My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1770 Subversion of cognition

Chapter 1770 Subversion of cognition
Looking at Wei Yong's calm expression, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but tighten his heart.

Wei Yong's reaction was completely different from the reaction he had guessed on the way when he came here. Naturally, he didn't say anything, so Wei Yong said that he was willing to die, and the debt of death would be wiped out.

For a moment, Liu Mingzhi was at a loss, not knowing what to do.

Holding the scabbard tightly, Liu Mingzhi stared at Wei Yong on the opposite side with complex and cold eyes.

"It caused my third uncle's family to be wiped out, my second brother was sent to the frontier, and my sister lived in a brothel to hide her name. Such a deep hatred, is it as simple as death as you said?
Do you think that if you are willing to die, you can make up for the pain my third uncle's family has endured?
Wei Xiang must have thought of this matter too simply, right?
Mortality is the most absurd fallacy.

There are many things that death can't make up for! "

Wei Yong glanced at Liu Mingzhi's somewhat painful and resentful eyes, turned around and poured himself a cup of tea: "Then I don't know how the lord intends to make the old man make up for the past, so that it's over?"

Liu Mingzhi fell silent, staring at Wei Yong in a daze, not knowing what to say, the grievance that even death can't make up for, is there any way to make up for it?

And what way is more costly than death?
Dignity is priceless?Pure fucking bullshit.

The so-called dignity is also divided into people and things.

"This king wants to know, what happened back then?"

Wei Yong looked at Liu Mingzhi in surprise, lowered his head, and pondered for a moment as he turned the purchased teacup in his hand.

"With the strength of the prince, it shouldn't be a problem for the old man to find out what happened back then. The case sealed in the file room is easily available to the prince, so why bother to ask the old man?"

Liu Mingzhi sneered, and shook his head with weird eyes.

"Wei Xiang, everyone is an official in the same dynasty, and Wei Xiang is the senior of this king, those in the dossier should be more clear than this king!

In a word, this king can't believe the truth of the few so-called things recorded in the dossier, and I want to hear the truth from you. "

"What is the reason for your grievances with third uncle? Is it true that third uncle sternly and selflessly executed your illegitimate son, your son, as the rumors said? Then you took personal revenge and framed your father My third uncle colluded with the White Lotus Sect to rebel against the party, and finally ruined his family?"

Wei Yong stared blankly at Young Master Liu for a long time, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"My lord's so-called rumors are probably more than that. Is there an old man who lost his morals after drinking, had an adultery with his wife, gave birth to his only illegitimate child, and was furiously cut off by his brother after he found out about it.

The old man was beheaded by the governor of Ling because his only blood was cut off, so he launched a bloody revenge on the governor of Ling as never before! "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wei Yong in astonishment: "You, you, you all know?"

"Hehe. The power of the old man is all over the place for a while. If you don't even know these things, you won't be able to sit in this position."

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a long time, looking at Wei Yong with complicated eyes.

"What does it mean to be in power for a while?"

"literal meaning."

"This king wants to know what the truth was back then? What Wei Xiang said made me even more suspicious of how true the rumors about this incident were."

Wei Yong looked down at the teacup in his hand and became silent. Wei Yong didn't raise his head until the tea in the cup was cold.

"Forget it, people are gone, so let's talk about it!"

Liu Mingzhi sat down when he heard the words, showing an attitude of listening.

"My lord should know that your third uncle was Ling Daoming, the governor of Yangzhou, so should your lord know what rank officials the governor of Yangzhou is?"

"Under the fourth rank!"

"My lord is talking about the present, when Ruizong came to the throne not long ago, the governor of Yangzhou was just a mere fourth-rank official."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wei Yong suspiciously: "What does the rank officer have to do with the grievances between you and my uncle?"

"My lord, don't worry, listen to the old man tell you the story."

"Inspector Ling served as Inspector of Yangzhou back then, and he was an official from the fourth rank. At that time, the old man was already an important official in the court, one of the six ministers, and he was an important official who won the grace of His Majesty Long."

"The grades of the six ministers are different, ranging from the first grade to the first grade, but the lowest grade minister of the Ministry of Industry is also a senior official under the first grade."

"When the old man had a grievance with your uncle Ling Daoming, he was a first-rank member from the first rank."

"Then, does your lord know where the order to arrest your third uncle, Inspector Ling's family, came from?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wei Yong suspiciously: "Of course the imperial decree came from the hands of the emperor."

"That's right, it came from His Majesty's hand."

"Dare to ask the prince, given your current position, is it difficult to take revenge on a fourth-rank official who has a grudge against you?"

"This king is at the first rank, and Prince Zhitong, it is just a piece of cake to deal with a state governor who is at the fourth rank!"

Wei Yong smiled lightly and gave Young Master Liu a thumbs up: "Your Majesty is proud."

"Since this is the case, does the lord think that it is difficult for the old man to take revenge on Governor Ling? Is it necessary to frame Governor Ling for colluding with the traitors of the White Lotus Sect?"

"The old man only needs to express a little bit of meaning. The people below want to show flattery to the old man in groups. It is not a trivial matter for them to unite to clean up a mere fourth-rank governor of Zhongzhou."

"Too small to mention."

Liu Mingzhi trembled, looking at the sneering Wei Yong, he faintly felt something.

Looking at Young Master Liu's flickering eyes, Wei Yong poured out the cold tea in Young Master Liu's cup, and refilled a cup of hot tea.

"How can an official from the fourth rank accuse His Majesty of his crimes for an old man? Even if it is a governor of a rich place, His Majesty will not be able to come forward to convict him personally."

It is enough for His Majesty to take a look at the booklet from the Sanfa Division, and personally order to dispose of a state official from the fourth rank. How idle do you think His Majesty is.

After the prince entered the court, it can be said that there is no one in the whole world who is closer to His Majesty, more favored by His Majesty, and understands His Majesty better.

So according to the prince's understanding of His Majesty, is His Majesty this kind of person? "

"Since the old man has a personal grievance with Inspector Ling, and everyone knows that family ugliness should not be publicized, how can the old man not understand? How can he bring his personal grievances to His Majesty? It will be so loud that the world knows it?"


Liu Mingzhi hesitated to speak, Wei Yong's words had such an impact on him that it made him a little dazed.

As he asked the relevant department to investigate the truth of what happened back then, Liu Mingzhi knew that the grievances in the past were not simple, but Liu Mingzhi never thought that it would be so difficult.

It can be said that it subverted all the cognitions I knew before.

"Then, based on what the lord knows about His Majesty, even if this old man wants to use a sword to kill someone, how capable is he to use His Majesty's unrivaled sword?"

"It is said among the people that the old man and the royal power are devoted to the government and the people, forming a party for personal gain. Before the prince entered the court, he thought so."

"But what about after the prince enters the court? After getting to know His Majesty?"

"The Shengshi Mingjun, who is called the hero of the world by the people and the historians, the subjects under his rule have the right to use the power of the government and the opposition."

"Praise, it's too flattering to be old."

"To put it nicely, the old man is the prime minister of the court, a first-rank official, but to put it bluntly, he is just a pawn in His Majesty's hand."

"It's even worse, it's just a dog!"

Liu Mingzhi sat weakly on the chair, staring blankly at the self-deprecating Wei Yong.

"What's going on? I'm sorry to ask Wei Xiang to enlighten me."

(End of this chapter)

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