Chapter 1765
Liu Ying's pretty eyes were startled, and she looked at Young Master Liu, who looked a bit gloomy, and let out a breath slowly.

"It shouldn't be. Xiao Mingming, you have assisted two generations of emperors, and supported His Majesty to the throne with your own strength. My sister thinks that Your Majesty should not be that Han Xuan Emperor Liu Xun."

"Perhaps, as my aunt said, it shouldn't be so, but His Majesty's behavior of rewarding officials in the court is so similar to the behavior of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty. My child is also in a mess now."

"Actually, the child knew that this situation would happen a long time ago, but he didn't expect it to come so soon."

There was a faint strangeness in Liu Ying's pretty eyes, she turned her head and glanced at her husband Yun Chong who was not far or near behind, and slowly approached Young Master Liu's ear.

"If it's really a last resort, my sister wants to know, Xiao Mingming, do you want to be Wang Mang? Or do you want to be Huo Guang?"

Liu Mingzhi trembled, his eyes became darker, and the arm held by Liu Ying also became stiff.

Liu Ying clearly felt the change in Liu Mingzhi's wrist, and her flaming red lips raised a slanted smile: "Okay, let's not talk about such rebellious issues, but Xiao Mingming, my sister hopes you can understand, my sister only hopes you can Live well."

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently: "My son understands, thank you for your kindness, but my son doesn't want it."

The sound of horse hooves interrupted Liu Mingzhi's words, and he hurried over to tighten the reins and heard something whispered by Yun Chong's side.

Yun Chong nodded from time to time, and after a while, he waved his hands and rode away.

Yun Chong quickened his pace and followed Liu Da, his aunt and nephew.

"Xiaoying, Zhi'er, the old man wants to discuss something important with me when he goes back. You aunts and nephews talk about the past first, and I will go back home first."

Liu Ying looked at Yun Chong angrily, and waved her jade hand casually: "Let's go, let's save my old lady from being entangled with Xiao Mingming."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Ying helplessly, and nodded respectfully to Yun Chong: "Uncle, go slowly, be careful on the road."

Yun Chong smiled lightly and nodded, raised his hand and patted Liu Ying's fragrant shoulder.

"You look like an elder, and it's fine to ravage your own children at home. Zhi'er is now an extremely human minister, and as the prince of the dynasty, you should save some face for others."

"I get it, I get it, you're not at home all year round, I can't find someone else to relieve my emptiness and loneliness? Let's go."

Yun Chong smiled wryly, a little guilt flashed in his eyes, he gave Liu Mingzhi an apologetic look, handed the reins to Young Master Liu and hurried towards the direction of Yunfu.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Yun Chong's back as he went away: "Auntie, can't you be nicer to my uncle? I think it's just my uncle. Apart from him, there is no other man who can bear your personality."

Liu Ying smiled lightly: "My sister believes in him, just like he believes in her sister. No, Xiao Mingming, what do you mean? What is the character of a sister that no one else can bear except rotten wood? Are you courting death?"

"Don't dare, Auntie is beautiful, and the people who want to marry you can't finish lining up from the south gate to the north gate."

Liu Ying cast a coquettish look at Young Master Liu: "It's not too bad, sister is tired, carry me back."

"Isn't this a horse? It's still a first-class hard-earned BMW. You just need to ride a horse."

"No, my sister will ride you, ride you comfortably, who made you young and strong!"

Involuntarily, Liu Ying jumped onto Young Master Liu's back, tightly hugged Young Master Liu's neck, raised her hand to pat Young Master Liu's shoulder from time to time, and shouted "Ji".

Liu Mingzhi shook his head helplessly, he could only hand the reins to Liu Ying, and supported Liu Ying's legs with both hands.

"Auntie, your avant-garde thinking really shouldn't have been born in this era."

"What do you mean?"

"You don't understand!"

Liu Mingzhi walked slowly towards the Liu Mansion with Liu Ying on his back: "Auntie, Xiaoxi is living a good life and has no worries about food and clothing, so don't worry!"

"Before the boy's northern expedition, he went to the old part of Peru. I advised her to come back with me, but she refused to listen. She just wanted to stay in the old part of Peru and live a life of drinking and talking. She said she was used to it. I don't want to set foot in the bustling life anymore, and my junior brother will go there to see her when he is free."

"I didn't expect that Xiaoxi would become the only friend of the younger brother by chance."

Liu Ying weakly rested her chin on Young Master Liu's shoulder and sighed softly.

"She chose the path herself. She doesn't want to enter the harem where there are intrigues. My sister can only help her as much as possible. Who makes her my only daughter?"

"Facts have proved that she made the right choice. If she had resigned herself to marrying the late emperor Li Baiyu in the past, her life would be as miserable as the empress dowager's."

"In the deep palace compound, which looks majestic and rich, but is actually deserted and lonely, I will die alone."

"Thinking about it this way, it's still cheaper, Xiao Mingming, you little villain."

"My sister and your uncle also went to see her before going to court. Knowing that she is living a good life, my sister is relieved."

"Looking at her happy appearance when herding sheep and horses, my sister has never seen her so relaxed before, maybe this is the life she wants."

"My sister is not worried about life, but my sister is worried about her life!"

"At a young age, you just enjoyed the joy of fish and water and became a widow. How can you bear it?"

"By the way, even if Xiao Mingming becomes Da Mingming, he can't be so powerful that he can stand up for a year or so at a time, right? Do you think Xiao Xixi usually doesn't want to?"

"If I didn't know that your junior brother is a daughter, my sister would really think that Xiao Xixi gave you a unique hat for the little villain!"

Young Master Liu's face turned crimson, and he looked back at Liu Ying who was sickly with her head drooping.

"Liu Ying, please be normal, this topic is not for the two of us to talk about, can you just let me go?"

Liu Ying silently shook her head, leaned forward and looked at First Young Master Liu curiously.

"Xiao Mingming, are you really good enough to stand up for a year at a time? My sister really wants to try!"

"Oh my god, it's exciting just thinking about it."

"As the saying goes, choosing a date is worse than bumping into it. It happens that both of us are free, so you can let my sister see and see, okay?"

Young Master Liu's footsteps were abrupt, and he opened Liu Ying's palm with both hands and put it down.

"Liu Ying, do you still have a bottom line?"

"I, Liu Mingzhi! The eldest son of the Liu family! Your own nephew!"

"You! Liu Ying, Miss Liu's parents, my dear aunt!"

"Don't you think it's too much for you to torture me like this? Please be yourself?"

"Then what's the matter, Xiaoxixi is still your cousin, you are happier than anyone else without tossing around."

"As the saying goes, if you want to sleep with your cousin, you should sleep with your aunt first."

"My God, these are all common sayings passed down by some conscienceless guy."

"My old man, your grandfather passed it down!"

"What are you kidding!"

"If you don't believe me, go down and ask him."


Liu Ying lazily stretched her waist.


Liu Ying stretched out her slender fingers to lift Young Master Liu's chin and winked at him.

"Whether my sister has a bottom line, you will know if you try it, maybe it is more unfathomable than Xiaoxixi!"

"It's you, whether it's a mule or a forehead. It's a little sparrow or a big roc. You'll know if you take it out for a walk!"

"I'm lost. My young master has lost his mind. What evil did I do in my previous life to have a monstrous aunt like you. Let me go. From now on, we will never recognize anyone else."

Regardless of Liu Ying's reaction, Young Master Liu grabbed the reins and hurried on the road.

If I continue to chat with Liu Ying, I will lose ten years of life, no, at least 20 years, or even 30 years.

Liu Ying looked at Young Master Liu's fleeing back with a snickering smile, lifted her skirt and hurriedly chased after him.

"Xiao Mingming, wait for sister, she hasn't ridden enough yet!"

In front of the gate of Liu's mansion, Young Master Liu looked angrily at Liu Ying who was chasing up without blushing.

"Auntie, if you are a heroine and a heroine, tell me what you said just now in front of the old man."

"If you really have this ability, Liu Mingzhi admires you as the world's number one heroine."

Liu Ying's pretty face froze, and her eyes were a little erratic when she looked at Young Master Liu's teasing eyes.

"Say what you say, sister, why don't you dare, back then you dared to watch my sister take a bath, and my sister was afraid to say some common sayings that are unrefined!"

Liu Ying's tone was tough, but she showed a lack of confidence.

Young Master Liu didn't care about Liu Ying leading the horse and went straight in.

"Master Ben is waiting!"

Seeing this, Liu Ying followed closely, and two sneers came from her cherry lips.

When my aunt broke into the men's hot spring room with a firecracker and found the rotten wood, she had never seen such a broken bird!

Isn't it just going back to your mother's house?What a big deal!

(End of this chapter)

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