Chapter 1769
Liu Mingzhi followed Wei Yong into the courtyard, and once he entered the courtyard, Liu Mingzhi was even more astonished at the simplicity of the courtyard.

It can be said that it is so ordinary that it can no longer be ordinary.

There is a stone table, four stone benches, and a fence around the wall on one side. Several chickens and ducks are raised in the fence.

There is a small well beside the fence. Next to the well is a small vegetable field that has been reclaimed. The vegetable field is full of thick snow. Young Master Liu doesn't know what kind of vegetables are planted in it. It will grow in the next spring. what's coming
Although the environment in the courtyard is not as open-minded and natural as Tao Yuanming's poem about picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and seeing Nanshan leisurely, it is also incompatible with the standard of living that Wei Yong, a retired prime minister, should have.

Lao Jiang, a minister of the household department, can buy a mansion to support his life after he becomes an official, let alone Wei Yong, the prime minister of the dynasty.

Judging from Wei Yongfang's behavior of opening the door himself, Wei Yong didn't even raise one of his servants to serve him. It should be that he did everything himself and was self-sufficient.

Wei Yong's life like this has really exceeded Liu Mingzhi's expectations.

It can even be said that it is completely unimaginable.

Is this still the prime minister on the left who is in charge of the wind and rain with Tong Sansi, the prime minister on the right?

"Side-by-shoulder king, please sit down, this old man is going to make a pot of tea."

"Thank you, thank you."

Wei Yong went to the side of the stove to make tea with a natural expression, and Liu Mingzhi also took the time to look at the layout of Wei Yong's room.

Although it is simple, it is better than cleanliness, so clean that people can't help but feel peaceful.

Although it is not spotless, every arrangement is extremely comfortable, giving people a feeling that these things should be placed here, and placing them in other places will destroy the peace and tranquility of the room.

On the simple bed was a well-arranged thick quilt, and at the head of the bed was a small wardrobe, matching the bed, just right.

On the left is a desk, and behind the desk is a large and surprisingly large bookshelf, which is full of books.

There should be the most books in the whole house.

Liu Mingzhi was shocked again, Wei Yong's life was a bit too much
"Shoulder to shoulder king, a cup of rough tea and fresh water, I hope you don't dislike him!"

"Please have tea."

"Thank you, you can let the prime minister make tea, even ordinary tea is not ordinary."

Wei Yong chuckled twice, and blew on the tea in his hand: "It's the past, now there is no prime minister, just a countryman. The tea is just ordinary tea, not as magical as the side-by-side king said, no matter how powerful the old man is." , this ordinary Longjing can't brew the taste of Jinshan cloud."

Liu Mingzhi flicked the tea cover, and took a sip of the tea in the cup. He could only describe it as bitter. Although he slightly returned to sweetness after the bitterness, Young Master Liu still couldn't get used to this kind of tea.

Holding the tea in his hand as a warming object, Liu Mingzhi looked at Wei Yong who was enjoying the tea with complicated eyes.

"Wei Xiang's life is really open-minded and natural. If this king hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would have believed that the old man in front of him would be Mr. Wei, the left prime minister who was in power at the time."

Wei Yong looked at Liu Mingzhi quietly, revealing a hint of self-mockery: "If you advance, you will guide the country, and if you retreat, you will linger. The fate of life is impermanent, and people cannot help themselves."

"Precisely this intangible impermanence is life. When everything is clear, what is the taste of living? It is said that it is rare to be confused. Being confused has its own benefits."

"It's just that God doesn't seem to be willing to let this old man spend the rest of his life in a daze. With the arrival of the prince, it seems that God won't even give this old man a chance to survive."

The meaning in Wei Yong's words Liu Mingzhi knew what he wanted to express without even thinking about it, it was nothing more than the old grievances between him and his third uncle Ling Daoming in the past.

Liu Mingzhi's gaze gradually became calm, and he stared closely at Wei Yong opposite him.

"It seems that Wei Xiang knows the purpose of this king's visit. Since this is the case, this king is very curious, so you are not afraid at all?"

Wei Yong showed an open-minded smile, and reached out to gesture for the teacup in Young Master Liu's hand.

"My lord, please drink tea, the answer lies in the tea."

Liu Mingzhi was startled, looked down at the teacup in his hand for a while, and looked up at Wei Yong opposite him. He really didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Wei Yong's gourd.

Knowing that it was the enemy's family visiting, he could still be so calm and relaxed.

Is it because Wei Yong has really reached the state of inaction where he can see everything away, or does Wei Yong have other plans?
From the moment he saw Wei Yong, Liu Mingzhi felt that his state of mind was completely chaotic, so chaotic that he almost forgot the purpose of his coming.

Picking up the teacup in his hand suspiciously, Liu Mingzhi drank most of the tea in the cup in one gulp.

Still bitter!
Holding the tea in his mouth, Liu Mingzhi closed his eyes slightly and slowly tasted it. Feeling the tea gradually returning to sweetness on his taste buds, Liu Mingzhi swallowed it slowly.

The bitter taste in the first mouth is gone, and there is only a kind of fragrance and sweet taste.

Liu Mingzhi licked the corner of his mouth thoughtfully, drank the remaining tea in the cup in one gulp, and began to taste it again.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the teacup in his hand in disbelief. From being unaccustomed to it at first, he had a vague liking for the taste of this tea.

"Good tea, please refill."

Wei Yong got up, lifted the teapot on the stove and refilled a cup of tea for Young Master Liu.

"I wonder if the prince has the answer?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head with a disappointed look.

"It seems to have a clear understanding, but there is no way to get it."

Liu Mingzhi slowly unfastened the Heavenly Sword from his waist, and slapped it on the table without any affectation.He stared coldly at Wei Yong who stared at the Heavenly Sword in his hand without any reaction.

"Is there another hidden story about what happened back then?"

Wei Yong didn't answer, and quietly looked at the Heavenly Sword in Liu Mingzhi's hand.

"Good sword, this sword should be the heavenly sword that crossed the rivers and lakes in the hands of the old master Wen Renzheng in the past, right? It is really extraordinary and daunting."

"This sword has passed through dozens of generations, and the prince should be the one who made this sword drink the most blood."

"The sword is psychic, and you recognize its owner by yourself. The sword is easy to come out of its sheath, and it will drink blood when it comes out. The prince has no reputation for burying the sword of heaven. It is a blessing for the sword and a blessing for people!"

Wei Yong did not return to Liu Mingzhi's question, but stared at Tianjian and said a lot of praise.

I don't know if he didn't hear Liu Mingzhi's question, or he was talking about him by praising Tianjian.

"Is there another hidden story about what happened back then?"

Looking at Tianjian, Wei Yong's amazed expression gradually calmed down, and he raised his hand to gently drink the tea in the cup.

"Hi! It's a 20-year-old event, and it should have disappeared long ago. What difference does it make if there is something hidden?"

"When a person dies like a lamp goes out, the past is also in the past. Does it make any difference whether we mention it or not?"

"If the lord came to visit his former colleagues and old friends, the old man would naturally welcome him. If Mr. Liu came to seek revenge because of old grievances, it's okay to do it."

"Old man is an old man who is dying, and he will die when he dies."

"If the death of this old man can dissolve the hatred that has been buried in Mr. Liu's heart for many years, then what's the point of this old man's death? Please, Mr. Liu, draw your sword!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the faintly smiling Wei Yong opposite, his pupils gradually shrunk, and the palm of his hand holding the scabbard trembled involuntarily.

"You said it yourself, the sword will drink blood when it is out of the sheath, once the sword is out of the sheath, you will have no chance to regret it."

"You are really my king and dare not kill you."

Wei Yong smiled lightly and drank the tea in the cup, put down the cup and looked at Liu Mingzhi calmly.

"Dust to dust, dirt to dirt!"

"The easiest way to settle a grievance is to eliminate the debt with death, and the old man is willing to die."

(End of this chapter)

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