Chapter 1760 The couple quarreled

Li Ye pondered for a while about cupping tea, but he was still a little undecided.

He was not dazzled by the news of the congratulatory envoys from the Western Regions, and rashly accepted the repair documents from the Turkic and Jin Kingdoms.

Once I have accepted the repair documents of the two countries, when the next spring begins, if I want to use troops in northern Xinjiang, I will become unknown, and I will no longer occupy the righteous side.

However, if he does not accept it, it is still unknown whether Dalong will be able to go smoothly in the spring of next year, and whether he can use troops in the northern border smoothly. what should i do
Rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry, not to mention that the two countries are not rabbits, but two hungry wolves with scars.

With so many thoughts in his mind, Li Ye couldn't make up his mind whether to accept the repair of the document or not.

"My dear friends, in your opinion, should I, Dalong, accept the repair documents from Jin and Turkic countries?"

He couldn't make up his mind, so Li Ye put his mind on the many officials in the palace. It was better to gather ideas together than to make up his own mind.

"Pan Yun, the left servant of the Minister's Department, see Your Majesty."

"Pan Aiqing is not polite, I don't know what suggestion Pan Aiqing has."

Pan Yun glanced at First Young Master Liu who was thinking quietly, and pondered for a moment, holding up his chao wat and looking at Li Ye respectfully.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I believe that the two countries should accept the repaired documents."

"Oh? I wonder what Pan Aiqing's opinion is?"

Pan Yun staggered his body and pointed towards the outside of the hall with his wat in his hand: "Reporting to Your Majesty, this year's snowfall was unusually heavy. According to previous historical records, there must be an epidemic after heavy snowfall."

"A few days ago, officials under the household departments of various state capitals wrote to the household department one after another, explaining the situation of various state capitals. As far as I know, [-]% of our state capitals have been blocked by heavy snow in Dalong, making it difficult for vehicles and horses to travel. .”

"Such snow is unprecedented. It is necessary to prevent the epidemic, especially if the snow has not melted for a long time. I am afraid that nearly [-]% of the state capitals will not be able to pay the state treasury on time for the spring tax in the coming year."

"Once a major epidemic occurs, [-]% of the national treasury's tax revenue will be more than enough to control the epidemic. However, if you want to use troops on the two fronts in the northwest and northeast again, I'm afraid it will be a little powerless."

"From the second year of Ruizong Rui'an to the end of the first year of His Majesty's Yongping, our Dalong has fought every year and used troops every year. Although the national treasury is getting richer day by day, there is not much surplus."

"If the two countries do not accept the repair of the documents at this time, they will definitely have to use troops next year. I am worried that once the war and the epidemic happen at the same time, the treasury will not be able to support it."

"The consumption of controlling the epidemic is almost the same as that of using troops in northern Xinjiang."

"Now that Jiang Laoshangshu of the household department is in office, the Daishangshu is missing, and the right servant returns to his hometown. The minister is struggling to support the household department alone, so he has to ring the alarm bell in advance. If there is any offense or inappropriate behavior, I hope your majesty Forgive me."

"The minister is finished."

Pan Yun's words made the discussion in the court disappear, and everyone fell into deep thought.

Li Ye, who was sitting high on the Dragon Throne, also frowned. He has only been on the throne for a short time, and he doesn't know how troublesome it is to govern a huge country.

Official administration, people's livelihood, and the military must all be done in detail.

If, as Pan Yun just said, once the epidemic occurs, it will be difficult for him to use troops in the next year.

The rear is unstable, and the front line can use troops safely.

The stability of the people's hearts is a big problem. If the epidemic breaks out, it will be even more a big problem to recruit new soldiers in northern Xinjiang.

If young and middle-aged people infected with the disease are accidentally recruited into the army, I am afraid that before the two countries are pacified, our own soldiers will be wiped out by the epidemic first and fall to the ground.

Li Ye glanced at the thick snow on the palace buildings outside the palace and fell silent, feeling at a loss for a while.

"My dear friends, what else do you think?"

Listening to Li Ye's question, none of the officials in the palace came out to answer.

Pan Yun's just words were like a sharp knife hanging over their hearts. Those who can sit here are not fools. Naturally, based on Pan Yun's words, they can think of possible problems that may arise later.

In the final analysis, it is still a word of money.

Only money is not enough, there must be food.

Whether it is to control the epidemic or use troops, money and food are inseparable.

Even if you have millions of soldiers, tens of millions of troops, you can't do without food and grass support, you can't let the soldiers go hungry, or even empty stomachs to help the court fight.

In an instant, the silent needle drop could be heard in the hall, and all the officials were thinking of countermeasures in different ways.

However, half a day later, all officials came to a common answer.

The premise of whether to use troops is whether there will be an epidemic outbreak after the heavy snow.

No one dares to stand up and guarantee this kind of problem, everything can only depend on God's will.

"Qin Tianjian Yan Aiqing."

"Chen is here!"

"You Qin Tianjian calculate the celestial phenomena and geography. I wonder if you can predict the fortune of my country in the coming year? Is the weather going to be smooth and the country is peaceful and the people are safe."

Qin Tianjian looked at Li Ye's eyes asking for advice with a sad face, and shook his head helplessly, who dares to talk nonsense about such things, if one is not careful, his head will be lost.

It's just a meal, it's not worth it to take your life.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the ministers are incompetent and dare not speak falsely about the way of heaven."


Li Ye was silent, even Qin Tianjian couldn't guarantee something, who would dare to say that there would be no epidemic next year.

"Dear dear ministers, is there no one who can decide whether to take over the repair documents between the two countries?"

The officials in the palace subconsciously looked at Xia Gongming, Tong Sansi, and Young Master Liu and Yunyang, the two auxiliary ministers who had just returned from northern Xinjiang.

The sky has fallen and there is a tall one standing on top of it. It is better for the four auxiliary ministers to speak about this kind of matter.

Li Ye naturally noticed the gazes of the officials, took a deep breath and looked at Young Master Liu and the others.

"Xia Lao Aiqing, Yun Lao Aiqing, Tong Xiang, King Side by Side, what do you four love Qing do? Should you agree to the repair?"

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and looked at Yunyang, Xia Gongming and the three of them.

In terms of qualifications, I am not much different from them, but in terms of age, they are far behind.

The three of them are all respectable old guys, it's better to let them speak first, and just follow through this muddy water by themselves.

My own account has not yet been settled, so why add new right and wrong.

Xia Gongming felt Young Master Liu and Tong Sansi staring at him like juniors looking at their seniors, their gray beards trembled, and the upright old guy couldn't help but curse in his heart.

Damn it, now that I know that this old man is your senior, what the hell are you doing.

Li Ye followed their eyes and looked at Xia Gongming: "Old Xia Aiqing, you are the elder of the four dynasties, and you are highly respected in the court. I want to hear your opinion."

Li Ye called the roll call, Xia Gongming had no choice but to walk out holding the chao wat.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the old minister thinks that it is safe to follow Pan Shilang's wishes."

"The plague is no small matter, and we really have to guard against it. If we rush to use troops and delay the control of the plague, I don't know how much our population will drop sharply, and the national power will inevitably decline. Get in the way, I'm afraid it will inevitably lead to turmoil."

"Therefore, the veteran also believes that the repair document should be accepted."

"Where is Tongxiang?"

"The old minister reported back to His Majesty, the old minister echoed Mr. Xia's intentions, and should accept the repaired documents. His Majesty has just ascended the throne, and he is still young. There are many opportunities to use troops. There is no need to be in a hurry. Internal troubles should be prevented first."

"What does Old Aiqing Yun think?"

Yunyang hesitated for a while, weighed in for a moment and glanced at First Young Master Liu, and sighed silently when he saw the presence of an old god.

"The old minister also seconded the proposal. Accept the repair document,"

First Young Master Liu, who was dozing off with his eyes closed, heard Yunyang's words, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Damn it, the three of you agreed, what should I do?
If the four auxiliary ministers unite the front, what do you make the emperor think?
"How about side by side with the king?"


Young Master Liu hesitated, should he second the proposal?
Li Zheng's original intention was to let the five of him restrain each other. Now that Wei Xiang has become an official, there are only four of him left. If the four of them agree, I'm afraid Li Ye will not be able to sleep tonight.

"Echen thinks it shouldn't be agreed to repair the document!"

"Oh? Why?"

"this this this"

Young Master Liu looked at Li Ye and a group of officials staring at him questioningly, raised his hand and scratched his forehead.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, my husband and I had a quarrel with the Golden Queen. I said the chicken came first, but she insisted on the egg. I feel upset that her Kingdom of Jin will not be destroyed. I feel uncomfortable and have trouble sleeping and eating. "




All the officials stared dumbfounded at First Young Master Liu who was dancing non-stop with ten fingers interlaced. They were speechless for a while, not knowing what to say.

Although the matter between you and the Golden Empress is no secret, this answer is a bit too hasty, okay?

It's a bit too perfunctory.

(End of this chapter)

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