Li Ye's gaze, Liu Mingzhi glanced at the empty cushion beside him, sighed silently, and walked out holding the wat.

"Your Majesty, my minister Liu Mingzhi has a book to play!"


"Reporting to Your Majesty, the case of Zhang Ren Wenyue embezzling and repairing the treasury of the imperial tomb."


"The evidence for this matter is conclusive. I think Ren Guozhang and others should be detained in Zhao Prison again to cooperate with the Tribunal to try the case. The witnesses are not present, and only the Tribunal's blind verification is a waste of time. Empress Empress Ren Qingrui's interference in government affairs is against the law Taizu Legacy"

"Depose the post, and hand it over to the Clan Mansion, the Three Legal Departments."


All the officials were stunned, staring blankly at Li Ye who was sitting on the dragon chair with a majestic expression, not knowing what was going on.

A few days ago, His Majesty was still trying to find ways to exonerate the Demon Queen, so why did he agree to the memorial to the King without hesitation today?
"The Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, Yushi Terrace, and the Clan Mansion."

"The minister waits to hear the order!"

"You will jointly try this matter, but anyone involved in this case with solid evidence will be severely punished!"

"I will obey your orders!"

"If there is nothing else, let's go back to the court first, and the court will discuss this matter in three days."

"The ministers obey the order and send you off to His Majesty, long live long live."

"The side-by-side king stays, I have other things to tell you."

"The minister obeys the order."

The civil and military officials who were about to leave the court looked back at First Young Master Liu in surprise, remembering those words in Young Master Liu's memorial earlier, some people were happy and some were worried.

Although it is not clear what the reason for His Majesty's change is, it is certain that it is inextricably related to the side-by-side king who has returned from the dynasty.

After the officials left, Li Ye slowly walked down from the dragon platform.

"Uncle, what should we do next?"

(End of this chapter)

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