My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1755 There will be no place to stand

Chapter 1755 There will be no place to stand
Inside the palace, several swift figures leaped towards the imperial study.

"Spy Shadow Li Huan, Li Shuo, Li Chengjie, Li Hongyun, Li Mao see your majesty, long live my emperor!"

Li Ye, who was sitting on the dragon chair in a daze, hurriedly raised his head and looked anxiously at the five men in black robes who were kneeling on the ground.

"all gone?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the king, Mr. Zhou, Tong Dutong and others who knew about this matter have all left the palace, presumably to investigate the corruption of Mr. Ren."

Li Ye stood up abruptly, stumbled and ran towards Ren Qingrui who was lying on the carpet, breathing in less and exhaling more.

"Li Han, Jiedu pill, quickly bring Jiedu pill."

"According to the order."

A man in a black robe and a bamboo hat floated down from the roof of the hall again, holding a delicate sandalwood box in front of Li Ye.

Li Ye fell down beside Ren Qingrui's delicate body with a flustered expression, and hurriedly hugged her in his arms.

"Rui'er, you must persevere, brother Ye will detoxify you immediately, you will be fine, you will be fine."

It's just that the vitality of the beauty in her arms was so weak that she was unable to answer Li Ye's words at all. Li Ye hurriedly stuffed the elixir handed over by the man in black into Ren Qingrui's cherry lips.

"Shen Wang Tang, the life-hanging Shen Wang Tang."

"According to the order."

There was a soft reply from the side hall, and Su An, who had disappeared for a day and hadn't shown up, ran out quickly holding a steaming porridge bowl, and handed the ginseng soup to Li Ye's hand.

Li Ye carefully put the ginseng soup into Ren Qingrui's cherry lips, seeing the beauty slowly swallowing the ginseng soup, his face was full of joy.

"Great, drink more, drink more and you'll be fine."

A group of spies around Li Ye watched Ren Qingrui's reaction through the veil, and the face under the veil also showed a relieved look.

A bowl of ginseng soup was poured down, and after a cup of tea, Ren Qingrui in Li Ye's embrace gradually regained a touch of spirit with her slackened soft and charming phoenix eyes.

Ren Qingrui struggled to look at Li Ye who was holding her in her arms: "Gone? They're all gone? Brother Ye, the King of Side-by-Shoulders, have they all gone?"

Li Ye nodded heavily, raised his hand to caress Ren Qingrui's pretty face, and glanced at the blood-stained wound on his palace dress, full of heartache: "Let's go, they're all gone, I've wronged you, I've wronged you."

"It's really good. I can give Rui'er a chance to take another good look at you, Brother Ye, but Rui'er should go, and go to another world to see Brother Ye's high-spirited and majestic appearance."

Li Ye hugged Ren Qingrui tightly in his arms and kept shaking his head: "Don't talk nonsense, you will be fine, you have taken the Jiedu pill beforehand, Duanchang powder will not cause you too much harm, as long as you take it again A detoxification pill, Li Han and the others will use their internal energy to help you heal your wounds, and you will be fine in no time."

Ren Qingrui looked up at Li Ye's relaxed expression, with a strong sense of reluctance in her phoenix eyes.

Silly brother, the Jiedu Pill can cure the poison of Duanchang Powder, but it can't cure the backlash of Gu insects, it can't cure it.

Li Ye didn't notice that Ren Qingrui gradually regained her spirits, and Zhong Lingyuxiu's beautiful eyes dimmed a bit.

"Brother Ye!"

"Hey, Brother Ye is here, Rui'er, take a good rest, Brother Ye will carry you to the bed to rest."

"No, don't put Rui'er on the bed, Rui'er wants you to hold me quietly and never let go."

"Okay, brother Ye listens to you, don't let go, if you feel uncomfortable, you must tell me."

Ren Qingrui slowly raised her bright wrist to caress Li Ye's pale face: "Brother Ye, is it worth it for you?"

"Uncle, in order to help the imperial court to rule the world, he went to the two countries many times, just to repay the kindness of the father, to help you establish the country and become the eternal emperor who created the prosperous world."

"The concubine's actions after seeing my uncle return to the court are all for the court and you. It can be said that they are doing their duty. You shouldn't do this."

"Zhuge Wuhou came out of Qishan six times, because of the inaction of the emperor Liu Adou, he died again and again, and finally the Shu Kingdom gradually weakened and became the king of subjugation."

"Uncle, he led the army and was about to rule the world, but you cut off his food and grass, which made the great cause of the Northern Expedition aborted. How is this different from Liu Adou? You really shouldn't have done this!"

"Don't do Liu Adou's trip again, it will chill my uncle's heart."

Li Ye, who had a calm face, suddenly blushed, and looked at Ren Qingrui with gloomy eyes: "Shut up, what do you know?"

Ren Qingrui was stunned, and sighed silently.

Li Ye realized that his tone was a little rushed, he hurriedly took a few deep breaths, and looked at Ren Qingrui softly.

"Rui'er, you're not me, you won't understand, you won't understand."

"This world is unified. Uncle Nangong Ye can do it, Huguo Marquis Zhang Kuang can do it, the generals of the Six Guards of Northern Xinjiang and even Mr. Jingguo Gongyun can help me to unify the world, but Uncle Liu Mingzhi can't."

"One word side by side king, sitting in the 27 mansions of the Northland, there is no one who can reward him. If he leads the army to unify the world, there will be no place for me, the Great Dragon Emperor, in the court."

"If it is not sealed, it will be difficult to convince the public, and it will not be possible to block the mouths of Youyou. Naturally, the hundreds of thousands of cavalry under his command will seek justice for him, and troubles will inevitably arise."

"Reward, what kind of seal do you want me to get? Is it true that I want to give up my throne to him and make him the Dragon Emperor?"

"The one-word side-by-side king is already an extremely human minister, and there is no seal on him. Apart from the title of emperor, do you think there is anything in Brother Ye's hand that can match the credit for unifying the world."

"In private, some people have already discussed that it is the second emperor's words. I am afraid, I have to do this!"

"I'm afraid that the second emperor will become the real emperor!"

"We get together day and night, share the same bed, you don't know how I toss and turn, restless."

Looking at Ren Qingrui's complicated eyes, Li Ye sighed heavily.

"My father rewarded my uncle with the 27 mansions of the Northland, just to help me guard the gate of the country, and wait for me to gradually strengthen myself and grasp the power in the court."

"And he is guarding the Northland, and the enemies of Jin and Tu are the first to bear the brunt, so that he can consume the troops in his hands. Under the circumstances, even if my uncle sits in the 27 mansions, he will not become a catastrophe for the court. place."

"But my father never imagined, and I never imagined that my uncle would be able to resist the invasion of nearly 90 troops from the two countries by himself."

"It is even more unexpected that without my will, he would be able to mobilize 40 soldiers from the Western Regions just by relying on a Golden Dragon Emperor's order from the emperor's grandfather."

"The soldiers and horses of the Western Regions belong to me alone, but he actually mobilized, and it is an army of 40!"

"This kind of power, how can you make me not afraid."

"Father underestimated my uncle's abilities. My father's original intention was to hope that he could defend the Northland, but my father never thought that he would be able to counterattack back. The two countries were almost destroyed."

"His Northern Expedition must fail, and he must return to me without success to be at ease."

"In the Kingdom of Jin, the Turks have already been defeated by my uncle. The mountains and rivers are withered, and they are unable to resist the dragon's soldiers. After the next year, I will choose someone else to lead the battle. Facing the two countries with weakened forces, they can also help me to unify the world."

"It's just that this person can't be my uncle. He definitely can't be. His prestige is already too great. It's so big that I feel restless!"

"I don't doubt his loyalty, but his loyalty has already surpassed the scope of courtiers."

"His loyalty made me lose my foothold immediately, do you understand?"

Ren Qingrui looked at Li Ye's painful expression, her soft and charming phoenix eyes dimmed a little again, her jade hand slipped down gently, not knowing what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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