My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1756 That's what I said in my previous life

Chapter 1756 That's what I said in my previous life

Ren Qingrui coughed twice, her head pressed tightly against Li Ye's chest.

"The concubines don't understand what Brother Ye said. The concubines only know what Brother Ye tells them to do, and they will do what they want."

"It's just my incompetence. I tried my best but I didn't let my uncle say that I want to rebel. I have tried my best, and I have exhausted all means, but what I see is loyalty, and there is no disobedience." .”

"What brother Ye said is just your speculation. For a guess, hundreds of thousands of dragon soldiers died in battle, and the great cause of the Northern Expedition returned without success."

"Thousands of 10 people marched forward, spilled blood on the battlefield, but got such a result. The concubine didn't know about Brother Ye's foresight, but the concubine felt sad for these hundreds of thousands of soldiers."

"They died in vain!"

Li Ye stared straight at the outside of the hall, his fists clenched and crackling: "You are a woman's benevolence, once you succeed, you will be ashamed."

"But how can a general be compared to an emperor's hegemony? An emperor, talking and laughing, speaks to the world with a single word. For the sake of the country, it is not worth it or not."

"When I ascend the throne as emperor, I want to inherit the world ambitions of the emperor's grandfather and father and emperor, and I need to shock the princes and people, and reproduce the great dragon's prosperity. For the sake of the great dragon, everything can be done."

"I have nothing else to do."

"Even if I self-mutilate, I must cover up the real reason why the food and grass are difficult to support."

"The concubine has already done it, and now my uncle may have set his sights on others, and there is only so much the concubine can do."

"What I can't figure out is that my uncle has assisted Ruizong and Wuzong emperors for two generations, and has always done his best. When he assisted Brother Ye, he did his best. Without his support, you would not be able to sit on the throne."

"The concubine really can't figure it out."

Li Ye shook his head silently: "That's something that you don't know about outside."

"After the royal father's visit, no one in civil and military affairs in the Manchu Dynasty can fight against my uncle. As one of the assistant ministers appointed by the emperor's grandfather, he is in charge of the military department and the household department. He is like a fierce tiger that shakes the court."

"Although he is not the current emperor, he is in charge of Dalong's [-] property."

"After he returned to court this time, because of his father-in-law's affairs, civil and military memorials from the Manchu Dynasty flew towards him like snowflakes, and civil and military officials had to discuss with him first. They are my subjects, they belong to me! "

"The prestige of the DPRK and China is unmatched, and the military and political power in northern Xinjiang is in sole control."

"If he is allowed to lead the army to unify the world again, it will be easy for him to seize the country."

"He may not rebel, but I am afraid that others will force him to rebel."

Ren Qingrui looked at Li Ye silently, and looked at the frightened look in Li Ye's eyes. Only then did she understand how afraid Li Ye was of his uncle.

From Li Ye's words, Ren Qingrui also understood that if she didn't control Liu Mingzhi's power at this time, she might not have a chance to control it in the future.

"Rui'er, Uncle, he always wants to help me clear up the government, and prevent the ministers from forming cliques for personal gain, and power from the government."

"But the authorities are obsessed with it. Uncle, he forgot that he is the most powerful person in the world today."

"No matter how loyal he is, I'm afraid."

"With his current power, what is my emperor worth in his eyes? I don't want to give up the unification of the world that I am about to achieve, but I have to let it go"

"cough cough cough cough"

While Li Ye was talking, Ren Qingrui suddenly coughed lightly, and a smear of bright red blood slowly flowed from her cherry lips.

Li Ye looked down subconsciously, his expression changed: "Ruirui, what's wrong with you?"

Ren Qingrui's pupils darkened again: "Brother Ye, how could Rui'er be able to control such a powerful Gu insect as the heart-rotten Gu with the superficial Gu technique that Rui'er learned by sharpening her gun in front of the battle? The Gu worms have already devoured Rui'er's heart."

"Now that the Gu worms have devoured the Lord completely, Rui'er's life may not be long."

"What? Don't scare me, you must be lying to me, right?"

"Brother Ye, it is Rui'er's blessing to be able to marry you in this life. In the next life, Rui'er will continue to be with you."

Li Ye looked at Ren Qingrui struggling in pain, and shook his head in disbelief.

"Impossible, it's not true, it's not true."

"The emperor's grandmother was just now... to tell the truth outside the palace. The palace looks magnificent, with pavilions, towers and pavilions, but it is a bigger cage. A woman who marries into the palace becomes a caged bird."

"For. For. In order to be with you, Rui'er is willing to be this caged bird, even if she sacrifices her own life."

"Brother Ye, Rui'er is cold and hurts badly, the whip hurts, stomach hurts, heart hurts too."

"With so many welt marks on her body, Rui'er has become ugly."

Li Ye looked into Ren Qingrui's dim eyes, and hurriedly turned his head to look at the spy beside him: "Li Han, aren't you a superb doctor? Save the queen quickly, something happened to Rui'er, I want you to be buried with her."

The man in the bamboo hat who fell from the roof hurriedly picked up Ren Qingrui's bright wrist to feel his pulse. After a while, the middle-aged man under the black veil looked helpless and regretful, and shook his head slightly at Li Ye.

"The empress's heart veins were damaged, and she was eroded by the poison of the Broken Chang Powder later on. The two poisons broke out at the same time. It is no longer a cure for the detoxification pill. The empress is now dying, and there is no way to recover!"

"Impossible, Li Han, you told me earlier that Rui'er will be fine."

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I deserve death for my crimes, and I don't know that my mother has been attacked by Gu insects. She didn't say anything, and I don't know the hidden truth!"

"Brother Yeye. My father, father."

Li Ye hurriedly looked at Ren Qingrui who was in his arms, and burst into tears when he looked into his cloudy eyes.

"Rui'er, I'm sorry, I didn't know this would happen, I didn't know, I'm sorry, I can definitely save you, I can definitely save you."

"Li Huan, send the imperial doctor quickly, and invite my uncle's concubine named Qinglian from the mother's side, immediately!"


"no, do not want"

"Brother Ye, don't go. If Rui'er doesn't die, everything you have. All your hard work will be in vain."

"My father. You promised Rui'er that you would kill him. Don't forget. Forget what you promised Rui'er."

"I will never forget that my father-in-law has been sent to a safe place to live in seclusion."

"Rui'er, I'm sorry!"

Ren Qingrui looked at Li Ye holding her tearfully and smiled with difficulty.

"For you. To die for you. Rui'er is worth. Worth it"

"In the next life, don't. Don't let me down again. In the next life, you won't be the emperor, okay?"

"I promise you, I promise you, your affectionate Li Ye will definitely repay you with a straw ring in the next life."

"you you."

Li Ye looked at Ren Qingrui who was struggling and hurriedly leaned towards his ear: "Speak slowly, don't worry, speak slowly, don't worry."

"You may have said so in your previous life."

Ren Qingrui exhausted all her strength to finish the sentence, her head fell limply in Li Ye's arms, and her white and flawless hands slid down her abdomen weakly.

With trembling corners of Li Ye's mouth, he looked at Ren Qingrui, who was already silent in his arms, and at the happy smile on his cherry lips, and burst into tears.


Li Ye shouted out the beauty's name in a heart-rending manner, but the beauty had already passed away and could not hear anything.

A group of spies in the palace looked at Ren Qingrui in Li Ye's arms with complex expressions, and their simple eyes showed a hint of emotion and admiration.

For the sake of love, he is willing to be tortured in a thousand ways, until the fragrance disappears and the jade dies, and his soul descends to the deepest seclusion.

Not asking for anything in return, only giving without complaint or regret, how many women in the world can do this.

Several people silently exited the imperial study room, leaving the last time together to the two of them.

I would like to tie the knot with a white-headed agreement; so that the life-long alliance will be recorded in the mandarin tree.

The moon is ashamed and the flowers are resentful, and the fish and the geese are sad.

If you promise to swear in vain in this life, hold your son's hand and hope for a floating life.

There are thousands of sufferings in deep love, and I mistakenly gave the vows to Shanmeng.

There is still a reunion day in life and death, and there will be no reunion in death.

In the end, weak water will replace the sea to see the world, and Wushan will no longer have lovesickness to send affectionate love!

Asking what love is in the world, how many infatuated sons and daughters will die.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Ye walked towards the outside of the imperial study with Ren Qingrui's body in his arms.

"Supporting rape to curb power is what you taught the child."

"The emperor has no power to support his ministers, and the emperor has no ambition to lose his great career. You taught the child."

"Uncle, you shouldn't have taught Ye'er these things."


"Your Majesty!"

"Everyone back down, don't disturb Rui'er's rest."

"According to the order."

Li Ye looked at the snow goose feathers flying in the sky, and looked softly at the 'sleeping' beauty in his arms.

"You are crushed in the mud of the spring, but I am as white as white in the world."

"If there is a next life, Li Yening will not be the emperor of the first life, nor will I bear your affection in the first life."

(End of this chapter)

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