My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1754 The bird in the cage

Chapter 1754 The bird in the cage

Although Ren Qingrui's words were weak and intermittent, they were still enough for people to hear what she wanted to express.

Liu Mingzhi stared intently at Ren Qingrui's beautiful eyes which were gradually losing Zhong Lingyuxiu's expression: "Old Zhou, can the imperial doctor save her?"

Lao Zhou shook his head with regret, and sighed silently: "Once you take the Duanchang powder, you will suffer the inhuman torture of half a stick of incense, and the intestines will be pierced. Even if the imperial doctor arrives, it may be impossible to recover!"

"This kind of poison is used to punish those criminals who have committed the most heinous crimes, allowing them to suffer and die slowly. We have lived for decades, and we have never seen a precedent of being revived after taking Duanchang Powder."

Sure enough, as soon as Lao Zhou's words fell, Ren Qingrui's delicate body slumped on the ground suddenly curled up in convulsions, her white hands were tightly clenched together and struggled, her crescent eyebrows were tightly frowned, and her face showed unnaturalness The blush was obviously suffering from unimaginable pain.

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at Ren Qingrui who was clenching his white teeth, and was stunned.

This woman is simply a lunatic, what is supporting her belief.

At the age of [-] years, slim and elegant, what kind of past has she experienced?

You can be indifferent to death, and you can say nothing about pain.

Li Ye put down the teacup in his hand and looked at Ren Qingrui who was suffering the pain on the ground, with a look of fear and intolerance on his face.

"Uncle, who is the person behind the scenes that the demon girl told you?"

Liu Mingzhi was stunned, and looked down at Ren Qingrui, who was breathing weaker again, and shook her head silently: "Reporting to Your Majesty, she didn't tell me anything."

Li Ye was taken aback, looked at Liu Mingzhi and then down at Ren Qingrui, wondering what he was thinking.

Ren Qingrui raised her eyes and glanced at Li Ye's appearance, then sneered and closed her soft eyes quietly waiting to die.

Liu Mingzhi slowly moved his ear to Ren Qingrui's face: "Ren Qingrui, what exactly do you want to do? Who is behind the scenes?"

Hearing Young Master Liu's gnashing of teeth, Ren Qingrui lay there without saying a word, with fine sweat on her forehead from the pain.

Liu Mingzhi didn't care whether Li Ye cared whether he touched Ren Qingrui's body, grabbed Ren Qingrui's bright wrist and bent his fingers to check his pulse for a moment, Liu Mingzhi clearly felt that Ren Qingrui's pulse was so weak that it was almost undetectable.

He raised his hand and forcibly opened Ren Qingrui's eyes for a look, seeing Ren Qingrui's beautiful eyes gradually losing his expression, Liu Mingzhi's palm slipped down in a daze.

Although he doesn't know medical skills, he can tell that Ren Qingrui has reached a situation where Hua Tuo can't save it even if he lives again.

Seeing more and more black blood on Ren Qingrui's lips, Liu Mingzhi took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood on her lips, then gently put it inside the cuff.

"Your Majesty, the Empress really didn't tell me anything about the people behind the scenes."

Li Ye came back to his senses, looked at Liu Mingzhi's complicated eyes and nodded silently.

"I trust my uncle."

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and glanced at Ren Qingrui who was still on the ground without groaning in pain, and sighed with deep eyes.

"Your Majesty, as the saying goes, a husband and wife enjoy a hundred days of grace."

"Although she has done so many evil deeds that caused His Majesty torment, but since she has pleaded guilty and committed suicide, for the sake of the royal family's face, I suggest that she be buried in the mausoleum."

"After all, the news of this matter is not a good thing for the face of the Dragon Royal Family or His Majesty."

"Death is like a lamp being extinguished. This matter has come to this stage. I can only advise His Majesty to take it easy!"

"What? Uncle, you actually asked me to spare this demon girl. It's not an exaggeration to say that this girl's evil deeds were cut to pieces. How could I spare her?"

Looking at the unwilling Li Ye, Liu Mingzhi silently shook his head.

"Your Majesty, this is just a suggestion from the minister. As for how to act, it depends on your majesty's own will. The empress took poison and killed herself. The only ones who know the people behind the scenes are Ren Guozhang and the others. Now the minister can't accompany your majesty in the palace. The minister wants Immediately go to the Sanfa Division to see if we can get any strong evidence."

"Okay, uncle must find out who is behind the scenes, otherwise, I will be terrified!"

"I understand, I will do my best, and I will resign!"

"Old Zhou, please help me to help Tong Dutong search the palace for any accomplices of the empress."

"Okay, let's follow the lead of the prince and find out who is behind the scenes."

"Your Majesty, the old slave has also retired."

Liu Mingzhi took a deep look at Ren Qingrui, and walked out of the hall without hesitation.

Looking up at the snowflakes that fell from the sky outside the Imperial Study Room at an unknown time, Liu Mingzhi stretched out his palm to catch a snowflake, and watched it gradually melt into a water drop, Liu Mingzhi clenched his fists tightly, and looked towards the outside of the palace with complicated eyes. leap in the direction.

Tai Hospital, Liu Mingzhi kicked open the gate of the Tai Medical Office and walked in quickly.

"What is the heart of the imperial physician Zheng Churen? Come out and meet the king immediately!"

"Who dares to break into the Imperial Medical Office? I don't know."

Liu Mingzhi extended the seal in his hand directly to the face of the middle-aged imperial physician: "That's right, Liu Mingzhi, let Chu Renxin come out to see me immediately!"

"Band and shoulder the king! The next official will notify Master Chu immediately!"

A moment later, the Imperial Physician Zheng Churen ran out from behind the Imperial Medical Office in a panic, with a strong smell of medicine on his body, obviously just came out of the medicine storehouse.

"The next official, Chu Renxin, sees the King of Side-by-Shoulders."

"Excuse me, Master Chu, immediately help me find out what kind of poison this is."

Chu Renxin looked at the handkerchief in his hand that was stuffed by Young Master Liu at some point, and saw the black blood on the handkerchief. He dipped his finger on it and put it under his nose to sniff a few times.

"Broken intestines!"

"Can those who take this poison be saved?"

"Returning to my lord, although this poison is not fatal immediately, there is no hope of saving it. A senior has detoxified this poison, but luck also plays a large role. The person who took the poison did not take too long. The senior used his internal force to force it out, and then fed it with soup and medicine to save his life."

"What about the senior you mentioned?"

"He resigned and returned to his hometown. This senior was the imperial physician when Emperor Ruizong entered the palace. He also went there when the prince was infected with the plague in the past. He was already fifty at that time. It’s not clear how to become an official in this world.”

Liu Mingzhi looked at Chu Renxin disappointedly: "Is there no one else but him?"

"The world is so big that I don't know if there is one, but I have never heard of anyone who can detoxify the poison of Duanchang Powder except for that senior."

"The main reason is that the timing doesn't allow it. With half a stick of incense, how can there be a genius doctor by his side!"

"Thank you, farewell!"

Before the words finished, First Young Master Liu had disappeared, as well as the handkerchief with black blood in Chu Renxin's hand.

After a cup of tea, Young Master Liu appeared in the backyard of the Liu Mansion with a flushed face. This was the fastest time for him to return home in ten years.

"The poison of Duanchang powder, who has eaten this poison?"

Liu Mingzhi stared deeply at Sai Huatuo's surprised face: "Don't worry about it, my young master just asked if you can save me?"

"May I ask the young master how long this person has been taking poison?"

"About two quarters of an hour."

"Two quarters of an hour? That's difficult. The poison has spread all over the internal organs. I'm afraid the intestines are all rotten. If you just drink a cup of tea, you still have a chance. Now, it's useless!"

Seeing Sai Huatuo's helpless expression, Liu Mingzhi fell down on the chair and became dazed.

Old man Sai said it was hopeless, who else in the world could have the incredible medical skills to bring the dead back to life!
Seeing Young Master Liu's absent-minded appearance, Sai Huatuo slowly backed out with the medicine box on his back.

In the inner courtyard, Liu Zhi'an, who was bending over to tease the canary in the cage, looked at Sai Huatuo standing aside with a surprised expression.

"Broken intestine powder?"


Liu Zhi'an nodded knowingly, opened the cage door, held the frisky canary in his hand, and began to look at it carefully.

"It's a pity. It's a pity that a rare woman who is a beauty in the world has passed away like this!"

"It's just, is it worth it, it's sad."

Liu Zhi'an exerted a slight force on his palm, and the delicate canary wailed a few times before gradually losing its movement.

Liu Zhian threw the dead canary to Sai Huatuo.

"See, raising it is not just for looking good. When it needs to die, it has to die."

"A bird in a cage is no different from a chess piece."

Liu Zhi'an bent over and washed his hands in the sink beside him, and walked towards the study with his hands behind his back.

"Send it to the young master, he will understand!"


(End of this chapter)

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