Chapter 1764

Song Yu stared at Young Master Liu striding towards the outside of the palace gate in a daze. His seemingly unrestrained, but actually a bit lonely figure suddenly had mixed feelings in his heart.

One relative, two counties, and northern Xinjiang present a tendency to fight.

Once something happens, it is almost clear that northern Xinjiang will become turbulent in an instant.

Song Yu sighed softly, then murmured silently.

"Zhi'er, in the position of His Majesty, Uncle can only say that there is nothing wrong with what he does, and he has the demeanor of a wise monarch. The example of the King of Shu has preceded him, so the court must guard against it."

"This world belongs to the Li family after all, and what he does is the foundation of being a king."

"Just like your old man has never been soft on those subordinates who will shake the foundation of the Liu family."

"In his position, to seek his own government, that's probably what he said."

"Father, what are you muttering about? Why don't you go back? Now that father and son are promoted together, let's go back and have a good drink."

Song Yu came back to the country, glared at Song Qing, who looked at him with a smile, raised his hand and slapped Song Qing on the back of the head.

"Stupid, why did I give birth to such a heartless bastard like you, the family is unlucky!"

After swearing at Song Qing, Song Yu walked towards the palace gate with his hands behind his back, leaving behind Song Qing who had suffered an indiscriminate disaster with a dazed expression and didn't know what happened.


"Stinky boy, why are you standing in a daze on the school grounds? You don't miss the little girl from any family, do you?"

Song Qing held the back of his head pitifully, turned around and looked at himself with a strange face: "No, what's the matter?"

"Uncle, you also came to beat me. Who did you provoke? You got two slaps for no reason."

Zhang Kuang looked at Song Qing in surprise: "What is it called? Besides me, which bastard would dare to beat you. You tell me, I skinned him and gave him some sky lanterns."

Song Qing looked at Zhang Kuang with twitching corners of his mouth, and pointed towards the palace gate: "My old man smoked it. I guess he hasn't gone far. You should still be able to catch up."

Zhang Kuang's face froze, he smiled resentfully, and hurried out of the palace gate with his arms around Song Qing's shoulders.

"Stinky boy, the weather is fine today, let's go to Tianxiang Tower for a ride?"

"Isn't it inappropriate?"

"I invite you."

"Gudu. I want ten!"

"Go ahead, don't say ten, as long as you can bear it, twenty or fifty is fine, but if your aunt asks how much reward I got?"

"5000 taels of silver."

"What if it's revealed?"

"Damn it, those bastards like Xuanzhi eunuchs dare to take kickbacks, join them."

Zhang Kuang looked at Song Qing who was filled with righteous indignation, the smile on his face was as bright as a chrysanthemum, he embraced Song Qing, and the father and father strode towards the outside of the palace gate.

"Stinky boy, let's pay a visit to Ming Zhi's mansion tomorrow. I'm afraid this guy is in a bad mood?"

Song Qing dodged his eyes for a moment, pretending not to understand the meaning of Zhang Kuang's words: "Why? Your Majesty didn't punish him for arbitrarily mobilizing soldiers and horses that didn't belong to his own headquarters. It's considered a great grace, and he even rewarded him with two wives. Huge Enrong, why not be unhappy."

Zhang Kuang looked at Song Qing angrily: "You, you are too lazy to use your brain as soon as you come back. You are a very smart child. Why did you become like a sand sculpture? His Majesty rewarded you all at once. Sigh. Forget it, go find this guy Mingzhi Discuss, when will we hand in the soldier talismans in our hands together, now that the war is over, it is not appropriate to hold them in our hands!"

"Should I hand it in now? Your Majesty didn't want it, which means that there may not be a possibility of using troops next year. If there is no epidemic next year, it would be too troublesome to go back and forth."

"Stupid boy, His Majesty doesn't want to be fake, but we have to take the initiative to hand it over. This thing, during the non-war period, will kill people if left in our hands. Even if His Majesty doesn't accept it, we have to hand it over."

There was a faint strangeness in the depths of Song Qing's eyes, and he nodded slightly: "My child understands, so let's pay a visit."

"That's fine. Now that the business is done, let's go to Tianxiang Tower."

"Hey, Uncle, let me tell you, recently I got some good things from the old brothers who used to be the imperial guards. They confiscated them from the captured flower pickers. like a lad."

"That guy, the medicine is so overbearing."

"It won't hurt you, right? I just became the Duke of the state, so I don't want to be finished before I enjoy it."

"Don't worry, those low-level bastards don't even look at it."


"Then you see, it's my uncle's education."

The uncle and nephew murmured and laughed dirtyly from time to time, and walked towards Tianxiang Tower with their shoulders crossed.

"Xiao Mingming, you are worried about my sister to death, are you okay? Hey, my sister is almost scared to death."

Young Master Liu, who was leading the horse towards the house, was suddenly embraced by a plump and delicate body full of fragrance, and his waist was tightly coiled together by a pair of round and slender legs, smelling the familiar fragrance , plus Xiao Mingming's three titles, Young Master Liu knew who it was without having to guess.

The corners of her mouth twitched as she looked at Liu Ying who was hanging on her body like a koala, with her head up and her pretty eyes full of doting: "Auntie, come down quickly, how can you behave like this in the public, and you still have to do it if you spread the word?" Stop being a human!"

"Don't worry, my sister chose a small alley with no one on purpose. Hey." Liu Ying suddenly looked at Young Master Liu narrowly: "Xiao Mingming, you just said that you can't do it in public, did you mean that you can do it in private? .”

"Hey, Xiao Mingming, you are so nasty."

"Liu Ying, don't go too far, come down quickly."

Liu Ying looked at Young Master Liu's stern expression, snorted reluctantly, let go of Young Master Liu's neck, and slid to the ground.

First Young Master Liu helplessly looked at Liu Ying, who was pretty and upset: "That's right, Auntie, no matter how closely we are blood relatives, we can't be aunt, aunt, uncle!"

When Liu Ying came together, Young Master Liu realized that there was another person standing beside him. It was his uncle, General Yun Chong of the Huben Army, and his face suddenly became embarrassed.

Yun Chong looked at First Young Master Liu with a faint smile, and glanced at Liu Ying who was beside him, his eyes were full of doting.

Seeing Young Master Liu's distressed expression, Yun Chong smiled softly: "Zhi'er, your aunt is like a child who doesn't grow up, sometimes her behavior is unacceptable, so just don't mind too much."

Looking at Yun Chong's calm expression, Liu Mingzhi lowered his head, shook his head, and smiled helplessly.

"You two are really a perfect match."

"Uncle, you should be the one to mind? Auntie is your wife."

Yun Chong spread his hands, shrugged with a smile: "I'm used to it."

"Cough cough cough Xi. Are you used to it?"

Young Master Liu was speechless and could only give Yun Chong a thumbs up.

"Uncle is really a man."

For Liu Ying's insensible and out-of-the-ordinary temperament, only a person with Yun Chong's temperament can bear it in the whole world.

Liu Ying took the reins from Young Master Liu's hand and handed it to her husband Yunchong, her arms naturally wrapped around Young Master Liu's and walked forward.

"Let's go, let's talk as we go."

"Auntie, it's not good for you to do this in front of uncle."

"What's wrong, haven't you heard him say that he's used to it?"

"Uh ok!"

Yun Chong looked at the figures of Liu Ying's aunt and nephew, and led the horse to follow. Looking at Liu Ying's beautiful figure, his eyes were still pampering.

As for jealousy or something, not at all.

It is precisely because he understands Liu Ying's personality that he is so generous.

"Unexpectedly, His Majesty is quite a sage, and he didn't bother with you about dispatching troops without authorization. It seems that my sister is worrying for nothing."

"That's right, you have the bearing of a wise gentleman."

"Then, does Auntie know Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty?"

(End of this chapter)

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