Chapter 1762 Growing Up

Song Yu stared at Li Ye's lightly smiling expression, his unmoving posture like a mountain, with an aura of unchanging expression as a mountain collapsed in front of him, his thoughts were complicated and a little weird.

Weiwei was stunned for a moment, then continued to lower his head to state the contents of the memorial.

"The 42 reinforcements from the Western Regions arrived in time, sweeping away the decadent momentum of our dragon, boosting morale, and the Northern Xinjiang army, which turned from defense to offense, lured the enemy into deep, surrounded them layer by layer, and struck down the invaders of the two countries in one fell swoop. The arrogance of the enemy.

In just over a month, more than 15 soldiers and horses were lost under the unstoppable offensive of our Dalongtian Army.

So far, the crisis situation on the border of our Dalong northern border has been resolved, the morale of the army is invigorated, and the hearts of the people are excited.

Seeing that the situation is not good, the enemy generals knew that it would be difficult for our dragon soldiers to win the front, so they had the heart to flee. Therefore, the side-by-side king ordered all the soldiers and horses in the northern Xinjiang to start chasing and intercepting the enemy troops of the two countries. Annihilate the might of the invading enemy.

However, the heavens are not good, and the military strength is limited. The enemy troops of the two countries fled all the way, unable to complete a strong encirclement. So far, the opportunity to wipe out the enemy is entirely in the hands of 30 recruits who went to the North.

However, the arrival of reinforcements was delayed, and the enemy took the opportunity to escape, rushing out of our encirclement, and fled north all the way.

The enemy army has many heroes who died generously, and died with hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses.
The side-by-side king was unwilling, and in order to repay the country's favor, he led millions of troops to the north to go out to the border, and aggressively conquered the enemy's border towns. Our heavenly army has two soldiers and horses. The power is unmatched. The city will be conquered in five days, and one in six sunsets. It will take more than a month At the same time, he captured Jin and broke through half of the country of the two countries, making the barbarian bandits frightened and tired of running for their lives.

Show off the mighty majesty of our dragon and heavenly army, and make the enemy invaders
Food and grass are difficult to support, and An Neng, the commander-in-chief, doesn't care about the lives of his soldiers. In desperation, the King of the Side Shoulder has no choice but to order the troops to return to the court.

So far, the crisis of the two countries going south to invade the border has come to an end.

This time when they marched north, the troops and horses of various ministries fought a lot. Because the enemy implemented the strategy of fortifying the walls and clearing the wilderness, no materials and supplies were seized.

However, my Dalong Heavenly Army laid the foundation for my Dalong to dominate the world and create the foundation of my eternal foundation.

Long live His Majesty.

The Great Dragon Heavenly Army is thousands of years old.

Great Dragon Victory!

Song Yu has been in the position of Shangshu of the Ministry of War for a long time, and he has his own way of announcing military exploits.

Song Yu's impassioned and ups and downs read the thousands of words of content, which made the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty excited. They wished to go north with the Northern Xinjiang army to expel the enemy and serve the country.

Li Ye on the dragon chair also looked excited, but there was a sense of helplessness hidden in his eyes.

Life is full of ups and downs.

From the incomparable enthusiasm of the hundreds of officials from the million-strong army going north to the border, to the regret and lament of the troops returning to the court because of the difficulty of supplying food and grass, there are only Song Yu's words.

Although the officials did not go to the battlefield in person, they could faintly feel the tragedy on the battlefield from the military situation recorded in the military records.

The turbulent confrontation between the handsome and the handsome, the confrontation between the general and the general, the life-and-death battle between the generals and the generals.

Like the duel of military tactics between generals, the generosity of generals to die, can be said to be innumerable in this national war.

What made the officials feel the most regretful was that Futu Wei Duan couldn't bear it.

If those common people could implement the ban on fortifying the wall and clearing the wilderness in time, perhaps Duan Canren's troops would still have a chance to break out of the encirclement, but it's a pity that there is no such word.

The Three Kingdoms participated in the war with nearly 200 million troops. What kind of tragic scene will a confrontation of 200 million people be.

Some officials have never had the opportunity to go to the north to see it in person, and they can only rely on their imagination to realize the battle situation in the memorial.

The eyes of all the officials fell on Zhang Kuang and Yun Chong, the generals of the Northern Expedition, and sighed silently as they watched their dejected expressions after listening to the content of the memorial.

I can only lament that good fortune is impermanent, and fate tricks people.

If the invading enemy can be completely wiped out, princes and dukes will be ranked above the court, Hou Bo will rise together, and there will be as many children as crucian carp crossing the river.

Among other things, at least with the virtue of the old Duke Yunyang, he can touch the edge of the throne of a different surname.

Li Ye let out a sigh of relief: "Song Aiqing, do you have any other battle reports to play?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the content of the battle report of Northern Xinjiang that has lasted for a year has been screened and integrated here, and there is no other battle report."

Li Ye nodded slightly, seeing that the officials whispering under the dragon platform did not stop him, and looked at Song Yu with a light smile: "Since there is nothing else, Song Aiqing should take her seat first."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After Song Yu took his seat, Li Ye adjusted the dragon-patterned jade belt around his waist, slowly stood up from the dragon chair, and wandered around on the dragon platform, scanning the officials in the hall indifferently.

"My lords, all the grand feats of the northern border are heard by the ears of the ministers. I don't know how you feel as the ministers?"

"The great dragon is victorious, Your Majesty is wise, and my emperor lives forever."

Li Ye didn't show any complacency with the old-fashioned compliments of the officials, and looked around the officials in the palace and spoke slowly.

"I think that this battle has greatly demonstrated the power of the dragon to the surrounding enemies, deterring the enemies from all directions from acting rashly, and deterring the people under my power."

"Although this battle didn't settle the deposit in one fell swoop and break the two countries, it can't be called returning without success. In my opinion, the credit is very great."

"First defeated the hundreds of thousands of elite troops from the two countries going south, and then swung their spears to attack the enemy north. How can such a feat be said to have returned without success."

"Although the two countries are still outside the Shanhaiguan Pass, they are also grasshoppers after the fall under the direction of the soldiers of my Celestial Army, and they will not be able to jump for long."

"The two countries have gone through several battles, and the elites have been lost. Although the country is still there, compared to our Dalong's youthful prosperity, they have become old men in their dying years."

"One has no soldiers and horses, and the other has no money and food. I think I can stop for a few years and dare not act like a big dragon and a clown to me again."

"My Great Dragon Heavenly Army, this battle annihilated hundreds of thousands of invading enemies, how can we return in fear of being in vain?"

"Your Majesty is holy, long live long live."

Manchu civil and military officials looked at the majestic appearance of Li Ye standing on the dragon platform in high spirits and pointing at Jiangshan, and he was a little stunned for a while.

Old ministers like Xia Gongming, Yunyang, Du Chenghao, etc., could vaguely see the shadow of Ruizong Li Zheng from Li Ye.

Although he looks young, but judging from his words and deeds and his mentality, Li Ye at this time actually looks a bit like Li Zheng when he was enthroned.

Confident, majestic, far-sighted.

If Li Ye's just words were spread, it would surely inspire the hearts of the people and boost the morale of the army.

Especially the soldiers in the army, they will definitely be utterly devastated by Li Ye.

The rapid growth of Li Ye made them see hope and let them breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as Li Ye can remain the same and Ren Qingrui's foolish behavior does not happen again, within ten years, he will definitely be another generation of prosperous Mingjun.

At least now Li Ye already has the appearance of a wise king when his father Li Baiyu ascended the throne.

Many old officials looked at Li Ye, then at First Young Master Liu, and sighed silently in their hearts.

Now that Li Ye already has the appearance of a wise king, and also vaguely has the appearance of his grandfather, will he become a sage and wise king like his grandfather Ruizong?

Many old officials couldn't help but wander off, imagining how Li Zheng would deal with the matter of Young Master Liu's mobilization of 40 troops from the Western Regions if Li Zheng stood on the Dragon Platform.

Every move of the officials in the palace was in Young Master Liu's eyes, but Liu Mingzhi seemed to be a person who stayed out of the matter, with a flat expression and no reaction.

Glancing at the Dragon Terrace, holding the dragon-patterned jade belt around his waist, Li Ye's waist, which was bursting with heroism between his brows, relaxed slightly.

grown up.

(End of this chapter)

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