My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1766 Give You a Hat

Chapter 1766 Give You a Hat

In the main hall of Liu Mansion, the atmosphere was so weird that it was hard to fathom.

Liu Zhi'an was sitting on the chair, pinching the tea lid and fiddled with the tea leaves floating on the tea water from time to time, his eyes lingered strangely on his own bastard and his own sister.

As soon as my bastard and my sister came back, the atmosphere in the hall became a little weird, so weird that people couldn't figure it out.

Lowering his head and taking a sip of the tea, Liu Zhi'an gently closed the lid of the tea.

He always felt that there was a similar relationship between his sister and his bastard.
Something happened!
Mrs. Liu has a sweet heart and a woman's delicate mind. She has already deduced from the provocative gaze of her son looking at her sister-in-law that her sister-in-law must have done some tortured "dissolute" behavior to her son on the way back. up.

Mrs. Liu still has a deep understanding of her sister-in-law's wild and wild personality.

Young Master Liu drank the tea lightly, spat out a piece of tea from time to time, and looked at Liu Ying who was sitting opposite her provocatively, with an elegant and outstanding temperament, and a suitable manner for both anger and joy. She looked like a fair lady.

'Say it, keep talking. '

'Young Master, if you don't look for your parents, you really think that no one can cure you. '

Liu Ying measured her body imperceptibly, and gave Young Master Liu a loving look, the charm in her beautiful eyes seemed to melt a person's bones.

The provocative look in his eyes is self-evident.

'I'm afraid of you, I'll see how arrogant you are when no one is around. '

"Hah, cough, cough, cough."

First Young Master Liu choked on the tea, lowered his head and coughed, and Liu Ying's expression immediately became serious.

Madam Liu hurriedly looked at First Young Master Liu: "Zhi'er, are you alright?"

"Mother, I'm fine, the tea is too hot, it's nothing serious."

"It's fine, don't drink too much when the tea is hot!"

"My child understands, thank you mother."

Liu Zhi'an lifted the lid of the tea with a strange expression, glanced at the warm tea in the teacup, glanced at Young Master Liu with a sullen expression, raised Erlang's legs and leaned on the chair, and sneered.


Old man Liu's voice was neither too loud nor too soft, which happened to be heard clearly by Young Master Liu.

Young Master Liu put down the teacup in his hand with embarrassment and stood up: "Mother, I have been kneeling in the hall for a long time, my child's waist is sore and her legs are hurting, so go take a bath first to refresh your muscles and bones. It happens that my aunt has something to do with the old man, so I won't get involved Alright, I'm leaving first, you guys talk."

Liu Zhi'an rolled his eyes at Young Master Liu's back as if fleeing from famine, put down his teacup and stood up.

"Madam, tell the kitchen to prepare some food and drink. The old man will go to the study to talk to Xiaoying first."

"The concubine knows, and the concubine will go right away."

"Xiaoying, wait a little longer, my sister-in-law is going to the back first!"

"Thank you sister-in-law."

After Madam Liu left, brother and sister Liu Zhi'an also rushed towards the study in the inner courtyard.

In the study room, Liu Zhi'an looked at the little girl opposite with deep eyes.

"Wang Mang! Huo Guang! How did the bastard answer?"

Liu Ying shook her head silently, there was no trace of the lazy and charming look in her beautiful eyes when she was by Eldest Young Master Liu's side, only a sparkle of light.

"Xiao Mingming didn't give an answer, my little sister thought, he should already have his own ideas."

Liu Zhi'an nodded slightly, lightly pressed his fingers on the table and began to meditate.

Liu Ying sighed silently, and looked at Liu Zhi'an with complicated eyes.

"Big brother!"

"what happened?"

"Little sister is a little scared. To be honest, I really don't want to see Xiao Mingming take this step. This is a road of no return, a road of no return that cannot be turned back."

"Once you get on the path, there are only two outcomes, either failure or great success. With Li's background and the court's current prestige in the hearts of the people, my younger sister really doesn't have much confidence in Xiao Mingming."

"Once you make a mistake, just being orthodox will be enough to drive Xiao Mingming into the abyss, and he will never recover, and my Liu family will also be defeated."

Liu Zhi'an stood up with a complex expression, walked to the window and opened it to look at the white snow by the lake in the backyard.

"Whether to take this path is no longer up to us to decide, but His Majesty decides which path Zhi'er will take."

"It can be said that whether Zhi'er is loyal or traitor is entirely up to His Majesty."

"Standing on the Seven Stars is fate, and we can't interfere. We have already intervened once, and the facts have proved that God's will cannot be violated."

"Since we can't intervene, we can only do our best to help him pave the way."

"What we brothers and sisters have done is not only for Zhi'er alone, but also for the whole family of the Liu family."

"I don't want to do that either, but can Zhi'er's growth be stopped now?"

Seeing her eldest brother's slightly hesitant expression, Liu Ying felt a little confused.

"But Zhi'er's current strength is simply not enough."

"Xiaoying, we don't need to worry about whether it's a failure or a success. The bastard seems careless and doesn't care much about anything, but he has a dark heart!"

"The chess game he set up is so profound! Even the old man is heartbroken after seeing it, how cruel is it!"

"In this world today, he is the well-deserved master of chess."

"This game of chess in the world started with him, and naturally it will end with him."

"There is only one chess player. If you want to change, you will either live or die. Since he doesn't want to die, he has no choice but to live!"

Liu Ying nodded feebly: "Little sister understands, I'll go and see Zhi'er."

"Well! There are some words that don't need to be too deliberate. He knows where he is now in the current field, and he knows better than everyone else."

"In the hands of a chess player, all the people in the world, and the people of Li are all chess pieces. If you want to finish a game of chess, sacrificing some chess pieces is inevitable. If he doesn't have a dark heart, I'm sorry for his natural footsteps." Destiny."

"Throughout the past and present, if you want to become the supreme hegemony, you must step on the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood."

Listening to Liu Zhian's gloomy voice, Liu Ying's delicate body trembled.



"what happened?"

Liu Zhi'an scratched his head in embarrassment: "Sometimes, it's enough to make jokes that are difficult to be elegant, but don't be serious, he is your own nephew!"

Liu Yingying's lips trembled, her crescent eyebrows were tightly frowned, and she turned her head and gave Liu Zhi'an a hard look.

"Liu Zhi'an, you are human too, how the hell did you say that out of your mouth?"

Liu Zhi'an's face became a little unnatural: "I, I, I'm just reminding you! Who made you do too many irrelevant things since you were young, I'm afraid that your brain will get hot..."

However, Liu Ying was destined not to hear Liu Zhian's words, and Liu Yaoxie had already rushed towards Young Master Liu's courtyard with her plump waist twisted.

"Hey! Xiao Mingming, what are you doing here?"

Liu Ying rushed to Young Master Liu's yard, and Young Master Liu was walking towards the gate of the house with a gift box.

Young Master Liu helplessly looked at Liu Ying who appeared in front of him again, and lifted the gift box in his hand.

"Go to visit Lao Jiang, the former Minister of the Household Department, and see if he can be invited back. Now the Household Department cannot do without him. Although Pan Yun, the left servant, is a capable person, he is too young after all. Both his qualifications and means are inferior to him. If it’s not Lao Jiang, he can’t clean up the mess in the household department.”

Liu Ying nodded without interest, and patted Young Master Liu on the waist.

"Go, look at your current appearance, it is completely different from the previous appearance, my sister will wait for you to come back and try the depth!"

Young Master Liu groaned twice, carried the gift box and ran towards the door of the mansion with his head buried.

He was really afraid to the bottom of his bones about his enchanting aunt who drove a car every now and then.

After leaving the mansion, Young Master Liu hurried towards Lao Jiang's place according to the information obtained by the relevant department, wandering the street from time to time to see if he could buy some other gifts.

"My lord, do you want a book? Forbidden books, with colored pictures!"

"That sounds kind, do you have a disk?"

Young Master Liu, who finished the answer casually, was stunned, always feeling that this scene seemed familiar.

Turning around subconsciously, I saw a middle-aged man with a wretched figure looking at him with joy.

"You, hiss. This young master remembered, it's you!"

"Hiss, I also remembered, it's you!"

The two held their hands tightly and said in unison, as if they had met their best friends for many years.


Young Master Liu glanced at the middle-aged man's arms with a smile.

"Brother, is the content of the new book exciting?"

"Brother, brother has always been honest management, quality assurance, old-fashioned, that guy only has things you can't think of, there is nothing that is not in the above, playing and singing, everything is available, it doesn't matter what your posture is. Uh. It doesn't matter what color you are. illustrations, everything is guaranteed!"

First Young Master Liu instinctively swallowed his saliva, looked around and turned his mouth to the alley next to the main street.

"Brother, take a step to speak."

"Just what I want, brother please!"

In the alley, the middle-aged man unbuttoned his robe and shook the lapel at First Young Master Liu, only to see that the inner pocket of the clothes was full of books.

"Brother, you have to say something first, good goods are worth a lot!"

First Young Master Liu put down the gift box in his hand, and rubbed his hands together with a smile.

"As long as the goods are good, the money is guaranteed!"

"Old rules, inspect the goods first, come here, my brother recommends you to come to this "Yi Qi Jing", there is absolutely nothing to say."

"Okay, listen to your brother, brother, check the goods first."

First Young Master Liu took the dark yellow book and opened the cover tremblingly, his eyes lit up immediately.

"I'll go, this pose. Uh. This. The quality of this color picture is really awesome!"

"That's right, this is what you know, brother, I don't show it to ordinary people."

"Buy it now, 5000 taels, and I'll give you another gift, how about it?"

Young Master Liu roughly glanced at the book, looked at the dazzling colorful pictures on it, and looked at the middle-aged man hesitantly.

"Brother, is 5000 taels too expensive?"

"Hey, I can't say that, my brother. There is a reason why you are expensive. I should have a deep understanding of the great compassion Fu last time, so I don't need to say more."

"In a word, whether you want it or not, I don't have to worry about selling it! The word Yiqi in "Yiqi Jing" doesn't need to be explained by my brother. If you want to come, I will understand it. You get what you pay for, as long as the method is right, you can guarantee it. You are a tough and good man every day."

"Let you go to the nine heavens to catch the moon, and go to the five oceans to catch turtles."

"Even a dry well that has been dry for 30 years, you are guaranteed to be able to fiddle with water!"

"How is it? Are you old and domineering? Do you want to buy it or not?"

The major general looked at the middle-aged man suspiciously: "Is it so magical?"

The middle-aged man sighed, and made a gesture to take back the book in Young Master Liu's hand: "The buyer doesn't know the goods, so why do the seller, let's see each other again."

With a snap, a bank note was patted into the middle-aged man's hand.


The middle-aged man flicked the bank note in his hand, and happily put it in his arms.

"Pleasant to work with."

"Brother, what about the gift?"

The middle-aged man smiled strangely, took out something from behind and handed it to First Young Master Liu.

"It's cold, it's freezing, my brother gave you a hat to keep you warm, my name is Deng Yangming, little brother, let's meet again by fate."


Young Master Liu stared blankly at Deng Yangming's retreating figure, looked down at the pale white hat in his hand, and pondered.

After a long time, Young Master Liu's face changed in shock, and he stared at the alley where Deng Yangming disappeared with his eyes narrowed.

"You can kill with your heart!"

(End of this chapter)

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