My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1761 Not Like Back then

Chapter 1761 Not Like Back then
Liu Mingzhi's ridiculous answer made the atmosphere in the court suddenly strange, and he stared blankly at Young Master Liu's indifferent expression, not knowing what to say.

Xia Gongming, Song Yu, Du Chenghao and the other old foxes muttered for a while, then came to their senses, and finally understood Young Master Liu's plan.

That's right, the four auxiliary ministers can't unite the front no matter what, otherwise, after this matter, I'm afraid that no one will have a good life in the future.

Although I understood what Young Master Liu meant, a group of old foxes still felt a little weird.

Even if you are perfunctory, can you find a better reason?

The couple quarreled over whether they had the chicken or the egg first, and felt uncomfortable if they could not destroy their country.

These words made the emperor listen to a proper act of loyalty, but in the eyes of others, he was simply a bastard among heartless men.

It would be difficult to eliminate the resentment in everyone's hearts without flogging them for ten days and a half months in Zhao Prison.

Yunyang shook his head helplessly and sighed.

He is also an old fox who has experienced three generations of emperors, how can he not know the truth that black and white must be distinguished in the court, he only seconded Xia Gongming's words, hoping that Young Master Liu would follow him.

In this way, Li Ye's mind must be put on the affairs of the auxiliary ministers, thus relaxing the investigation of the war in northern Xinjiang.

Arbitrarily mobilizing 40 soldiers and horses that do not belong to him, once it is made clear, it is impossible to turn major events into small ones.

If you don't deal with Young Master Liu, you won't be able to block the mouths of all the officials in the court.

If Young Master Liu leads millions of troops to the Northern Expedition and succeeds, it can still be offset by the merits and demerits of this matter, but the great cause of the Northern Expedition is in vain.

If this is the case, Yunyang really doesn't know what kind of merits can resist the crime of mobilizing 40 troops without authorization. He thought that Young Master Liu would understand the deep meaning in his gaze just now.

Up to now, there is no choice but to resign to fate.

Young Master Liu's answer made Li Ye hesitate for a while, not knowing how to proceed.

I can't ask myself, uncle, why do you think there are chickens in the first place, such a boring question.

Li Ye looked at Young Master Liu's position with complicated eyes, then turned to look at Wang Hezheng, Minister of Honglu Temple.

"Since the three elders agree that the two countries should repair the documents, then agree to repair the covenant."

"The minister obeys the order!"

"Wait a minute!"

Wang Hezheng was startled, he didn't expect that Li Ye would have something to say later, he looked at Li Ye respectfully: "I don't know what your Majesty's intentions are?"

Li Ye looked outside the hall: "Since the road is blocked by heavy snow, the envoys from the two countries will not be able to go back at this moment. When the ice and snow in the north melt and the road will pass, at least it will be February next year. The promise of the covenant, the signing of the document can be delayed, what if there is no outbreak of the epidemic?"

"Wang Aiqing, do you understand what I mean?"

Wang Hezheng muttered for a moment, his eyes lit up: "I understand, Your Majesty is wise."

Li Ye's words not only brightened Wang Hezheng's eyes, but also brightened the eyes of all officials.

Your Majesty is betting against the sky.

The bet is whether there will be an outbreak after the heavy snow.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Li Ye, who was in full bloom, with gratified and complicated eyes, and sighed silently.

It seems that Li Ye has painstakingly studied the two volumes of the Book of Zhenguo and the Policy of Governing the Country.

Thinking of the young man who shrank behind him trembling back then, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but have a lot of thoughts.

The young man sitting on the dragon chair, after a year of precipitation, has already understood the principle of thick accumulation and thin growth.

After all, it's not what it used to be.

Seeing Li Ye grow up so fast, Liu Mingzhi didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

"Since the matter of sending envoys from the two countries to repair the matter has already been dealt with, this matter can be turned over and listed as a minister. Do you have to start something else?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Pan Yun, the servant of the Minister's Department, has a book to play."


"Your Majesty, in the eyes of the vacancies of officials in the Ministry of Accounting due to the matter of acting as Minister, many things are difficult to deal with in time due to manpower, government affairs are backlogged, and there are many memorials. Please fill the vacancies in the Ministry of Accounts in time, so as not to delay the state affairs due to lack of manpower."

"Zunzuo, I already have a regulation in mind for this matter, and it will be implemented as soon as possible in the next year."

"Your Majesty Shengming."

"Which Aiqing has something to say?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Song Yu, Minister of the Ministry of War, has a book to play."

The court fell silent in an instant, knowing that the highlight of the last grand court meeting at the end of the year was coming.

The imperial court has used troops in northern Xinjiang for a year, and it is finally time to report the results.

For a moment, the eyes of all the officials were fixed on First Young Master Liu, Yunyang, and the generals of the Six Guards.

Especially Young Master Liu received the most attention. The officials present knew that if it wasn't for the matter of Ren Wenyue's father and daughter, the food and grass in northern Xinjiang could be supplied in a timely manner. unified.

It's just that the world is impermanent, and the great dragon army is about to step into the world, but it is on the verge of failure because of the instability in the rear.

The Minister of Civil and Military Affairs, who heard the news, regretted it for a while.

It's a pity that an opportunity to accompany Li Ye to be immortalized in the history books just slipped through his fingers for nothing.

The most important thing is the matter of the 40 troops in northern Xinjiang. Many officials have heard a lot of rumors faintly, and they can't help but feel emotional.

I am afraid that the outstanding side-by-side king will want to.
Liu Mingzhi glanced at his uncle Song Yu who came out with a thick memorial, as if he didn't notice the eyes of all the officials, he nodded and lowered his eyebrows and fiddled with the jasper wrench on his thumb.

Song Yu stopped in the middle of the hall, glanced at First Young Master Liu who nodded and lowered his eyebrows, and opened the memorial in his hand with complicated eyes.

The battle reports sorted out in the memorial were sorted out and reported by each army along with the military recorders, and summarized in a unified way.

Although the military recorder is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of War, it is also directly responsible to the emperor.

There are some things that even if I, the Minister of the Ministry of War, want to hide some things, I am afraid that I can't hide them.

The content recorded by more than a dozen military recorders is similar, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers witnessed it with their own eyes. Even if I, the minister of the Ministry of war, wanted to do some secret operations for my "son" who regarded himself as his own way.

With so many people involved, it has reached the point where no one can hold back.

"In June of the first year of Dalong Yongping, in the Kingdom of Jin, the Turks had no morals, and they promoted unknown teachers. They once again committed immoral acts on the sidelines, causing people's resentment to boil, and wherever they went, people were in dire straits."

"Our soldiers in northern Xinjiang are under the command of three commanders, Marshal Wang Liu Mingzhi, Grand Marshal Jingguo Yunyang, and Marshal Yong'an Hou Nangong Ye, Marshal Yong'an, to resist the enemy. "

"As for June 28, the first year of Dalong Yongping, soldiers and horses from the left captured more than [-] enemy heads; on the fifth day of the seventh month, more than [-] enemy heads were captured; More than [-] enemy heads were captured."

"On June 24, soldiers and horses on the right side captured more than [-] enemy soldiers; on July [-], they captured more than [-] enemy heads; on the fourth day of August"

"On June [-]th, the soldiers and horses in the middle route captured more than [-] enemy leaders. After August, the Turkic soldiers and horses suddenly increased by more than [-] cavalry. Yunzhou in the northern border of Dalong is in danger."

"The Generalissimo of the Army and Horses of the Central Road, alongside Wang Liu Mingzhi, is in charge of the military and government affairs of the 27 prefectures in northern Xinjiang. I hereby order the Feiying Guard of Fuzhou, together with Futu under his command, to break through the two soldiers and horses and rush to rescue Yingzhou from the siege of the city."

"However, the Turkic and Jin kingdoms have many soldiers and generals, and their forces are so large that they are no longer able to resist the forces of the northern border. Therefore..."

" side by side Wang Liu Mingzhi followed Ruizong's former emperor Jinlong Emperor's order and secretly mobilized 15 Anxi cavalry from the Western Regions Protectorate and 27 Western Regions Allied Forces to support the national war in the northern border."

The officials who heard the news were not surprised, but the officials who didn't know were suddenly in an uproar, staring at Young Master Liu who was kneeling and bowing his head and eyebrows, speechless.

Without the emperor's will, 40 soldiers and horses can be mobilized just by relying on the Jinlong Emperor's decree of the first emperor Daxing.
All the officials were shocked, their eyes flickered and they didn't know what they were thinking.

Li Ye looked at the messy officials below with a calm expression.

"Quiet, this is the imperial court. It's as chaotic as a market."

"Your Majesty forgives you if you know your mistake."

Li Ye couldn't see the slightest problem on his face, as if he had heard something commonplace, he looked at Song Yu with a light smile.

"Song Aiqing, continue talking!"

(End of this chapter)

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