My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1753 Don't be a fool

Chapter 1753 Don't be a fool
Liu Mingzhi looked at the officials who left together for a while, with a hint of deep meaning hidden in his eyes.

"The most urgent thing is to interrogate the empress empress Ren Qingrui first, and ask who is the person behind the scenes."

"The Queen's Empress is only 16 years old, and she is a woman of the generation. I do not deny that she is a courageous and insightful strange woman, but if there is no huge power to support her, she can only rely on the time she enters the palace. Judging from it, it is absolutely impossible to commit such a heinous crime."

"Chengzhou in Shu is thousands of miles away from the capital, the empress has no relatives or reasons in the palace, and the patriarch Ren Wenyue has no foundation in the capital, no backer to gain power!"

"In this way, there must be a person with hands and eyes who is secretly supporting them."

"Especially Ren Wenyue, who dared to embezzle even the money for repairing the imperial mausoleum. If it weren't for someone to back him up and give him the confidence to do whatever he wanted, just because he was transferred to the title of the head of the capital because of the empress, he wouldn't have the guts to give him 1 Dare to embezzle the money used to repair the imperial mausoleum!"

"I'm afraid the strength of the person behind the scenes is no small matter. If you don't take advantage of the victory to pursue and give him a chance to slow down, it will be difficult to find out."

"Furthermore, the people behind the scenes dared to instruct the Queen to cast a venom on His Majesty, and wanted to control His Majesty one by one. It must be a big picture."

"In addition to the several million taels of silver embezzled by Ren Wenyue, if the people behind the scenes move their minds, it will definitely cause another big turmoil."

"The minister believes that it must be wiped out in one fell swoop, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

Li Ye nodded heavily: "According to what my uncle said, the servants of the third department have already arrested all the people involved in the corruption case of the country's father. Let's go and interrogate this witch immediately to find out who instigated her to dare to murder me. You have to ask them about their plans!"

"When I find out who is behind the scenes, I will definitely execute him Ling Chi. Only by hacking him into pieces can I vent my hatred."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Li Ye's pale and thin appearance, looked at his indignant expression, and thought for a long time but couldn't think of any words of advice.

The pain that Ren Qingrui and the people behind the scenes brought to Li Ye can only be resolved by death!

"This matter is regarded as half of His Majesty's family affairs, and it is naturally left to His Majesty to handle, and the subject is naturally subject to His Majesty."

"Great, let's go to the imperial study room first, we must pry open the witch's mouth no matter what!"

"Please, Your Majesty!"

In the apse of Qinzheng Hall, Liu Mingzhi touched Ren Qingrui's fair neck with his fingers, and unlocked the acupuncture points controlling Ren Qingrui.

"Empress, the one who knows the current affairs is a hero, I hope you can turn around in time, and don't be obsessed with it and make mistakes to the end!"

"As long as you tell the person behind the scenes, I can still plead with His Majesty to save you a chance of life. If you go all the way to the dark, even if I have compassion and kindness, it will not be possible to protect your life."

"Your Majesty is still young, and the days to come will be exciting. Since you have already lost, why sacrifice your life in vain?"

"I hope your empress will think twice, your time is only from the Qinzheng Palace to the Imperial Study Room, if you miss this opportunity, there is no way to turn back."

Ren Qingrui gritted her teeth, staring closely at First Young Master Liu's calm eyes.

"You will definitely regret it. In fact, you know everything, but you just dare not admit it. What are you hesitating about?"

Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes and narrowed his eyes to see Ren Qingrui staring at his complicated phoenix eyes.

"It seems that the empress is planning to fight to the end. Anyway, if this is the case, I will treat my good intentions as a donkey's liver and lungs!"

"General Tong, escort the Imperial Study Room!"


Liu Mingzhi stared at the back of Li Ye and the others rushing away first, stared at Ren Qingrui's beautiful figure, smiled lightly and shook his head.

"The chess piece rolled to the ground, black and white are difficult to distinguish, but it is still on the chessboard, black and white are still distinct!"

Sighing, Liu Mingzhi straightened his clothes and followed lightly.

The imperial study room in the harem.

Li Ye looked at Ren Qingrui who was sitting softly on the ground with red eyes: "Monster, who made you plant such evil things as Gu worms in my body?"

"Since you entered the palace, I have sealed you as the empress, loved you in every possible way, and treated you well. Why did you collude with thieves to plot against me?"

"Why? I treated you badly!"

Ren Qingrui's meticulous blue hair has been scattered, and there are whip marks on the palace dress, and the exposed ice crystals and snow skin and faint blood can be vaguely seen.

Hearing Li Ye's questioning voice, Ren Qingrui sneered, glanced at First Young Master Liu who was sitting on a chair and lightly sipping tea, and gave Li Ye a disdainful look.

"Mr. Hun, do you want to know who asked me to do it? Please, please, I will tell you mercifully!"

"You Tong Yang, tell me all the eighteen methods you used to interrogate prisoners, and I want to see how tight this witch's mouth is!"

"According to the order!"

After half a stick of incense, a set of instruments of torture was moved to the imperial study by Tong Yang's imperial army, and placed in front of Ren Qingrui.

Tong Yang looked hesitantly at the furious Li Ye.

"Your Majesty, is there really a big punishment?"

Li Ye stared fiercely at Ren Qingrui staring at his mocking phoenix eyes: "Punishment, even if the demon girl can't bear the severe punishment and dies, I won't punish you, no matter what, you have to find out the identity of the person behind the scenes !"

"If you don't ask the people behind the scenes, I will feel as uncomfortable as a thorn in my throat and a thorn in my back."

"According to the order!"

They also gave the two guards a look, and the two guards nodded understandingly, dipped the stick in the soaked salt water, took it out and walked towards Ren Qingrui's ten slender fingers.

Liu Mingzhi put down the teacup in his hand, and looked at Ren Qingrui who was motionless and not struggling.

"and many more!"

The two imperial guards paused, and subconsciously looked at First Young Master Liu. Li Ye and Lao Zhou on the side also looked at Liu Mingzhi in surprise, not knowing what he meant.

Liu Mingzhi got up and walked towards Ren Qingrui, and slowly squatted in front of Ren Qingrui.

"Your Majesty is a tough guy, even tougher than an ordinary man. I admire you very much. Since conventional means are useless to your Majesty, I plan to use some unconventional torture tools on your Majesty. I hope your Majesty can resist without changing her face. "

Under Ren Qingrui's blank gaze, Liu Mingzhi stood up and looked at Li Ye.

"I dare to ask Your Majesty, do you know if His Majesty still has children's love for your empress?"

Li Ye nodded without hesitation, and looked at Ren Qingrui with hatred in his eyes: "I can't wait to eat his flesh and sleep on his skin."

"In this way, the minister can rest assured!"

"General Tong!"

"The end is here!"

"Trouble General Tong to find some cattle and sheep, and help me get some drugs for the brothel men and women."


"Oh, what, uncle tells you to go, so go!"

"The minister obeys the order!"

After Tong Yang left, Li Ye looked at First Young Master Liu curiously: "Uncle, what do you want those things for? Can these things also be used to interrogate prisoners?"

"Reporting to His Majesty, of course it is possible."

"As long as those medicines are given to the empress and a group of cattle and sheep, and locked in a room, His Majesty should be able to guess the rest of the matter. If it doesn't work in one day, it will be locked for two days, and if it doesn't work in two days, it will be locked for three days! "

"That's why I just asked His Majesty if he still has children's feelings for Your Majesty. Since Your Majesty hates Your Majesty so much, I think this method of punishing the Demon Queen is actually not a problem."

Hearing Young Master Liu's bland answer, everyone in the imperial study couldn't help but shudder, even the rootless people like Lao Zhou couldn't help but swallow their saliva, and looked at the bland Liu in fear. Young Master, it's like looking at a demon!
As the person involved, Ren Qingrui trembled even more delicately, and kept trembling. Seeing Young Master Liu's expression that didn't seem to be joking, she tremblingly raised her lotus root arm and pointed at Young Master Liu.

"You are not human, you are not human!"

Young Master Liu picked up the tea and took a sip, looking at the trembling Ren Qingrui with quiet eyes.

"Your Majesty, I just said that those who know current affairs are outstanding."

"You still have a chance now, once General Tong returns, it will be hard to say!"

Ren Qingrui immediately collapsed on the ground, and looked at First Young Master Liu with horrified eyes: "You are scaring me, I am the current queen, you dare not do this, you are scaring me!"

"Hehe. Your Majesty is too conceited. Whether you are the current queen is not up to you, but your Majesty's. Didn't your Majesty hear that the Clan Mansion and the Yushitai have already started when they were at the back of the Palace of Qinzheng?" Is there anything after the abolishment?"

"You are just a prisoner now."

"A prisoner must have the consciousness of a prisoner!"

"It's still the same sentence, say, there is still a glimmer of life, if you don't say it, don't blame the minister for being despicable!"

Seeing Liu Mingzhi's earnest appearance, Ren Qingrui had the illusion that Liu Mingzhi really dared to do this, and forced herself to ask.

"Ben Ben Gong, Ben Gong said, Ben Gong said!"

Liu Mingzhi smiled faintly, gave Lao Zhou a look, and signaled him to write a statement.

Lao Zhou nodded knowingly, picked up an ordinary pen and dipped it in ink, and waited for Ren Qingrui to speak.

"Bengong. I'm only talking to you alone, but you have to ensure that Bengong's life is safe, otherwise I won't utter a word if I kill myself by biting my tongue!"

Liu Mingzhi frowned, looking at Ren Qingrui's decisive gaze, he couldn't help but look at Li Ye.

Li Ye tightly clutched the teacup in his hand, hesitated for a while and nodded helplessly.

Liu Mingzhi quietly looked at Ren Qingrui and nodded slightly: "I can assure you."

Ren Qingrui looked at Liu Mingzhi resentfully: "No, you swear, swear by the ancestors of your Liu family, otherwise I won't believe you."

Liu Mingzhi clenched his fists and nodded helplessly: "I swear, if you touch a single hair of your hair, the souls of the ancestors of the Liu family will not be at peace!"

Looking at Ren Qingrui's soft and charming phoenix eyes, Liu Mingzhi silently closed his eyes.

If the king does not move, it has nothing to do with the king if others move.

Ren Qingrui thought for a while, struggled to stand up, and walked slowly towards Liu Mingzhi.

"Come here with your ear!"

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment, and slowly moved towards Ren Qingrui, and suddenly a faint fragrance from the woman's body rushed into Liu Mingzhi's nostrils, which lifted his spirits.

"You have to ensure that Bengong's life is safe!"

Seeing that Ren Qingrui still didn't quite believe him, Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly with his beautiful eyes slightly suspicious: "My king promises!"

Ren Qingrui slowly moved closer to Liu Mingzhi's ear, not caring at all that half of her delicate body was leaning into Liu Mingzhi's arms.

"The person who instigated this palace to cast a gu on the faint king is Gudu"

Ren Qingrui was halfway through speaking, when the sound of swallowing something was heard, Liu Mingzhi felt something bad in his heart, and immediately straightened up and looked towards Ren Qingrui.

I saw Ren Qingrui's white and flawless hand slowly lowered from her cherry lips, and a piece of paper the size of a palm swirled down from her palm.

"Mr. Hun, I have already told the King of Side-by-Shoulders who is behind the scenes, you guys go check it out, check it out!"

Liu Mingzhi looked in amazement at Ren Qingrui, who was slowly slumping at his feet with black blood on Wang Ying's lips, and squatted down in a hurry, staring at Ren Qingrui fiercely.

"why why?"

After reacting, Lao Zhou hurriedly leaped over, looked at Ren Qingrui, and immediately picked up the piece of paper on the ground and sniffed it.

"Broken intestines!"

Liu Mingzhi hurriedly looked at Lao Zhou: "Can you save him?"

Lao Zhou shook his head with complicated eyes, and sighed as he looked at Ren Qingrui on the ground.

"Although Duanchang Powder cannot kill you instantly, once you take it, it is almost impossible to save."

Ren Qingrui tugged at the hem of Liu Mingzhi's clothes with great difficulty, her phoenix eyes softly stared at First Young Master Liu who was squatting beside her.

"No, don't, don't, don't do it again. I can't afford it. Liu, Liu, Liu, Ah Dou!"

(End of this chapter)

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