My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1763 How to be happy

Chapter 1763 How to be happy
Li Ye stopped, sat on the dragon chair again, and winked at the little eunuch beside him.

"Xiao Dezi!"

"We obey."

The hearts of all the officials were shocked, and the main event came. After the military merit report was completed, it was time to discuss meritorious deeds and rewards.

The northern Xinjiang battle report was divided into three parts, one in the hands of the emperor Li Ye, one in the hands of the Minister of the Household Department, and one in the file room.

Li Ye already knew the content of the battle report. Song Yu came out to read it out, but it was just for those officials who didn't know the situation. The document can declare the majesty of the court to the people to the greatest extent.

After Song Yu read it out, all the officials knew about it, and they waited for the dissipation of the dynasty to announce the document to the world and distribute it to the state capitals to inform the people everywhere.

Now that Li Ye knew the contents of the Le Zhan Bao, he naturally drafted an imperial decree on meritorious deeds and rewards.

Looking at the shining eyes of the officials below the stage, Xiao Dezi cleared his throat and unfolded the imperial decree in the book with a solemn expression.

"The Great Dragon Emperor Zhiyue."

"Since the birth of the Three Emperors, the Five Emperors have determined the ethics, and governed the country by relying on famous ministers."

"The Seven Kingdoms compete for supremacy, and the first emperor established the country. They are all assisted by famous ministers. Only when the monarch and ministers work hard, can there be prosperity in the world."

"As for the founding of the country by Dalong, the establishment of Emperor Ruizong, and the founding of Emperor Wuzong, I will inherit it."

"Thus, those who are loyal to the emperor, patriotic, and dedicated to their duties will be rewarded for everything, and those who commit chaos and cause chaos in the government will be punished for everything."

"Therefore, there are clear rewards and punishments."

"I have inherited the aspirations of the world from the two previous emperors, and it has been the same since the beginning, so I should follow suit."

"Jingguo Gong Yunyang, a veteran of the three dynasties, a famous minister of the country, a model of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, outstanding military exploits, famous all over the world, when the late emperor was alive, he was called an important minister of the country."

"This Northern Expedition has made great military exploits, plentiful fruits, countless enemies, and the title of King of Zhongwu, Duke Yunyang of Jingguo. The fiefs of Mianzhou, Yuanzhou, and two prefectures are hereditary. Reward a thousand taels of gold, ten thousand taels of silver, and silk. Fifty boxes of silk and satin, ten pearls, and a pair of jade discs."

All the officials looked at Li Ye and Xiao Dezi holding the imperial decree in astonishment, even Yun Yang, who was caressing his beard, was startled when he heard the content of the reward, looked at Li Ye in a daze, and couldn't react.

Although King Zhongwu is the king of the county, he is still a king.

Yunyang originally thought that with his own merits, he could turn the hereditary prince into a hereditary successor, and rewarding some gold, silver and jewelry would be enough, but he never expected the surprise to come too suddenly.

Yun Yang, who returned home to shoot where he was, hastily held up the wat to salute.

"The old minister took the decree to thank you, long live your majesty."

Baiguan also recovered from Yunyang's words, and looked at Yunyang's back enviously.

Another king with a different surname was born on the Great Dragon Court, which can be said to be the envy of others.

When Xiao Dezi saw Yunyang Xie En, he turned his attention to the imperial decree.

"Wu Guogong Wan Mingliang, inherited his father's great ambition, and blocked the enemy from leaving the pass. He took the lead in this battle, killed countless enemies, and made outstanding achievements. He is a model of soldiers on the frontier. One thousand taels of gold, ten thousand taels of silver, fifty boxes of silk and satin, ten East Sea corals, and twenty bright pearls."

All the officials looked at Wan Mingliang in astonishment, quite dumbfounded, another king with a different surname was born, His Majesty is really willing to spend money.

"Chen Wanmingliang, take the decree to thank you, long live your majesty!"

Wan Mingliang, who had just returned home, also hurriedly saluted, with a hint of surprise on his brows.

"Marshal of the Right Army, Nangong Ye, Hou Nangong of Yong'an, a model of loyalty to the monarch and the country, guarding the borders and defending the land. He gained a lot in this battle and made the enemy fearful. Fifty boxes of silk and satin, ten pearls, and two East Sea corals."

"Chen Nan Gongye, take the decree to thank you, long live your majesty."

"The guardian of the country is arrogant, the classic example of guarding the land and guarding the border, fighting for the country, making great contributions, being named the protector of the country, hereditary, no replacement, rewarding a thousand taels of gold, fifty boxes of silk and satin, a pair of jade arms, and a box of jewelry."

"Your Majesty Zhang Kuang took the decree to thank you, long live Your Majesty."

"Uncle Gan Liang Dongfang Ming, a famous general who guards the frontier, has great virtue and prestige, has meritorious service in guarding the land, he is granted the title of Gan Lianghou, hereditary, and he is rewarded with 2 taels of silver, thirty boxes of silk and satin, two coral trees in the East China Sea, and a pair of jade discs."

"General Yunchong of Hubenwei, a model of famous generals and a model of virtue, defended Yunzhou in this battle, bravely killed the enemy, and blocked the enemy from beyond the border. He was specially promoted to the general of Wu Xun Fuguo, and he was awarded the title of Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War. Ten thousand taels of silver, thirty bolts of silk, and a box of jewels."

"Chen Yunchong leads the decree to thank you!"

With Yunyang, the father's King Zhongwu in front, Yun Chong's reward is nothing compared to others, it's just a false job, but after Yunyang's death, Yun Chong will accept the title of Lord Zhongwu, naturally there will be no problem Dissatisfaction, this is the practice of the court.

Father and son are conferred the same title, and there will inevitably be a disturbance in the future on the heir side.

"General Hu Xiangwei, Lu Chengjie, Marquis of Zhongwu, was granted the title of Duke Zhongyong."

"Song Qing, Deputy Commander of the Central Army, was promoted to Duke Anyuan, and was promoted to the General of the State, and was appointed to be the Commander of the Royal Guards. His father, Song Yu, was promoted to Doctor Guanglu and received the salary of Zaifu."

"Chen Song Yu."

"Chen Song Qing, take the decree to thank you, long live your majesty."

"General Cheng Kaijue, who fell into battle, is promoted to a higher level."

"The general of the Hundred Wars Army."

"Du Yujue was promoted to a higher level, and he was granted the title of Viscount Tianwei"

"Kin this!"

"The ministers and others take the decree to thank you"

"Long live Your Majesty."

Xiao Dezi put away the imperial edict, and picked up another volume of imperial edict from the dragon case.

"Son of the Great Dragon told me."

"The rise and fall of the country is everyone's responsibility. The prosperity of the country depends on the generous people who go to righteousness and the benevolent and righteous people who sacrifice their lives for the country.

"Duan Buren, the Great General of the Futu Army, was granted the title of Ding'an Bo, and led Yunhui as General. His meritorious deeds are inherited by his eldest son, and the hereditary succession is for Viscount Ding'an."

"Pursuing the title of the Pioneer General Lu Chang'an of the Buddha Guard."

"Pursuing Longwuwei Vanguard General Wang Tao"


"The issue of posthumous seal will be reviewed by the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Households, and the Ministry of Officials."

"Kin this!"

"Your Majesty is sage, a loyal and brave man has a soul in the sky, and he will definitely be grateful to His Majesty, and promise to repay the grace of heaven in the next life."

"You are exempt from courtesy. Many soldiers fought for the country and died generously. How can I be disrespectful? Take your seat!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Seeing that all the officials were stable, Xiao Dezi picked up a volume of imperial decree from the dragon case and slowly unfolded it.

"Emperor Dalong issued an edict."

"I mistakenly believed in the demon queen and abused treacherous ministers, resulting in the decline of government affairs and the darkness of the court. The emperor blessed me and made me reflect in time. I will shoulder the king's wife, Wupin, and order my wife Yu Qinglian to take the lead."

"Add the title of Liu's Yu Qinglian as the fourth-rank wife, wear a Luan robe, add Chun'an county head, eat hundreds of households, reward 500 taels of gold, and ten Luan robes."

"Qinglian of the Liu family, virtuous and virtuous, this is the eldest wife and the concubine Liu's Qi Yun has a good leadership, and she is granted the first rank to protect the country. His wife, Liu's Qi Yun, is the princess of Yingzhou. She is rewarded with a thousand taels of gold, ten phoenix robes, and everything It is used by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the expenses of the Clan Mansion."

"Kin this!"

Liu Mingzhi, who had been nodding his head and lowering his brows to pretend to sleep, suddenly opened his eyes, showing a look of surprise.

He came back to his senses and began to salute with the wat.

"Chen Liu Mingzhi took the decree to thank you on behalf of the two scumbags, long live your majesty!"

Li Ye looked at Liu Mingzhi with a faint smile: "You don't need to be polite to the side-by-side king. This is the reward that your two virtuous housemates deserve. You will be rewarded for your achievements and punished for your mistakes. This is my duty to follow Ruizong and Wuzong."

"Your Majesty Shengming."

"Sit in!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After Liu Mingzhi took his seat, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became weird. All the officials glanced strangely at First Young Master Liu, then at Li Ye, and chose to remain silent.

Li Ye looked like this, as if he hadn't heard the content of Song Yu's memorial just now that the side-by-side king held the Golden Dragon Emperor's order to mobilize 40 troops from the Western Regions without authorization.

Since His Majesty kept silent about this matter, why should he and others add fuel to the flames and offend the King of Side-Shoulders for no reason.

The censor Xia Gongming's dark eyes flashed brightly, and the corner of his mouth smiled slightly. There was a rumor, and the old guy with the right to advise in time chose to remain silent at this moment.

"Emperor Dalong issued an edict!"

"The demon queen has brought disaster to the country, and all the ministers are loyal to admonish, I am very relieved."

"Give the Right Prime Minister Guanglu Doctor"

"Doctor Yushi, Doctor Yinqing Guanglu."


"Your Majesty, long live Your Majesty!"

Half of the courtiers looked at Li Zheng excitedly. They didn't expect that they would also get a reward, and hurriedly began to thank him!
Li Ye stretched out his hand to signal the courtiers to be quiet.

"Listed as a minister!"

"I'm waiting here!"

"A few days ago, my concubine Shu's grandmother wrote to me, and my eleventh uncle Li Ting even came of age, hoping that I could replace my father, do kindness, and bestow gifts, and grant the eleventh uncle Li Ting the title of opening the king's mansion. Give."

"I've thought about it for a long time. The eleventh emperor's uncle, Li Ting, is the son of the emperor's grandfather Ruizong and the younger brother of the late emperor. As a junior, how can I not be honored?"

"When the time comes, it will be spread that I have disregarded the ancestral etiquette and disobedience and filial piety. Wouldn't I be wronged? What do you ministers think?"

"Your Majesty, since the eleven sons of Ruizong have grown up, they should be rewarded."

"It is also righteous to be listed as a minister."

"I've weighed things up and down. The Eleventh Emperor's Uncle is about the same age as me. They have been studying together in the Imperial College since they were young. They have a deep relationship. In order to prevent our uncles and nephews from being separated from each other and not seeing each other for a long time, I plan to add the Eleventh Emperor's Uncle as the King of Ming. The fiefdom is Mingzhou Prefecture, which is not far from the capital, Kaifu, and all matters are the same as those of King Qing, King Yun, and King Jing."

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

"My lords, do you still have a book to play?"

"The ministers have nothing to play."

"Okay, the six ministers and the nine ministers, the five prisons and the three sects are listed as ministers, and I congratulate the listed ministers in advance for a happy new year."


"I will send you off to Your Majesty, long live long live!"

Li Ye got up and walked towards the rear of the palace, and all the officials also got up and retreated.

Liu Mingzhi stretched his stiff legs, and walked towards the outside of the hall with a strange expression.

"Zhi shoulders with Wang Liubu and goes out of the palace with Ben Shangshu."

Hearing Song Qing's voice, Liu Mingzhi stopped, and responded to the officials who saluted him and walked towards Song Yu.

"Song Shangshu, what advice do you have?"

Song Yu glanced around and walked towards a place with fewer officials, and Liu Mingzhi followed naturally.

"Uncle, do you have anything to tell the child?"

"Your Majesty extended the reward, and all the officials were pleasantly surprised. Your Majesty didn't mention the matter of you mobilizing troops and horses without authorization. Obviously, he was deliberately trying to excuse you. He didn't want to go into this matter, and he even sealed your two wives. Why is this old man See how preoccupied you look?"

Liu Mingzhi glanced around the palace with a sad gaze, and moved towards Song Yu's side slowly, holding Song Yu's shoulders.

He didn't want to hide anything from this uncle who regarded himself as his own like his own father.

"My good uncle, my Minister of the Military Department of the Song Dynasty, are you really confused, or pretend to be confused while you understand."

"What do you mean, kid? The old man is kind enough to be happy for you. Why do you speak in a strange way?"

"Hehe. My good uncle, are you still in charge of the living map of the Ministry of War?"

"Mianzhou, Yuanzhou, Yuezhou, Mingzhou, don't you know where they are?"

"Isn't this the four prefectures?"

Song Yu froze while talking.

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and patted Song Yu's shoulder.

"Mianzhou and Yuanzhou are in the southeast of Northern Xinjiang, Yuezhou is in the southwest of Northern Xinjiang, and Mingzhou is in the southeast of Northern Xinjiang."

"One kiss, two counties."

"How do you think the baby is happy?"

"Your Majesty is no longer the brat you were back then!"

"Grow up!"


"The policy of governing the country, the book of the country, the child doesn't know whether to be happy or sad!"

"The child is going back home first."


(End of this chapter)

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