My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1768 The deadline is approaching

Chapter 1768 The deadline is approaching
Liu Mingzhi looked at Lao Jiang with meaningful eyes and fell silent, and quietly fiddled with the coal balls in the stove with the tongs.

After a long time, Liu Mingzhi looked at Lao Jiang with a firm gaze: "Whether they are willing or not is their business. This matter has nothing to do with this king. What this king wants to do is to invite you, a capable minister of the world, to come out again to organize the household department." The mess left behind.

It is natural for them to want to climb up, and I don't think there is anything wrong with them, but virtue is not worthy, talent is not worthy, ability is not worthy, wisdom is not worthy, and wisdom is not worthy, it will only harm others and oneself in the end.

It is right for a person to go to a high place, but when going to a high place, should you first measure whether you have the ability.

Otherwise, if you sit on it, you will be just a dead body eater.

It's not that the king looks down on them, the current household department has almost no latecomers who can be used, except for the left servant Pan Yun.

This king is very optimistic about Pan Yun, but with Pan Yun's current ability and means, at best he can only sit on the chair of Zuo Shilang.

If he wanted to be the Minister of the Household Department, his heart and means were still far behind.

He can't do it, let alone what others say.

Apart from you, who else do you think can clean up the mess in the household department?
Look at the snow in your yard, it's still like this in the capital, but it will only be worse in the north.

This king has not only heard from one person that there will be a major epidemic after the heavy snow. Once the epidemic occurs, Pan Yun's method will not only fail to manage the household department, but will not be able to treat the epidemic in time. On the contrary, it will only make the household department worse. confusion.

Once the central hub of the household department, which is in charge of the world's finances, becomes chaotic, let alone the officials under the household department of various state capitals.

You don't know what the result will be then.

Tens of thousands or even countless people will die suddenly because of the delay in disaster relief from the household department.

It is not easy for Dalong to develop into this state, and it is even more difficult to accumulate such a large number of people. You don't want to see Dalong return to its appearance ten years ago overnight, right?

Even if you don't think about your own position, you should also think about the people in the world who may be trapped by the epidemic.

As long as this king can personally guard the capital, instead of going to the northern border to guard the border, this king will not be here to see your face, but this king has the emperor's will to guard the northern border for generations. It is impossible to guard the court. ! "

Lao Jiang was silent for a moment listening to Liu Dashao's earnest words, then slowly got up and looked at the snow in the courtyard.

"Today's snow is indeed surprisingly heavy. It has happened several times in a row. It's really a bit evil."


With a gloomy expression, Lao Jiang bent down and took the tongs from Young Master Liu's hand, looking at the burning briquettes, he changed the tongs.

Throwing the discarded briquettes below into the copper basin aside, Old Jiang returned the tongs.

"My lord, a new generation replaces an old one. Officials in the court and central government are like coal balls. There is always time for them to glow. The old bones of old people are now like these burning coal balls. They are useless.

Fifty and three, it's time to take care of yourself.

The court can't do without the prince, but it's okay without the useless old bones of the old man.

Pan Yun is a great talent, but he still needs to hone his skills.

The epidemic that may occur in the coming year may not be his whetstone for Pan Yun.

I am an old bone, I am not going back to solve the mess for the court, but to add to the chaos.

Once the emperor and the courtiers, the situation has become worse than before, so don't make things difficult for the old bones.

Now I have nothing to do to teach my grandson to read poetry and books, and teach my granddaughter to play chess, and I am content with it.

Really, the old man is content. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Lao Jiang's indifferent expression of disillusionment, and fell silent.

After a long time, Young Master Liu got up and snatched the dry tobacco bag tied around Lao Jiang's waist, skillfully filled it with shredded tobacco, and smashed it against the stove twice.

Young Master Liu took a puff of smoke lightly: "Old Jiangtou, don't be ashamed of you old bastard, this king is so humble, what else do you want? What's the matter? I have to let this king learn from Liu Bei Can you come out of the mountain after three visits to your Jiang residence?"

Old Jiang hurriedly shook his hand, his hands waving.

"Don't dare, the prince is here today because he still remembers the old man and regards the old man as a friend. The old man will not deny that there is such a momentary heartbeat, but after these months of careful consideration, the old man has also looked away."

"The land of right and wrong has been there for nearly 30 years since Ruizong's reign, and it's time to leave."

"I am ashamed of the kindness of the prince!"

First Young Master Liu frowned and put on a pot of shredded tobacco and lit it again.

"Old Jiang, you old man, some dogs don't know how to praise you when you sit in a sedan chair. You keep saying that you regard this young master as your friend. If you really treat this young master as your friend."

"My lord, my lord, the food and wine are here, please take your time!"

Lao Jiang's housekeeper ordered the five servants to put four side dishes and a jar of 50-year-old Du Kang on the low table beside him, and then he beckoned the five servants to retreat with a wink.

The mud seal on the wine jar had been removed, Young Master Liu was not polite, he directly lifted the wine jar to the two large porcelain bowls and started pouring wine.

"Come on, take one."

"My lord!"

The two of Liu Mingzhi drank the wine in the bowl, and Young Master Liu wiped the corners of his mouth.

"Happy, really happy. It's been a long time since I drank so happily. Although I don't have to do everything myself when I am away from the army, it's not so good. Today I can be regarded as having a meal with you, Old Jiang."

Lao Jiang put down his wine bowl and began to pour the wine: "Occasionally, this old man is fine with a few drinks. It's been a long time since I drank so happily. Come on, this old man will offer you another bowl."


The two of them drank three bowls of wine in a row before starting to eat, and their faces had already started to look a little wine-like. Who said that ancient wines were not strong, and Young Master Liu stabbed Gou Ri to death with his finger.

The dishes were half finished, and the wine jar had bottomed out, Young Master Liu put down the chopsticks in his hand and stood up unsteadily.

"I'm full with wine and food, and the same sentence, I hope you will come out of the mountain."

"Don't rush to refute, Lao Jiang, I tell you, you can get out of this mountain, you can get out of it, you can't discuss it, if you don't go, you won't give face to the king, if you are in a hurry, I will set it on fire You bought the house with corruption and perverted the law."

Lao Jiang also stood up unsteadily, and hiccupped: "My lord, don't embarrass the old man, besides, even if the old man gave you face, so what, you Liu Mingzhi treat yourself as something, Hubu Shangshu is what you say whoever sits can do it? It’s not that the old man looks down on you, you are a heifer riding a crossbow, and you want to be awesome!”

Young Master Liu swung his arms carelessly, smelling of wine, "Of course this king can't be the master, but I can make a bet with you, bet 100 taels of silver, that the dynasty will start next year. I will lose you 100 taels of silver, and I will resign on my own initiative, and return to my hometown to take care of myself."

"Okay, I made a bet with you, 100 taels is 100 taels."

"It's a deal, my mother, if you dare to slip your words, don't blame me for tying you up with hemp rope and going to the post. That's it, let's say goodbye."

"This old man will send you off."

"No need to send it away, the king is not drunk."

"I'm not drunk, so I have to give it away. You are the prince who is an extremely human minister. How dare I not give it away."

"Give it away. Hiccup."

The two hooked their shoulders together, and stumbled out of the gate of Jiang's Mansion.

First Young Master Liu broke free from Old Jiang's arm, pulled out the Heavenly Sword from his waist and wobbled away on the ground.

Looking at Young Master Liu's figure wobbly disappearing at the corner of the street, Old Jiang straightened up, stroking the beautiful beard on his chin with eyes full.


"Well, the current situation seems to be calm and prosperous, but in fact, the undercurrent is turbulent, with ups and downs."

"At this time, it is the best policy to be wise and protect yourself, and retreat bravely. I really don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing to agree to the prince."

"Master, are you really going to enter the court? In fact, there is nothing wrong with retreating."

Lao Jiang glanced at the old housekeeper who didn't know when he was standing beside him with a worried expression.

"My dear, why don't you go? That bastard Liu Mingzhi really dared to set fire to the old man's house. You really thought that bastard he was talking drunk just now."

"My dear, let me tell you why my right eyelid keeps twitching all morning. It's really not a good thing. Let's go back home!"

In the east of the capital city, where civilians live.

Young Master Liu was not in a state of drunkenness, and looked at the ordinary people's courtyard in front of him energetically, with a somewhat surprised and complicated expression on his face.

After thinking for a while, Liu Mingzhi tapped lightly a few times on the courtyard door which was so ordinary that it couldn't be more ordinary.


"Please inform your Patriarch that an old friend is visiting."

"Old man?"

A question came from the courtyard, and a moment later, the courtyard door opened slightly, revealing the true face of the owner of the courtyard.

Wei Yong, who was standing under the edge of the door with Liu Mingzhi, looked stunned for a moment. Is this the left prime minister he knew well back then?
Looking at Young Master Liu outside the door, Wei Yong looked a little stunned. After returning to his senses, Wei Yong sighed silently, with a hint of open-mindedness in his eyes.

"It turns out that a distinguished guest has arrived, and the old man is far away to welcome him."

"Come in and have a cup of hot tea. The honored guests are here. It seems that this old bone is coming to an end!"

"Forget it, it's a blessing or a curse, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided."

"Young Master Liu, please sit down in the humble house!"

(End of this chapter)

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